So, Irene has a suggestion?

Let me introduce you to my demon
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A/n: I just wanted to thank those who you reviewed for the reviews, I really do appreciate them. This is probably the most fun I had writing a while, so thank you! Please enjoy the rest, which this story should be about five or six chapters long I think? Okay thank you here’s the chapter.  


Sleep had not come easy for Seulgi anymore than it had for either Joohyun or Irene. But Seulgi did sleep. It wasn’t easy to sleep apart from her girlfriend but she managed. With plenty of tossing and turning, such things were okay when you were sleeping alone, and Seulgi did wake up not to the feel of Joohyun’s lips like she normally did. She woke up to someone poking her cheeks, which wasn’t unusual either.


“Hello?” Irene wondered just how long Seulgi planned to sleep.


She knows from watching that Seulgi could sleep for long periods of time. Often Joohyun would be up and out of bed before Seulgi would even think about getting up. Irene knew that Joohyun had specific ways of waking her girlfriend up. None of which she herself could do, unless she wanted to face her human’s wrath.


“Earth to Seulgi?” Irene sighed and continued to poke at a tanned cheek.


“Hmm…” Monolid eyes started opening, and for a quick moment she swore she saw Joohyun sitting there. Then realized quickly she had seen purple eyes instead of brown and calmed down. “Oh, Irene?”


“Yeah that’s right. So you do wake up, finally.” The demon sighs. “I thought I was going to have to throw water at you. That’s what you humans do, right?”


Hearing that Irene was getting ready to throw water at her forces Seulgi to wake up completely. She would rather not have water thrown on her, thank you very much. She sits up in bed with a startled expression that has Irene looking amused.


“No, we don’t throw water. What gave you such an idea?”




“Well, we’re going to have to get you away from the movies. At least while you’re here in the real world.” Speaking of the real world, where the hell is Joohyun? Why wasn’t she the one to wake her up? 


“I was told to wake you.” Irene answers and stands up. “Joohyun is making breakfast so…”


“Oh god no!” Seulgi visibly reacts to that. “Are you crazy, and you let her make breakfast?”


“I didn’t see the harm.” Irene honestly had not seen the harm. What’s the big deal in letting Joohyun cook? She’s not that bad, really. Irene has seen much worse than her human host. Before she can tell Seulgi that the monolid woman is already running out the guest room and downstairs.


“Please don’t cook, Hyunnie!”


That is all Irene hears before the purple-eyed woman falls out on the bed cackling. She is going to enjoy the couple very much. They are the strangest humans she’s ever met. That was probably why the two of them seemed to make perfect sense. Irene must admit there was something about the two of them that worked.


“And what’s so wrong with my cooking?” Joohyun asks in an offended tone.


“Uh-oh, I better referee in case they need it.” Irene disappears in a flash and reappears again in the kitchen. Neither Joohyun or Seulgi have seemed to notice, and so Irene sits down at the kitchen island, as if she’s been there the whole time. It will be funny once the humans notice.


“Ooh, bread…” The demon notices slices of bread and picks over the pieces that aren’t burnt to a crisp.


“Hyun..” Seulgi sighed and placed hands onto her shoulders lovingly. “I love you very much. But we must bring up the gray soup.”


“It wasn’t that gray.”


“It was actually pretty gray.” Irene has to admit. She doesn’t recall ever seeing gray soup either, at least not one made by a human. Seulgi and Joohyun turn to look at Irene. How long has she been sitting there? Munching on bread, no less!  


“Are you just going to pop in at random like this?” The monolid woman wonders for her own sanity more than anything. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to be prepared in case Irene did decide to drop in on some inconvenient moment. Oh let’s say like Seulgi is in the shower, or undressing. Hypothetically, of course.


“When I feel like it. You know, walking is tiring.”




“I wish I could teleport.” Joohyun sighs and turns her attention back to the fact that she was trying to make breakfast. 


“You should have let me teach you.”


“Really? Can demons teach that sort of thing.”


Irene shrugs. How the hell does she know? The only reason she said that at all was to make Joohyun feel better. Seulgi could do nothing for the moment but stare between the two of them. She still can’t believe that last night happened. Yet, here they all are in the kitchen. Herself, Joohyun, and Irene so it was very safe to say it was no extended dream. 


“I mean….we could try. What’s the worst that could happen? Maybe you end up in another dimension, Hyun. But…”


“Another dimension!”


“Oh, here they go…” And as easy as it would have been to stop the two of them from their spirited debate. Seulgi saw her perfect chance to finish breakfast. She gently took the spatula out of her girlfriend’s hand and took over for her. That turned out easier than Seulgi expected. Joohyun was too focused on questioning Irene on what could possibly happen to her. She never did notice Seulgi had been the one to finish cooking breakfast. Irene did, however. But of course the demon wanted to wait for the last possible moment to mention it, because why not.


“And another thing….” Joohyun began. “What do you mean I could get lost in space?”


“I mean you could get lost in space, which space I don’t know. We’d have to figure that out. Ooh, looks like Seulgi’s finished making breakfast!” Irene points over to where Seulgi is indeed done with everything. She’s even going to the refrigerator to grab orange juice for them all. Joohyun stands dumbfounded for a long moment. How long had she been talking to Irene? Was it really long enough for Seulgi to finish making an entire breakfast that consisted of omelets, rice, and ham slices? 


“I was going to make breakfast….”


“You would have burned it.” Irene not so helpfully mentions. “Must we bring up the gray soup?”


“Now Irene’s bringing up the gray soup!” Her mind rages for a moment. It’s bad enough that Seulgi will not let it go. But now her own demon too? Will no one let the unfortunate gray soup incident go.


“We can think about the gray soup or we can eat breakfast, ladies. Come on?” The monolid woman says in a kind way. Seulgi already gathers up two plates, one for Joohyun, and the other for Irene. There is no need to let the food get cold. Irene happily takes the plate and starts piling on the food.


“Thanks, Seulgi! Your cooking always looks like it tastes good. Um, no offense, Hyun.” 


“Oh, none taken. My baby can cook. Why do you think I made sure she’s all mine?” Joohyun wraps her arms around Seulgi suddenly and the taller woman looks suddenly offended.


“I knew it! I knew you were only dating me because of food. The betrayal…” Seulgi puts her hand over her chest in a dramatic way. Irene quietly observes the couple while enjoying the omelet.


“Mmm…” Purple eyes light up. She must find out what Seulgi did with this omelet. But first…


“Of course, what else did you think it was about?” Joohyun says this. But Irene recognizes that loving tone anywhere. Plus that soft expression in the human’s eyes. Then there’s also the fact Seulgi is looking at her with similarly loving eyes. Irene might think they were strange humans. They were still the cutest humans ever, and she hoped that they would stay together no matter what.


“Are you okay, Irene?” Joohyun turned to her when she sensed something seemed to be the matter. 


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69 streak #1
Chapter 5: wow im speechless really. idk what to say!
69 streak #2
Chapter 4: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
69 streak #3
Chapter 2: ijbol😭
69 streak #4
Chapter 1: ijbol! who's that😭
69 streak #5
lezgo read this
429 streak #6
Chapter 5: Aww... Everything ended well and everyone's happy. And no one died from the gray soup 😂
Chapter 5: Seulgi was too much an understanding gf and too much in love with Joohyun to not accept Irene as part of Joohyun’s life 🫶🏼
Chapter 4: Shouldn’t have gone to see Seungwan.
Chapter 3: I hope Irene doesn’t say yes.
Chapter 2: It seems like Irene had a different character than Joohyun. That’s nice.