Meet the Parents 2- JANG FAMILY

Daddy's Little Girl


  The Awards Nite was a night of red carpets, paparazzi and glamorous people. Director Jang's arrival was greeted with camera flashes and reporters clamouring for an interview with the promising newbie. 

'Who are you wearing today?'


'Does your outfit match with Ms Park to affirm your relationship with each other? '

'Is Ahn Ri actually your daughter?'

'Did you guys get married secretly?'

Director smiled for the cameras but brushed most of the questions off. As much as he knew that the bulk of reporters were probably doing this to feed their families, some of the questions posed were either too personal or outrageous. It was best to keep quiet but.. he smiled inside.

Yes our outfits match and no she's my stepsister AND no we're not married yet~ heheheh

'What are smiling at oppa?' Shin Hye asked out of curiousity. It was weird to seem smile this much. 'You!' Shin Hye blushed but kept her ground.'When did you turn cheesy? weirdo.'

'What did you say?' 

'Nothing , you look great by the way.' Shin Hye teased and this time, Jang ssi blushed.

Oooh Ahjussi's in love~ Ahn Ri looked at the two lovebirds as they strolled down the red carpet and made a heart with her hands which she waved at Jang ssi. Jang ssi bared his teeth in mock threat but then proceeded to pick her up and carry her. With Shin Hye on his one arm and Ahn Ri in his other, they looked nothing short of a family. No wonder the reporters made up so many ridiculous questions. Well, they weren't too far off either. One really wonders what the future will bring to such a trio but then again, we have to prepare for the unexpected nonetheless. 

For somewhere within the location , someone was waiting for a chance to re-enter their lives once again.

The question is who?

Finally I can write another update.

'Sorry sorry sorry sorry

Naega naega naega meonjeo

Nege nege nege ppajyeo

Ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo subbies'

Forgive me for not updating and please bear another long wait...

Thank you so much for reading:)

<3 dadelione



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dadelione #1
Thank you new subbies for subscribing to this story even though it has been completed and subbies who have been with me since the 1st few chapters:) I really appreciate your support^^

<3 dadelione
martland #2
Chapter 41: I think I'll read this again from chapter 1
Thanks for completing this story :)
martland #3
Chapter 34: of course I will accept
martland #4
Chapter 32: thanks for updating :)
good storyline
winterpaire #5
Chapter 33: Auyhornim, please continue to update. There's not allot of Keun Suk and Shin Hye stories.
martland #6
Chapter 2: so, this story actually is still updated
hehehe... I think I'll read this again
martland #7
Chapter 2: so, this story actually is still updated
hehehe... I think I'll read this again
OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNAP!!!!!!!!!!!
hielooo #9
EveningRose #10
The story seems interesting, update soon.