Lf: friends YAY


im tired of talking to my same 4 friends everyday and want to meet new people and talk with them in dms to form actual friendships LOLLL. i might at replying but i promise if you give me a minute to warm up to you, we can become great friends. 

  • im 18 so if you want to make out then be of age
  • i want to watch a LOT of movies and its boring by myself so lets watch things together
  • im very into music as well so i can recommend you songs that i gatekeep 
  • im into astrology and i do bull readings 
  • i will start playing genshin impact for you. 
  • no but i just want friends like tell me about your day and your life plz 
  • im a minus with a normal sleep schedule on a good day

and if all that didnt work for you, im a barista irl ... i can be ur hot barista bf or gf lol.. (no im serious this is not a joke i need to feel something) pm me with ur dc tag and ill msg you!


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alanwoo #1
no.. i don't wanna make out.. but.. aly#5418.