two: a guest

remember my love, as I do yours
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Jongwoon didn’t think anyone would believe his story, something so strange that it would require all his reader’s faith in his veracity to believe his story. It wasn’t only true, nevertheless, but truth of which he had been an eye witness to. Not that he could make much sense of any of his life.


It was a sweet summer evening, and Jongwoon loitered around the grounds outside, contemplating the possible marriage options presented to him by his parents earlier that same day. He had nearly a mile to walk back before reaching the road that passed the castle in front, and by that time the moon was shining brilliantly. At the drawbridge, he met Taeyeon and Yoona, who had come out, without their bonnets, to enjoy the exquisite moonlight. The two young ladies were staying at the Kims’ castle, hoping to court one of the Kim brothers. Although, Jongwoon had the feeling they weren’t interested in courting any of them. But he wasn’t one to speculate.


Jongwoon heard their voices gabbling in animated dialogue as he approached. He joined them at the drawbridge, and turned to admire the beautiful scene with them. 


The glade through which he had just walked lay before them. At their left, the narrow road wound away under clumps of trees, and was lost to sight amid the thickening forest. At the right, the same road crossed the picturesque bridge, near which stood a ruined tower which once guarded that pass; and beyond the bridge, an abrupt eminence rose, covered with trees, and showing in the shadows some grey ivy-clustered rocks.


Over the low grounds, a thin film of mist was stealing, like smoke, marking the distances with a transparent veil; and here and there they could see the river faintly flashing in the moonlight.


No softer, sweeter scene could be imagined. Jongwoon thought it melancholic; but nothing could disturb its character of profound serenity, and the enchanted glory and vagueness of the prospect.


Jongwoon stood, looking in violence over the expanse beneath him. The two young ladies, standing a little way behind him, discoursed upon the scene, and were eloquent upon the moon.


Taeyeon seemed to be a romantic at heart, and talked and sighed poetically. Yoona now declared that when the moon shone with a light so intense it was well known that it indicated a special spiritual activity. Jongwoon knew her father to be something of a mystic, so it didn’t faze him. 


The effect of the full moon in such a state of brilliancy was manifold. It acted on dreams, it acted on lunacy, it acted on nervous people; it had marvellous physical influences with life. 


“The moon, this night,” Yoona said, “is full of idyllic and magnetic influence — and see, when you look behind you at the front of the castle, how all its windows flash and twinkle with that silvery splendour, as if unseen hands had lighted up the rooms to receive fairy guests.”


Jongwoon raised an eyebrow. There are indolent states of the spirits in which, indisposed to talk ourselves, the talk of others was pleasant to his listless ears; and Jongwoon gaze on, pleased with the tinkle of the ladies' conversation.


“I have got into one of my moping moods to-night,” said Jongjin, after appearing silently, and quoting Shakespeare, whom, by way of keeping up their English, he used to read aloud when they were younger, he said:


“'In truth I know not why I am so sad:

It wearies me; you say it wearies you;

But how I got it—came by it.'


"I forget the rest. But I feel as if some great misfortune were hanging over us."


At that precise moment, the unwonted sound of carriage wheels and many hoofs upon the road, arrested their attention. They seemed to be approaching from the high ground overlooking the bridge, and very soon the equipage emerged from that point. Two horsemen first crossed the bridge, then followed a carriage drawn by four horses, and two men rode behind.


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392 streak #1
Chapter 4: You will continue this, right? Author-nim??? I want that next chapter button T^T
392 streak #2
sounds interesting! can't wait to read >_<
Chapter 4: I'm curious as to what lied ahead. I'm wishing for this story to be continued