Chapter 2 (Distress?)

Royally Fxcked (Male Y/N x Prince)

Chapter 2

With a thick accent that sounded like a british and american accent combined he held out his hand and said,"Hello, I am the crowned Prince of Historiess. It is a pleasure to meet you." You smile shake his hand and then look at your brother. Your brother smiles and says, "Me and Mr.Prince of Historiess were just playing cricket..want to come and play brother?" He hands holds out a club. You hesitate and then take it. All of you start playing. Its been about 30 minutes. You brother runs up to you."Ha, looks your getting beat." You side eye your brother. "Ha ha very funny elder brother but I assure you I am going to win by the end of this!" Your brother laughs, "Sure lets see you win."

Your brother turns to walk away when his eyes roll up into his head and he starts falling to thr ground. You notice and catch him. "BROTHER STAY AWAKE!!HELP ME!"The prince turns around and runs over. "What happened?!?" You try and lift him up, you see blood bleeding through his shirt and blood trickling down out of his mouth and onto his chin. Everyone in the castle runs out side to see the commotion. It's a mess, you stare at your unconscious brother in your hands.

The noise blurs and dies out and all you can see is him. He wakes up for a split second and looks up at you. He smiles and closes his eyes.....

Your in your room, covering your ears to block out all of the sounds. The screams, the terrible screams, the crying. You sit there in your bed unable to do anything about the situation. Next thing you know it's the next day and your standing there in the rain watching people put your brother in the ground. Unable to speak,cry,yell. You just sit there and stare with your eyes wide open, traumatized.

Your mother left you alone for about 4 days, the entire castle was grieving everyone needed a break. However as soon as that break was over your mother came. Since your brother died it was your turn you have to be future king now. All of the time you had to prepare, gone. It was all time spent on your brother. Now you only have a month and a half  before the special ball. How in the world are you making it?

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