When Kyuhyun is Sick



It had been a good day for Yesung.The weather was cool and the air was crisp, just the way he liked it.He finished his schedules earlier than anticipated and as such had a couple of hours to spare.He especially relished having spare time, it meant that he could spend some time with his family.He often felt guilty for being so busy and thus unable to give them his attention.He was comforted by the fact that he knew that his mother was never hurt, but always happy, always proud.It eased his guilt slightly, but did not completely removed it.He was aware that his dongsaeng missed having his elder brother around,that his mother missed taking care of her son,but he had learnt to accept that their pride and good wishes for him, overshadowed the loss they felt.With those thoughts in his mind he decided to spend his afternoon in the family coffee shop.

The shop was a bubble of activity.He did not inform the fans that he would be there,but the patronage increased exponentially within 10 minutes of his arrival.He supposed those where the benefits of social media.He was a little sad, as the increased number of people meant that his mother and brother would be very busy and not have time for him,but he did not fault his fans.He was rather flattered that they left their own activities to come out to greet him.At his seated position behind the counter, he nibbled away at a muffin, sipping a warm coffee,whilst his mother tended to customers and brother blushed at whatever the girls at the table nearest the counter was saying to him.He chuckled.His brother was not nearly awkward as he was,but he was probably even more shy.Those girls would tease Jongjin mercilessly he was sure.He looked over at them and smiled, as if encouraging them to continue the gentle torture of his brother.Yesung did not think his brothers cheeks could get any more red, now looking like a rosy apple.The girls however, upon seeing his smile, squealed loudly and pulled out their cameras,quickly aimed in his direction.It happened a million times,yet it still made his shy.He held the pose for a second then quickly looked back down to his hands.He supposed he was not much better than his brother, confirmed by the shyness he just felt.

He casually took in the atmosphere around him.He looked at the calm the café eluded,even at the height of activity.There girls all round, some taking pictures, other just chatting with their friends, the air pierced regularly with peals of laughter and frantic denials.He did not know what they were denying to each other, but some blushing faces meant he did not want to find out either.He realized that the customers weren’t only Korean as he recognized from some of their more distinctive features.This warmed his heart greatly.He adored international fans.They, meaning his brothers and himself, thought it was amazing the way they could love strangers,who spoke a language they could not understand.Then he realized that it really was not that hard,considering he was doing it as well.He loved all Super Junior and primarily his fans,where ever they came from,what ever language they spoke,which ever beautiful form they took, so really and truly  it was not that hard. He also noticed that some of them were speaking in different languages.Surely that was English he just heard, then he recognized some Japanese words…was that girl in the far corner speaking  something European? It was not low and whispery, so probably not French.Dutch maybe? He did not know, but still felt the global unity.

Hearing the different languages,only reminded him of his poor language skills.Super Junior were so global that they always wished that they could communicate with their fans better and as such many of them had taken to learning some different language.He however could add language education to his list of fails at life.He basically , not having a better word to describe his lack of talent.Why couldn’t he be like Sungmin? He was at least capable in everything he touched.Or maybe be like Kyuhyun?Kyuhyun was great at languages.He spoke Chinese fairly fluently and could get by in both Spanish and Japanese.He sighed.Kyuhyun was so talented.What was he thinking when he  accepted Kyuhyun’s confession? Kyuhyun was practically perfect and he was very flawed.

It had been 3 months since they both made the promise to face the changes that were happening and 2 months since Kyuhyun confessed and 7 weeks and 3 days since he accepted and made his own confession.When he made that promise with Kyuhyun, he really wanted to honour it, to figure things out.He too, had realized that things were changing, that something was happening, that nothing was going to be the same again. He told Kyuhyun to face his fears but, too much of a coward to face his own.He tried it in his own way and realized that he cared for Kyuhyun much more than just a dongsaeng, more that just a band mate.He didn’t want to give it a name though, he as too afraid.Afraid to be weird, afraid to admit it, afraid of his future.Whilst he was hiding,Kyuhyun was avoiding him.He realized that he missed him so much it hurt a little physically,yet he stood firm.He was just thinking of Kyuhyun as special.It did not have another meaning, did not lead to something much greater, much more significant.

Then Kyuhyun had confessed to him.To say it was shocking would be an understatement.When he told Kyuhyun to think about their thing, what ever it was,he never expected the maknae to say he loved him.The voice deep within, buried beneath all the denial and all the claims otherwise, informed him when he was finally willing to listen,that he not only love Kyuhyun as well, but damned well knew it.He was a coward.Kyuhyun not only faced his fears, but controlled it.Kyuhyun was not hiding, he was not living in denial.Kyuhyun was even willing to act.The younger man confessed to him point blank.He felt like an idiot and a coward.Here he was, the adult, Kyuhyun’s hyung, hiding from his feelings,when the younger one was so brave.He felt ashamed of himself. Finally he allowed his mind to call what he had identified by its true name,Love.He would not let Kyuhyun be the only brave one.He accepted Kyuhyun confessions a few days later, awkwardly making his own.

It was nearly unbelievable when Kyuhyun accepted his confession.He knew that Kyuhyun confessed to him first, but he honestly thought,the time he gave the maknae,would allow Kyuhyun to see how much of a mistake he was making.Aside from it being very weird to both of them and still having to deal with the whole being in love with a guy thing ,though as far as you know you have always been straight thing,he honestly could not understand why Kyuhyun, of all people would love him. Not just love him, but love him enough to confess it and accept the weird situation they were currently in. If he was in Kyuhyun’s position he would have denied or avoided it as long as possible.Then again Kyuhyun was always the brave one, the strong one and he was always the one in doubt, always timid.Just on that basis he could not understand Kyuhyun.Why him of all people? Kyuhyun was amazing and well he was just weird.He asked Kyuhyun about it but the maknae would only say “you are special and I love you”.

That had lead them to their current situation.At this point they both knew that they not only loved each other but were also in love each other.They both recognized that it was weird and had lead to them having to explore the idea of uality and so on.At the moment, two months roughly since the confession, they were just content to be near each other.So far they had made no effort to form a particular relationship with each other.They were the definition of undefined, if that made sense.He knew that he should be worried about it all, but he never seemed to really care.He and Kyuhyun did not need a label or perimeters right now.The glow of being in love and having that loved return was more than enough.They did not even date per say,but instead just spent time together.It was not that they even did anything special, yet it was always so fulfilling.Watching a movie on his laptop with Kyuhyun sitting beside him, giving his snarky running commentary, made him feel as if he was floating about the world and would only ever feel joy.Honestly that feeling was all he cared about.

Yesung was roused from distracting thoughts by his mother shaking his shoulder.Apparently she wanted him to man the counter whilst she got something from the stock room.Yesung did ot hesitate to say yes, though he knew him attending at the counter sometimes caused a bit of chaos, but their ELFs were always respect and understanding so it was always fine. He carefully took up his position at the counter to be greeted with scores of cameras all pointed in his direction.He smiled shyly at them all;hoping he made them a little bit happy.After about ten minutes he was in the swing of things.He had served four customers already, to varying degrees of success.He had to dig deep to tax his very limited English knowledge to effectively serve the two speakers,but they seemed happy when he smiled at them.He hoped he had gotten their orders right and they won’t just trying to make him feel better.

Next in line was a non Korean,whose lips oddly reminded him of Kyuhyun’s.He was getting ready to dig into that English knowledge bank, when she greeted him in Korean.He released a relieved sigh.It was broken Korean, but atleast it was Korean.She smiled at him after the greeting and he happily returned it.She then switched to English though, asking for a type of coffee in an English phrasing, but she accompanied it with enough body movements that he was not lost.He was pleased that atleast he could get that right.As he was trying to enter it into the register though, she spoke

How is Kyuhyun Oppa?” It was asked in a questioning voice,so he immediately knew it was a question.Yesung looked up to meet her eyes trying to figure what she said.He was positive he heard Kyuhyun’s name.Wait! Why was she asking about Kyuhyun.Did she know about them? Did the fans know? A voice from within, rose up from its depths, to tell him he was being an idiot and grossly over reacting.She was probably asking about Kyuhyun’s well being.Maybe she was a Gamer.He really needed to relax.

Kyuhyun good…he fine” he asked her nearly questioningly.He was not sure if that was her question or the appropriate response.He did not want to embarrass himself in front of the fans.She genuinely smiled at himso he was going to assume he got it right.

You take good care of him for us okay? We are counting on you” Yesung still had no idea what she said except for ‘Kyuhyun’ and ‘okay’. The way she said it though, made him think he should be blushing.She was watching him with twinkling eyes, teasing smile,almost a smirk ,voice dripping with sweetness, capped with a wink.He just felt as if she said something that he should be blushing about.He was just kind of shocked, and confused.He knew she was teasing him, that was obvious from her body language, but why did she mention Kyuhyun? He did not know what to say, so he just nodded

“You are so cute” she chuckled and smiled at him once again. He thinks she said he was cute but he was not positive.He just smiled at her again.Maybe he got it right before? Before he could formulate a response, she spoke once more

Kyuhyun is lucky to have you” she had  that teasing tone and wink out once again.Yesung was lost.Why was she talking about Kyuhyun and why was she winking?He figured it was something interesting and most definitely something that would make him blush.He did not understand her and yet her body language was enough to have him blushing.With one last smile, that seemed like a smirk , a “you really are so cute” she took her coffee from the attendant behind and walked away.

Well that was weird, was the only thing Yesung could think, coupled with the reprimand of himself for blushing.Was he a school girl? ?Blushing every time Kyuhyun’s name was mentioned? He countered that it was not just a mention of his name but the way she said it, like she was teasing him.He maybe really was just reading too much into it, but she took a lot out of him.He looked around hoping that his mother or one of the employees could relieve him from duty.He was fortunate, as he spotted his mother coming his way.He told her that he rather sit for a bit and she quickly acquiesced to his request.He put that awkward conversation out of his mind and spent the next two hours, smiling shyly at the cameras pointed in his direction and teasing his brother mercilessly, who was still turning red at the various remarks he received from the mainly female population of the store.

He was in a considerably good mood when he returned to the dorms.He entered the kitchen to find Leeteuk and Eunhyuk, sitting at the table, talking about something and Ryeowook near the sink.As he was about to greet them, Leeteuk turned his attention to him 

‘We are so happy you are back.Its about Kyu, he-“ Leeteuk spoke to Yesung looking at him with tired eyes and a slightly worried expression.Yesung however did not have the patience to wait for the continuation.He needed immediate answers.What was wrong with his Kyuhyun?

“What is wrong with him? Is he hurt? Is he sick? Where is he?” all fired at Leeteuk at break neck pace,voice anxious,body tense, features marked with immediate concern.

“Calm down.He is fine.He just has a cold and is refusing to take his medicine” Leeteuk quickly reassured, then chuckled mildly at Yesung’s exaggerated response.He knew that they were different now, but then again they had always been different.They had not told him the specifics,but it did not take a genius to figure out the new status quo.The members were worried about their future, he would not deny that, but right now they choose to support their brothers' happiness silently.

“Oh thank God” Yesung exclaimed, releasing a breathe he did not know he was holding.

“Seriously, you two are ridiculous” Leeteuk said teasingly, his voice more relaxed, head reacting to small chuckles, which were shared by the other occupants of the room who had seen that little exercise in over reaction.

“You should probably go see him before you die” Leeteuk suggested with the teasing smile firmly in place, pointing down the hall to the maknae’s room.

“Whatever” was the only reply coupled with a roll of the eyes, as Yesung swiftly turned around an headed in the direction Leeteuk had just indicated, leaving the occupants, to burst out into laughter as they watched him practically run to the youngest’s room.

Yesung could not think of anything else but seeing the maknae with his own eyes. Kyuhyun was always sick and for a long time it always worried him.Now it was nearly unbearable.He would most definitely have to reprimand Kyuhyun about his sickness inducing lifestyle soon, but that would have to wait that until he was sure Kyuhyun was well. He did not bother to knock on the door, instead just walked in, really just to anxious to actually remember to knock.It was never a problem really, as the doors were not ever locked generally.

Upon entry, he quickly looked for Kyuhyun’s form, almost single mindedly.He saw him on his bed flat on his back, and head propped on a pillow, in mid argument.He looked him up and down then released a sigh, as relief washed over him.Atleast from a visual inspection, Kyuhyun looked sufficiently well. He then belatedly realized that Sungmin was in the room.He was the one Kyuhyun was arguing with.He almost laughed at his own single mindedness.This love business, was really interesting indeed. Sungmin it seems was arguing with Kyuhyun to take his medicine.From Sungmin’s stance it had been a while of arguing.Sungmin was usually very patient with the maknae and rarely lost his composure.It was obvious that the maknae was frustrating him.Yesung caught some of the conversation, between the two ,who had not noticed his presence yet.

“Kyuhyunnie take your medicine.Seriously you are being childish” Yesung heard Sungmin say in a frustrated voice, nearly glaring at the maknae.

“ I don’t want to.Its bitter.I’ll be fine without it” Came Kyuhyun’s almost child like response, trying to trick Sungmin with his fake aeygo.

“Don’t give me that face.Just take your medicine” Sungmin scolded the maknae, sticking the spoon filled with some black syrupy substance into the maknae’s face, in the process, spilling a bit on the sheets.

Yesung at this time, decided to intervene.Sungmin looked about ready to smack Kyuhyun, and Kyuhyun was being his usual stubborn himself, so a compromise was not likely to be had soon.He was doing this for both their sakes.Sungmin, he doubted would be able to hold in the frustration the makane had produced in him much longer .

“Say ah Kyu ah” he instructed as he approached Sungmin and gently took the spoon from his hands.Sungmin looked at him, like he was crazy.Sungmin had just spent twenty minutes trying to coerce the maknae to swallow the bitter cough syrup, and this guy thought he could do it by just saying’Say Ah’.He had to be crazy.Sungmin however was the one left with the slack jaw, as Kyuhyun, swiftly turned to Yesung and opened his mouth,willingly accepting the medicine, even going so far as to wait for Yesung to remeasure the dosage.Sungmin was beyond annoyed.

“You two seriously sicken me” he spoke, voice filled with disgust as he looked between the two,Yesung now positioned at the side of the bed,hands holding a cup of water that Kyuhyun sipped from, trying to dispel the bitter syrup from his mouth.Both looked at him oddly.

“Seriously,I can’t believe you Kyu.I just spent twenty minutes, begging you to take that blasted medicine and all he has to do is say ‘Ah’ and you just do it?" Sungmin spoke, voice filled with disbelief and tones of anger.Yesung could understand Sungmin’s frustration, so he allowed him to release some of it on them.It was not really causing them harm.He was willing to stay respectfully silent whilst Sungmin had his tirade.

“Whatever.He is your problem now,I’m going” Sungmin looked harshly between the do, directed the instruction to Yesung and swiftly turned to leave the room, huffing as he exited.Upon his exit and the assurance that he was a fair enough distance away, both burst into laughter.Sungmin was beyond hilarious when he was mad.It was like his face rejected the anger.His rage came out as red bunny faces.It is honestly more difficult to keep a straight face when he was scolding than being the object of a scolding from him.

“Why did you do that to him?You should have just taken your medicine Kyuhyunnie” Yesung scolded lightly, dragging his eyes away from the door that Sungmin had exited moments ago,to stare down at the maknae, who on closer inspection looked tired and laboured.

“I did not want to” stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, clearly unaware how childish his reasoning was.Yesung just looked at him as he closed his eyes and rested his head against the pillow, looking like a child.Yesung did not have the heart to chastise him in that moment.Honestly, all he wanted to do was hold him in his arms and make him feel better, but was still in touch with reality enough to know that it was impossible for him to do so.

“Were you waiting for me then?” Yesung teased instead.Atleast that would make him smile and possibly retort something scatting.Yesung was willing to accept such a response, as he knew Kyuhyun took joy in his sarcastic remarks.

“No” came the shaky reply.Yesung was thrown off for a second.He was waiting for a comment relating to him lacking importance not a shaky reply, spoken as if hiding something.Yesung for the first time wondered if he really was waiting for him.Whilst Yesung would insist that was impossible, a part of him felt erse joy, to think he meant so much to the maknae.

“Where were you anyway?” Kyuhyun inquired, looking up at Yesung who was looking at the wall opposite now, but turned to look at him when he started speaking.Kyuhyun hoped that his voice did not sound as childish as it did in his mind.Kyuhyun was indeed waiting for Yesung.He would not, not even under torture admit it ,especially not to the man himself.He was not waiting for him to feed him medicine though.That black substance tasted like poison and Kyuhyun was legitimately disgusted by it and wished not to ever have it in his mouth.He was however waiting to see Yesung though.His body and head hurt, but he just wanted to see him.He could not even sleep, Yesung occupied his thoughts.He truly wondered where he went.

“I had some free time,so went to see my parents at the shop” Yesung informed Kyuhyun a bit guiltily.He felt bad.He would have come home,if he knew Kyuhyun was ill.He wondered why Kyuhyun did not inform him or worst how he missed the pre symptoms.He supposed that he should not be surprised.Kyuhyun was good at hiding colds.He got them often and always tried to hide them, for he knew his hyungs would scold him,Yesung included ,for not resting enough.

“Oh” was Kyuhyun’s tame reply.He really should have guessed it.Yesung rarely passed up and opportunity to see his family.He also felt pleased as punch, that Yesung did not use his free time playing with Siwon, but he would not vocalize that part though.That thought was meant to be kept deep within, where it could do its own happy dance.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick? I would have come home earlier" Yesung gently inquired, looking at the maknae with honest questioning eyes, as he drew his hands from his lap, to touch Kyuhyun’s forehead.He almost withdrew it  from the heat.The maknae was nearly scorching.How has he even still up?

“ Its nothing, just a cold.I’ll live” Kyuhyun responded nonchalantly.Yesung could smack him.He was burning up and just dismissed it.That is why he got sick so often.'He never really cares about things like this'.Yesung sighed.

“You are so hot”Yesung observed as he felt the heat radiating from the maknae’s forehead where his hands still occupied, into his own hands, warming them almost unbearably, almost enough to wish to remove them,but he knew he never would.

“So my and some of your fangirls repeatedly claim” Kyuhyun cheekily responded.Even with a  soaring temperature, the maknae was a cheeky little demon, which made Yesung think he was adorable.Who was he kidding? He thought everything about Kyuhyun was adorable, even the things that annoyed him.They were now irritatingly cute? He was so sappy, it was embarrassing. The maknae had to be punished for his cheekiness, so a soft nearly tender swat to the head was issued.

“Aww” Kyuhyun replied sounding as if in pain.Yesung nearly freaked.Did he hurt him?

“I am sorry.Did I hurt you?I did not mean too!” Yesung quickly inquired agitatedly.Kyuhyunnie was already sick and probably in pain, did he really have to cause more? Honestly he did not think it would hurt him.

“You are so gullible sometimes” Kyuhyun snickered.Yesung was tempted to smack him harder this time, but before he could, Kyuhyun laugh had turned into rough coughs, causing his to bolt upwards, fisted hands pounding into his chest trying to bring it under control.All thoughts of retribution disappearing as he rushed to run his hands along Kyuhyun’s back trying to help him in his quest to calm his lungs and trachea.

“Kyunnie, you should go to sleep.You need to rest” Yesung pleaded with the maknae, when his coughing fit had lost steam and fading, Kyuhyun returning to his laying position.

“I can’t sleep” Kyuhyun informed, shaking his head to indicate the negative.Kyuhyun had tried sleeping but the pain and then his constant thoughts of Yesung’s where about ensured that it was an exercise in futility.

Yesung realized that he had to do something.He wanted Kyuhyun to feel better, but did not really know what to do.He knew he could not remove the physical pain, for that they needed the medicine to take effect and the cold to run its course, but sleep would definitely help.What could he do to help his Kyuhyunnie sleep? He had an idea.He got up from his sitting position failing to notice Kyuhyun’s panicked eyes that only settled when he realized that Yesung was just repositioning his body.Yesung shifted his body, lifting Kyuhyun’s body,crawling behind him; to lean against the wall closest to the headboard.Gently, he brought Kyuhyun’s head to rest on his lap, with Kyuhyun diligently following his silent instructions.With Kyuhyun’s head nestled in his lap, he brought his hands to through the locks found there.He remembered that when he was younger ,when ever he or his brother was sick and could ot sleep his mother would do the same.He hoped it could comfort Kyuhyun as it comforted him in his youth. It seemed to work, with Kyuhyun looking more relaxed, eyed closed, breathing even.Just when he thought Kyuhyun would sleep,he saw Kyuhyun’s bright eyes looking up at him, staring into his own eyes.

“Sleep” he commanded, bringing his free hand over to Kyuhyun’s face, drawing them gently, tenderly, delicately, over his forehead, down to his eyes, gliding his eyelids shut.

“Sing me a song” Kyuhyun requested, his eyes closed, smile lightly gracing his face.

“What do you want me to sing you?” Yesung attempted to clarify.He was thrilled that Kyuhyun asked him to sing for him.Yesung was well aware that he was not the most talented.He failed at most of the things he has tried in life, but never singing.He was sure that was something he could give to Kyuhyun, something he could be proud of, something he could always do well.Something that was worthy of Kyuhyun.

“Puff the Magic Dragon” Kyuhyun responded, voice sounding hopeful, eyes now opened an d staring into Yesung’s very own, as if trying to convince him to just say yes.

“Can I sing you something else?My English pronunciation is terrible.I can sing so many other songs better.I barely even know the lyrics” Yesung begged Kyuhyun.He really hoped that the maknae would reconsider.Why that song out of everything? Yesung was just so thrilled to be able to do something well for Kyuhyun, then he wanted that song.Yesung was very hesitant.His singing in English was not as amazing as his regular singing.Couldn't Kyuhyun ask him to sing something he could do well? Yesung felt panicked.

“No.I want you to sing me that song.You will sing it for me, right hyung?” Kyuhyun’s voice dripped of sweetness.There was no way Yesung could deny him now.Even in sickness, the child was a conniving brat,Yesung realized.

Yesung up his fears and started the song acapella.He was positive that he missed lyrics, may have got the melody wrong at one point and had replaced the English words he did not know with Korean words.It was a disaster. Kyuhyun for his part did not share those sentiments.For him, it was magnificent.He had a reason for requesting that song. It would be something they could share.He wanted to be the only one to ever hear him sing that, to be in his  presence.He wanted it to be just theirs.He knew that parts of the song were incorrect, but he did not care.That is what made it perfect.Yesung did not like singing songs he did not know or unrehearsed, yet he sang it for Kyuhyun.He sang it, because he wanted to make Kyuhyun happy.Those imperfection just showed Kyuhyun how much Yesung loved him and made him love the lead vocalist even more.

“Sleep now” Yesung commanded once more.Yesung did not think Kyuhyun would decline.After the song, Kyuhyun looked a lot more relaxed, almost drowsy.He continued with the , trying to push him over the edge of consciousness, to let sleep claim him.

“Stay with me” Kyuhyun sleepy requested, reaching up to hold Yesung’s hand in his.Yesung was surprised by the action really.Kyuhyun was not generally very affectionate or very vulnerable.He seemed both of those things in that split second.Yesung would never deny him truly

“Always” Yesung promised.He hoped Kyuhyun understood the double meaning.He was always very awkward with those sorts of things.

“You are so cheesy sometimes hyung” Even half asleep the Evil Maknae still found the wherewithal to tease and mock, yet he did it in such a playful voice, that it was difficult to see anything beyond his cuteness.

“Like your “stay with me” was any better? Now say quiet and sleep” Yesung responded, accompanied by a bad impersonation of Kyuhyun’s previous statement, then drawing his tiny fingers to Kyuhyun’s lips, silencing him when he attempted to respond.He leaned down closer to Kyuhyun, but not touching him, to once more utter a “Sleep” .Kyuhyun simply nodded his head, then attempted to pull his comforted better into place, with Yesung assisting as best as he could.

An hour later Leeteuk entered to find them in the same position.Kyuhyun’s head nestled in Yesung’s lap, flat on his back, comforter covering his body.Yesung still leaning against the wall, fingers running through Kyuhyun’s now messy locks, eyes gazing at him time to time.

“Is he going to be okay?” Leeteuk questioned softly, standing by the side of the bed, carefully not to wake the slumbering maknae, his own eyes raking over him, head to toe, examining him.

“Yeah.He took the medicine and his fever went down a lot.He has not coughed much either" Yesung  also quietly relayed the information to their very overprotective leader, smiling at him, reassuring him that all was well. Leeteuk though still leaned down to feel Kyuhyun’s forehead for himself.Yesung was not offended that Leeteuk did not trust his judgement.When it came to Kyuhyun, Leeteuk was a little more thorough, which is really saying something.

“You should stay with him” Leeteuk suggested looking at him, then the maknae.Yeusng would have probably done so even if Leeteuk had not mentioned it.He simply nodded his head at Leeteuk, who smiled his acknowledgement.

“Where is Sungmin anyway? Shouldn’t he be ready for bed now?’ Yesung questioned the leader.He realized when Kyuhyun had fallen asleep , that he had not seem the other resident of the room ,since he had scolded them and huffed out of the room.

“He said that you two sicken him and that he would sleep in Shindong’s room” Leeteuk informed Yesung,giggling mutely as he remembered the angry man entering the kitchen and complaining about how Kyu was a brat and how all his efforts were pointless, only for Yesung to say Ah and taste the spoils of victory.It was rather amusing, but he did not look like he would agree.

“We didn’t do anything weird!” Yesung apparently misunderstood what Leeteuk meant and now looked at him horror stricken, begging the older man to believe that it was all innocent.

“I know.He just did not appreciate your ‘Ah’ bettering his numerous efforts” Leeteuk assured his dongaseng. Honestly,he wanted to , but he looked so adorably innocent, he did not have the heart to do it.He reached down and patted his head lightly to give him some comfort before, resting his hands on last time on Kyuhyun’s forehead.He then indicated that he was going to bed and that he would see them later, though ensuring to state that Yesung should  come get him if the fever spiked.Yesung just nodded his head diligently.

Yesung , just continued his task after Leeteuk left him.His delicate fingers running through Kyuhyun’s hair, hands on his forehead periodically to gauge the fever, eyes roaming over his form to determine any discomfort he may be feeling, then resting on his face, admiring his innocence and peacefulness.Yesung,knew they had that undefined relationship thing, but at that moment he was happy.Obviously, not happy that his Baby Kyu was ill, but happy that he could be by his side through his illness.He always wished to be near him.He did not need a label, he just needed to love him and be loved by him.He wondered once more why Kyuhyun loved him, but had never doubted the actual love he received.He looked at him once more and prayed that his Kyuhyunnie would never be sick again, but knew that he probably would be again in a couple of weeks.He sighed.What was he going to do with him? Then he smiled truly, as somewhere a voice whispered Everything , Forever.

Kyuhyun awoke a couple hours later and immediately looked for Yesung.It did not take him long, spotting the man laying next to him on the bed, hugging his turtle plushie.When did he retrieve that object? Kyuhyun laughed a bit, then broke into a cough.He tried desperately to silence it but it was too late, Yesung’s eyes were already flicking open.He damned the fact that Yesung was a light sleeper.Before he could tell him he was fine,Yesung had already bolted upright and had his soft, always so warm hands on Kyuhyun’s back.They were hotter to him than the fever he felt everywhere else.He wondered why, but dismissed it as the love thing. Finally getting it to stop , he wanted to reassure Yesung, but was beaten to first speech

“Are you okay? Do you need more medicine? Does you head hurt?” Yesung questioned him rapidly eyes and voice worried.On a good day Kyuhyun probably would not have caught all that ,much less right now.He knew from the look though, what is was about

“I’m fine, just a little cough.I can just drink some water”Kyuhyun was trying to reassure, but was having no luck as Yesung was immediately busy retrieving the glass of water from the cabinet and leading it to Kyuhyun’s lips.Kyuhyun immediately swallowed and smiled at the man, who then looked as if he released a breathe he was holding.

Kyuhyun did not say anything else, instead, waited for Yesung to replace the glass, then pulled him gently back to lay flat on the bed.He shifted his body until he faced Yesung slightly, his single arm wrapped around Yesung's own arm.Kyuhyun wanted Yesung’s warmth, but did not want them to feel any more awkward than they currently were.Physical intimacy was a little weird for the both of them as of now, but Kyuhyun thought his action should be fine.Even before the confessions,Kyuhyun had shared a bed with Yesung at some point, or slept on his shoulder on a long car ride.He did not want to push limits though, so he kept it too a minimum.Yesung however was not uncomfortable, reaching his arm over to gently tug Kyuhyun until Kyuhyun took the hint and took up the offered shoulder. Kyuhyun with the help of Yesung pulled the comforter over the both of them and closed his eyes.

His final thoughts being; who needed medicine when they had Yesung? Then for a snarky voice in head to point out that he was cheesier than Yesung by far, and he should be grateful he had not said that out loud.He calmly informed the snarky demon that ,with his head resting on Yesungs shoulder, his own arms wrapped around the older singer's, warmth radiating of each other, that he could really care less.He closed his eyes, willed the pain away and enjoyed Yesung’s warming presence.

A/N: After Contemplation, I felt exhausted so felt a bit of fluff was in order.This is taken from my planned continuum, so is placed between Contemplation, but before To See The Sunrise.It is not exactly a sequeal or anything, just an exert from my mind about how I see their relationship progressing.Its kinda weird and a little awkward.I really do at fluff. Please Comment and let me  know what you think :)

 A/N 2: A shout out to my favourite Dongsaeng @PreciousKyu, who also goes by Kyurotic.I imagined she would behave very similar to my Kyusung shipping cafe girl.She would definitely make Baby Cloud blush..lol

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Chapter 1: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
392 streak #2
Chapter 1: The way Kyu was still jealous of Siwon tho LOL

Who said you were at fluff? I'll kick their for sure haha~

Nice and cute story btw, can't wait to reread the others
Chapter 1: Tsundere Kyu.. And being wrapped around Yesung's finger :D
Cute combi
I love Yesung's pov in this story.
Today I feel a little down, and your story makes me better. Thank you
Chapter 1: OMG I just love how you just the Kyusung ELF Fan in there, it was a great component, and a stuttering confused Yesung is always just honey to the soul because he's just too cute. And the scene with Sungmin? Genius ! I laughed so hard at the “Seriously, I can’t believe you Kyu. I just spent twenty minutes, begging you to take that blasted medicine and all he has to do is say ‘Ah’ and you just do it?" Yep Sungmin when it's Yesung that's all it takes. Thanks so much for this! : )
Chapter 1: Woow I've been so busy lately studying for yearlies and have'nt been able to read and comment but aaahhhh. LOVE. THIS . STORY!!!!
loveisfree #6
kyu oppa!!
you. are. a. genius.

Who needs medicine when they have Yesung is bloody right! ;D

lol I just went and stole a heart just so I could leave some love here *wink :P

Why aren't we friends lol.

*Adds you ❤*
I love this :D
I gotta say this oneshot was one of the best Kyusung oneshots ever ^^ I find a mad Sungmin so adorable because it just reminds me of a angry bunny. I don't know what bunnies look like though when mad... Awe Yesung is so freakin' adorable!!!

<3 Kyusung <3
ice420 #9
Ah.. I like it ^^ Honest. It's just soo realistic. I wished Yeye understood those fangirls at the cafe though *chuckles* Boy would his face be beet red then. But you know, I really really wanna read that 'confession' thingy. BOTH! *laughs* Keep going. We need more KyuSung lovin!!!