Chapter 4

Dream Guy
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When Jonghyun opened his eyes to another world, he was met with icy cold rain to the face, and violent rocking beneath his feet, blindly Jonghyun grabbed for the nearest thing which was the wooden railings of a...ship?


‘’Man the capstan. Raise the main top yard. Keep the powder dry!’’ Someone yelled behind him, Jonghyun glanced over his shoulder and saw who was yelling, it was an older man with pirate clothes on, he was familiar as well...Mister Gibbs? 


A thunderclap made him jump and cling to the side of the ship with all his might, where the hell was he and why was it a ship in the middle of a storm of all places?! ‘’What is going on?’’ Jonghyun whispered as his attention captured a hundred ships in the distance. ‘’Pirates of the Caribbean turns out.’’ a familiar voice came up next to him and Jonghyun smiled in relief when he saw it was his Sun, it then hit him with what he said.


‘’Come again?’’


‘’See that Maelstrom, I guess we’re in the movie.’’ His Sun pointed in the same direction where all those ships were, although between this ship and theirs, a huge Maelstrom was creating, Jonghyun paled when he noticed this.


‘’For s sake,’’ He glared at the other man, ‘’Did you watch the third movie recently? It’s your fault isn’t it?!’’ He poked a finger against his lover's chest, the other laughed despite the circumstance. His Sun gently grasped the attacking finger and kissed the digit, ‘’No worries my love, I’ll be your hero just like Will Turner is to Elizabeth.’’ 


Jonghyun rolled his eyes and smiled slightly at the dorkiness of this man. It surprised him that they were allowed to be close to each other in this dream. The smaller man honestly preferred this over the Prison dream whereas his Sun seemed more cheerful. 


A man otherwise known as Barbosa moved to the Ship's wheel and started barking out orders. ‘’Brace up the yards, you cack-handed deck apps!’’


‘’Hey I’m not an ape!’’ Jonghyun yelled offended but Barbosa ignored him and his Sun didn’t, the man grabbed his hand and tugged him to the middle of the ship to help with the sails. ‘’Calm down, it’s just a dream remember, much better than the last one!’’ His lover grinned, his face wet with his hair plastered to it, cheeks red and muscles bulging beneath the flimsy pirate attire he was wearing. 


Jonghyun nodded dreamily, staring at this gorgeous man working next to him, this sure was a lovely dream full of temptation. ‘’Y-yeah.’’ He his lips and helped pull the rope whilst the ships moved closer to the Maelstrom. The weather became rougher and the wind colder. Jonghyun suddenly didn’t like this dream as much, why couldn’t they go back to that nice beach or that dream in the Hogwarts universe? 


He tugged at his lover's sleeve, ‘’Uhh why are we going straight to that Maelstrom and not around it?’’ He asked, slightly panicking as he can’t remember what happened in the movie. His Sun was about to open his mouth but that’s when Will Turner yelled from the side of the ship.


‘’She’s on our stern and gaining!’’ He talked about the Flying Dutchman approaching them. 


Barbosa was a bit startled before firmly looking at his crew through the unforgivable rain, ‘’More speed! Hold your wind and hold your water!’’ then turned the wheel of the ship around causing the ship to lean to the right.


‘’,’’ His lover growled, and before Jonghyun could ask what was going on, the sound of cannons shooting off from a distance happened and hit their sails full force. His Sun already had Jonghyun dragged beneath the stairs and tried to calm the smaller man down with all his might.


‘’Calm down, it’s alright my Love.’’ He brushed Jonghyun’s bangs away and pressed a tender kiss to his wet forehead, in the hopes that it would work. 


An all-out war began between ships with the Maelstrom in the middle ready to everything in its depth. Intruders swung with ropes on board of their ship, his Sun slipped a sword from Jonghyun’s belt and held it against his chest. ‘’Fight my love...remember it’s just a dream alright?’’ 


Jonghyun nodded, blinking through wet eyelashes, his lover couldn’t remember ever seeing such a gorgeous sight even with the mud covering parts of his face. ‘’Alrighty laddies, done flirting? get to work!’’ Jack Sparrow landed behind them with a rope and the chest with Davy Jones’s heart in it as he ran off with a few enemies chasing him down. 


Exchanging glances with each other, smirks on their faces, they regained confidence and roared as they ran to the middle of the ship, fighting enemies left and right. 


The fighting continued and so did the shooting of the cannons, Jonghyun sliced his sword into the chest of an enemy then hurriedly glanced around for his lover, he didn’t see his Sun but saw Davy Jones throw Elizabeth on the stairs. He gritted his teeth and ran to them without thinking of the consequences and stabbed his sword through Davy Jones’s back and through where his heart was supposed to be. 

Davy Jones stopped advancing on the unconscious lady and laughed maliciously, ‘’Mister, what a shame you don’t know I’m a heartless creature.’’ While growling that he bent the sword, therefore, Jonghyun was unable to pull it back.  The giant creature turned around and lashed out at him, he dodged but wasn’t quick enough as a leg hit him, Jonghyun flew to the ground with a pained yelp.

Davy Jones laughed as he was distracted by his Sun although he wasn't so lucky either and a moment later flew over the railing and was just in time to grab at the wooden edge. Jonghyun had seen it happen from the ground and scrambled up to get to his lover’s aid, quickly grabbing his wrist. ‘’Don’t you dare let go!’’


‘’I’m trying!’’ His Sun held his wrist for dear life, however, the rain wasn’t helping and his hand slipped. ‘’My hand is too slippery!’’


Biting his lip, Jonghyun clenched his hand around the slightly bigger one and tried to pull him up, ‘’! What a horrible dream this is!’’ Jonghyun yelled over the thunder and fighting behind him. His lover laughed weakly, ‘’I totally agree with you.’’

Jonghyun yelped as their hands slipped and he was unable to keep a firm hold anymore. ‘’I hate this!’’ Jonghyun yelled again as tears began to burn in his eyes, his Sun grunted as he looked down and clenched his eyes shut, the sight beneath him wasn’t great but the sight above him was amazing.

The smaller man was holding onto him for dear life, soaking wet, with huge teary eyes and red cheeks. ‘’Don’t cry my love.’’ His Sun murmured gently as tears began to burn in his eyes, ‘’If only I knew your name.’’ He continued with his heart thundering nervously in his chest while the ship was still sideways and the attacks weren’t helping the situation at all. 


‘’I want to tell you so badly but you know what happens if we do!’’ Jonghyun sniffled, a tear sliding down his cheek, chin, and fell, dropping on his lover’s cheek. 


‘’It’s going to be okay.’’ His Sun soothed, wishing he could hold the other close, Jonghyun shook his head, ‘’I’m not hanging on the side of the ship, I should be the one saying that to you!’’

The rain obscured their vision and sweat broke on their skin, ''This one time I don't mind waking up!'' His Sun yelled over the chaotic noises around them, Jonghyun couldn't blame him for that. Their fingers were curled around each other, their only means of connection, His Sun didn’t know what was going to happen, the only thing making him at ease was the notion that this wasn't real and he would wake up in his bed. 


‘’Tell me your name!’’ His Sun demanded firmly. Jonghyun stared at him in confusion before agreeing although it quickly turned into a gasp as their fingers slipped and in slow-motion his lover fell away from him. ‘’NO-NO! My name is….’’


‘’JONGHYUN!’’ Jonghyun screamed as he sat up in bed, eyes huge and skin wet with perspiration. The dream/nightmare was incredibly intense this time that even sleeping in just his boxers didn’t save him from sweating profusely. 


His eyes darted around, looking desperately for the other man but he was back in his bedroom and no longer having a connection with his lover. ‘’NO!’’ Jonghyun yelled, fists hitting the mattress in a fit of rage, his pillow became a victim of his frustration as well as he sat on his knees and smashed the innocent pillow against the bed, chanting ‘’.’’ under his breath.


Jonghyun stood in the middle of his room at the end of his outburst, out of breath and with one ruined pillow in his clenching fist, ‘’P-please l-let him be okay.’’ He begged while looking at the clock to check the time. 


He swore, it was only 2 at night which was weird since his dream felt like it had been going on for the whole night but, in reality, had been going on for two hours. He didn’t mind the length of the dreams but at the moment, he didn’t want to sleep and have a dream or another nightmare again. ''I hope he's alright.'' Jonghyun brushed the sweat from his forehead, ‘’I miss him already.’’ He admitted sadly and plopped down on the bed with a defeated slump in his shoulders.

‘’Who?’’ Kibum’s groggy voice made him jump and look up at the shadow by the door. Kibum shuffled over and sat next to him on the bed. ‘’Who are you missing?’’ 


Jonghyun blinked, mouth opening and closing, not expecting Kibum to suddenly waltz into his room deep in the night, ‘’’’ He gestured to Kibum and then at the door and the clock, unable to form words for a minute.


Kibum smirked, enjoying the flabbergasted look on Jonghyun's face, ‘’I heard you screaming, naturally, I’ll check on my dear friend.’’ Patting poor Jonghyun on the head, he teased. ‘’Now tell Bummie what’s on your mind.’’


Jonghyun pushed his hand away with a pout, ‘’Nothing, I just had a nightmare.’’ He mumbled, unsure if he should talk about it.


‘’Is it about your friend again?’’


‘’Not just a friend but a boyfriend.’’ Jonghyun frowned at Kibum then sighed in frustration, ‘’but yes it’s about him.’’

Kibum pursed his lips and looked away, it was still a bit weird that his best friend was dreaming about a guy, he never met and was in love with but on the other hand, Kibum wouldn’t turn away from Jonghyun just because of this. ‘’What happened?’’ He asked and placed a hand on Jonghyun’s shoulder, comforting him. Jonghyun looked back at Kibum in surprise, ‘’I know it’s weird so you don’t have to play along alright?’’


Kibum shook his head, ‘’It is weird but if this helps you in a way then share it with me.’’ 


‘’Okay,’’ Jonghyun mumbled and the both of them made themselves comfortable on the bed. ‘’Well tonight the dream was more of a nightmare, we were in the third Pirates Of The Caribbean movie…’’ He began.


After telling Kibum the whole story and Jonghyun trying to tell his Sun what his name was, they sat in silence for a while as Kibum tried to make sense of all this. ‘’It’s suspicious how your dreams abruptly stop as soon as you try to tell him anything about yourself.’’


‘’Yeah Morpheus is such an .’’ Jonghyun randomly cursed.


‘’Morpheus?’’ Kibum asked, raising a curious eyebrow at the smaller man. Jonghyun nodded, ‘’Morpheus is the Greek god associated with sleep and dreams, he sends human shapes of all kinds to the dreamer so I suspect that he has something to do with this.''


It was Kibum this time gaping like a fish before he laughed, ‘’Wow you made a whole study out of this, didn’t expect that!’’


Jonghyun blushed slightly in embarrassment, ‘’What else can I do? I don’t want to be declared insane if there is a reason or anything out there, ready to be discovered and as I told you before a few nights back, we think it supernaturally related.’’


The feline man felt bad for Jonghyun, it was one thing to have your hands in your hair, lost what to do about the situation that never happen

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962 streak #1
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for this fic. The dreams provided them different adventures, before they could finally make their own real adventures.
962 streak #2
Chapter 4: Well, it is about time that they meet.
962 streak #3
Chapter 1: Just started reading this.
Great start!
2027 streak #4
Chapter 5: Aww the epilogue is even more cute!!! Jinki's friends are so nice too. Is that actor Lee Dongwook though? Just got curious. And they met Jjong's parents too... Anyway, now that I have finished this cute story, you have made me yearn for more! XD
2027 streak #5
Chapter 4: Yay!!!! They finally met!!!! *Screaming internally* so glad everything worked out well in the end. Amazing work. Now that they have met irl, I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. Will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #6
Chapter 3: Oh no! Those poor kids! Although this chapter was quite heartbreaking, there was still hope in it, in the name of Mr Lee Taemin XD anyway, it was nice of Minho to take Jjong seriously and lend a helping hand. Can't wait to see how Sun and Moon would react when they meet in real life bcoz of their loved ones unintentional intervention. Will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #7
Chapter 2: Makes me wonder if the Sun is actually a celebrity in real life, like in a band with his brother but then it also makes me why he wasn't able to see the other members' faces. Now you got me more curious to see how they'd meet in real life. Also, Kibum and Minho are amazing friends. They took the story about the dream guy better than expected. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2027 streak #8
Chapter 1: Wow! This definitely wasn't what I expected when I started reading this. Definitely this is not me complaining! Anyway, this is a totally different plot line that I'm totally interested to read more. Kibum is such a good friend. And the drunk gang was really funny. Will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 5: Wow
Great work ❤
No wonder because you can did it <333
I really love the way each dream was different theme. It's like you include everything in one package. Jonghyun's desperation for Jinki was really heartwarming. But then you describe Jinki's situation as well, the way he started sleep walking in disappointed or helplessness.
They both were so loyal to each other.
I knew that Jonghyun will feel so dumb for not agreed to meet tae's bro XD
All over I really like this story. Such a wonderful fic _ you carried everything here.
Thank you so much for giving another wonderful Jongyu fic ❤
2027 streak #10
Hello there, a new reader here! I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. But before I started reading, I just wanted to check if it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^