To See a Sunrise

To See the Sunrise


Yesung had come to a decision.If they,meaning him and Kyuhyun,wanted their quasi /pseudo relationship to progress,they needed to make a change.It had been 4 months since they both accepted that they had special feelings for each other. It was not a easy decision and had not been smooth sailing.Up to this point they could not decide what they were supposed to do with these feelings.It is not as if they could ignore it.They tried denial,then ignorance, but none really worked.They both had treacherous minds and apparently limited will power.Their will was not strong enough to keep them apart,nor was it strong enough to put them in a defined relationship.Again they were both in that limbo phase,something/everything yet nothing.It was not as if Yesung wanted him to be his boyfriend yet….they were still far from being comfortable with their own feelings to make that leap,he simply wanted them to know where they were going.They both knew it was impossible to separate at this point and he was fairly content to be truthful.They were by each others side,always near and honestly,that was only thing either was them was really concerned with and sadly,could handle at this point.

What Yesung feared though,was that their contentment would stall development.At some point they would need to move forward,to test the boundaries of their, what ever it was that they had.They could not continue in the same vein and expect clarity to come.To really test their new found feelings,they needed to act in accordance with it,to see how it would affect day to day activities.They didn't really date,not that, that was an issue,but they had not given themselves much of an opportunity to even spend particular time together.They had been tortured in coming to terms with these feeling, identifying them, accepting them,then sharing them,acting upon them.They had made progress in all forms other than acting upon them.He could always just blame Kyuhyun,that little evil in him, suggested.He really wanted to claim that it was Kyuhyun’s fault,but he knew he would be being unfair to the kid.He was the elder one.It was his responsibility as well.He groaned and turned over,now laying flat on his stomach.He was having so much trouble even convincing himself that this was a good idea,much less Kyuhyun.

He was determined.Did he tell his mind that already? Because, he really was. He had to do something to bring a chance of change,of progress atleast. He got of his bed,immediately missing the warmth of his blankets.Eyeing them once more,he wanted to just lay in their folds and allow himself to be lulled to sleep once more.It was so early,even for him.’No!’a voice  from within chastised him.'You can’t give in!’.This was his responsibility and he had to be mature about it.Looking forlornly at his blankets,he turned his eyes away and headed to the bathroom.He showered and returned,getting dress in a nice warm clothes.He glanced in the mirror to make sure he did not look as tired as he felt.If he looked tired, there was no way the maknae was going to buy into his idea.It was going to be a hard sell as is and he could not let Kyuhyun have the opportunity to point out the doubts that he himself had.He gave himself a quick peep talk before heading to the room the maknae shared with Sungmin.

With his mind assured that he was doing the right thing and prepared for a fight that the maknae was surely going to put up, he approached the room.He did not bother to knock, knowing that Kyuhyun was not going to answer anyway. Sungmin may have, probably, but Sungmin was visiting his parents and was not home currently.Atleast he did not have to worry about waking Sungmin then.For that he was glad.The awkward atmosphere between the two still persisted, being made worst by the whole feelings for Kyuhyun thing.It was not out of jealousy,like the Kyumin shippers would immediately claim, just out of discomfort really.Sungmin and Kyuhyun still remained friendly, but their already awkward relationship became more strained.He wished he knew why, but if you asked him to answer honestly, he would say that he did not really care.They had trained together for years and could not be close, he honestly had given up hope on them having a fabulous relationship ever being possible.Kyuhyun had tried to ease them into spending time together but only got him ignored by Sungmin and complained to by Yesung.Kyuhyun had decided that even if they were awkward, they were fairly friendly and it could be much worst.Yesung agreed.Their situation,whilst not ideal was workable.

He entered the room quietly,only to chuckle due to the sight that greeted him.Super Junior’s dashing maknae,was tangled in his sheets, hugging one of his pillows, because apparently he was too manly to use a plushie,laptop on,with some game on paused, near his head.His hair, actually looked in such a manner that it would be disrespectful to compare it to a bird’s nest,birds were probably neater he supposed,his mouth slightly opened with soft snores emitting.This sight could actually be scary, occurred to Yesung, but he supposed that since he loved him, it was cute? Scarily cute? The problems with love.An exert from a horror movie became cute and heart warming.He made his way over,careful not to trip on the clothes he had scattered on the floor.One day Sungmin was away and he had the place in a mess.He better get to cleaning soon or Sungmin would kill him.Yesung sighed.The maknae wouldn't clean it, he would have to.He wished he could blame that act of stupid generosity on love,but it had been an occurrence before love blossomed. He could chalk that one up to his long standing habit of spoiling the evil maknae.He knew he was in part responsible for him becoming the credited “Evil Maknae”.

Not wanting to really disturb him as yet,Yesung made his way to the base of the bed, left vacant by the fact that the maknae was curled up, taking a seat.He gazed at him briefly,watching over his closed,his slightly furrowed brows, sleek cheek bones, and covered forehead.Perhaps he was too harsh in his early analysis.From this position, Kyuhyun was simply adorable, dishevelled and innocent, but then again it could just be the love talking.Looking at him in this manner, made it hard for the older man to wake him.He was probably tired, from schedules and no doubt up late playing his games.It made him want to relent.An argument in sued in his consciousness.He was still determined to get him to agree but he also wanted him to rest a bit.A compromise was ironed out quickly.He supposed that was the only benefit of arguing within your own self.He would let the maknae rest for a little while longer.He would still follow through with his idea, and he had the added benefit of observing him in the interval. He wished to claim,that it really wasn't as creepy as it sounded,but it probably was.He wondered for a second,why he was so weird? More importantly how could Kyuhyun still love him so much? He dispelled those thoughts.He did not want to be pensive and worrisome.He had to convince the maknae it would be fun.He sighed.

Kyuhyun,for his part knew when Yesung took up his position on the bed.The clearly felt the shift of weight and was roused.He did not open his eyes immediately as honestly he was still just trying to dispel the cobwebs.He paused when he heard the sigh.He figured it was Yesung anyway, as he was really, the only one, either brave enough or stupid enough, to be in the firing range this early,especially after he had a rough gaming night. He did not bother to open his eyes,just wanting to fall back to sleep honestly,but then got curious to why Yesung was here in the first place.He rarely visited him this early and if he wanted to touch his philtrum he probably would have done so already.He wondered what made him sigh.He did not like the idea of something bothering the man he loved but had an undefined relationship with.They really needed to sort that out, he silently promised himself.He decided to make his consciousness known

“You know its even more creepy when you sit there and stare than when you touch people’s philtrums” Kyuhyun teased as he opened his eyes and tried to straighten himself out.

“I was not staring at you” Yesung responded semi defensively, as he reached down to straighten the sheets the maknae was tangled in, assisting him, escape his self inflicted prison.

“Thanks” Kyuhyun smiled his gratitude as he was finally able to pull himself free and move to lean against the headboard, wiping the sleep from his face, yawning a couple times, but atleast he was on the same level as Yesung who was at the base, also leaning,but against the wall.

“Why are you here then, if not to abuse my philtrum hyung?” Kyuhyun asked mid yawn,which entirely robbed the spoken words of their teasing content.Yesung did not respond right away,instead he moved closer,yet still against the wall, pushing his upper body forward,arms outstretched to reach the maknae’s head,pulling it forward, his miniature fingers now,placed on Kyuhyun’s chin and jawline, as he reached his other hand higher to straighten out the extremely dishevelled hair on Kyuhyun’s head, brushing it back into place carefully.

“Fangirls really call you Kyurotic? You look like a shaggy dog or one of those woolly sheep” Yesung teasingly said, as he finished his task, then whilst returning more or less to his spot,decided his comment was too funny not to laugh at it himself, head titling back, exposing his uncovered throat, adam’s apple, practically dancing as he rode out his bout of the intense chuckles.Kyuhyun however had not noticed any of this,still too focused on the warmth those tiny fingers gave him for those few seconds.He had yet to acquire that amazing fangirl talent of being able to see everything, all at once. Finally free of his post warmth daze, he realized the mock insult that was thrown his way and was determined to retaliate

“They call you Yummy Yesung…are you Yummy, Yesung hyung?” he asked eyebrows raised,smirk forming.That ended Yesung’s chuckles.He knew the man found the name embarrassing,even now, judging from the blush that was forming on his cheeks, which gave Kyuhyun joy.

“Anyway I am glad you are up.I wanted you to go somewhere with me” Yesung stated determined to get back on track,his change had nothing to do with wanting to avoid that embarrassing topic.

“Where? Why do we have to go now?” Kyuhyun questioned looking at his hyung intently.He was glad that he could think of Yesung as his, without breaking into mental anguished.

“I want you to come with me to see the sunrise” Yesung said slowly, having up his fear to utter those words.Really what was the worst could happen.He needed Kyuhyun to want to come with him.He hoped he sounded nonchalant, but he doubted it

Kyuhyun for his part thought his Yesung hyung was joking,so responded as anyone with such a though would, head tilled back as he released a chuckle that lead into a small laugh.He would have continued but he realized that Yesung was firstly not laughing and secondly looking at him oddly.He recovered quickly enough.

“Are you serious Hyung?” this time Kyuhyun asked, without any form of jest, just plain curiosity.

“I just thought it would be a good idea.It might be a good for us to do something together” Yesung explained to him,looking at him with such hopeful eyes that Kyuhyun wanted to smack him.Did he really have to be so innocent and cute looking? For heaven’s sake, he was 28 years old.No grown man should be that cute.

“I want to spend time with you hyung, but really? A sunrise? Have you been reading fanfiction again?” Kyuhyun questioned,with a slight lifted of his eyebrow and his tone with a mild tease attached.He knew his assurance was heard, when he saw Yesung smile at him when he said he wanted to spend time with him,but honestly,who watched a sunrise? Where did he get that crazy idea from?

“I have not” came the defensive reply,Yesung’s face twisted in a pout.He was many things but a talented liar was not one of them.Kyuhyun wanted to reach across and pinch is cheeks but decided it would be a lot more fun too a little.

“Really? That’s too bad.I heard that some of them  are quite graphic.They could probably give us some tips if we ever in the future,get there” Kyuhyun suggested sneakily, voiced sounding normal, just his suggestive dismissal, yet he had his trap made.Yesung was far too innocent and truthful to play these sorts of games.

“I don’t think we will ever get to the level they described” Yesung said blushing a beet red, when he remembered what he saw, then from another form of embarrassment, when he realized that he had all but admitted that he had been reading fanfiction.Before Kyuhyun could call him out on it, which judging by the smirk forming on his lips,he would soon do.

“Fine fine, I admit it.I was reading fanfiction.Honestly I just wanted to see who they paired up…truly.I didn’t mean to read that, I just stumbled on it…it was really weird and unbelievable.Kinda hard to believe the –“ Kyuhyun cut Yesung’s embarrassed ramblings.Yesung’s mouth moving,yet his eyes rooted on his clasped hands,refusing to look up at met Kyuhyun’s eyes, his hair covering his eyes, but not enough to hide the rosiness of his cheeks

“Were there any of us?”Kyuhyun asked genuinely interested in how their fans viewed their relationship.

“Well not that many.A few here and there, but they seemed loyal.Alot of Kyumin though” Yesung casually informed, looking as if he was trying to remember something.

“Seriously ?I didn’t expect us to have many.We don’t really interact in the way the fangirls prefer,but Kyumin still so popular….Wow” Kyuhyun expressed his disbelief coupled with a few hearty chuckles.

“Why is it is so funny?” Yesung asked, genuinely curious.He felt no jealousy in the Kyumin regard.How could he really? He only recently realized he loved the man and before then never in his wildest dreams considered the possibility of something between the two.Plus, he and Kyuhyun never really did fanservice with each other,so he did not fault the fangirls.Kyumin was an official Super Junior pairing after all.

“Well.. I mean Sungmin hyung and I have not done fan service in years and have had no real ship inducing interaction in a while.For people to ship us after so long, is unbelievable.Maybe I was just so convincing” Kyuhyun expressed in a boastful tone, sighing as if impressed with his own self.

“That is not that rare really.Yewook is still fairly popular and Wookie and I rarely did fanservice then and its basically none existent now” Yesung responded.He felt as if Kyuhyun had challenged him in some way.Did Kyu ah think he was the only one that had ships?…well Yesung did too..Plenty of them.He was sure.Oh God, how on earth did he become this childish?

“Yewook is not that popular hyung, KyuWook is probably more popular now” Kyuhyun dismissed his hyung's claims,seemingly missing the challenge he had thrown to the man.

“Maybe,but Yewon is extremely popular right now” Yesung said with a triumphant tone.That should show the maknae that he had popular ships as well.

“That is because Siwon hyung basically hangs all over you” Kyuhyun’s reply, biting and not delivered with the teasing smile the others had been with.

“Jealous are we?” it was Yesung’s turn to tease.He saw the change in the maknae’s features.He as a responsible hyung had a duty to tease the maknae, once in a while.He was already spoilt enough,sometimes he needed a little riling up.

“Hardly” said with infinite amounts of force.Kyuhyun was not jealous, he really was not.He knew that Siwon was a wonderful person and a close dongsaeng to Yesung.He even liked Siwon as a hyung.However for some unknown reason, he just always rather not talk about Siwon.His contempt had weaken.It was not even dislike, just discomfort.He was at peace with the issue, but some how, the word Yewon still felt like poison to his ears and sometimes even the name Siwon, like in this instance.

“Kyu ah” Yesung said as he reached out to touch his what? What exactly was their relationship and consequently Kyuhyun’s status was still undetermined. He placed his hands on Kyuhyun’s cheeks.He saw when Kyuhyun’s face harden.Honestly he did not mean to upset him, just a bit of teasing.He knew Kyuhyun had odd thoughts in relation to Siwon.He didn’t know why though,but now he felt bad.He really did not want to upset his Kyuhyunnie..Yesung guessed that was what he was.. just his Kyuhyunnie.

Yesung’s voice pulled Kyuhyun from his thoughts, looked up to see Yesung stretching his baby fingers towards him, voice and eyes filled with worry.Kyuhyun sighed.He really did not mean make the smaller man feel guilty or to upset him. He felt the warm fingers once again on his jaw and checks,the man smiling at him blindingly,as if asking for forgiveness.Kyuhyun was not mad at him.He is never really mad at him.He reached up and covered the hands on his face with his much larger ones,smiling just as brightly at the smaller man he adored.They stayed there for atleast 3 minutes,Yesung’s hands within Kyu’s,pressed against Kyuhyun’s cheeks, just smiling at each other.That settled it.They were really both, just weird.

Eventually Kyuhyun was sensible enough to realized that they could not stay in their current position permanently.A small part of him wanted to tell his sensibilities, that it was an idiot.Could said sensibilities not see that smile or feel those warm fingers?Eventually though,he gently removed Yesung’s hands from his face,but did not release them.Instead he drew them to this lap,still well secured in his own hands, in the process pulling Yesung closer to him.He bent his head to inspect the almost comical fingers in his grasp.He wondered, how they could be so tiny, yet always so warm.He realized that maybe they weren't exceptionally warm, just that they gave him warmth.

“Why a sunrise though?” Kyuhyun asked, after his fond inspection of the hands,looking at Yesung who was much closer to him now, but had repositioned his body to be somewhat adjacent, back still against the wall, but close enough for Kyuhyun to imprison his hands.

“I don’t know really.It just seemed so nice and romantic in the story” Yesung explained to him, shrugging his shoulders to indicate that he really had no particular knowledge in the instance,but warm smile still in place, indicating that he still liked the prospect.

“I really can’t understand why they would think seeing a sunrise is romantic?Its like these fangirls don’t live in reality” Kyuhyun laughed to himself.Really, why would seeing a sunrise be romantic?

“Why won’t it be?” Yesung felt compelled to defend the writer that had given him the idea.In the story it was so calming and sweet.It was not like if it was impossible to occur in reality.

“Well for one, you have to get up at an ungodly hour,drive somewhere out of the city and then possibly freeze.After all of that, it really isn’t really romantic is it?” Kyuhyun explained, as he continued to play with the small hands.Running his much longer and slender fingers over the chubbier ones,between the fingers, along the palms.He supposed that Yesung’s fingers were his favourite toy,then realized that he really wasn’t that sentimental and if given a choice to defeat boredom would probably still choose his PSP, though he knew those hands were a lot more precious than his game console.

“I think its supposed to be based on the whole concept of just being together or something like that.You won’t understand really, seeing as you don’t have a single romantic bone in your body” Yesung responded with small giggles,enjoying the tease he just spoke to the maknae.

“Maybe not,but even you have to admit, it was no fun getting up this early” Kyuhyun challenged.He saw no point in denying the accusation.He knew he was not really a romantic person,but also knew that Yesung wasn’t really that romantic himself.

“It wasn’t…but we can still do it”Yesung expressed, shaking his head as he remembered trying to drag himself out his bed, but still ended the response hopefully.They were already up, the least they could do was try it.He was determined, he reminded himself.

“ I never said we wouldn’t” Kyuhyun stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.Whilst he did not think the prospective of lost sleep and possibly the cold as appealing, he wouldn’t ever pass up an opportunity to spend time with his Yesung hyung.That was unfathomable really.

“Really?” Yesung asked anxiously looking at Kyuhyun intently.He saw Kyuhyun nod his head with a smile and in that moment he was so happy, he was tempted to throw his arms around Kyuhyun and hug him tightly.He restrained himself however, knowing that whilst he would enjoy their closeness, he would later be teased mercilessly for his fangirl like reaction, by the maknae.He settled himself with a beaming smile instead.

“Do we really have to drive out of the city though?” Kyuhyun questioned, looking at Yesung, hoping that he would say no.

“ No silly.We don’t have the time for that sort of thing.We are just going to the Han River” Yesung said with a smile.He would have ruffled Kyuhyun’s hair a bit as further reassurance but Kyuhyun still had his hands hostage, running his larger fingers along him.It was like he was playing with his hands.Yesung was not going to complain though.He enjoyed the different feel of Kyu’s hands against his or maybe he just enjoyed his hands being near Kyu’s,which ever didn't matter to him.He just knew it gave him joy.

“Why didn't you say that earlier” Kyuhyun looked at him with accusatory eyes.The Han river was walking distance from their dorm.It was not as inconvenient as what he was thinking about.

“No reason. Now get dressed.I will wait for you outside” Yesung shrugged his response,extracted his hands from Kyuhyun’s,lifted himself and descended from the bed, ruffling Kyuhyun’s hair slightly, tiptoed around the clothes on the floor and exited.Kyuhyun watched him go and laughed a little.His off handed response was just so Yesung. Kyuhyun realized when his laughter ended, that he already missed Yesung’s hands.He was turning into such a sap.He sighed.

By the time he was completed, having showered and dressed himself in a warm clothing as well, he exited his room to find Yesung in the kitchen.As he entered, he was handed a cup of coffee and told to sit.Kyuhyun was grateful for the coffee and even more grateful for the fact that Yesung had not attempted much else.He was famous for his bad cooking skills but Yesung was not much better.In his current love bitten state,he was surely would have stomached the disaster with a smile.He thanked God silently for His small mercies. After a few sips, he got up and placed his cup in the sink and walked over to Yesung who was fussing with something at the counter.He placed his hand on his shoulder indicating that he was ready to leave. At the door Yesung halted and grabbed two scarves,wrapping one around his own neck and face slightly,then doing the same for Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun felt as if he was a child,yet loved every second of Yesung’s attentive care.

As they exited the building,they walked side by side.After a few minutes of the companionable silence,Yesung felt Kyuhyun’s hand slide against his own, down to his palms, wrapping their fingers together.Yesung felt warm and secure.He wouldn't readily admit it, but he missed the feel of Kyuhyun’s fingers against his after he left the room.Yesung responded by bringing their fingers closer together, palms flush against each other, his fingers attaching themselves to the back of Kyuhyun’s hand.From a third party perspective, it a may have been difficult to determine where the individual hands existed,as now it just looked as one specimen.Yesung was  made comfortable,by the entire atmosphere.It was still dark, the streets devoid of people, the air cold but not uncomfortable, Kyuhyun by his side, hands together as one.He was just truly happy and content.

The walk was not long, the River being close.They approached calmly, looking for a more desolate area.Still hand in hand they approach the guard rail, both just soaking in the atmosphere,watching as the mild currents lightly rippled over the fairly large expanse of water,both radiating that happy and content aura.He stood like that for a while, neither speaking, not really having to,honestly.They both knew what the other was thinking and concurred silently.Yesung finally broke the silence

“Thanks for doing this Kyu ah” Yesung said voice warm and soft, looking up at Kyuhyun with grateful eyes. Kyuhyun couldn’t bear the look he was being given.Yesung was clouding his mind.He really should not be allowed to look that cute and earnest. Kyuhyun though was a little saddened.Why did Yesung have to be so grateful?Kyuhyun was the grateful one.He had Yesung by his side, hands within his own, he was thanking God every second.He wondered if Yesung thought he wouldn’t come.He hoped not.He wished that Yesung always knew,that whilst he may tease and be a little brash, he would never not want to be in Yesung’s presence.

“Why are you thanking me? I always want to be with you” Kyuhyun answered a bit off handedly, then flushed and looked straight ahead when he realized how actually corny his confession sounded.He was being truthful though.He always just wanted to be near Yesung.Yet to actually say it to the man himself was kinda weird.Yesung did not respond verbally instead he stretched the hand not attached to Kyuhyun across his own form and reached towards Kyuhyun’s face.He honestly thought Yesung was going to touch his red cheeks, but was wrong.Yesung’s tiny fingers grazed Kyuhyun’s cheek on their way to his philtrum.Kyuhyun was caught of guard for a second then burst out with a laugh.

“Way to ruin the moment hyung” Kyuhyun teased still laughing.Yesung shyly removed his hands,His face flushing a brilliant bright red from the embarrassment, yet he also joined in the mirth of the moment.Kyuhyun’s laugh weakened to strong chuckles, as he mentally nodded his head.That was the man he loved, he thought to himself.He was so weird, so random and just so lovable.Kyuhyun felt high of his feeling for a second, causing him to lean down and graze his soft lips on his hyungs even softer cheeks.It was mild and quick, yet Yesung still looked at him with wide eyes.He simply continued smiling at the smaller man.

Kyuhyun did not know what made him do it really.He just felt so much love in that moment.At the moment, he and Yesung were still very awkward with the nature of their relationship.They knew they loved each other but was unable to really yet turn it into an actual relationship.They spent all their spare time together but had not really progressed their relationship into dating or anything of the such.They were both still really awkward with romantic physical intimacy.Kyuhyun was not in a rush though.He knew they would be there eventually and he was content with the wait.He knew he would love Yesung his whole life,so once Yesung was by his side they could take their time and build their relationship,ease into things step by step determined by their comfort level.

Kyuhyun was roused from his thoughts by Yesung nudging his shoulder, tilting his head towards the horizon, with the sun just starting to peek out.Kyuhyun smiled at the sight, reaching over to stretch is arms over Yesung’s shoulder and bring him closer into his sides.Yesung allowed himself to be pulled and settled until he was comfortable.They both stayed like that,staring at the horizon as the sun lifted slowly from the depths of the blue waters, its light slightly red, dusting colour on the white misty cloud like bodies that were coming into view. Both at this time at the peak of contentment.There they stood, eyes on the horizon, Yesung nestled in Kyuhyun’s arm,under his shoulder, his recently released hands on his own chest, small and delicate, no words spoken, just the common understanding that they loved each other and wished to be by each others side forever.

Before the sun could reach its full ascent, Yesung nudged Kyuhyun again, this time informing him that they should probably be going.They weren't concealed enough and someone could recognize them.Kyuhyun understood and nodded.With one last glance at the river, he removed his hands from around Yesung, though reaching down in an instant to recapture his previously released prisoner.As they walked back to their dorms Kyuhyun casually remarked “ Maybe the fangirls do know what they are talking about” which only earned  him a chuckled and an “Oh Kyuhyun ah” from Yesung, who reached up to touch his cheeks with his free hand.Yesung for his part was very pleased.He knew that nothing had fundamentally been altered.He had not properly defined their relationship or anything like that,yet he felt as if he achieved the world.He knew now that Kyuhyun understood, that Kyuhyun wanted the same thing, that they had time.He himself honestly did not want to rush anything.He was still awkward with it all, but now he knew they were on the same page, both looking towards a long future together.

They entered the 12th floor dorm hand in hand and walked towards the kitchen where the rest of their brothers were gartered they suspected.They had an early schedule, so everyone was probably up who was at the dorms.They were right.They entered the kitchen to see Ryeowook over by the stove, stirring what looked like soup, Eunhyuk rummaging through the fridge for something to hand to Ryeowook,Donghae basically sprawled on the kitchen table and Leeteuk sipping some coffee.Noticing their arrival, their leader quickly inquired where they went

“ To see a Sunrise” was Kyuhyun’s nonchalant response as he released Yesung’s hand and proceeded to the nearest avaliable seat,Yesung doing the same.

Leeteuk, when he realized that they were serious, looked from one to the other puzzled ,then a smiled broke on to his face, showing his dimples in all their glory

“Which one of you have been reading fanfiction?” he asked with all the teasing in the world.Yesung who was in the midst of his coffee, choked a little, causing everyone in the room to burst into laughter, leaving Yesung a bright shade of red.Even Kyuhyun, that devil ,was laughing at him. Kyuhyun though, watched him directly in his eyes and smiled at him, before resuming his laughing fit.After that look, all was well in the world once more, well Yesung’s world that is.

A/N : This is my attempt at fluff.I am really not good at is an idea I pulled from my planned one shot series about the progress of thier relationship from No More Words, so its a little awkward I suppose.The POV's change from time to time,I hope you guys don't mind.My 4th fanfic,I really can't believe it.I hope you guys liked it.I am desperate for comments so please do so.

Also this is dedicated to my favourite Dongsaeng @PreciousKyu, who suggested some fluff..I am sorry if this Unnie failed you.I tried my best ♥

Please Comment and let me know if I should stop pretending to be a writer.








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392 streak #1
Chapter 1: The way Kyu was jealous about yewon hahahaha~ and Leeteuk teased.. hilarious xD
Chapter 1: Tsundere Kyu and shy Yesung, glad to know they found each other.
That 'his Yesung-hyung' and 'his Kyuhyunnie' though *swoon*
Dear Author-nim, you ARE a writer, an awesome one 👍
Chapter 1: Them talking about which pairings are popular! Hahahahahaha.. KyuSung x YeWon fangirl in heeere! <3
Chapter 1: The cheesiness its killing me X_X.. I LOVE IT XD. Kyuhyun should never dis it, sunrises are beautiful things, trust. Yesung knows what he's doing. My fluff feels are off the radar and they ain't coming back. You're writing always makes me smile, and yes you are a writer and a heck of a good one at that. Combine that and Kyusung and you get perfection <3.
Chapter 1: awww this story was cute!!!! Yesung reading fanfiction o_0 !!!!! and Kyuhyun being unintentionally romantic. This was a really cute and fluffy story. Keep up the good work. :')
Changjoricky #6
Chapter 1: Awwwwww this is soo cute x
middle11992 #7
Chapter 1: Your yekyu fluff is as gorgeous as the sunrise~! ;)
Oh my, that was sooo cute x3 been awwwwing throughout the whole chapter then I suddenly erupted into a laughing fit at the end XD leeteuk just had to ask who was reading fan fiction XD Yeaung is so cute when he's embarrassed XD
Just lately found your fics and started reading from the very first one, sorry for not commenting on any earlier one but I'm mostly reading on my iPhone and writing comments is quite hard for me on it (it takes like ages because of my typos and auto-correct >___<)
ice420 #9
I love it ^^ Please don't ever stop writing KyuSung / KyuYe / YeKyu fics. Please. We need more of this stuff. And the Sunrise? Yeah, a bit cheezy but it does its job :D I've watched a few myself and it's really different when you see it with someone special. But which fanfic did Yesung read? *laughs*
AWWWW!!! Yesung was so cute >w<
Lol Yesung and his tiny fingers are forever adorable xD
Yesung is going to turn 30 soon in a few years, but he looks WAY younger than he looks
This was really a cute and romantic story :D