GAME 1: LET’S GO TOGETHER – 같이 갑시다~ part 1


Time: 6am


An elderly lady limps into a library style room. There are bookshelves filled with books outlining the room while there is a king sized bed in the middle of the room. “This lazy bum is still asleep” she said while staring at the alarm clock plastered on the glass wall below a family portrait. She slowly walks with her cane to the bed where the boy was sleeping. “He is so cute sleeping but too bad he’s going to be late for school!” she yelled in the boy’s right ear.

“Ahhh….just give me a few more mins…grandma” he said while trailing off into another deep slumber.

{Tsk…this kid…} “Junhyung, Wake up!!!” said grandma while pushing her grandson out of bed with full force.


 Junhyung moaned. “Mmm…Grandma…why are you waking me up so flippin’ early?”

“Don’t you want to see your father off?”

Junhyung sat on the floor and stared at his grandma with discontent.

“No…I don’t. And I’m glad he’s leaving.” Junhyung said while pulling covers over his head to hide his bed hair.

{Stupid father…he’s not even my father…he freakin’ disowned me. Screw him…I hate him}

The grandmother stared at her grandson. She sighed and said “Don’t misunderstand your father…”

When Junhyung heard those words, he went into a rage fit.

“What the hell you mean ‘don’t misunderstand your father’? He’s not even my father. Whenever I needed something, my mother would get it for me. When I was sick at the hospital for two months, everyone came to see me but him. Yet you have the nerve to call him my father?”

“Junhyung, you watch your mouth…”

“Or what? What the hell can you do?”

“You…are crossing the line”

“What line? That lined was already crossed when you mentioned that bastard in my presence.”

The grandmother slapped Junhyung. “He is my son and your father…”

“Yeah…he is your son…that’s why you agreed to send me to this private school…so you can live peacefully with him…you are no different than that bastard.”

Junhyung walks to the closet to get a change of clothes and walks to the door that leads into the main hallway. Before he reached the door, he saw his father and angrily walked pass him. He went down the royal-colored railed staircase and outside to the outside indoor pool house.

The grandmother fell to the floor and cried. Junhyung’s father walked in to help his mother.

“Why is he like this?”

“…It’s my fault…I’m sorry mother…”

“What do you mean?”

“When…” Junhyung’s father stammered but, eventually, he told his mother the story of what happened before his son was hospitalized for two months.

“Stupid family…why couldn’t I just stay with my mom’s side of the family…even though they are bastards too…at least they care for me properly.” Said Junhyung angrily while putting on his uniform for his new school, SMA.

{Stupid red jacket…If they let me go to the school I wanted…I wouldn’t be wearing this bull’s-eye…even terrorist can find me with this stupid jacket on…}

Junhyung finished dressing and walk to the bus stop that was 1 mile away from his home.

{What was it again…take the 20 to the 220 and get off at the second stop?}

When he reached the bus stop, he noticed a high schooler reading his father’s detective novel.

{Damn it…another person reading his books. Don’t they know that cool-down to earth detective is all a lie…tsk I wish everyone who reads his books live one day in my shoes…you will see the real him. Genius detective he is…but the worst father in history…}

The bus finally comes and he began his journey to his new school.

<2 hours later>

Junhyung gets off the bus tiredly. {Finally here…}

“Ah..this sun…it’s so bright…” complained Junhyung while squinting to see the narrow road ahead of him that leads to the school.

{hmm…is this the so called narrow path that is less traveled?} Junhyung humored himself.

“Oh…he’s so handsome..” whispered a lot of the girls near him.

Junhyung looks at the girls and the some of the girls squealed in delight.

{Ah…another school…but just as annoying…} Junhyung sighed.

“He might make it” said one girls staring at junhyung.

{Might make what?...Don’t put me in you guys’ convoluted plans…}

“Yeah, the Prince Academy recently started growing…” the girl started to day dream.

“Hey! Let’s go ask his name?” squealed the other girls.


Junhyung tried to run away but the girls saw him and ran after him.

{Damn it…school didn’t even start yet alone PE and I’m already sweating bullets. man…}

Junhyung ran and ran throughout the whole entire school. Every time…from his left or right…squealing fan girls were running after him.

Junhyung ran passed 1 – A, while the sound of squealing fan girls closed in.

A curious kid looked outside his classroom. \\Fan girls zoom by him\\ {Wah…a new member…I must meet him}

The curious kid ran towards the back way to the cafeteria. {He should be making his way there soon}

\\Back to junhyung\\

Junhyung saw a bush and ran behind it. {Damn it there’s no place to hide. It’s going to be soon before someone sees me}. He pondered for a bit while hiding behind a bush. Then out of nowhere a basketball hits him from behind.  Junhyung turns around bewildered but then he saw the basketball court behind him.

“Hey…pass…” said this tall, handsome kid while waving his hands. Junhyung just nodded his head coolly in acknowledgement. But junhyung froze when he heard “OMG There he is…” as a mob of school girls ran towards his direction. He grew annoyed. He threw the ball back to the athlete and ran for his life. Yet the school girls did not chase after him. They were too busy staring at the hot athlete. The athlete laughed his off while watching Junhyung run away. Another handsome athlete walks up behind the first athlete.

“Doo Joon…what’s so funny? Don’t tell me you forgot we are playing a game…unless you want to call it quits and you..automatically pay for today’s lunch?” said the second athlete.

Doo Joon gave his friend a daring smile. “You would love for me to do that wouldn’t you, Dong Woon?”

“So hot…So handsome…Doo Joon…no wonder he is Prince B…” cried out the crowd of girls.

“But of course…” replied Dong Woon with a similar smile as he smacks the ball out of Doo Joon’s hands and begin another intense round of  basketball.

The mob of school girls that Junhyung thought was chasing him weren’t really chasing him. But junhyung continue to run until he gets to the entry of the school again. Junhyung was out of breath. He was so tired and he threw his bag on the ground out of annoyance. {What the hell is wrong with this school?} He goes to sit on the bench and then out of nowhere…he hears the screams of school girls. “There’s the guy from earlier”. Junhyung turns around and he sees another crowd of school girls running towards him. Junhyung followed his recently installed instinct to run like crazy. He ran halfway around campus and behind the cafeteria building. {Oh no...where to hide?} He started to panic as he hears the fan-girling screams get closer and closer. Then from behind someone grabs him from the waist and pulls him behind a brick wall. Junhyung tried to yell but the strangers hands covered his mouth. “Shhh.. or you’ll get us caught…” Junhyung turns around and see another handsome kid. But this kid had big pretty eyes and really cute cheeks. In Junhyung’s eyes he looks like a middle-school-aged student, especially when the kid smiles. Junhyung was about to ask the kid his name…but he completely froze when he heard school girls voices.

“I thought he ran back here…” “I guess not” “Let’s search somewhere else” “Okay” and with that conversation the girls left to another location.

The kid removed one of the bricks and saw that no one was there. “It’s all clear.”

Junhyung let out a huge sigh. “Thank you so much. What is with this school anyway? Are there no teachers to tell them to not run in the hallways or something?”

The kid laughed at him. “You must be the new transfer student Junhyung…Yong Junhyung, right?”

Junhyung looked confused. {This kid…goes to this school too? Wow he must be smart.}

The kid giggled. “I’m Yoseob. Yang Yoseob…”

Junhyung stares at the kid. Yoseob, feeling slightly awkward, smiled at the silent Junhyung and grabbed Junhyung’s hand. Yoseob decided that since Junhyung is new here that he will show him around. So they started walking around the school.

“Wait…where are you taking me?” said Junhyung as he pulled away from Yoseob.

Yoseob gave a huge child like smile and said, “I’m going to be your tour guide. I hope you don’t mind?”

“Okay…I guess…but…don’t hold hands with me…it’s kinda weird...” {What’s with this kid and skinship…he grabs my waist and now…holding hands…I need to be careful}

Yoseob looked confused but nod his head. They continue walking until they reached the front of the cafeteria.

“This is the cafeteria.”

“Ahh so this floor is…” Junhyung faded while he heard Yoseob laugh at him.

“What…What’s so funny?”

“This whole building is the cafeteria, silly.”

Junhyung stared at the building in disbelief. {This…5 story building is the cafeteria…this fool must be trippin}

“The first floor is the entry area with a lounge…See…” said Yoseob while he walk into the building and Junhyung follows from behind.

“This is the lounge area and over there is the cafeteria’s bulletin board.”

“So…what are the other floors?”

Yoseob walk to the bulletin board while Junhyung follows closely.

“As you see here, second floor for 1st years, third floor is for 2nd years and so forth.”

Junhyung stares at the board and notice something unusual.

“ 5th floor…Wangja-deul hakwon?”

“Yeah…Prince Academy only.”

“What…is this school…”

“Follow me.”

They go to the elevator to the 5th floor, the so called Prince Academy only floor.

“This…my friend is the Prince Academy’s dining facility. Only approved personnel can come here.”

In front of the entrance to the dining area were security guards. {What the hell…is…is…this necessary?}

Yoseob took out his pass and the security guards scan it. Yoseob goes in but Junhyung was stopped at the entrance.

“Can I see your pass sir?”

“Uh…I don’t have one..?”

“Then you cannot enter.”

Yoseob overheard the conversation.

“Whoops…sorry guys…He’s with me…”

Yoseob pulls Junhyung into the dining hall. It was a massive area. You walk in and you can sense the royal treatment unlike the other floors. The hall was painted in a dark red color while the floor was half carpet and half cherry wood oak floors. It was magnificent and grand. The tables were clothed with the finest silk and had pictures from the renaissance area. Junhyung stared in awe of the place. Yoseob smiled and continued.

“See over here…” Yoseob walked through a well lit volcanic rock granite pathway and on the walls were plastered random people that he didn’t know but he noticed that his guide, Yoseob, was plastered on the wall as well as the athletic guy that told him to pass the ball. {So…these are the princes}

“These are the Princes that are allowed to enter this wonderful realm of royalty.”

“What…is this for?” {Probably for the super rich bastards that can’t do anything on their own…this school is starting to sicken me….}

“This is for rewarding the most outstanding students that are chosen by the school’s female population.”

“So in other words…popularity contest…”

Yoseob sighed.

“You can say that…but…don’t take it lightly…”

Junhyung stared at him. “What do you mean ‘don’t take it lightly’? All these people on here are handsome guys with a rich family background right?”

Yoseob was slightly hurt by that comment.

{Junhyung…I thought you were different…}

Junhyung sees the glum faced Yoseob.

“I mean…I’m just assuming…I shouldn’t do that…I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”

Yoseob smiled slightly. {Or Maybe I wasn’t wrong…}

“I guess you can say that…we are popular, we tend to be rich…but the thing that is different…we are well known for our talents and abilities. We are the schools ‘Stars’ and ‘pride and joy’…you know that type of thing. But once you fail…” Yoseob trailed off.


Yoseob forced a smile on his face. “You won’t be acknowledged by the school anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

“You will become black listed…”

“Black list?”

“Yes…it’s a list that Vice Principal Ji Kyung made when she became VP last year. It’s a list of people who are frowned upon by the school. Once your name is on the list…it will haunt you forever…”

Junhyung stared at him.

“Are you…blacklisted…?”

“Yeah…I am…but I’m one of the special cases.” Said Yoseob happily.

{Hmm…this school…is freakin’ strange…why the heck am I here?}

“So…what do you mean it follows you? What is a special case?”

“See…if you are black listed when you graduate…then you can’t get a good job, you can’t get into a good graduate school and etc…This school isn’t like the other schools…this school is an elite school…if you don’t do well here…they make sure you don’t do well in your life…”

“What??? Is that even possible?” {The hell…can’t they go to jail for that?...this doesn’t make sense}


“Then…what about you?”

“I’m one of the special cases, remember? I’m from the Yang family. We tend to be talented musicians. My brother Yang Seungho is gifted in playing the piano and in singing. He also have very good grades. Me, I’m talented in singing as well but my grades are slightly poor…unfortunately…” Yoseob said with an awkward smirk and his right hand covering his neck.

“Ah…so that’s why your blacklisted. So if you have bad grades you are blacklisted…I see”

“Not only that…if you get 150 out of 200 discipline marks then you are also blacklisted.”

“150 points…That’s a lot to get…”

“Well that is what you might say.” Yoseob reaches under the cabinet that was behind them and takes out two stools, two bottles of cyder and two glasses filled with ice. {Eh? Don’t we have to go to class…why are we sitting here? And isn’t this…too romantic?}

Yoseob looks at Junhyung. “Ah…Don’t worry about 1st period. It’s just homeroom for two hours. I will send a text to the teacher and tell him that we won’t attend homeroom today but, we are here. So we won’t be marked absent.”

Yoseob pulls out his cell phone and also the schools planner. Yoseob turns the page to 25 and give the planner to Junhyung to read while he texted the homeroom teacher.

{The disciplinary mark system…Woah…its stricter than I thought…}

\\The List\\

·         Unexcused Absence for the day – 20 points

o    Missing a class excluding Homeroom– 5 points each

·         Violence

o    ual Harassment 60 points each time

o    Bullying 40 points

§  Bullying VP’s son 100

o    Excused Fighting – 10 points

o    Unexcused Fighting – 30 points

·         Cell phones In class – 30 points

o    Cell phone usage during study time –10 points

o    Cell Phone usage during test/quiz time – 40 points and an automatic O on the test or quiz

o    Cell phone usage during a concert recital/special guest speaker – 50 points


“Woah…Bullying VP’s son is an automatic 100 marks…”

Yoseob looks up.

“Yeah…Her son is…” Yoseob turns around and points to the first picture that starts the first row.

“Prince A is Vice Principal Ji Kyung’s son. His name is Jang Hyun Seung. He’s an all around perfect student. His specialty is computer programming and engineering. He is also very talented in dancing and singing. But don’t let his good looks fool you.”

“What do you mean?”

“He has a really low immune system, so he get sick easily and bruised easily as well. He’s a 2er”

“ why is he Prince A?”

“A for all around perfect.”

“Wait…hold on…the letters have titles to it?” Junhyung laughed.

Yoseob smiled. {He has a pretty smile}  “Yeah…its silly isn’t it?”

Junhyung nodded and he looked up. “...ahh.. I met that kid earlier.”

“Ahhh…Doo Joon. He’s Prince B and the school’s basketball star. His grades are also good too.”

“B for basketball…I get it”

“Yeah…the next one is Prince C. His name is Lee Chang Sun. We call him Lee Joon. He likes that name. He is also black listed.”

“What did he do?”

“He’s the first and only prince to ever reach 150 marks.”

“Waoh…what did he do?”

“He’s the toughest guy out of all of us. He always gets into fights but he never tell the reasons behind them. So VP always marks it as unexcused.  And he also missed classes as well.”

“Ahhh the typical bad boy…”

“Yeah but the unique thing about him is that he is a literary genius in both English and Korean. It’s amazing. When you see him too…he looks so sophisticated and elegant.”

“Hmm…It seems you like him a lot?”

Yoseob was slightly taken aback by that comment.

“I mean…nevermind…”

“Oh…” Yoseob nodded and continued. “He’s also 2er and he have so-so grades. He’s at math mainly. The next one is Prince D, Lee Ki Kwang. He’s Lee Joon’s best friend and he is also blacklisted.”

“Ahh…they fight together?”

“Sometimes…but the main reason why he is blacklisted is his random absence of classes. He tends to miss class because he’s always scouting.”


“Yeah…he has this issue…where he wants to be a super hero…and he always miss class trying to help someone or he falls asleep scouting for people who need help. He was suppose to be a 2er but…yeah”

“That’s kinda weird…”

“I mean…he’s really helpful and he’s nice…it’s just that…”

“I understand…you don’t need to explain it” laughed Junhyung.

“Okay, next is Prince E, my older brother, Yang Seung Ho. I’ve already told you about him. He is a 3er.”

“Why is he Prince E?”

“E for elegant”

“So…year isn’t important? Just…what the crazy girls name them?”

“Yep pretty much. The next one is me. I was recently added. After me is Prince G. Jung Byung Hee is his name and playing girls is his game.”

Yoseob and Junhyung laughed.

“Yeah he’s a player. But don’t let his playing ways fool you…he has a scary and powerful social network. It is said that even the police often ask him to help with special cases that they can’t solve.”

“Hm..that’s interesting…”

“He is a 3er and he is also the President’s son.”

“Woah…the President?”

“Yep. Next is Prince I. He’s in our class 1- A. His name is Park Sang Hyun. I is for Impossible.”

“Well…that’s not nice…”

“Ha…but it’s true. It’s impossible for his type to become one of the Princes but he did. He comes from a middle class family and have average grades. He also isn’t very skilled…well to our knowledge. And he also is a fan of your father’s works.”

Junhyung clicked his tongue and turned around to face the counter with the glasses.

“What’s wrong?” {It seems Junhyung and his father are not on well terms…I hope I didn’t offend him.}

“…nothing…do you guys have milkis?”

“Milkis…what is that?”

“OMG you don’t know what milkis is?” Junhyung grabbed Yoseob’s hand and dragged him to the elevator.

“Where are we going?”

“To get some milkis…”


They ride the elevator to the 3rd floor and went to the vending machines. Junhyung puts in two 500 won coins in and two cans of Milkis came out. He hands one to Yoseob and he opens the other can for himself. Yoseob stares at him.

“What…drink it…it won’t kill you” said Junhyung as he used his can to hit Yoseob’s can of Milkis.


Junhyung gulps down his can of Milkis while Yoseob stares at him and smiled. {Well…it won’t kill me to try it either} Yoseob drinks it as well.

“Woah…this is interesting but yummy. What is it?”

“It’s milk soda. Whenever I’m sad or angry, I drink Milkis.”

“When…I mentioned your father…”

Junhyung smirked.

“It’s okay. I was just craving one…So anyone else that is added on the prince academy that I should be aware of?”

“Hmm..ahh I skipped Prince H. He’s also in our class even though he’s younger than us. He’s really smart and he’s talented in the field of science. He’s name is Bang Chul Yong. He’s kinda stand offish and cold to everyone except to his family. His dad is the Principal of the school and his older sister is a well noted teacher. She’s our homeroom teacher and also our math teacher. Her name is Bang Ji Young. She allows her students to call her Ji Young or Ashley.”

“Hmm…I heard about her. When she was a student, she won every math-a-thon in the city and placed number 2 in the country. I admire her.”

“Ahhh…it seems you have a crush…” teased Yoseob.

“No, I don’t…”

Yoseob continued to tease. Junhyung marched to the elevator.

“I’m going to leave you…”

“Wait don’t go…”

Yoseob chugged his Milkis soda and ran into the elevator. {This silly kid…who chugs a soda?}

They went to the first floor  and  they ran into Prince A.

“Hey Hyun Seung!” shouted yoseob.

“Yo…oh who’s your friend?”

“He’s the new kid. I’m showing him around.”

“Ahh…Hi I’m Hyun Seung. You are?”

“I’m Yong Jun Hyung. Nice to meet you.” {He seems really nice and sweet…who would bully him?}

“Ahh you’re the person all the girls and teachers are talking about.”


“You might be the last person listed in the Prince Academy. Congrats. Your father is a well renowned detective and author right?”

“Unfortunately…”whispered Junhyung.

“Eh?” said Hyun Seung while staring at Yoseob. Yoseob gave HyunSeung various looks to hint at that Junhyung and his father are on bad terms.

Sensing that he made the atmosphere around them awkward, Junhyung finally said, “Uhh…yeah…he is…”

“What are you doing here Hyun Seung? It’s not like you to miss homeroom.” Yoseob suddenly said noticing the air around Junhyung.

“Ah...I’m here to eat.”

Junhyung looked at the watch, {It’s almost 10 am} and he asked “It’s a bit early to eat lunch…isn’t it?”

“Ahh…”stammered Hyun Seung. “Well…I just took my medicine…so I have to eat after 30 mins.”

{Eh…why is he stammering}

Junhyung noticed that Hyun seung was looking down to the ground. A scream is heard outside. It wasn’t your typical fan girl squeal. It was a scream out of pure fear. Junhyung, Hyun Seung, and Yoseob looked around but saw no one in site. {What….is going on?} They went outside. They heard even more screams from various students. They ran to the front of the school where the coat of arms was located and there…there was the horrible sighting. A person was hanged on the schools coat of arms.

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