Let's go see a Shaman, what could possibly go wrong?

Let me introduce you to my demon
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A/N: Hi all, if you saw my feed post. I won’t take up too much with this note, just wanted to extend apologies again and offer at least something to read in the meantime. I will do my best to write as I can when I am able, but in lighter news please have a happy new year, hopefully it will be a decent and better year for everyone. Also thanks to MeloMera for her suggestion in this chapter of the Shaman, all credited to her. 


Joohyun sat there staring in between her girlfriend who remained frozen in time and Irene who still wished to know what her answer would be. Joohyun couldn’t believe this was happening. Weren’t they all just having breakfast together and everything seemed to be fine? Now she’s supposed to consider an impossible choice.


Could she really just wipe Seulgi’s memory? Even if it was a small portion of it. Seulgi might not know what happened. But Joohyun would know, and could she be okay with wiping away her memory. Then keeping such a huge secret from her. They didn’t even keep secrets. Well, outside of the obvious that Joohyun had Irene. But that was something different. Joohyun couldn’t have exactly just told Seulgi that Irene existed, at least not without Seulgi thinking she was either joking and or crazy. 


“Wait a minute, even if you do this. Just how the hell are we going to explain how you are here?”


“Explain, me?” The demon blinks. 


“Uh-huh?” It would appear Irene didn’t think that far ahead. Even if Joohyun does agree and lets Irene wipe part of Seulgi’s memory. Just how are they going to explain a strange woman in their house that just happens to look like her. Except for the obvious purple eyes and fangs. 


“I’m your twin sister of course.”


“My twin sister.” Joohyun frowns. Seulgi is absolutely not going to believe that she has a twin sister suddenly. When they have been dating for the last six years and are living together. Seulgi has also met her parents before and there has never been any mention of a sister, let alone a twin sister. That’s what happens when you date for six years and eventually meet your significant other's family.


“You know that’s not going to work. She’s already met my family.”


Irene appears thoughtful. “Then I simply alter my appearance.” And with a quick wave of her hand her appearance does change. Now she has blonde locks, appears taller, brown eyes, and no fangs. Joohyun wants to easily point out that while the appearance change is very cool. Just who the hell is she supposed to tell Seulgi she is?


“If this doesn’t work for you. I can change again.”


“It must be wonderful to be able to have the kind of powers you have, Irene.”


“Sometimes they are useful. But none of that matters if you don’t want to go with my plan. Have you decided, Hyun?” She changes back to her original form again and waits once more for a decision. Joohyun looks at Seulgi again. 


“I don’t know, Irene. I just don’t think I can do something like that, not to Seul.”


“Fair enough, I think you need more time to think about it. I suppose I did just spring this on you randomly. Let me know what you decide after you’ve had more time.” Irene did not give this offer to Joohyun to hurt her. She did not give this offer to hurt Seulgi either. Her main intention was to make sure their relationship survived. It would survive, right? She knows that they do love each other. But what if it wasn’t enough to get through this news. Irene couldn’t stand it if Joohyun lost the person she loves because of her.


“Alright, I guess. But can you at least let her go.” Joohyun looks worriedly at Seulgi and Irene sighs.


“Nothing happened to her, it was a minor time spell.”


“That’s what you say….”


Though she knows Irene would not actually cause anyone harm. It was just a little unnerving seeing Seulgi stuck in that frozen position, while she and Irene continued talking. Irene does finally release her spell and Seulgi is freed. It’s clear that Seulgi has no clue what happened. 


“Are you alright, baby?” Joohyun of course places both hands on her cheeks, inspecting for damage that is not even there. Irene rolls her eyes dramatically and pours herself another glass of orange juice. Leave it to her human to not listen to a word she said about Seulgi not being harmed.


“So dramatic, Hyun.”


“Yeah, I’m fine.” Seulgi nods. Unsure as to why Joohyun would think otherwise. “Why wouldn’t I be?”


“No reason, Seul. Anyways, if we’re all done with breakfast…”


“Hyunnie…” There’s a gentle hand on her shoulder that has Joohyun look at her girlfriend curiously. Normally, Seulgi does this when she wants to comfort her. Something tells Joohyun Seulgi has other thoughts in her mind. A part of Joohyun wonders how much of the last conversation does Seulgi actually remember. 


“I have an idea. For both of you, actually.” 


“For us both?” Both she and Irene whisper together. Now what on earth does that mean? Irene isn’t sure she likes the sound of this and the demon prepares herself for the worst just in case. Seulgi has been thinking. Ever since all of this has been revealed to her. She doesn’t know why it hadn’t dawned on her sooner. There might be a solution to not only Joohyun’s concern about what Irene’s affect could have on their relationship. But also they would need to figure out a way to bring Irene back to Joohyun, right? There’s no way they could just stay separate for long. Since it seems like Irene is a part of Joohyun either way and she must return sooner or later.


“I think we should visit my shaman friend.”


Seulgi says the words and Joohyun certainly hears what her girlfriend said. Only is Seulgi sure that’s a good idea? The main reason being Joohyun isn’t even sure she trusts this shaman friend of Seulgi’s to begin with. Joohyun is about to speak and asks Seulgi if she's absolutely positive about this. All of a sudden Irene has the worst possible reaction of all possible reactions.


“You will not take me to be exorcised!” Irene’s eyes are suddenly even brighter and her dark locks are flying around like she’s actually the one that’s possessed. It’s kind of freaking both humans out. 


“O-Oh, but...but…” The monolid woman laughs nervously as Irene starts walking over to her. “You won’t be exorcised or anything, I…” Irene actually grabs her up by her pajama shirt.


“Hey, Irene, put her down. What happened to not hurting the woman I love.”


“That doesn’t matter anymore.” Everything was all well and good before Seulgi started mentioning things about shamans. Now all bets are off and Joohyun just might be in need of a new girlfriend.


“Oh, come on, Hyunnie. Call her off….” Seulgi practically begs. Because scary demon Irene is not as nice as chill demon Irene. The same woman who was not too long ago happily munching on an omelet and seemed harmless. Now she looks like she wants to toss Seulgi out of a window or worse. 


“Irene will you at least hear her out. You know Seulgi is not going to take either of us into a dangerous situation. We can trust her. Now please put her down because you’re scaring my girlfriend.”


God does Joohyun hope she’s getting through to Irene. She still can’t imagine that Irene will hurt Seulgi or anything, no matter how upset she might be at the moment. Irene sighs heavily before proceeding to drop Seulgi on the kitchen floor. Seulgi supposed it was better than being tossed out of the window.




“Be thankful I didn’t toss you out of the window.”


“Oh, believe me I am.” Seulgi’s hand goes to her head. Joohyun thanks Irene and immediately helps Seulgi up.


“Are you okay, baby? Let me see.” Naturally, Joohyun goes into caring girlfriend mode to make sure there isn’t any kind of real damage done. Irene isn’t even standing there anymore. Joohyun figures she’s probably gone off to sulk or contemplate her next move, one or the other. She’ll talk to her later. She has to make sure Seulgi is okay first and so she helps her into the living room. 


“I’m sorry about that, Seul. Irene didn’t mean any harm.”


Seulgi didn’t really think Irene meant any harm. She supposes if she were a demon and told some random news such as being taken to a shaman. It would probably spook her too. 


“I didn’t mean any harm either. Maybe she freaked out?”


“I think so. But still, I’m sorry for this. I’ll try and talk to her and get her to take a chance. Though, are you really sure about going to your friend?” Joohyun did have her doubts. 


“Well, what do we have to lose, Hyunnie?”


“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe a lot!” She doesn’t want to hurt her girlfriend’s feelings. Especially not after Irene threw her to the floor. That’s why she simply kisses her forehead and tells Seulgi to rest for a while. Joohyun promises to talk to Irene and when she feels better they can go talk to Seulgi’s shaman friend. The only thing Joohyun could hope for was that it would not end in complete disaster. Seulgi did look like she needed to rest. Joohyun wondered if there might be some lingering effects of that spell Irene used earlier. Either way it was as good a time as any to check on Irene. Hopefully she wasn’t still pissed off.


“Irene?” Joohyun walked off in search of the purple-eyed woman.


There was no answer. Not that Joohyun had been expecting one. She knows her demon well enough after all these years that if Irene doesn’t want to talk she won’t respond.


“You’re not going to be a sulky demon, are you? Not now.”


Unfortunately for Irene, Joohyun did know how to deal with a sulky demon. The human walked upstairs to the guest room first. Thinking that was probably where Irene might be hiding.


“Aren’t you a little old to be sulking? That’s not how a 1000-year-old acts.”


There’s a strangled sound being heard and Irene pulling back the covers of the bed. The dark-haired woman glares at her before sighing heavily. “I am not 1000-years-old by the way.”

“Oh there are you. I’m sorry, aren’t you?” Joohyun covers and holds back a laugh before sitting down on the edge of the bed. Irene rolls her eyes and mutters something about silly humans.


“What do you want, Joohyun?”


“I came to check on you. Seul didn’t mean to upset you or anything. I think she genuinely was trying to help.”


“I know that.” Irene nods and leans back against the pillows. She knows that Seulgi didn’t intend any harm. There was just something about hearing the word shaman that set her off. Looking back Irene knows she probably reacted poorly. She knows she will have to properly apologize to Seulgi too as it’s only the right thing to do. 


“Maybe, give Seul a break. I think I told you but this is all new to her. The other night I was still just Joohyun to her and now there’s you as well. I know it’ll take some getting used to.”


“I know that as well, Hyun. I can still wipe her memory for you. More memories now on account of what happened downstairs.”


“You’re still insisting on wiping her memory, huh?”


Irene sits up when she detects what sounds like sadness in Joohyun’s voice. She must admit she might not be fully in tune with human emotions. Not like if she were human herself. However, she has been with Joohyun for a long time and she knows Joohyun. She would know any change in her voice and she certainly would know if something upsets Joohyun.


“Why are you sad? It would solve any possible problems.”


“I know I would, but this is my girlfriend and I love her. It’s not that simple to just wipe her memory and live with that knowledge while she goes on not knowing what I did.”


“Humans…” Irene shakes her head. On the one hand, Irene supposes if she were to put herself in Joohyun’s shoes she can understand. She just doesn’t understand not taking the option when it would solve her problems. 


“You told me you’d let me think about it, right? Now will you at least let us go visit the Shaman friend of Seul’s. We won’t let her do anything to you. I promise, Irene. If you can’t trust anything else you know t

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69 streak #1
Chapter 5: wow im speechless really. idk what to say!
69 streak #2
Chapter 4: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
69 streak #3
Chapter 2: ijbol😭
69 streak #4
Chapter 1: ijbol! who's that😭
69 streak #5
lezgo read this
429 streak #6
Chapter 5: Aww... Everything ended well and everyone's happy. And no one died from the gray soup 😂
Chapter 5: Seulgi was too much an understanding gf and too much in love with Joohyun to not accept Irene as part of Joohyun’s life 🫶🏼
Chapter 4: Shouldn’t have gone to see Seungwan.
Chapter 3: I hope Irene doesn’t say yes.
Chapter 2: It seems like Irene had a different character than Joohyun. That’s nice.