Daddy's Back

Daddy's Little Girl

( I know I wrote 'sleepless night' but the day hadn't gone by yet so.. count this chapter in^^ )

I don't know how long Ahn Ri and I sat in silence, but it felt good to have something or someone in common. I recovered first, so I left her on her own to think it off  while I did housekeeping.


*gasp* What was that? Ahn Ri ran into the kitchen in fright and grabbed a knife. ( Yes, there are people afraid of the sound of a vacuum cleaner) She glued herself to the kitchen walls. Slowly, she crept towards the deadly sound. She burst through the library (Ahjumma's house is that big) and sent the kitchen knife straight through the middle of the vacuum.


Shocked by what she did and or scared of a secret assasin, both of the screams could probably be heard from Jang ssi's house located at the other end of Korea. Unfortunately for Jang ssi, their screaming disrupted his long awaited 2nd date with Park Shin Hye ssi.

'Did you hear that?' Jang ssi stiffened. He did hear and it was all so familiar. Didn't Ahn Ri lose her voice? Her mom sure does sound like her. And to think he was finally getting acquainted with Park ssi. He left her at the table, promising he wouldn't be long. Whipping out his phone, he called Ahn Ri's mother.

'Yeobuseo? Oh we're fine, we were just-


'We were just lighting some fireworks *uneasy*'

'Are you sure?Park Shin Hye ssi and I will be coming over shortly.'

'But there's really no need to-'  


'Ahn Ri, Jang ssi's coming over! get the brooms and dust pans and a few garbage bags.' Ahjumma hollered across the house. I'm elated but at the same time, not fond of the sudden visit. Given the state of the previously white-washed library. Oh well, best get it over and done with. Brooms in hand and aprons fastened around their waists, the two entered the realm of black dust. By the time they were done, their eyes were swollen and their fingernails were filled with black filth. Immediately after they managed to scrape the dirt off each other, the door bell rang. 


Both of them chucked their aprons in the washing machine, plastered smiles on their faces and received their guests with a 90 degree (guilty) bow.

'Please make yourselves at home~' Ahjumma said over-enthusiastically. (*face palm*) We're done for, Jang ssi can see through us for sure. There was a ter clatter from the kitchen as Ahn Ri attempted to make decent drinks which , in this case , was orange juice fresh from the carton. They tray wobbled precariously as Ahn Ri brought it towards the guests. The drinks made it to the table but nowhere else. Ahn Ri's ninety degree bow knocked the glass cups over. Park ssi managed to get out of the way but Jang ssi was drenched in it. 

He sent Ahn Ri a death glare which she managed to avoid from behind her aunt's back. ' Aigoo, my clumsiness must have rubbed off on her. So sorry, let me get you a clean shirt while its washing.' Ahjumma offered. (Have I mentioned that ahjumma is a sales/marketing personnel? Well you know why^^) 

'You can use the shirt as a rag, you don't have to wash've already touched it' Jang ssi replied coldly. Apparently, he has not forgiven Ahn Ri's mom yet. Ahjumma gave an apologetic smile and retreated to the bins.' As you wish'

Jang ssi expected her to slap him or at least tell him off for being rude but she was actually understanding. I should've apologised.. 

'Jang ssi, that was rude. I know you hate her but still-' 

' I'll apologise'

' For real?! ' For some reason, Ahn Ri and Park ssi couldn't believe their ears. They met each other's gaze and Ahn Ri gave Park ssi 2 thumbs up. Meanwhile, Jang ssi went up to ahjumma and tapped her shoulder.Surprised, she let go off the garbage bags containing evidence of the misshap earlier. To their astonishment, a or the kitchen knife tumbled out, its blade gleaming in the afternoon sun.

Daddy's back! And so is Shinee..hehehe 

Greetings to all fellow shawols. Ehem

Anyway, there's more in store for whoever out there who I'm grateful to have reading this fanfiction^^

Please do comment and or subscribe:)

Keep reading 2!

<3 dadelione

P.S. I would love to update sooner and write lengthier but I need to get my grades up 2:(


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dadelione #1
Thank you new subbies for subscribing to this story even though it has been completed and subbies who have been with me since the 1st few chapters:) I really appreciate your support^^

<3 dadelione
martland #2
Chapter 41: I think I'll read this again from chapter 1
Thanks for completing this story :)
martland #3
Chapter 34: of course I will accept
martland #4
Chapter 32: thanks for updating :)
good storyline
winterpaire #5
Chapter 33: Auyhornim, please continue to update. There's not allot of Keun Suk and Shin Hye stories.
martland #6
Chapter 2: so, this story actually is still updated
hehehe... I think I'll read this again
martland #7
Chapter 2: so, this story actually is still updated
hehehe... I think I'll read this again
OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNAP!!!!!!!!!!!
hielooo #9
EveningRose #10
The story seems interesting, update soon.