Chapter Three: Together Apart

Fate: The power struggles

It had been a day since TJ returned to her village, Usually being in the village she would wake up, go digging then fetch water from a well which was a few kilometres from their house, look for firewood, cook and the cycle would continue like that but after her return from Korea, she wasn't getting out of the house to do pretty much anything, her mind still hazy she did not know what to make of the situation, every time she tried to remember something she would feel a sharp pain in her heart as if it was about to stop. The only person who knew about her abilities aside from what happened in South Korea was her grandmother, she had guided her on how to use them, TJ felt it was right to consult her instead of dying in silence. As usual, her grandmother was seated on a wooden chair outside their small hut near a mango tree, she was working on her sweaters, knitting a new one while her pot of traditional brew was by her side, along with a wooden straw in , she would multitask as if it was nothing, TJ picked a carpet made of animal skin and sat right next to her, she fought with her mind as she did not know how to tell her grandmother that her abilities had affected someone else however after a long battle with her mind and heart she decided to tell her grandmother and to her surprise her grandma's face was blank, TJ expected her grandmother to at least scold her or something but she took it well, maybe because her grandmother was waiting for the news without TJ's knowledge.

                'It was probably an accident nothing to worry ' her grandmother said 

                 'What if it happens again what should I do?'  TJ asked

                 'If you stay here, I'm sure everything will be all right' she answered back, TJ thought for a moment and decided to follow her grandma's advice.  She sat for some time observing her grandmother. Life away from the city was giving her freedom to think about her next career move, lost in her thoughts TJ felt uneasy, her grandmother noticed but she assured her it was nothing, she moved her carpet to the grass as the sun was  setting down, her grandmother moved to the house leaving her outside

Jungkook laid at the hospital bed, his body heating again, the doctor attended to him, blood drawn from TJ wasn't doing much and he needed more, the doctor instructed the nurses to keep an eye on him as he talked to the manager

Outside in the waiting area, the manager was pacing up and down, the doctor approached him

            'We need more of her blood' he said

             'what can we do before she arrives she is fifteen hours away ' the manager said

             'Pray he gets through those fifteen hours' the doctor said back

     It was now night TJ's grandmother walked through a sugarcane plantation, the moonlight was enough to show a clear path for her, someone wearing a white cloak was at the middle of the plantation his  face not seen, she bowed to him 

              'Any progress Kanapoi? ' he asked 

               'she has already met the two, what do we do now?' Kanapoi asked him

               'Not to worry nothing will happen, she will just wake up again like it was a dream' he said

             'But what if this time it changes?' she asked worriedly 

              'She will not allow that, after all, they are her pets' he said, Kanapoi gave a slightly awkward smile 

TJ was still rolling on the carpet, beads of sweat on her forehead, she held her stomach while hissing from the pain, she did not understand if it was an effect of her sharing her powers or what, whatever was happening to her was happening to Jungkook as well. 

Back at the hospital, the manager was worried for Jungkook, they looked for TJ's contact through the hospital registry but no information regarding her was available, he looked through social media to get her contact but nothing showed up, it was like TJ was a ghost, his last hope was Park Bo-gum who had been with her, he called Park Bo-gum and immediately he checked his phone to see TJ's number to his surprise it wasn't there even though he remembers saving it, Park Bo-gum walked out of his apartment to go to the hospital. 

TJ was still in pain she did not understand what was happening, she tried to hold it together but she was becoming weak

The manager showed Park Bo-gum to Jungkook's ward, he walked in without hesitation, Jungkook was lying on the bed, he knew this time maybe he was not going to be lucky, Park Bo-gum went straight and held his hand 

                   'Hyung' he called, Jungkook opened his eyes slowly

                    'Is she coming?' he asked in a low tone, Park Bo-gum nodded as a no

                    'Do you remember anything she said to you?' Park Bo-gum asked 

                    'Just not to call her via phone when in need or something like that he said 

                    'That's it ' Park Bo-gum said 

                   'What?' Jungkook asked confused 

                   ' You know how you talk to yourself just do the same but addressing her' Park Bo-gum said, Jungkook again started blacking out, the vital sign monitor started beeping, Park Bo-gum took the initiative to do it, Nurses came into the room but he did not mind them 

                    'TJ if you can hear me, Jungkook needs you now' he said his eyes closed,  it took a second for TJ to hear in her weak state   

                     'What happened?' she asked faintly 

                     'Your blood is not helping much, what do we do he is passing out and his heart rate is low'  Park Bo-gum said, one of the nurses found Park Bo-gum delusional so she wanted to throw him out but the doctor tapped on her shoulder indicating her to stop. TJ's body was weak and hearing the person she adores the most was going through pain she was responsible for broke her, tears streaming down her cheeks, she talked between sobs and faint breathing 

                    'He is not strong he needs someone to guide him, do you mind going in with him? ' TJ asked

                    'Go where? ' Park Bo-gum asked back, his surrounding nurses trying to calm Jungkook

                    'Both of you sleep, I will handle the rest ' she said, park Bo-gum did not waste time and turned to the nurses 

                       'Sedate both of us at the same time ' he said 

                      'That is ridiculous, are you hearing yourself ?' the nurse said

                      'Do it ' the doctor said back, the nurse looked at him unsure but complied, a bed was arranged for Park Bo-gum next to Jungkook, before being sedated he held Jungkook's hand 


TJ had taken a place that was familiar for the three of them, she wanted them to be comfortable, she was standing at the Dongdaemun rose garden, the place was lit with the LED roses making the scenery more beautiful, her back facing where the guys were coming from, TJ felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around and saw her two favourite humans, though she had decided not to meet them, yet again fate was on her side even if it was in a dream, tears streaming down her cheeks, Jungkook gave her a weak smile, she went ahead and hugged him, Park Bo-gum watched them with a smile on his face, no one said a word, TJ adjusted herself in Jungkook's embrace a tear dropping to the crook of his neck, Jungkook felt a tingling sensation, he tightened the hug chuckling

                       'Why are you chuckling?' TJ asked in between the hug 

                        'I am just happy you are here ' he said 

                        ' I am sorry I didn't check on you' she said to him

                       'It's okay you are here now'  Jungkook said, TJ broke the hug going straight to Park Bo-gum she hugged him too

                          'Thank you so much '

                          'No need to thank me after all I am you are charming you know' he joked, TJ chuckled and broke the hug, she felt her nose bleeding Park Bo-gum noticed it too

                          'You are bleeding'  he said 

                         'I guess time is up '  she said chuckling 'Jay you should be all right when you wake up, if anything happens don't forget to call me ' she said to the both of them 

                          'I should leave now, take care of yourselves' she said smiling while trying to stop the nose bleed.

TJ woke up Kanapoi standing by her side holding a lantern, fury seen all over her face, blood dripping from TJ's nose 

                          'Do you understand the risk you are putting yourself in?' she asked 

                           ' I just took a walk grandma that's all' TJ said avoiding Kanapoi's gaze, Kanapoi was worried for the future maybe she committed to something bigger than she could handle.

Jungkook opened his eyes at the same time as Park Bo-gum they were still holding hands, he smiled at Park Bo Gum, the nurses were confused but the doctor seemed to wrap his head around the situation even though it was hard to believe. 

Later after doing numerous tests and finding nothing wrong with him, Jungkook was discharged along with Park Bo-gum. Since they both needed space to talk to TJ they figured the best place was Park Bo-gum's as it did not have much disturbance. They entered Park Bo-gum's apartment and he offered Jungkook a glass of water making him comfortable

             'Maybe we should call her first check if she' s okay' Park Bo-gum said 

             'Yeah that would be best, do you have her number?' Jungkook asked

             'she erased it from my phone, so we just have to talk the way we are talking and assume she will hear us' Park Bo-gum said, as they were preparing to talk to her a message popped up on Park Bo-gum's phone, he picked it up, opening it was a message from TJ   'I'm worried something bad is about to happen, please take care of each other and do not look for me, tell Jungkook to wear his bracelet all the time and find yours inside the pocket of the hoodie ' Park Bo-gum immediately dialled her phone but it went straight to voice mail, he checked his hoodie pocket finding the bracelet it was a Maasai beaded bracelet like the one Jungkook was given just a different colour.

           'What is going on Hyung?' Jungkook asked 

           'We need to get to her before it's  late' Park Bo-gum said 

A huge figure stepped on TJ's phone, her breath hitched as she tried to stay calm,

           ' I suggest you do not make funny moves as your grandmother and the boys will pay for it  ' the figure said,  TJ felt dejavu with this scene, she had experienced something like this before but she wasn't sure where it was. The guy took TJ  through a thick forest on the east side of their house, she knew the path well as she would take the path to school when she was little, inside the forest was a small beautiful hut, as a young kid she was always told the house belonged to a witch but to her, it was just a simple retirement home plan, the guy stood with TJ in front of the  door ready to open but a young woman in her mid-thirties opened 

           'Took you long enough' the lady said ' come on in', TJ entered the house admiring its art, it was more of a traditional museum than a house, African artefacts all around the house, the lady brought a cup of hot tea, TJ admired the cup made of wood for a second then remembered she was forced to come to this place

          'What do you want to do with me?' TJ asked as at this point she was not surprised if someone wanted her abilities and considering it was in the village it was common, the lady just looked at her not uttering a word 

          'You  see it could have been easier if you took me in asleep' TJ continued 'I mean isn't that what you do according to the stories, take people in their sleep, use them and leave them broken' 

           'Silly no one wants your abilities, I just want to keep you safe' said the lady 

           'how safe when I'm in the middle of a forest inside a house that every kid fears and every parent warns their kids not to step foot into?' TJ asked 

            'at this point you have no choice but to trust me' the lady said 

            'You know if my grandmother gets to know you took me, it will not end well for you' TJ said 

            'How sure are you that she is your grandmother' the lady asked 

            'Okay, what is your name first?' TJ asked 

            'Zuri' she replied 

             'Listen here Zuri, I do not know what kind of messed up weed you are into but if you are done I would like to go home' TJ said 

               'Give me a chance to explain and if you do not believe me then you are free to go and live your life  ' she said 


TJ returned home, it was almost midnight, her grandmother waiting for her at the door 

         'Where are you coming from?' Kanapoi asked

          'I took a walk to clear my head hoping I would get an inspiration for another story' she said to her grandma ' I am going to bed don't stay out it's cold' TJ said, Kanapoi stayed for some time waiting for TJ to fall asleep.

 Candles were lit all around TJ who was fast asleep, a lady wearing a white cloak chanting words in TJ vernacular language, Kanapoi stood aside watching as the lady moved around the room.


TJ had decided to go back to the city, make enough money in a year to support her school. Even if she was not going to get a fully-funded scholarship, one thing was clear to her, she wanted to do Broadcast and media Arts in Korea and the only way to make that happen was to endure one more year of doing something she did not like to achieve her dreams. TJ stepped out of her grandmother's house, carrying a purple suitcase made of army and BTS posters, call her crazy but her love for the boys and Army was strong and she wanted to show the world, TJ  bent down to tie her one loose shoelace and noticed two shadows, in her mind it was just a trick, she observed the shadows again getting up slowly. 

          'You are okay thank God' Jungkook sighed in relief as he moved closer to her engulfing her in a hug, after a few minutes he broke the hug and Park Bo-gum did the same

          'Who are you?' TJ asked 

          'It's me Jungkook, your bias don't you remember TJ' Jungkook said a little disappointed

          'Bias are you supposed to be a celebrity or something?' TJ asked 

          'What about me your charming? ' Park Bo-gum asked also confused 

          'See I have got a bus to catch and I am running late please excuse me if you don't mind' TJ said 

          'Janna, who are you taking to?' Kanapoi asked from inside the house 

         'No one grandma just some strangers lost' TJ said, her grandmother came outside to a confused looking Park Bo-gum and Jungkook 

          'Habari yenu' Kanapoi greeted them which added more confusion 

          'Grandma they don't speak Swahili' TJ said, Jungkook and Park Bo-gum greeted Kanapoi to which she replied but her face was unreadable 

           'TJ can we talk in private' Jungkook asked, TJ moved to the side with the both of them still having her suitcase 

           'Listen I know maybe you forgot but look you still have the BTS photos, I am one of the members '

           'Waah you are not even ashamed, there are only six members in the group and you are not part of it, try your luck somewhere else if you want someone to scum because I know all the members and you are not one of them' TJ said, Jungkook looked at the photo his face seen 'see' he pointed to his photo, TJ was only seeing six members 

         'Yah dude stop imagining, cleary there are only six members but you are deluded trying to fit in '

           'So your name isn't TJ and you didn't give me this bracelet' Jungkook asked showing her the bracelet

           'Dude I am Tanaka Janna and I do not use abbreviations it's ridiculous, second I would never give a stranger a bracelet let alone that ugly looking thing' Tanaka said, Jungkook gave up finding TJ in Tanaka

            'Hyung lets go' Jungkook said to Park Bo-gum who was still trying to wrap his head around what was happening, Jungkook and Park Bo-gum left Tanaka who was looking at their shadows fading, Kanapoi joined Tanaka

             'Can you believe them trying to scum people pretending to be Idols just because we love Korean culture' Tanaka said to her grandma

               'Don't you remember them?' Kanapoi asked 

                'Am I supposed to grandma?' Tanaka asked back, her attitude was a little weird to which Kanapoi thought was the effect of erasing her memories 

                 'Not really they look like people we see on TV' she said 

                 'I will be late for my ride grandma take care and send me chicken once in a while don't forget me and don't watch too many Korean dramas' Tanaka said, she hugged her grandmother one last time and dragged her suitcase to the main road.

Kanapoi watched her disappear then she made a call 

                  'It's reset, this time erasing the boys from her timeline, she remembers everything except the two' Kanapoi said before ending the call.


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