
A Letter in the Wind
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At the palace, Heechul paced around as he thought about how to have a definitive conversation with his appa. He didn't want to start a fight, nor did he want the Emperor to ignore his pleas. However, Heechul didn't want a title to interfere with his fate. The alpha wanted to be happy with his family and would move to the village if necessary.

But since Hyunjung wasn't at the palace because of a trip, Heechul tried to calm down and put his thoughts in order. He needed to use the right words so as not to create a mess that could harm Jungsu and little Kyuhyun. Heechul loved them very much and just wanted to protect them.

- Heechul? – Siwoo called her son and smiled when he looked at her – Why do you seem worried?

- I think... Well... I am worried.

Siwoo sat down and patted the bench twice for Heechul to sit next to her. And that's exactly what the alpha did, because it was as if he was a child who didn't know exactly what to do. He needed the answers.

- What happened?

- I... Omma, I want to talk to appa.

- He arrives in a few days, my dear. Is this matter urgent? – Heechul nodded – And don't you want to talk to your omma about it? Maybe I can help you.

Heechul sighed. He knew tradition was important in his family, so he couldn't tell what his mom's reaction would be when he told her what he was feeling. But he needed to let the words out of his mouth and the feelings fervent in his chest.

- You know I haven't gotten along very well with the suitors that appa brings me, right?

- Don't you like them?

- They're not the right people for me, omma. I don't want to marry princesses or duchesses or anything like that. I already have a person in my life and he’s the one who I want to be with for the rest of my life.

Siwoo arched her brows and then pressed her lips together as she looked down at her lap. She hadn't expected that to be the subject.

- And who is he?

- He's a commoner.

- And at least is he an omega? – Heechul shook his head – Is he a beta? – and he shook his head again, making Siwoo sigh – Oh, Chul… I can't believe you fell in love with an alpha. You know your appa won't be happy about that, as he's counting on you to be the next Emperor and your alpha children to continue the bloodline.

- I don't rule my heart, omma. It all started as an admiration that ended up turning into an overwhelming passion. And I love him so much. I am part of his family.

- He has a kid?

- Yes. He's an adorable five year old boy and I promise Jungsu doesn't want Kyuhyun to be Emperor. He's not with me because of that.

Then Siwoo put the pieces together and asked:

- All these trips helped you to see them?

Heechul sighed, stood up and approached the lake, crossing his arms and saying:

- They are my family and I learned that I cannot abandon my family.

- You're turning your back on your family by saying you want to bond with an alpha.

The alpha looked at his mother.

- That's not it. I would never turn my back on my family. What I want is to be happy with Jungsu and our son. Even though Kyuhyun isn't really my son, I feel like I'm his father. He already calls me daddy, so… – Heechul pressed his lips together and knelt in front of his mother, holding her hands – Don't take it away from me. This has been the most important thing for me and I don't want to lose them.

Siwoo bit her lower lip and looked away. She didn't know what to do and she certainly didn't want her children to suffer. But if Heechul decided not to be Emperor just to be with an alpha, what would happen to that entire empire? But her mother side shook her head at that, so she cupped her son's face and said:

- I will stay by your side, but I hope you know that this will not be an easy battle. Your appa won't be happy at all as he needs heirs and we both know Donghae will never be an Emperor and Ryeowook... Well... Ryeowook's reputation is tarnished and it's been hard to find a good alpha for him. If you really want to throw it all away, keep in mind that your brothers will get hit too.

- They will understand, because they support me.

- Have they met this Jungsu?

- Yes. At Donghae's mother's house.

Siwoo almost rolled her eyes.

- Well... Let's wait for your appa and your brothers to come back. You can think better and more about what you want to talk about.

- So that means you'll support me?

Siwoo smiled, hugged Heechul and – even with a heavy heart – said:

- Of course I will support you, my dear. You are everything to me and I love you.

Heechul smiled widely and believed his mother's words. The only problem was that Siwoo was very afraid of how Hyunjung would deal with this news, as she knew how much he cared about tradition. But perhaps the Emperor would change his mind.

It was what Siwoo expected.

Far away...

Donghae was still enamored with the market and joined Ryeowook so they could see what the fairgrounds were selling. Hyukjae and Jongwoon accompanied them and Chaeyeong finished buying more things for her house – she wanted to try to buy some chickens for dinner that day and lunch the next day.

Ryeowook managed to buy paints and some brushes so he could paint when he got back to the palace – but Donghae encouraged him to buy scrolls so he could get some distraction while at Chaeyeong's house. The blond-haired omega knew he needed a little distraction, so he bought scrolls. Ideas have already popped into Ryeowook's mind.

- I think omma will go crazy when she sees the amount of things I bought in the market. – Ryeowook said while trying to balance the packages in his arms – But I'm going to paint some flowers for her.

- And you know she'll like it. – Donghae smiled and whispered – Sir Lee flirted with me.

Ryeowook chuckled softly.

- And didn't you flirt too?

- A little bit. – the pink-haired omega chuckled – He's so handsome, you know? I like how we talk smoothly and I also like the way he looks at me. And I asked if he could stay one more week with me.

- And what did he say?

- He said yes. – and the two almost jumped together, but then they were in public – This is all news to me.

- And it scares you?

- A little, but I'm also excited.

Ryeowook smiled and encouraged his brother:

- Go your way, Hae. There is nothing as important as your feelings. And from what I'm seeing, you're quite sincere.

Donghae smiled and continued walking beside Ryeowook until they saw a child running towards him. It was Kyuhyun who was smiling widely as he hugged Donghae's leg.

- Hey, uncle Hae! – and then hugged Ryeowook's leg – Hey, Ryeowook-ssi.

- Why didn't you call me uncle Wookie?

Kyuhyun looked at Ryeowook.

- And can I?

- Sure. You call my brother daddy, so you can call me uncle too. – the omega smiled – And where is your appa?

Kyuhyun pointed to Jungsu who was talking to Chaeyeong. Donghae then adjusted the books on his arm and held Kyuhyun's hand.

- We have to take you to your appa. Have you ever wondered if he's scared because you disappeared?

- But I didn't disappear, uncle Hae. – Kyuhyun giggled – I'm here with you. – and so he waved at Hyukjae and Jongwoon – Hi!

The alphas waved and continued following the omegas who took the little and frisky Kyuhyun to Jungsu who put his hands on his hips and said:

- I can't believe you ran away from me, Kyuhyun. What did I tell you?

- But appa, I saw uncle Hae and uncle Wookie and then I wanted to hug them.

Jungsu rubbed his temples.

- Don't do it again.

Kyuhyun nodded and asked Donghae:

- Why do you have so many books, uncle Hae?

- Because I like to read.

- Dad reads to me when he's at my house. And I miss my daddy. Will my daddy come back?

- He's definitely coming back.

Kyuhyun sighed.

- I wanted to live with dad.

Donghae and Ryeowook looked at each other, then the blond omega crouched down and said:

- Hey... Maybe your dreams will come true? You know your daddy will never leave you.

- Really?

- Really. I know your daddy well enough to tell you that he will fight for you and your appa.

With that, Kyuhyun grinned widely and pecked Ryeowook's cheek. Hearing all that, Jungsu sighed and said:

- We should go, Kyuhyun. You will fill the princes with questions about your dad.

Kyuhyun nodded and held Jungsu's hand as soon as Donghae cleared his throat and said:

- You could have dinner with us today, Jungsu. It would be nice to spend more time with you two before we head back to the palace.

Before Jungsu answered, Kyuhyun asked a little sadly:

- Are you leaving too?

- We need to, but we're not going now. – Donghae smiled at Kyuhyun who pouted – You see… We can visit you too.

And so Kyuhyun's eyes sparkled.

- And I'll show you the toys that appa and daddy made for me. And we can play too, right, uncle Hae?

Donghae smiled and nodded, looking at Chaeyeong as she said:

- Alright. Let's all go home now because I'm going to make a delicious lunch and I hope Jungsu will accompany us with his frisky Kyuhyun.

Jungsu thought about turning down the invitation, but realized that Heechul's brothers really wanted him and Kyuhyun to go to Chaeyeong's house. Then, after a smile, he said:

- I just need to leave the boxes at home and we'll go there.

- Then we'll wait for you. – Chaeyeong smiled – Shall we go back? I think I already have everything I need here.

They nodded and waved at Jungsu and Kyuhyun who waved and climbed into the wagon. The others went to the carriage, and while the alphas rode away, the coachman took Chaeyeong, Donghae, and Ryeowook.

- Appa?

- What, Kyu?

- Why do uncle Hae and uncle Wookie need to leave?

Jungsu sighed.

- Because

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LeeLenaMx #1
Chapter 12: Thank you for this beautiful happy ending 💙
All the story is sweet and I love how caring all the characters are about family. All became a big loving family
16 streak #2
Chapter 12: wow
1639 streak #3
Chapter 12: Haha, in the end Wookie was the oracle and had the baby's gender right ^^ So what will he get from Heechul, now? Btw, I see Wookie will be an amazing emperor, maybe the best this kingdom ever sees. Maybe an emotional omega is what this kingdom needs. And I try to imagine emperor Wookie with his blunt behavior meeting the counselors XD When they gave a hard time to his appa, it's on him to give the old man a hard time... I already love it ❤️❤️ But it's a pity he might won't have own children. I can see this would make him clamer and soften his temper. It just would be sweet to see sassy Wookie with a pup of his own, especially when he don't want it and might throw a tantrum when he gets the news... Poor alpha who has to deal with it XD But you know Wookie is way my favorite character here. This little rude sassy omega ^^ Talking about rude 11 year old Luna, felt like he forgot how he was in her age and maybe worse... XD I see Wookie as prince who was more a handful for his parents, than his brothers. Because he's the youngest and maybe that's why everyone treats him as the little prince ^^ Btw, I would love to read an episode about the three brothers in their childhood. They must be an adorable trio and a nightmare for their parents, sometimes ^^

Oh, and I see it's not only the brothers who make a development here. Also the emperor changed, and this in a good way. It's just a pity he didn't cared before what his sons wanted to do or wanted to have in life. And if he would have shown his strength before, the stupid nobles wouldn't dare to treat him and his sons so disrespectful. Hope it will get better in the future, especially when they see how Wookie is as grand prince. And maybe they will even get an apology, at least it was Wookie's idea to stop the embargo.

Another thing that I just realized now are the names of the districts where Eunhae were born and grew up, were the names of the colonges they both were used to have in the past. Remember, Hyuk used SAGE and sea salt, and Hae had nectarine BLOSSOM and honey. Both from Jo Malon, and they smell amazing in connection btw.

I told you what I think about Siwoo and how she was treated. I think she is one of the most underrated characters here. She was always a very supportive and caretaking mom, blood related or not. And I miss she never got a proper thank you neither from Hae's mom, the emperor and even her kids. I mean she was in the position to treat Hae like a bastard child and make his live in the place a living hell, but she don't. It feels like she was taken for granted, when she did a really great job here. I just think she deserves to be honored and get the credits that are rightful hers. Yeah, she had her moments with the kids and saw Donghae growing up, but she never had true love. I just wish for her that people see more her character and sensitive self and care the way for her, she does with everyone else. I just love her ❤️❤️

Thank you, darling for such an amazing journey. I think the tale like writing style suits you the most. Soulemate was already a gem but this is definitely my favorite and I don't want this to be over T^T 💔 So I just can sit here and think about the three princes having that colorful and amazing life they ever wanted. Ok, in Wookie's case I'm not sure if this is what he ever wanted, but this saved him from a marriage he was running away from. But I still hope for his happiness one day. Thank you for writing and sharing, my dear ❤️❤️
160 streak #4
Chapter 12: 🥺😭 I was surprised that this is the last chapter.
But everything must come to an end. I'm glad they are all happy and loved.
Thank you for completing the story. I enjoyed it~
Chapter 12: I'm commenting for the first time here. And sorry for being a silent reader. 🙈🤧

I have been following this story from the start. And I love it.
The story is so cute and the fantasy is amazing!!
Never in my life I enjoyed a ABO Fairy Tale this much 😍

You have a good writing technique and I'm damn sure you'll ace the career you want to choose.
All the best for your book. I hope you introduce that to us!!

Thank You for writing this story and making us feel good with it 🤗🙈😌
Chapter 12: I'm crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭

I don't want this story to end...🥺🥺🥺

I love it so much that I really want to keep reading about them!

Thanks a lot for this amazing story, I really enjoy it and I wish we could have more stories from you...😘
Idaharith #7
Chapter 12: Omg it was so perfect 😍😍😍
160 streak #8
Chapter 11: Oh no! What a bad timing~ I hope the stress wouldn't affect the baby...
160 streak #9
Chapter 10: Could it be that Hae is pregnant? 😲
1639 streak #10
Chapter 11: Oh I love Wookie's character so much XD I love his sassy, bold and straightforward personality. He's gold ❤️

W: You gained weight...
Everyone: RYEOWOOK!!
W: 😗
Your way to portrait him is fantastic and right the way I always see him ^^ This carefree omega needs and deserves a mate who can handle him with care, and I still hope Jongwoon can learn to be that mate. But Wookie is such a caretaking brother, it's so sweet how he supports Hae. And I trust in Wookie's instincts. He's like an oracle 😉

Oh my, HaeWook must have been the pure nightmare whenever they had meet potential suitors before. Don't know why I have a clue, who's idea was this XD XD But however they had behaved before, to refuse an invitation of the emperor, the ruler of the kingdom, is really brave or damn stupid. And when the omegas were the biggest pain in the in the past, when the emperor calls, they still have to be nice to them. But I'm impressed he didn't risk a war. Heechul is so smart and good handling his appa. He would have been an amazing heir and next emperor. But unfortunately it's not what he wants, so I only can wish for his happily ever after with Jungsu. Through I'm glad the emperor accepts his first born's little chosen family now, and even let Heechul marry his mate officially. This wedding will be so pretty and little Kyu the happiest cookie on earth ❤️

But, oh my. Right when I thought the emperor changed and became a really loving and soft hearted appa, he turns into a beast again. I'm not sure if it was a smart idea of Hae meeting his lover without Wookie in his back. He's so naive >_< I know he wanted that moment to be special with only the two of them, but they were so careful before, just to ruin it in a carefree moment. And chose this scenario to reveal his secret to his father and the soon-to-be father of his own baby, is the unhappiest moment ever. Just hope Eunhae are strong enough to fight for their love.

I can't believe the next chapter will be the final T^T I love this story so much, that I don't want to say goodbye so soon. I will miss this plot T~T But thank you for this update, dear. It was a joy to read, like always ❤️❤️