still lf : friends and cute people to spend the Christmas & New Year week with


i decided that taking a short break and meeting some new people wouldn't hurt


hello, firstly thank you for opening this ad! I got back on aff after a while and figured how it is so hard now to find places to join. so i decided to make this ad, hopefully i can find some new friends to have fun with during Christmas day and the new year day. so here's a bit about me;

- i'm , so if you are a minor please don't bother to read the rest of this ad.

- i'm looking for friends and some cute people to playfully flirt with.

- not looking for something serious though, but maybe if there are sparks? (chances are 10/100 since i already have a lot on my plates). but i am always down for new friends.

- i'm not into mobile/pc games but if you're up for plato games or some simple games you want to introduce me to, i'd love for us to play that together.

- netflix party or anything like that will be okay for me, esp during weekends!

- this ad made me realize that i'm a boring person but maybe we can talk first? i promise i am a lot more fun once we get through the ice stage. 

- my pronoun is he/him and MY fc is actually very limited to en 02z.

please do pm your twitter handle / dc tag if you're interested!


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