Chapter 9

I've My Grip On You


Donghae was in a state of panic as he sat in the taxi, willing for the driver to go faster. Eunhyuk had called him a moment ago, his voice was hoarse, as if he was crying. He had asked for Donghae to come and get him.

"Hae... Help me please." Those were his exact words. What happened to Eunhyuk? Did somebody hurt him? Was he in some kind of trouble? He leapt off the vehicle the moment the driver pulled over, handing the driver a couple of notes, not caring that it was much more than the cost of the ride. He looked around, trying to spot Eunhyuk. He saw a familiar white car parked a short distance away and sprint over.

"Eunhyuk." He called out, knocking on the glass window.

Eunhyuk looked up, grateful that Donghae had dropped whatever he was doing and came over to get him. He unlocked the door, allowing Donghae in.

Donghae took a look at his friend and knew something was wrong. Eunhyuk's eyes were red, and his face tears stricken.

"What happened?" He asked as he grabbed a piece of tissue and gently wiped off the tears.

But fresh tears just kept dripping down, making his effort fruitless.

"What happened, Hyuk?" Donghae asked again, deeply worried.

"I had a talk with Sherlyn." Eunhyuk muttered, his hands gripping onto the steering wheel, "She wants Yoogeun back."

"What?" Donghae asked, confused.

"She wants to bring Yoogeun back to America with her. Because she is unable to have anymore children, so she wants Yoogeun back. Not because she loves Yoogeun, but because she has not other choices." Eunhyuk said in one breath, the rehearsing of the conversation brought back new waves of anger and frustrations.

"And if I were to stop her, she will bring it to court. She threatens to ruin my career."

Donghae sat there, motionless for a moment, digesting the words.

"That ." Donghae cussed. He was not sure if it was possible to hate someone without ever meeting her, but yes, this makes his blood boils.

"What am I to do, Hae?" Eunhyuk looked at him with pleading eyes, "If the matter gets out, Super Junior's reputation will be affected. You guys will be affected. And what about Yoogeun? What if she gets Yoogeun?"

Donghae put his arm around Eunhyuk, "It's okay. Hyuk. She will never win even if she brings it to court. She was the one who abandoned her son when he needed her."

"But I... I hid Yoogeun away from the rest." Eunhyuk whispered, guilt filling his heart. Sherlyn's words rang in his ears. He was a selfish father, wasn't he? For the years, he had hidden Yoogeun, kept him as a secret, as if he was a shame.

"You didn't have a choice, Hyuk. You love him to the best of your abilities." Donghae comforted, "Don't worry about anything. It will be okay..."

"But you guys..."

"We are brothers, Hyuk. All of us. Some of them might be angry, they might be upset. But they will come through for you. We went through so much together, we will go through this too."

Eunhyuk looked at his fellow member, gratitude clear in his eyes.

"Don't worry, Hyuk, I will be there with you."


It did not take long for Sherlyn to take action. A few weeks later, Eunhyuk received a letter from Sherlyn's lawyer.

He knew he needed to come clean with the other members soon. He did not want them to know through the news. He wanted to speak to them himself. And he already had a plan, a plan to ensure that the other members would not be affected by the matter.

"Teuk Hyung." He called out as he knocked on Leeteuk's door.

"Come in." A muffled sound came out from the room.

He gently pushed open the door to see Leeteuk busy in front of his laptop, probably preparing for tomorrow's program. Guilt filled his heart. Leeteuk had put in so much effort in maintaining the team... And now it's going to be ruined by him.


Eunhyuk woke up from his trance, "Hyung, am I disturbing?"

Leeteuk shook his head, patting the chair next to his, "I need a break. Come."

Eunhyuk walked over and sat down carefully.

"Anything the matter?" Leeteuk asked, seeing Eunhyuk's troubled expression.

"I..." Eunhyuk hesitated, "I... I am sorry hyung."

Leeteuk frowned in confusion, "Sorry? For?"

"I think I might have gotten us into some kind of trouble." Eunhyuk muttered.


"Yoogeun... Yoogeun's mother is back." Eunhyuk said as he handed Leeteuk the letter from the lawyer.

Leeteuk opened the letter, his eyes widening as he read.

"I am sorry, hyung..." Eunhyuk apologized once again, "I... I know I shouldn't implicate any of you but... But I can't just give Yoogeun to her like this. I can't... I will let the rest know soon... And I... I will terminate the contract with SM before things escalate and people get to know about this."

Leeteuk put his hand on Eunhyuk's back, "Look at me, Hyuk."

Eunhyuk looked up into Leeteuk's eyes.

"We will be okay, " He said, "You fight for your son and don't worry about us."


"Nobody leaves Super Junior. Not like this. We are e team, not just in good times. Mountains or valleys, we are here for each other."

"But the rest..." Eunhyuk started.

"I will talk to the rest. This is not what you should be worrying about at this moment. Get a lawyer. Find the best, and fight for your son. Yoogeun should only be with people that truly love him."

"Thank you, hyung." Eunhyuk said sincerely, deeply touched by the leader's words.


Sorry for the slow update and short chapter, been caught up with alot of stuff! =) Hope the story is going on well.

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I know I haven't been updating =( but I hurt my arm recently, and it's hard typing. will update when it gets better! Sorry for the wait!


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myeolchi5424 #1
Chapter 11: Huaaaaaaa!!!! I really hope u will continue this story :'(
elfmocho #2
Chapter 12: waaahhh this is daebak,i'm glad hyuk didn't love those girl anymore. even though there aren't much of haehyuk moment,but i hope in the end they both will be getting married and together raising Yoogeun.
pleeaassee update ths fic,look like you haven't update for a long time
barani #3
Chapter 12: I'm also curious what heechul have done?
please continue it
257471 #4
Chapter 12: please continue this, good luck!!!
Chapter 12: Huaa, I hope u will not abonded this story...

Please update soon...
yekung #6
Chapter 12: update soon!!!
hyukwife #7
Chapter 12: I still have faith on you so update more
Chapter 12: Wwwwooooooo llove your fic sooo much i really love it❤❤❤❤❤❤
hyukwife #9
Can anyone updatee this storyy?!
hyukwife #10
Chapter 12: Why arent you updatin?;( i read this story ince in awhile because i really like this story though it has been a hear since you updated but please updatee soonn cant handle my excietment for the next chapter please update this storyy (:❤