Game... Set... Match!


Cho Kyuhyun is an up and coming tennis player taking the world by storm.

Kim Ryeowook is one of the most sought after private chefs in Korea.

What will happen when the two cross paths? 

Will it end in love?  Or will it be a doulbe fault?

(Note: a double fault is when the server losses a point on their serve)


After writing my first story I discovered that summaries are hard to write!  By the end of my first fic the summary totally didn't fit anymore!  So I won't write one for this story...

I play tennis, and I super love cooking, add that with my adoration for Kyuwook and this story was the result!

Hope you like it guys! ^^


Thanks so much to kyuwookluver, for making this amazing poster for my story!!  *sends her love and kisses*

It's amazing!!!  I give you a giant choco chip cookie, and my eternal gratitude! ^-^

Sorry, but not updateing story for a while. AP tests are officially here, and I need to get serious with my studying. Please be patient and forgiving with me!


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Mianjan #1
Chapter 47: Oh myyy this was so sweet, I wasn't expecting it at all! XDD I'm so glad I gave it a shot; the amount of sweetness between KW is just to-die-for. Thank you for writing this story :))
Chapter 47: sweet story....i'm a little sad because you made zoumi and changmin the bad guys and killed them......
it was entertaining and your was decent so don't be to critical with yourself :)
Chapter 4: "Who do you think you are?! You're asking me to abandon my resaturaunt... my baby, to cook for an !"
HAHAHa I love Ryeowook's comeback XD
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 23: Very sweeeeet~~~ i like how your story has no dramas or angst but still enjoyable
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 18: Woow wookie knows that kyu love him o.o
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 16: Kyuhyun in love is very cute
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 15: Cuddly kyuwook.. My favorite.. Kkkk
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 14: Wow wookie got ! And i think its not a fail kk
Keyv88 #9
Chapter 13: Uh oh! Yesung confessed to wookie ~ i hope he wouldnt accept
Keyv88 #10
Chapter 8: Aweeee thats really funny! Esp manipulative wookie i like it~