Chapter 5

Dream Guy
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Jinki’s world was interesting to Jonghyun, the weekend after the fashion show, Jinki invited Jonghyun to his house, an apartment two times bigger than the one he and Kibum live in. Their tastes were different but not far off, where Jonghyun prefers big windows and balconies to sit and chase the inspiration for the lyrics of his music, Jinki preferred an open hearth, wine, some peanuts, and a good book.

The Friday evening he arrived and knocked on the door was also the day he met Jinki’s friends. Dongwook, Jessica, and Joon, all very nice to hang out with, Jonghyun learned that Dongwook liked to cook for the four of them. Jessica liked books as much as Jinki, and Joon was there for the entertainment, movies, games, and everything in between.

They weren’t strangers to what happened between him and Jinki all these months and were just as astounded to see him walk into the living room...

‘’I knew it! Pay up!’’ Joon held out his hand to Dongwook who frowned and with a roll of his eyes gave him some money then glanced at Jonghyun who was watching the ordeal with curious eyes. ‘’No offense but I didn’t believe the guy in Jinki’s dreams could be real.’’

‘’Boys.’’ Jessica pinched the bridge of her nose.

‘’None taken, you don’t hear something like this every day.’’ Jonghyun shook his hand and moved on to Joon and Jesicca. ‘’I’m blown away dude! You two found each other very random, in the rain…’’ Joon nudged him in the side, ‘’Like that spiderman movie, did you two kiss?’’

Jonghyun laughed a little and turned his head to a grinning Jinki, ‘’I see from who you got that reference.’’ He said to Jinki but referred to Joon, Jinki shook his head and wrapped an arm around his waist, ‘’That’s Lee Joon for you, the movie king knows everything.’’

Joon winked before it was Jessica’s turn to shake hands, ‘’Good to see you, I was afraid to never see Jinki’s smile ever again.’’ Jinki flushed slightly and looked down when Jonghyun glanced at him, ‘’I told them about you and if it wasn’t for them I would have declared myself insane a long time ago.’’

Jonghyun turned fully to wrap arms around his neck, ‘’Bless our friends.’’ Accepting the hug Jinki hummed, ‘’Yeah.’’ They pulled apart and walked into the living room, full of autumn colors, warm and cozy. ‘’How about Dongwook makes dinner and we all have a movie night?’’

‘’Sounds good to me.’’ The smaller man sat down on the sofa, smiling happily as Jinki sat next to him, their sides touching as the others agreed as well. ‘’What are we eating?’’ Jonghyun asked curiously, his tummy rumbling as a nice smell came from the kitchen.

‘’Bibimbap.’’ Jessica informed him.

Jonghyun’s eyes bulged, ‘’Isn’t that a very big dish?’’ He asked Jinki, who flipped through the channels as they waited for Joon to pick out the movie. ‘’Believe me…’’ Jinki smirked down at him, ‘’Dongwook’s cooking makes you want to eat until you explode.’’ Glancing at Jessica and seeing her grin and agreeing eagerly, Jonghyun looked in the direction of the kitchen, his lips, ‘’In that case, I want to try everything.’’

Jessica stood up with a sweet smile, ‘’That can be arranged, I’m gonna check what’s taking Joon so long and I will help Dongwook in the kitchen…’’ She almost walked away but not before squeezing Jonghyun’s shoulder, ‘’I’m glad you two found each other.’’

Jonghyun looked back with grateful eyes before Jinki tugged his attention away with a kiss on his neck. ‘’Hello there.’’ The smaller man murmured, reaching up to brush a few unruly strands of hair from his forehead.

‘’Hi.’’ Jinki smiled softly, Jonghyun quickly pecked his lips, making the other drop the remote to tangle his fingers in the smaller man’s hair for a more extensive kiss. When they pulled apart in need of air, Jonghyun’s face flushed slightly, ‘’Yup definitely a good kisser, I’m glad the dreamworld didn’t take that away from me.’’

‘’Lucky you.’’ Jinki teased and tickled him, the both of them laughed and frolicked on the sofa until they were out of breath again.

Joon strolled in with a DVD clutching in his hands, ‘’Do you guys feel like The Mandalorian?’’ Tilting his head to the side, Jonghyun pulled away from Jinki, ‘’Isn’t that with baby Yoda?’’

‘’Yes! Have you seen it before?’’

‘’Not really, I see glimpses here and there, It got me fascinated but I didn’t find the time to watch it.’’

‘’Lucky you, tonight is the night.’’

Jonghyun grinned, ‘’People keep saying that although I’m not complaining’’ He began to feel at home here. When Jinki insisted for him to meet his friends, the smaller man had become mighty nervous that they wouldn’t like or approve of him.

Jinki left to use the restroom, leaving Joon and Jonghyun in a comfortable silence as Joon hummed the soundtrack of a movie under his breath. Jonghyun observed the area around him. There were a few photo frames on the mantel above the fireplace. He stood up to inspect them, smiling as he saw a few of Jinki with Taemin. The next one was a brown photo frame, the photo consisted of Taemin, Jinki, and an older couple, probably their parents.

‘’They look happy.’’ He murmured to himself.

‘’They sure are.’’ Joon appeared next to him and grinned at the photo, Jonghyun smiled back and placed the photo frame back then focused on Joon, a bit of curiosity bubbling up to the surface then. ‘’Hey Joon, if you don’t mind me asking...what was Jinki like the past few months?’’

‘’He didn’t tell you?’’

The smaller man shook his head, ‘’I don’t want to keep reminding him what happened, it doesn't keep me from being curious though.’’

Joon hummed in understanding, he guided Jonghyun to the sofa and sat down, resting one arm over the top of the sofa, completely at ease. ‘’Well at first we didn’t notice anything, Jinki went to work and did what he usually does, slowly but surely he started daydreaming or look around as if he was searching for someone.’’

Jonghyun bit his lip, Jinki had told him about instances where he thought the smaller man was there with him. ‘’I remember as if it was yesterday, he woke up moody and it didn’t go away until he went back to bed in the evening.’’ Joon glanced at him with a furrowed brow, ‘’He even sleep-walked once.’’

The smaller man was a bit stunned by this, ‘’He did?’’

Joon nodded, pursing his lips, ‘’ was then we knew something was bothering him.’’


~ Flashback ~


Dongwook and Joon were the last people to leave Jinki’s place for their usual Friday evening hangout with Taemin staying the night. Jessica had already gone home and Jinki was already sleeping courtesy of a very busy day, the man had struggled not to fall asleep around the last segment of the movie they were watching.

It was Dongwook who eventually stood up and picked Jinki up, throwing him over his shoulder as if he was a sack of potatoes and lectured him, through all of Jinki’s whines, about having a good night’s rest and not staying up late if he doesn’t have the strength. 

When Jinki was in bed and Jessica left, the three boys watched the last bit of the movie before Dongwook and Joon gathered their stuff to leave Jinki and Taemin in peace. They stood near the door when they heard someone stumble around and it could only be Jinki.

Joon curiously strutted into the hall to see what the man was up to just to see him stand in the middle of the hallway, wearing a red top, black pajama pants, and mumbling under his breath. It gave Joon horror vibes. ‘’Jinki?’’

Jinki didn’t respond, just started shuffling through the hall and past him as if he wasn’t there.

‘’What’s going on?’’ Taemin asked, seeing his brother walk to the kitchen, ‘’I dunno, he didn’t say anything.’’ Joon went after Jinki with Taemin and Dongwook following. Taemin quickly jumped forward as Jinki bumped against a table, nearly knocking a vase with flowers over. Dongwook was the next person to stop Jinki from bumping against the oven, it had a glass front and neither of them knew if it would shatter with the smallest of bumps.

‘’Jinki?’’ Joon asked again, sliding in front of his path and grasping his shoulders as Jinki kept walking, nearly tackling him to the ground. Joon saw instantly what was wrong, Jinki had his eyes closed, like he was sleeping.

‘’Sleepwalking?’’ Joon tilted his head, beckoning Dongwook and Taemin to come closer and have a look. Dongwook hummed, ‘’Looks like it, he isn’t responding to any of us.’’

‘’That’s epic!’’ Taemin exclaimed mischievously, ‘’I’ve only seen people do that in movies, I always wonder how they can step out of bed and walk around, aren’t our muscles sleeping too?’’ He poked Jinki in the side, on the cheek and his chest.

Dongwook slapped his hand away, ‘’Cut it out Tae.’’ Taemin stuck out his tongue before Jinki suddenly mumbled vaguely under his breath. Joon, Dongwook, and Taemin glanced at each other in confusion before Taemin leaned in to hear what he was whispering so quietly.

‘’Hmmn I loveee you.’’

Taemin pulled his head back and wiggled his eyebrows, ‘’Well well well, didn’t know you loved me this much brother!’’ He joked, smirking at the other two who rolled their eyes.

‘’Hmnnn I- can’t wait to seeee you.’’ Jinki mumbled again with a deep sigh then groaned as his brow furrowed in distress, ‘’Dooon’t gooo.’’

‘’Yup, definitely sleepwalking and dreaming too.’’ Joon nodded and they observed as Jinki twitched on the spot and kept saying things. ‘’Where do live?’’

Taemin raised an eyebrow, folding his arms, ‘’Is he dating someone in his dreams? If so I hope it’s the second date because that’s not an appropriate question for the first date.’’ He yelped as Joon swatted at him as if he was an annoying fly, however, they gasped instead as Jinki suddenly fell backward, Dongwook quickly caught him before he could hurt himself.

‘’Jinki!’’ They yelled, their hands out to hold his arms or middle.

‘’Huh?’’ Jinki fluttered his eyes open cutely, blinking a few times and his dry lips, ‘’W-what?’’ He groaned as Dongwook helped him to his feet, allowing him to lean against his bigger and taller body. ‘’W-why are you all in my bedroom?’’ Jinki innocently asked as he held his head, feeling like he was hit with an object.

Taemin he

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962 streak #1
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for this fic. The dreams provided them different adventures, before they could finally make their own real adventures.
962 streak #2
Chapter 4: Well, it is about time that they meet.
962 streak #3
Chapter 1: Just started reading this.
Great start!
2027 streak #4
Chapter 5: Aww the epilogue is even more cute!!! Jinki's friends are so nice too. Is that actor Lee Dongwook though? Just got curious. And they met Jjong's parents too... Anyway, now that I have finished this cute story, you have made me yearn for more! XD
2027 streak #5
Chapter 4: Yay!!!! They finally met!!!! *Screaming internally* so glad everything worked out well in the end. Amazing work. Now that they have met irl, I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. Will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #6
Chapter 3: Oh no! Those poor kids! Although this chapter was quite heartbreaking, there was still hope in it, in the name of Mr Lee Taemin XD anyway, it was nice of Minho to take Jjong seriously and lend a helping hand. Can't wait to see how Sun and Moon would react when they meet in real life bcoz of their loved ones unintentional intervention. Will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #7
Chapter 2: Makes me wonder if the Sun is actually a celebrity in real life, like in a band with his brother but then it also makes me why he wasn't able to see the other members' faces. Now you got me more curious to see how they'd meet in real life. Also, Kibum and Minho are amazing friends. They took the story about the dream guy better than expected. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2027 streak #8
Chapter 1: Wow! This definitely wasn't what I expected when I started reading this. Definitely this is not me complaining! Anyway, this is a totally different plot line that I'm totally interested to read more. Kibum is such a good friend. And the drunk gang was really funny. Will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 5: Wow
Great work ❤
No wonder because you can did it <333
I really love the way each dream was different theme. It's like you include everything in one package. Jonghyun's desperation for Jinki was really heartwarming. But then you describe Jinki's situation as well, the way he started sleep walking in disappointed or helplessness.
They both were so loyal to each other.
I knew that Jonghyun will feel so dumb for not agreed to meet tae's bro XD
All over I really like this story. Such a wonderful fic _ you carried everything here.
Thank you so much for giving another wonderful Jongyu fic ❤
2027 streak #10
Hello there, a new reader here! I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. But before I started reading, I just wanted to check if it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^