don't let me go


Yurina took it and held it tightly in her hand, afraid that it would slip through her fingers again like sand.


this one happens in the same world as my other story "no one can hurt us now." but you dont have to read that to understand this one but if you want to check that out, who am i to stop you hehehe.

and tmi i actually started this yesterday and fortunately, i was able to finish it today just in time for xiaorina day.

that said, happy xiaorina day and enjoy~~


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Chapter 1: this was so angsty
Chapter 1: Xiaoting should've tell her that she loves Yurina(not as a friend) the night before Yurina goes outside,just maybe Yurina stays by her side & didn't need to damn risk her life just for the necklace.This makes me cry early this morning,thank you for making this angst story author,I miss Yurina so much :((((.
reading this hurts even more after yurina not making it into kep1er
Chapter 1: Poor Xiaoting 🥺 she held out hope the whole time :')