Trailer # 3 | JaeSeon's reason

HEAT- Brand New Stardom's New Girl Group (On-Going)






Two days later, JaeSeon and Cho PD agreed on seeing another girl. This time, the venue was at the park. The girl didn’t know why they were meeting there. Cho PD knew something was up. JaeSeon was going to challenge this girl.

“JaeSeon-ah, are you sure?” Cho PD asked, his ice cream.

“Yeah,” JaeSeon nodded.

“Ahh!! Block B!!” Girls around the park were screeching and yelling. Some guys too were taking pictures of Block B.

“Perfect,” JaeSeon grinned as he approached Block B. “Where’s Kyung-ah?” JaeSeon asked.

“Here,” Kyung paced faster to catch up with the group.

“What happened to your face?” JaeSeon asked.

“P.O accidentally kicked him this morning,” B-Bomb explained. JaeSeon looked at P.O and laughed.

“Babo-ya,” he playfully smacked P.O’s head.

“Hyung, why are we here?” JaeHyo asked.

“Look around you. In less than five minutes you have attracted around forty girls and fifteen boys.” JaeSeon smiled.

“So?” U-Kwon stood confused.

“There’s a girl coming right? Trying out for HEAT.?” Zico spoke.

“Yep, and there she is.” A girl from the crowd was wearing blue, which was instructed by JaeSeon so that identifying her wouldn’t be difficult.

JaeSeon walked through the crowd and stepped on a statue, calling people’s attention.

“Everybody, as you can see Block B is here,” JaeSeon started. The crowd went wild. It took him another five minutes to quiet them down. “I’m here to recruit someone and I need your opinion on how well she will perform. Will you help me?” JaeSeon gave a sweet smile which made teenage girls freak out. They all said yes in unison.

“Alright, you there, please come forward.” JaeSeon pointed out to the girl wearing blue. She looked flushed and frightened at the same time.

“What is he thinking?!” Cho PD looked confused and a little bit frustrated.

“President, I think what JaeSeon hyung is trying to do is whether she can keep up with the crowd. Also, I think what he’s trying to do is to find out whether she can keep up with the pressure.” Taeil explained.

“I see,” Cho PD nodded. “He’s a bright kid,” he added.

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Don't forget about this *Pouts*
*Wonders, who the next members are*
awww... when will you update again? been wondering who are the other members. update soon /puppy eyes/ pleease
I have a feeling the girl is much older than she looks
I know you're tricks author!
I don't blame her. If it's me i would ask the same thing!
i don't blame her for not wanting to give out her age to a random guy.... but aish that's not a good position to be in haha
katu09 #6
the writer is back yaaaay welcome again ^^
yey! you're back. excited for everything :D
nanie92 #8
Looking forward to this story^^
katu09 #9
i like her hehe ^^ but yes hope to see a girl that is not afraid of him or shy even if i'm afraid of him hehe
All these girls are so shy.
They need a manager like Jaeson to perk them up.