Chapter Five B: Find Me in your Memory 2

Fate: The power struggles

Since both Jungkook and Bo-gum did not have tight schedules, they decided to go with Tanaka to the psychologist. For support, Tanaka asked them to enter into the memory plane with her, the psychologist had an unknown look on his face, as usual, he would ask Tanaka a few questions to make sure if she was still with them or drifted, but this time his question focused on the three of them, all the three didn't answer his question and he assumed they ascended to their memory plane more of a past life regression.



Two figures stood from afar deep in the hills, a flowery tree above them, the place looked a few years behind earth though it was the same, Traditional houses were visible through the forest-covered parts. Tanaka stood opposite Jungkook in their meet up spot they were wearing traditional outfits. Tanaka looked at Jungkook with tears in her eyes, she wished he would not go to fight, she had gotten him after going through so much yet there he stood ready to put himself in danger again             

            'You know you don't have to go' Tanaka said to Jungkook, his eyes puffy he looked at her admiring her face before speaking               

         'I have to love if it is the price for us to be together ' he said          

         'You know sometimes I wish I could learn how to unlove you,  I wish I didn't know you because right now I would not be here begging you not to go ' Tanaka said looking at him, tears flowing nonstop in her eyes             

          'If only I had a choice, he said               

          'You do have a choice, you can stay we'll face whatever that comes our way together' Tanaka said, Jungkook could not bring Tanaka to understand that their love would cause so much pain to everyone and him going to fight with Park Bo-gum was the only way to keep her out of danger, Jungkook took his necklace, he held it in his hands             

               'This is the promise of my love to you' he said moving closer to her             

              'I am not taking it Koo ' Tanaka said moving back              

              'I will be at peace knowing you have it please' he said trying not to breakdown, Tanaka looked at him for a moment before speaking                

             'Promise me you will be back for me, for our love' Jungkook leaned forward joining his head with Tanaka's                

             'I promise, Love, I will be back ' he said before letting go of her and walking away, Tanaka looked at Jungkook's figure disappearing in the forest, she broke down again. In her heart, she knew something was wrong, and she wasn't sure if that was their goodbye or not, she held her knees and cried. 

Jungkook joined Park Bo-gum on a bridge that seemed unstable, on the sides was nothing except fog, no one knew how far someone would drop if they fell off the bridge, but at the time Jungkook cared for his love, Park Bo-gum knew Jungkook's plan and he had his own                                    'Hyung' Jungkook called, Park Bo-gum did not want to listen to Jungkook, he went straight to the point           

          'Do what you are here to do, we get over with once and for all ' he said, Jungkook didn't want to start another conversation, to him Park Bo-gum was like a big brother and true friend yet there they were ready to fight one another for love, Jungkook was competitive and at the time he seemed to have an upper hand considering the training he had gone through, Park Bo-gum had mastered Jungkook's every move and was ready to take him down, they had no weapons, the fight was to be fair man to man according to fate's sister Hera, Jungkook closed his eyes one more time to picture his love before facing the unknown, Park Bo-gum without hesitation took it as a perfect opportunity and pushed Jungkook off the bridge. Jungkook fell to the unknown pit his eyes showing nothing but love to Park Bo-gum


The three of them woke up at the same time, they all had tears in their eyes, Jungkook was furious with Park Bo-gum for denying him the opportunity to get back to his love, while Tanaka was torn between the two, Park Bo-gum stood up       

        'Hyung' he called Jungkook       

        'You knew I loved her but you still went ahead and killed me, you didn't even let me have the chance to fight for the one thing that kept me going' Jungkook said tears streaming down, Tanaka held worry for the two, to her those were memories of their previous life but what she felt at this point was real and she wanted to keep it            

       'Jay' she tried calling him hoping he would soften and let the past go

      'Do not try to defend him, I was the one who got killed not you' he said anger in his voice 

      'We do not know that for sure there must have been something we missed' she said trying to reason  

      'You know what we should go back again and see, he probably got what he wanted and that was you, the reason you are defending him is that I meant nothing to you' he said not taking time to think, Tanaka looked down, she knew she was not sure of her feelings but whatever assumptions he had of her were not true, she loved him, Jungkook left Tanaka standing, he opened the door before closing it with a bang, Park Bo-gum took his hoodie              

      ' it might be a misunderstanding' Tanaka said to Park Bo-gum trying to make him understand as he was the last hope              

      'You are the one misunderstanding I wish I had never met ' he said to her before leaving, the psychologist looked at Tanaka unsure of words to say to her yet his face held unknown emotions, Jung tried to say a word but Tanaka left not giving him an ear.

Tanaka wondered on the streets not minding her steps, she was lost in her world of sorrow that she did not realise she had reached the shores of the sea, she sat down on the sand, her heart heavy, she wanted to call her grandmother but she couldn't bring herself too, she regretted not making good friends she could call at a time like that. After looking at her phone for some time, she decided to call the one person she was sure he never wanted to see her but she needed him at the time, Tanaka dialled the number with him picking on the other side of the line                                    'Hello' he greeted her as a phone courtesy whenever someone calls 

          'Sorry to disturb you, I just need a hug' those were the only words she could form, tears rolling down her cheeks, though they did not start on a good note, she needed someone in the situation she was in, he changed into a disguised outfit and left to meet her. Joon walked towards her, noticing his presence, she stood up and went to his embrace, she sobbed hard, Joon tried to calm her before asking what the issue was, after an hour of silence Tanaka narrated to him and he seemed to understand the situation.              

'What do I do?' she asked him, her voice weak            

     'I will take you home you rest then tomorrow we'll work on a way forward '  he said to her, Tanaka could not protest, her body was weak so was her spirit at the time and she needed rest.

Tanaka and Joon entered the apartment, she expected to see no one yet to her surprise, there stood Jungkook still, stuff already packed in a suitcase, Park Bo-gum was in his room packing too            

         'Seems like you guys have a lot to catch up on, I should be on my way ' Joon said, he hugged Tanaka again before leaving "take care' he said then closed the door           

      '  I see you are packed already' Tanaka said to initiate a conversation            

     'Let's skip the bull and get straight to the point' Jungkook said, Bo-gum also walked to the living room with his suitcase             

  'Can we talk for a second' Tanaka said            

           'I have nothing to say ' Jungkook said before Takana could say another word he interrupted     

         'Ooh wait I have one request, whatever the business you have with your family I do not care and I do not want to involve myself with you ever so do me a favour and stay away from my life ' he concluded            

     'What about you Park Bo-gum, got anything to say to me like I am a misunderstanding that you don't want to cross paths with ever again, come on say it' Tanaka was angry at them for making it all her fault yes she might have brought them into a strange world but its something that they shared at some point in their previous lives, Bo-gum did not utter a word and that made it hard for Tanaka         

      ' You know I might be a mere misunderstanding but that doesn't mean you treat me like some washed-up shoe, I did not ask to have a past with you neither did I ask to be in your present, I can take so much but do not put your anger on me, just because you saw a glimpse of my life in two seconds it doesn't give you the right to say whatever you wish, and I am done with the two of you, you can go back to your precious lives and forget some random fan' Tanaka said before going to pack, Jungkook and Park Bo-gum stood on their spots not moving or saying a word, Tanaka came back with her suitcase and passport in hand just then Zuri entered.             

           'Where are you leaving to this late?' Zuri asked               

            'You can catch up with them after I am gone' Tanaka said this time her voice holding anger and pain              

             ' No one is leaving this house' Zuri said commanding yet calm                

             'What do you want exactly Zuri, help me remember my past well if it is that then thank you, I already remember and guess what it turns out I am as evil as my grandma so I beg you please let me go, I have had a rough day and I do not want to add more frustrations into it' said Tanaka crying her voice breaking by every single word, Zuri walked towards her and hugged her, Tanaka cried in her embraced sliding down to the floor, Zuri tried to calm her down which worked after some time, she made a cup of tea for Tanaka to help her ease the tension. Tanaka was now seated on the couch in the living room, she had a shawl covering her upper body, Zuri knew it was the moment to make them aware of their previous life                      

         'what you saw was a fraction of your previous life memories, there's a lot more you need to look into to know what you are up against' said Zuri, everyone was quiet Tanaka did not want to be involved in the past life regression again all she needed was to get out of the situation and go home even if it meant living with a stranger who was her grandmother                   

         'I take your silence as a yes since both of you are free this week we'll work on your past life only' she added                    

       'If we are done here, I am going to bed' Tanaka said getting up, she took the teacup to the kitchen and walked to her bedroom                    

           'You know you don't have to carry your ego everywhere saying sorry is easier than you think' Zuri said before getting up                     

       'let us meet at 8 tomorrow' she said and walked out,  Bo-gum and Jungkook walked to their various rooms without uttering a word to each other. The next morning as expected everyone took an uber on their own to the psychologist's office, Zuri was already waiting, she expected to be at least greeted but Tanaka went straight to bed lying between Park Bo-gum and Jungkook            'Saying hello doesn't hurt you know' Zuri said           

       'Let's just get this over with' Tanaka said before closing her eyes drifting to the memory world 


Previous life after Jungkook's disappearance

Days had passed since Jungkook disappeared from the fight with Bo-gum, Tanaka waited at their secret meet-up spot in the hills near a nice flowery tree, she hoped fate would be on her side and she would see him again. She would come to the place cry her eyes to sleep every time and Bo-gum would carry her home without her knowledge, her friendship with Bo-gum was becoming estranged day after day, he would ask her for a walk but she would politely decline as she knew she was not in the right state of mind to be around anyone. Bo-gum gave up on fighting for his love, he knew they were not meant to be in this lifetime. As usual, Tanaka was seated under the tree this time she had given up on crying, she just enjoyed reminiscing their precious moments, Bo-gum joined her, there was a moment of silence before he spoke             

       'I know deep down you love me, but we cannot escape the reality that I'm not enough for you. I knew this was bound to happen though somewhere along the way I had hoped you will love me the same way you loved him. So I'm not blaming you for falling in love with him more. I'm not angry either, I am just scared that in the end, I forgot to love myself too. I thought I could keep him away from you for a second so we would spend time together and you will love me but I was wrong and now I am ready to let go ' Tanaka didn't know what to say, deep down she felt she had feelings for him but at the same time she still loved Jungkook, Bogum wanted to ask for friendship but he knew they could never go from having feelings for each other to being friends it was all a lie, with a heavy heart, Bo-gum told Tanaka where Jungkook was and left without looking back. Tanaka learned that Ateya and Hera fate's sisters were after them, though both Jungkook and Bo-gum were Tanaka's soulmates in her heart she loved Bo-gum, she felt the urge to protect him and be by his side yet she felt being pulled towards Jungkook more physically and emotionally and the only way to get out of the situation was to let go of both of them, Hera had tied a red string around Jungkook's little finger the same to Tanaka, while originally Bo-gum should have ended with Tanaka the string forced her to end up with Jungkook, though maybe it was not just the string. 

Jungkook was recovering from the fall shock, he was sleeping in a grass touched house with Zuri taking care of him, Tanaka joined him on the bed hugging him, she sat in that position for a while before letting him go             

         'I am so happy that you are okay and I wouldn't be more grateful to fate, I love you so much bun and I hope in our next life I will get to know you better but for now, I need to take care of myself for my inner peace' Tanaka said, Jungkook did not say a word only tears visible in his eyes            

          'Why does it sound like a goodbye?' asked Jungkook              

       'It does not remember you gave me this' she showed him the necklace, Jungkook smiled looking at it Tanaka had made a decision, she knew this was the only way, at least to her that was the only way to keep them safe from Fate's sisters' wrath, she hugged Jungkook before walking out.

Even though Bo-gum had said goodbye, Tanaka did not say hers and it was only best she cleared the air before leaving, she wrote a letter to Bo-gum for him to meet her at the place she used to meet with Jungkook. They stood there, looking at each other, saying nothing but it was the kind of nothing that meant everything, in Bo-gum's eyes he saw the love he couldn't get yet in Tanaka's eyes she saw the love she was denied, so that was that, they were finally over. She looked at him chuckling sadly             

          'I wish I wasn't denied the opportunity to know you better all in all I am grateful that I got to feel something for you and I hope that you won't live with the regret that it was one-sided though half of the time I was confused one thing I am sure of is I cherish you' she said and hugged him ' take care of him as you've got each other, I love you Park Gummy' she said and walked away not looking back. Maybe that was why she was born there, so she could know them. So she could love them both and say goodbye to them and she was brave enough to say to both of them, Tanaka was proud of herself, she walked to the Fate's sisters' offices her head held high, though they played her and the boys they allowed her to experience something magical, Hera was shocked to see Tanaka, Tanaka smiled at them before speaking 

              'I do not know the reason why you decided to play with our lives as if it meant nothing and denied us a chance to experience love on our own, I am grateful I got to live a life with the boys but that is where it ends I will not allow you two to mess with our lives anymore it all ends here today' Tanaka said 

              'You are so confident in talking ' Hera said 

              'No, I am scared that in the next few minutes I will be no more but I am happy that for once you will not get what you wanted' Tanaka said smiling, Ateya scoffed at her boldness just then Tanaka fell on the floor



The three of them woke up at the same time, Jungkook looking down, Bo-gum was lost in his world while Tanaka woke up taking her stuff and walked to the door not waiting for the psychologist's notes 

            'a little heads up would help' Zuri said        

           'The boys will let you in on everything, my time here is done' Tanaka said before opening the door and closing.


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