
A Letter in the Wind
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- I think you're going crazy, Ryeowook. – Donghae said after a short break to sip his tea – After all, we met today and you know I'm not single for nothing. Appa has been trying as hard as he can to find me an alpha or a beta while I chase them away with my excessive reading.

Ryeowook laughed.

- That's funny, because it's the truth. If it weren't for the excessive reading, you would have been the first to mate.

- Yes, but then what am I going to do? If I wanted to mate, I probably would have accepted that gentleman who came to the palace once. What was his name?

- Choi Siwon.

- Himself. He wasn't all evil, but I didn't consider an engagement to him right now.

- What if he came back to try to court you?

- Maybe I could reconsider, but then why are we talking about this?

- Because you are indecisive about your love life.

- And aren’t you?

- No, because I don't love anyone. My heart is closed like a rock and nothing can enter it.

Laughing, Donghae shook his head and said:

- Don't forget that even rocks can crack.

Ryeowook might try to argue against it, but he knew Donghae was right and it was irritating when that happened. But in fact he didn't want to fall in love. It was strange to think that someone could break into his heart and make a mess of his life just for minutes or hours of momentary passion. Ryeowook had lived pretty well without falling in love in his early twenties, so he didn't plan on falling in love with anyone.

- Anyway... Let's not talk about it anymore. I want to know how we're going to get to your mother's house today if it's apparently going to rain.

- I think we can stay this night. I doubt very much that our guards will let us travel during a rain that promises to fall hard. What do you want to do?

Ryeowook smiled and stretched out his arms.

- I would like to have a dessert that we had when we came here last time. What do you think?

- That dessert made with pears?

- That. Can we ask the cook?

Donghae smiled and nodded.

- We'll ask for it to be served right after dinner and...

- What if we don't have dinner before dessert? – the blond omega wiggled his eyebrows, making his brother laugh – Just today. Appa isn't even here and we're free to do what we want.

- Alright by me. We just can't let it get to the Emperor's ears.

- If it depends on me, he will know absolutely nothing.

And with that they both laughed and continued talking, but this time about something else because the maids came into the room so they could get the dishes. And Donghae realized that he missed spending an afternoon making small talk with Ryeowook, as they could laugh at anything and keep each other’s secrets that they would never tell anyone.

Over time, Donghae and Ryeowook learned that Heechul was no longer part of the trio they formed. And that was a little sad. But if they had each other, it was all worth it.


Walking around the house as the rain prevented him from walking around the grounds, Hyukjae crossed his hands behind his back and studied every vase and every painting in the hallways. He understood absolutely nothing about it, but he understood that the Emperor and Empress had good taste in decoration.

And Hyukjae didn't mind just stopping and looking at a picture that could explain everything and nothing at the same time.

- I still don't know why appa acquired this painting. – Donghae said and laughed softly when Hyukjae got scared – Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

- A-alright, Your Highness... I... – the alpha took a deep breath and managed to continue – I was just a little distracted looking at the picture.

- And trying to understand?

- No. In fact I don't understand anything about national or foreign arts.

- Me neither. I even tried to make a hobby out of it, but Ryeowook is the only one who knows how to paint and he makes beautiful pictures. Even he has carved in marble.

- He is very talented.

- He is and likes to brag.

- But if you have a talent, why not let everyone know? – they smiled at each other – Do you have any talent too?

- I think not. I mean, if excessive reading is a talent, then yes. But I don't know how to do other things. Maybe write?

- Then you have a talent, Your Highness. Even if it's a hidden talent, it's still a thing.

Donghae smiled.

- I think I will consider that, Sir Lee. – and so the omega also crossed his hands, but in front of his body – Do you think we can travel in the morning?

- I believe so, but Jongwoon and I talked to the coachman who said he didn't trust a muddy road. We didn't trust either and those thunders made the horses very scared. We have to plan well so that you can arrive safely.

Donghae nodded and, knowing that Ryeowook was doing something in the room, said:

- How about if we walk a little? I don't know if you could accompany me on a tour, but...

- Of course I can. I am your guard after all.

Donghae smiled and walked side by side with Hyukjae who smiled at the prince. They weren't in love, but they already enjoyed each other's company. And being curious as no one else, the omega said:

- I would like to know how you and Sir Kim ended up here. And well, I hope I'm not being intrusive.

- Oh, no. It makes sense that you would want to know. What happened was that we had a better opportunity and we decided to come here. Jongwoon and I were from Sage.

- Now I understand why your accent isn’t like mine. How far is Sage from here?

- A few tiring days of travel, but nothing that a good night in an inn can't solve. – Hyukjae smiled at Donghae who also smiled, but nodded – Anyway, we thought that taking care of princes would be much easier than taking care of an entire city.

- You were very lucky then, since you had to take care of me and Ryeowook on this trip. Your first job.

Hyukjae had to laugh.

- It wasn't a problem. All we've seen is that both of you like to read a lot.

- Appa let us read a lot when we were kids. Although he sees a big problem with that these days, he was the one who encouraged us to read and write. This is a problem these days when it comes to finding suitors.

- Why? Do your suitors want ignorant omegas?

- And isn't that how alphas and betas want their spouses?

- I don’t know. I can say for myself that I would never be the type of alpha who would stop my spouse from reading and writing. My father's wife taught me values ​​and I carry them to this day.

- That is great. Even if things are different, I like to imagine a society in which beta women and omegas can live without this ridiculous pressure imposed on us. I hate it. – Donghae sighed – But what is your father's wife like?

- Soomin is a good woman. She isn’t my real mother, but I consider her because she has always given me good advice and raised me very well. – Hyukjae pressed his lips together – I don't know if you, your highness, would like to know such a boring story.

- Oh, no. I would love to. – Donghae smiled – We are here so I can get to know you and that, at least for me, is very important.

And if the alpha could describe how surprised he was, he sure as hell would. After all, why would a prince be interested in the life of a commoner? Hyukjae couldn't tell if Donghae just wanted to meet him because the alpha was the new guard or if it was because he was a very curious omega. Anyway, Hyukjae would answer.

- Well... My appa and I aren’t on good terms. He tried to be an appa in my early years, but luckily I had my uncle and aunt who were able to educate me while I was growing up. But then appa met Soomin and they got married. I was only ten years old when they got married and I must admit it was a very good time in our lives.

- Did you like her from the beginning?

- Yes. Soomin was always adorable. She laughed at my silly jokes and sometimes scolded me if I tried to skip school. However, she did all this to make me who I am today. Soomin encouraged me a lot when I was in school and especially in classes where we learned combat. And I was very happy when my sister was born.

- You have a sister! We always wanted a sister, but appa and Siwoo, the Empress, didn't want to have any more children. But what is it like to have a sister?

- Well... I think it's like having a brother, but... I don't know. – Hyukjae laughed – Luna has a very strong personality, but at the same time she is very sweet when she is with people she likes. When she was born, I was very happy to be a big brother.

- I can see that. You seem to like your family very much.

- I love them all, but... It's not the same with appa unfortunately.

- Why?

- Because he's now in prison for getting into a violent fight a few years ago. I was fifteen when I saw my father just ruining his life for nothing. So I ran away from home for a few days and only came back because Soomin found me and said that Luna, then a year old, missed me. And after that, as Soomin couldn't raise me alone, I went to my uncle's house and lived there until this year when I decided to come here with Jongwoon.

- I'm sorry about your father, but I think you're at least in a place you wanted.

- Yes, but... That's how things are. I try not to live in the past, because I want to walk another path.

Donghae nodded and, much more curious than at the beginning of the conversation, said:

- You said you have a stepmother, but... Who gave birth to you?

- My father, but I don't know anything about him. I don't even know his name, because appa never wanted to say it.

- And you tried to look for him?

- No, not even my uncle and aunt wanted to tell me. But I think the three of them must have their reasons for this, as they keep it a secret.

Donghae sighed and touched Hyukjae's shoulder as if he wanted to comfort him. The alpha looked at him and so the omega said:

- I'm so sorry for you. Perhaps, using my influence as a prince, I could help you.

Hyukjae smiled.

- It’s very kind, Your Highness, but I think there isn’t much to do now. However, I appreciate your concern and your willingness to help.

Donghae smiled.

- No problem, but know that I can always help you if you want, Sir Lee.

Hyukjae thanked him and was about to say something when Jongwoon, desperate and soaking wet, appeared and said:

- Finally I found you, Hyukjae! We need to help the coachman restrain the horses and… – just then he saw Donghae and bowed – Forgive me, Your Highness. I came here to call Hyukjae to help me contain...

- Alright, Sir Kim. I understand Sir Lee needs to go. And then dry off so you don't get a cold.

Jongwoon nodded and Hyukjae said to Donghae:

- It was a good conversation, Your Highness. Hope we can talk more later.

The omega blushed a little, but smiled and nodded. Then he let the two of them go out to help the coachman and thought it best to go back to his room because there was nothing else to do in that house but read and Donghae had read too much to want to pick up a book at that moment – he could do that more evening.

However, after that conversation with Hyukjae, Donghae started to think a lot about the alpha's past. There was obviously no problem with anything he'd said, but to think he didn't know anything about his father was heartbreaking. And they were at a time when things like that were very difficult to know. Donghae could even ask someone to look for Hyukjae's father, but he didn't even know where to start because there was no name.

Donghae shook his head and lay down on the bed, looking at the ceiling and trying to understand what he could do. But at the moment, he didn't see any way forward.


After helping the coachman restrain the Emperor's horses, Jongwoon and Hyukjae went to change clothes. They were soaking wet and the rain wouldn't let up, but at least peace was restored to the stable so the coachman and guards could rest. But none of the three wanted to go through that again.

And after they changed clothes, the guards joined the servants so they could eat – and dinner that night was vegetable soup with rice. Jongwoon w

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LeeLenaMx #1
Chapter 12: Thank you for this beautiful happy ending 💙
All the story is sweet and I love how caring all the characters are about family. All became a big loving family
16 streak #2
Chapter 12: wow
1639 streak #3
Chapter 12: Haha, in the end Wookie was the oracle and had the baby's gender right ^^ So what will he get from Heechul, now? Btw, I see Wookie will be an amazing emperor, maybe the best this kingdom ever sees. Maybe an emotional omega is what this kingdom needs. And I try to imagine emperor Wookie with his blunt behavior meeting the counselors XD When they gave a hard time to his appa, it's on him to give the old man a hard time... I already love it ❤️❤️ But it's a pity he might won't have own children. I can see this would make him clamer and soften his temper. It just would be sweet to see sassy Wookie with a pup of his own, especially when he don't want it and might throw a tantrum when he gets the news... Poor alpha who has to deal with it XD But you know Wookie is way my favorite character here. This little rude sassy omega ^^ Talking about rude 11 year old Luna, felt like he forgot how he was in her age and maybe worse... XD I see Wookie as prince who was more a handful for his parents, than his brothers. Because he's the youngest and maybe that's why everyone treats him as the little prince ^^ Btw, I would love to read an episode about the three brothers in their childhood. They must be an adorable trio and a nightmare for their parents, sometimes ^^

Oh, and I see it's not only the brothers who make a development here. Also the emperor changed, and this in a good way. It's just a pity he didn't cared before what his sons wanted to do or wanted to have in life. And if he would have shown his strength before, the stupid nobles wouldn't dare to treat him and his sons so disrespectful. Hope it will get better in the future, especially when they see how Wookie is as grand prince. And maybe they will even get an apology, at least it was Wookie's idea to stop the embargo.

Another thing that I just realized now are the names of the districts where Eunhae were born and grew up, were the names of the colonges they both were used to have in the past. Remember, Hyuk used SAGE and sea salt, and Hae had nectarine BLOSSOM and honey. Both from Jo Malon, and they smell amazing in connection btw.

I told you what I think about Siwoo and how she was treated. I think she is one of the most underrated characters here. She was always a very supportive and caretaking mom, blood related or not. And I miss she never got a proper thank you neither from Hae's mom, the emperor and even her kids. I mean she was in the position to treat Hae like a bastard child and make his live in the place a living hell, but she don't. It feels like she was taken for granted, when she did a really great job here. I just think she deserves to be honored and get the credits that are rightful hers. Yeah, she had her moments with the kids and saw Donghae growing up, but she never had true love. I just wish for her that people see more her character and sensitive self and care the way for her, she does with everyone else. I just love her ❤️❤️

Thank you, darling for such an amazing journey. I think the tale like writing style suits you the most. Soulemate was already a gem but this is definitely my favorite and I don't want this to be over T^T 💔 So I just can sit here and think about the three princes having that colorful and amazing life they ever wanted. Ok, in Wookie's case I'm not sure if this is what he ever wanted, but this saved him from a marriage he was running away from. But I still hope for his happiness one day. Thank you for writing and sharing, my dear ❤️❤️
160 streak #4
Chapter 12: 🥺😭 I was surprised that this is the last chapter.
But everything must come to an end. I'm glad they are all happy and loved.
Thank you for completing the story. I enjoyed it~
Chapter 12: I'm commenting for the first time here. And sorry for being a silent reader. 🙈🤧

I have been following this story from the start. And I love it.
The story is so cute and the fantasy is amazing!!
Never in my life I enjoyed a ABO Fairy Tale this much 😍

You have a good writing technique and I'm damn sure you'll ace the career you want to choose.
All the best for your book. I hope you introduce that to us!!

Thank You for writing this story and making us feel good with it 🤗🙈😌
Chapter 12: I'm crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭

I don't want this story to end...🥺🥺🥺

I love it so much that I really want to keep reading about them!

Thanks a lot for this amazing story, I really enjoy it and I wish we could have more stories from you...😘
Idaharith #7
Chapter 12: Omg it was so perfect 😍😍😍
160 streak #8
Chapter 11: Oh no! What a bad timing~ I hope the stress wouldn't affect the baby...
160 streak #9
Chapter 10: Could it be that Hae is pregnant? 😲
1639 streak #10
Chapter 11: Oh I love Wookie's character so much XD I love his sassy, bold and straightforward personality. He's gold ❤️

W: You gained weight...
Everyone: RYEOWOOK!!
W: 😗
Your way to portrait him is fantastic and right the way I always see him ^^ This carefree omega needs and deserves a mate who can handle him with care, and I still hope Jongwoon can learn to be that mate. But Wookie is such a caretaking brother, it's so sweet how he supports Hae. And I trust in Wookie's instincts. He's like an oracle 😉

Oh my, HaeWook must have been the pure nightmare whenever they had meet potential suitors before. Don't know why I have a clue, who's idea was this XD XD But however they had behaved before, to refuse an invitation of the emperor, the ruler of the kingdom, is really brave or damn stupid. And when the omegas were the biggest pain in the in the past, when the emperor calls, they still have to be nice to them. But I'm impressed he didn't risk a war. Heechul is so smart and good handling his appa. He would have been an amazing heir and next emperor. But unfortunately it's not what he wants, so I only can wish for his happily ever after with Jungsu. Through I'm glad the emperor accepts his first born's little chosen family now, and even let Heechul marry his mate officially. This wedding will be so pretty and little Kyu the happiest cookie on earth ❤️

But, oh my. Right when I thought the emperor changed and became a really loving and soft hearted appa, he turns into a beast again. I'm not sure if it was a smart idea of Hae meeting his lover without Wookie in his back. He's so naive >_< I know he wanted that moment to be special with only the two of them, but they were so careful before, just to ruin it in a carefree moment. And chose this scenario to reveal his secret to his father and the soon-to-be father of his own baby, is the unhappiest moment ever. Just hope Eunhae are strong enough to fight for their love.

I can't believe the next chapter will be the final T^T I love this story so much, that I don't want to say goodbye so soon. I will miss this plot T~T But thank you for this update, dear. It was a joy to read, like always ❤️❤️