
A Letter in the Wind
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Two weeks have passed since Donghae arrived at the palace.

He still didn't talk to Hyunjung and eat his meals in the bedroom because he didn't want to see his appa. It was more than obvious to everyone that the Emperor suffered because his son was so far away and he even asked Ryeowook to talk to the pink-haired omega, but all the prince did was sigh and say:

- That's definitely not my problem.

Hyunjung was a little tired of hearing phrases like that. He wanted his children to respect him, but it was as if everything was getting worse and worse. He really wanted things to go back to the way they were.

But after lunch (and once again without Donghae at the table), Hyunjung took Siwoo for a walk while Heechul was still organizing the dance. Ryeowook wanted to approach his older brother to talk, but he shook his head and went to look for Donghae who wasn't leaving the room. The blond omega went to his pink-haired brother, knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes.

Ryeowook insisted and Donghae finally opened the door, sighing and saying:

- Hello, Wook. Did something happen?

- I haven't seen you in two weeks. How are you?

- Tired and sad. How are you?

- I think I'm as good as possible. – he smiled – Can I come in?

- Yes, you can.

So Ryeowook entered the room and Donghae closed the door. He saw that the nest was clearly tidy, so he sat down on a chair and said:

- Kyuhyun wanted to see you.

- And why didn't he come?

- Because he's helping Heechul with the dance.

Donghae arched an eyebrow.

- What dance?

- Oh! So you don't know… – Ryeowook shook his head – Heechul gave appa the idea of ​​a dance so you and I can meet our suitors.

- I am not going.

- Listen, this is a plan to get us out of this situation.

- I don't care. I want to go live with my omma and be with Hyukjae. – Donghae was emphatic – And what do you intend to do?

- Well... Sir Kim said he'll be the suitor I'll choose.

Hearing those words caused an expected reaction in Donghae. First he got to his feet and went to the window, hugging himself. Then looking at the garden, which at that moment had no beauty at all, he pressed his lips together in a frustrated attempt not to cry.

But the tears could not be contained. They expressed all Donghae's feeling of sadness there knowing that he couldn't have what he wanted. It was as if life no longer had a purpose and that he had to sacrifice himself to have something he didn't care about. Ryeowook touched his brother's shoulder, but all Donghae did was to walk away, open the door and say in a choked voice:

- Please... I need to be alone.

- Hae, no. You've been isolating yourself the last few days and that's not good.

- Ryeowook, please, leave.

Ryeowook shook his head, but ended up lowering his shoulders and walked out of Donghae's room. And when he was alone, Donghae lay down on his bed and hugged his pillow, crying softly because it was the only thing he could do at the moment. Why did it hurt so much to see that he had no choice and should go down a path he was far from wanting?

Donghae saw no way out of his problem.

And meanwhile, Hyukjae was very worried about Donghae.

He hadn't seen the omega in two weeks and didn't even know how he was. Hyukjae feared for Donghae's health and wanted to make sure he hadn't done anything to sabotage his own life. After the days at Chaeyeong's house, Hyukjae thought that Donghae would be more excited about the chance they might have to run away.

But luckily, seeing Ryeowook wandering around the palace as if he was taking a walk, Hyukjae knew that this was his chance to ask what happened to Donghae. The alpha then approached the blonde haired omega and said:

- Sorry to bother you, Your Highness, but I need to know how Prince Donghae is doing.

Ryeowook sighed.

- He just kicked me out of the room, Sir Lee. I went there to see if he was well, but sadness and tiredness took over my brother's mind and now... I don't know what to do to get Donghae out of this situation.

- I would like to see him, but I believe that is impossible.

At that moment Ryeowook had an idea.

- Maybe not. – the omega smiled while the alpha was confused – You could wait for him in the garden. Omma doesn't like the servants going there because only she can tend the garden with Donghae, so I'll find a way to get him out of the room.

Hyukjae smiled widely.

- Do you think you can do that?

- For sure. I don't give up so quickly. – Ryeowook smiled confidently – Go to the garden. Here's the key to the gate.

Hyukjae nodded and so Ryeowook went back inside the palace. He didn't know how Donghae would welcome him again, but he didn't want to let his brother suffer like that. Then the omega knocked on the bedroom door and once again the pink-haired omega opened it, this time being rude:

- I have nothing to talk about, Ryeowook.

- Maybe not to me, but to Sir Lee...

Donghae's eyes widened.

- What do you mean? Is he here? – he looked for the alpha and Ryeowook replied:

- In the garden waiting for you. I'm going too so as not to arouse suspicion. – and smiled at his brother who quickly wiped his face and pinched his cheeks to get some color – Let's go for the ride.

Donghae nodded and left with Ryeowook who fixed his brother's hair as they walked out of the palace. Heechul saw them and raised an eyebrow, but thought it best to talk to them later because he wanted to resolve the situation and explain his plan.

But far from remembering dances or the like, Donghae straightened his clothes and took a deep breath when he reached the garden and Ryeowook opened the door. And when he saw Hyukjae, the pink-haired omega quickly ran up to the alpha and hugged him. Hyukjae also hugged Donghae and inhaled the scent of his hair.

Finally the two were together.

- I can't believe you came. – Hyukjae cupped Donghae's face and kissed him – I missed you so much.

- I missed you too, Hyuk. Every day I was away from you was torture. I didn't know what to do, and all I could think about was that our lives wouldn't go as we planned at omma's.

- I know and I can't have an idea of ​​what to do. Your brother is planning the dance and I had to deliver one of the invitations to a house nearby. Just the thought of someone else courting you makes me sad.

- It makes me sad too. I'd been thinking about running away all along, but I was afraid appa would send me to the House of Omega if he found me.

- And what are we going to do? Do you have any other ideas?

Donghae sighed.

- No. All I can think about is saying no to suitors who come to meet me and then going to omma's as planned. Appa won't stop me, for he knows I'm not entitled to the throne as well as my children.

- So if you have that in mind, I'll keep our plan as before.

When Donghae smiled, anyone could see that this was the first time in weeks that he had smiled sincerely.

- I missed your smile so much. – Hyukjae murmured while cupping Donghae's face – I don't want to be without you anymore, but I don't know what to do to see each other often.

Then Ryeowook cleared his throat – reminding the two that they weren't alone – and said:

- I can help you two, but now Donghae and I need to leave.

- Why?

- Because I heard the horses and maybe appa and omma have arrived.

Donghae sighed, looked at Hyukjae and whispered:

- I promise I won't hide anymore, but you need to see me more often in the garden. This is the only place I can come without attracting suspicion.

- Alright, I'll come find you. But just know that my heart is yours.

Donghae was stunned at first, but then he smiled widely and replied:

- My heart is yours.

With that, they kissed and Hyukjae left the garden first. Ryeowook hugged Donghae and said:

- Don't worry, Hae. We're going to get out of this situation.

Donghae bit the corner of his mouth and then said:

- I hope so, Wook. I hope so.


Heechul got some free time and went to stay with Jungsu and Kyuhyun who were in the courtyard watching the butterflies. He smiled and waved as he approached and then laughed as his son stood up and hugged his legs. Heechul Kyuhyun's hair and sat next to Jungsu who smiled and asked:

- Finally got a break to stay with us?

- Yes. Organizing a dance is very difficult and I still have a few more invitations to send. We have to buy flowers since omma won't let me take them from her garden, and I still have to decide what food we're going to serve. And I still have to go into town, with the guards sniffing my neck, to pick out some fabrics for my brothers' clothes.

- You really have a lot to do, Chul. – Jungsu sighed and looked at Kyuhyun who was trying to catch a butterfly – I don't know if it was a good idea to have come here.

Heechul looked at Jungsu in amazement.

- Why?

- Because we're not happy. Kyuhyun and I have nothing to do here and he almost always asks me when we're going back to our house and if you can come with us.

- But I'm trying. I thought you would be with me to face it all.

- Well, I promised I would. But honestly, I don't like how we're being treated here. Your appa seems to look at Kyuhyun like my son is a big nuisance.

- And do you want to go? Because if you leave, my appa wins.

Jungsu looked at Heechul.

- It's not about who will win here, Heechul. Your appa wins anyway, as he only made you organize the ball yourself with the intention of driving us away.

- And are we going to let that happen?

- How so?

Heechul sighed.

- If you leave, he wins because that means he achieved the goal that was to separate us. – and held the other alpha's hand – Let's show that we are stronger than anything he does.

Jungsu shook his head as he thought about what Heechul had said. It was true that Hyunjung just wanted to get revenge and keep his eldest son away from Jungsu and Kyuhyun. But at the same time it was a little hard to think about leaving Heechul just because

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I hope you guys enjoy the last chapter ^^


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LeeLenaMx #1
Chapter 12: Thank you for this beautiful happy ending 💙
All the story is sweet and I love how caring all the characters are about family. All became a big loving family
16 streak #2
Chapter 12: wow
1640 streak #3
Chapter 12: Haha, in the end Wookie was the oracle and had the baby's gender right ^^ So what will he get from Heechul, now? Btw, I see Wookie will be an amazing emperor, maybe the best this kingdom ever sees. Maybe an emotional omega is what this kingdom needs. And I try to imagine emperor Wookie with his blunt behavior meeting the counselors XD When they gave a hard time to his appa, it's on him to give the old man a hard time... I already love it ❤️❤️ But it's a pity he might won't have own children. I can see this would make him clamer and soften his temper. It just would be sweet to see sassy Wookie with a pup of his own, especially when he don't want it and might throw a tantrum when he gets the news... Poor alpha who has to deal with it XD But you know Wookie is way my favorite character here. This little rude sassy omega ^^ Talking about rude 11 year old Luna, felt like he forgot how he was in her age and maybe worse... XD I see Wookie as prince who was more a handful for his parents, than his brothers. Because he's the youngest and maybe that's why everyone treats him as the little prince ^^ Btw, I would love to read an episode about the three brothers in their childhood. They must be an adorable trio and a nightmare for their parents, sometimes ^^

Oh, and I see it's not only the brothers who make a development here. Also the emperor changed, and this in a good way. It's just a pity he didn't cared before what his sons wanted to do or wanted to have in life. And if he would have shown his strength before, the stupid nobles wouldn't dare to treat him and his sons so disrespectful. Hope it will get better in the future, especially when they see how Wookie is as grand prince. And maybe they will even get an apology, at least it was Wookie's idea to stop the embargo.

Another thing that I just realized now are the names of the districts where Eunhae were born and grew up, were the names of the colonges they both were used to have in the past. Remember, Hyuk used SAGE and sea salt, and Hae had nectarine BLOSSOM and honey. Both from Jo Malon, and they smell amazing in connection btw.

I told you what I think about Siwoo and how she was treated. I think she is one of the most underrated characters here. She was always a very supportive and caretaking mom, blood related or not. And I miss she never got a proper thank you neither from Hae's mom, the emperor and even her kids. I mean she was in the position to treat Hae like a bastard child and make his live in the place a living hell, but she don't. It feels like she was taken for granted, when she did a really great job here. I just think she deserves to be honored and get the credits that are rightful hers. Yeah, she had her moments with the kids and saw Donghae growing up, but she never had true love. I just wish for her that people see more her character and sensitive self and care the way for her, she does with everyone else. I just love her ❤️❤️

Thank you, darling for such an amazing journey. I think the tale like writing style suits you the most. Soulemate was already a gem but this is definitely my favorite and I don't want this to be over T^T 💔 So I just can sit here and think about the three princes having that colorful and amazing life they ever wanted. Ok, in Wookie's case I'm not sure if this is what he ever wanted, but this saved him from a marriage he was running away from. But I still hope for his happiness one day. Thank you for writing and sharing, my dear ❤️❤️
160 streak #4
Chapter 12: 🥺😭 I was surprised that this is the last chapter.
But everything must come to an end. I'm glad they are all happy and loved.
Thank you for completing the story. I enjoyed it~
Chapter 12: I'm commenting for the first time here. And sorry for being a silent reader. 🙈🤧

I have been following this story from the start. And I love it.
The story is so cute and the fantasy is amazing!!
Never in my life I enjoyed a ABO Fairy Tale this much 😍

You have a good writing technique and I'm damn sure you'll ace the career you want to choose.
All the best for your book. I hope you introduce that to us!!

Thank You for writing this story and making us feel good with it 🤗🙈😌
Chapter 12: I'm crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭

I don't want this story to end...🥺🥺🥺

I love it so much that I really want to keep reading about them!

Thanks a lot for this amazing story, I really enjoy it and I wish we could have more stories from you...😘
Idaharith #7
Chapter 12: Omg it was so perfect 😍😍😍
160 streak #8
Chapter 11: Oh no! What a bad timing~ I hope the stress wouldn't affect the baby...
160 streak #9
Chapter 10: Could it be that Hae is pregnant? 😲
1640 streak #10
Chapter 11: Oh I love Wookie's character so much XD I love his sassy, bold and straightforward personality. He's gold ❤️

W: You gained weight...
Everyone: RYEOWOOK!!
W: 😗
Your way to portrait him is fantastic and right the way I always see him ^^ This carefree omega needs and deserves a mate who can handle him with care, and I still hope Jongwoon can learn to be that mate. But Wookie is such a caretaking brother, it's so sweet how he supports Hae. And I trust in Wookie's instincts. He's like an oracle 😉

Oh my, HaeWook must have been the pure nightmare whenever they had meet potential suitors before. Don't know why I have a clue, who's idea was this XD XD But however they had behaved before, to refuse an invitation of the emperor, the ruler of the kingdom, is really brave or damn stupid. And when the omegas were the biggest pain in the in the past, when the emperor calls, they still have to be nice to them. But I'm impressed he didn't risk a war. Heechul is so smart and good handling his appa. He would have been an amazing heir and next emperor. But unfortunately it's not what he wants, so I only can wish for his happily ever after with Jungsu. Through I'm glad the emperor accepts his first born's little chosen family now, and even let Heechul marry his mate officially. This wedding will be so pretty and little Kyu the happiest cookie on earth ❤️

But, oh my. Right when I thought the emperor changed and became a really loving and soft hearted appa, he turns into a beast again. I'm not sure if it was a smart idea of Hae meeting his lover without Wookie in his back. He's so naive >_< I know he wanted that moment to be special with only the two of them, but they were so careful before, just to ruin it in a carefree moment. And chose this scenario to reveal his secret to his father and the soon-to-be father of his own baby, is the unhappiest moment ever. Just hope Eunhae are strong enough to fight for their love.

I can't believe the next chapter will be the final T^T I love this story so much, that I don't want to say goodbye so soon. I will miss this plot T~T But thank you for this update, dear. It was a joy to read, like always ❤️❤️