in between you and hues

Rare as Blue



Wendy’s deep slumber was interrupted by the continuous notifications on her phone, she forces to open one eye to check the time and the messages.


5:00 am.


The digital clock blared at her. The screen’s brightness makes her squint her eyes a bit.


It’s too early, a few more minutes. Wendy tosses her phone somewhere in her bed, turns to her side and feels the soft duvet beneath her lure her back to sleep. However, the messages from a certain someone begs to differ.


Little miss mischief:




Little miss mischief:


wake up!!


Little miss mischief:


Joohyunnie wakes up early, you don't wanna miss the sunrise date amirite? ;)


Little miss mischief:


also, would you mind giving me a lift later? I got me a final thesis defense @ lunch time, thank you unnie, you are the absolute best!!


After the fourth ding, Wendy grumpily got up and looked for her phone, she skims and scans the message previews, eventually giving up the much needed a few minutes more sleep and replies to her mischievous friend.




Ok, I'll get back to you after breakfast alright? You wanna come? might ask joohyun to join me, probably, i’ll try???


Little miss mischief:


please, i had enough of your yearning eyes for each other, that’s too much torture in the morning, ring me after ok unnie, ill sleep some more, nighty nights!


Damn it, yeri! Wendy shakes her head and jumps out of bed, trying to wiggle the blush off her cheeks. It’s too early to be reminded of someone who is as breathtaking as the sunrise.


She makes her way to the bathroom to freshen up, she grabs her phone and decides to send a text message to her new friend next door while brushing her teeth.




Hi, good morning! Are you up?




Good morning sleepyhead! Yup, I'm about to head out, your jacket is with me.




Were you waiting for me? Sorry, just had a quick convo with Yeri a while ago. Use the jacket please, I have another one with me, see you in a bit? :)




Yup, you mind if I hang out in your room? We can go downstairs together, if that’s okay with you? :)

Wendy chokes on the fluoride upon reading the message. This isn’t the way to go Wendy. After a few bouts of a coughing fit, Wendy replies and prays that her morning self can handle some more of her newfound friendship with the gorgeous and ever so charming Joohyun. Besides, it was her who brought this upon herself.




Make yourself at home, I’m just in the bathroom, be out in a jiff.


The friendly brunette heard a door open and some shuffling in the living room, that must be Joohyun.


“Hiiii Wendy, it’s Joohyun, sorry for barging in! I uh - I brought you tea and please take your time.” Joohyun facepalmed when she realises that she might have prolonged the “Hi” and it sounded so awkward in her ear, she’s glad the other woman didn’t see her slip up like that.


As soon as Joohyun places the flask on top of the coffee table, the bathroom door opens and reveals a charming Wendy in casual tee, washed up jeans and specs. No makeup whatsoever. Just her charming self in the morning. How is this even legal? Joohyun almost lost her balance, luckily the couch was there to save her.


“Wow, hi, morning. This is a lovely couch you have here. Absolutely snazzy.” the gay and suddenly worked up Joohyun blabbers and frantically taps the couch like it was her first time seeing this couch when in truth and reality, she made sure that the entire inn had the same set of upholstery.


“Are you usually this funny in the morning? I bet you have the same lovely and snazzy couch in your room!” Wendy gave a hearty laugh and Joohyun was convinced to ditch the usual sunrise for this cute bundle of warmth.


“Sorry to have kept you waiting, you ready to go?” Joohyun blinks once, and blinks some more. The charming woman was already a few inches away from her, cradling the flask in one arm, while the other arm was raised up and her pointy finger was fixing her specs, giving an amused smile at Joohyun.


“Y-yeah, we should go, the sun is about to come up soon.”


Joohyun mindlessly grabs Wendy’s wrist leading her out the door and Wendy couldn’t help but smile, her new friend is a wee bit touchy but she doesn’t mind, not at all.


The elevator ride was quiet but not uncomfortable, they were exchanging small smiles as their arms brushed against each other. Wendy wonders if there is ever a scientific explanation as to why elevator rides with Joohyun seem to last longer than the usual elevator rides she had her entire life. Weird but interesting.


The elevator doors opened, the seemingly blinding lights of the lobby and Joohyun’s eye smile greeted her.


“I zone out a lot too, especially in the morning, don’t worry, I got you.” Joohyun’s small hands reached out to her snaps Wendy back to reality, the supposedly long elevator ride with Joohyun was over and Wendy wasn’t entirely aware of it.


“oH ~ crap, sorry.” Wendy shyly takes Joohyun’s hands and lets her lead the way, Wendy focuses on how small the latter’s hands were but somehow it fits perfectly with hers. Okay, wrong form of distraction.


They were finally out of the inn and were heading towards the seawall. It’s obvious that the inn’s management were aware of the possibility that the visitors might consider spending time at the seawall, the footpath and the light poles surrounding the place were clear indicators.


As much as Wendy loves the cold morning breeze kissing her cheeks, how it brings her to a state of being calm, there are certain levels of cold that seem to be of concern to her.


Joohyun was brisk walking, linking their arms as if it was the world’s most common response next to hi or hello, not that Wendy minded the fact that her new friend was once again dangerously close, not that. Their hands brushed against each other consecutive times, does she want to hold hands? and when Joohyun sneezed, Wendy had enough.


“Joohyun, are you okay? Your hands, they’re pretty cold.” Wendy carefully took Joohyun’s hands and caressed it.


“Mmyeah, I can manage. I do this every morning.” Joohyun’s trembling voice made it hard for Wendy to believe her.


“You’re shivering..” Wendy immediately snuggles closer to the trembling bunny, hoping her body heat can compensate for the guilt that she’s feeling, asking the bunny to accompany her to watch the sunrise when clearly the bunny gets cold easily.


“We’re almost there.” Joohyun almost whispered, snuggling close and side-hugging Wendy, giving her the most heartwarming smile of content. Wendy is Canadian, the cold is not much of a big deal for her but at that moment, her knees buckled. What is wrong with me?


And as if on cue, the both of them were gloriously distracted by a tiny ball at the horizon, slowly coming out from the bed of clouds engulfing it, increasing its size, bringing about hues of bright yellows as it stretches across the mellow blues of the sky, the calm waves swaying along, singing praises as it meets the seawall; the mark of something new, a new day..


Wendy closes her eyes and sighs, as if in sync, she hears a sweet hum of content by her side, she can’t help but smile as she glances at the equally mesmerizing woman beside her, her eyes are closed and there is a genuine smile on her face, was it the now lukewarm breeze or the sudden surge of warmth and comfort within her, as her gaze was now focused on the woman, one thing is for sure.. I want to get used to THIS.


Joohyun excitedly hops on the seawall and pats the space next to her. Wendy found it so endearing that the once trembling bunny was now energized and was back to being her adorable self.


“So, the sunrise and the sunset is a pretty special occasion to you huh?” Wendy spoke first.


“Yeah… Wendy notices Joohyun’s eyes traveled from the horizon back to her swinging legs, “it reminds me so much of my days with my Dad, we used to do this all the time and he would share fun trivias about the sky and the sea.. a hint of sadness and pain as her voice trailed. “he passed away a year ago.”


“I’m sorry I brought it up, Joohyun.” Wendy heard Yeri’s voice in her head, about her being a bad conversationalist. Damn, I ed up again.


As if Joohyun noticed Wendy’s internal struggle, she spoke and placed a hand on Wendy’s, lightly tapping it while gazing at the sky.


“No, it’s okay. It’s high time I make peace with the truth, it’s difficult but we have to keep moving forward, live in the moment and appreciate life for what it is, a linear path of fun and misadventures.” Joohyun chuckles and Wendy thought she couldn’t be more enthralled by this woman, oh how she admired how strong Joohyun is.


“That’s one way to look at it.. I’m proud of you, Joohyun.” Wendy spoke from the heart, looking into her eyes, giving Joohyun the softest smile that she can muster.


“Thank you, Wendy. That’s so sweet of you..”


Wendy could only hum in response, in awe of how Joohyun’s eyes were like a beautiful abyss of serenity, one that you wouldn’t mind getting lost in.


“How about you? You seem to be fond of sunrises and sunsets too, and not that I am judging you in any way, but.. you don’t look like you’re from around here, too. We have a small community here, so I know when we have a new face around.” Joohyun finally gave the staring contest a much needed time out.


“Well, I just want to appreciate things you know, outside of my usual routine. The city life isn’t as grand as people thought it to be. It is where people work too much for a living that they actually forget what it feels like to have a life. Whenever I watch the sunrise and the sunset, I feel like I have that certain equilibrium; that I’m not losing myself thinking about the future, worrying about the future.”


Wendy felt like she said too much but Joohyun’s encouraging smile completely diminished that thought.


“But why here? I mean, you can always watch the sunrise and the sunset somewhere nearby?” Wendy has heard this before, numerous times to be exact, from her close friends to be specific. Now that the question is from someone who is part of the actual answer, it doesn’t sound too annoying.


“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” Wendy winks and grins.


“Okaaaay, so city girls like riddles then?” Joohyun raises one eyebrow and Wendy just had to stifle a laugh, it looks like the charming Joohyun is also a competitive one.


“And beautiful girls like you from an equally beautiful place like this, does not?” Wendy from somewhere clearly doesn’t back out. The cheesy lines were invented just for her.


“Oh, I would’ve dated you if you weren’t so judgmental!” Joohyun blurts out, Wendy was taken aback by Joohyun’s sudden bluntness. She immediately regrets engaging with the competitive Joohyun. I just dug my own grave.


“You started it!! it wasn’t even a riddle, what do you mean..” the shy puppy thinks that maybe a slightly loud voice would distract Joohyun from her blushing cheeks.


“I’m kidding!” Joohyun pokes her cheeks and Wendy knows that her plan has failed. “So, what time will you be leaving? We should get breakfast before you leave.” Bless Joohyun for changing the topic.


“After breakfast I guess? I’m bringing Yeri to uni for some thesis defense she has going on and maybe lunch after and just stroll around the city, gotta embrace the city girl, riddle-filled vibe, right?” Wendy smiles, proud of herself for recovering from that ruthless Joohyun attack.


“That sounds fun!”


“You should come, we can make fun of Yeri while she’s fidgeting over her defense and maybe you could be the stereotypical city girl for a day, how does that sound?”


Wendy watches as Joohyun thinks about the offer, , that was too impulsive. I didn’t think this through. Did I just ask her out again? No, this isn’t even a date. Oh, what the hell, it.


“That sounds like a beautifully wrapped revenge.” The mental debate stops and Wendy couldn’t believe what she just heard, Joohyun agreed. She gets to spend more time with her new friend!


“And then we can watch how the sunset looks in the city!” Wendy excitedly suggested, giving out a megawatt smile for only Joohyun to see.


“We’d do that?” Wendy adores Joohyun’s wide eyes and her expressive brows, now she wants to give herself a pat on the back for having the courage to ask Joohyun to come with her back to the city.


“Of course! I’m sure your dad would love to hear what you think about sunsets in the city.''


As soon as Wendy spoke, Joohyun’s gaze softened and her arms were around Wendy’s neck in no time. Wendy felt her heart leap out of her chest when her brain registered the fact that Joohyun was hugging her. Joohyun’s lavender scent, her soft hair almost caressing her cheeks, how Joohyun’s head automatically craned and leaned to hers, the goosebumps traveling from her arms to her neck when Joohyun murmured what seemed to be an endless loop of thank yous in her ear, her low and husky voice, how it sent little tingles of shockwaves throughout her body and most importantly, how her body instinctively hugged Joohyun back, without hesitation, without her usual let me overthink this moment first. She just did it because she wants to.


Everything Joohyun invaded her senses in this exact moment of pure bliss. A part of Wendy’s brain recognizes the need to document this moment, this sensation.. Wendy realises that for the first time in her adult life, she forgot to record this one specific sunrise entry, and for the first time, yet again, it didn’t matter.


What’s the need for a recording device when she can associate the beauty of sunrise and sunset to a certain person, a woman named Joohyun, from now on.


She will remember, there is no doubt.



Breakfast was a quick chit-chat, a little discussion about the plans for the day and just Wendy looking around the breakfast lounge with so much awe and wonder, asking a bunch of questions about the interior design of the lounge, meticulously checking what the food was before taking little bites and ending with a variety of expression ranging from beaming smiles, furrowed eyebrows and questionable pouts. Joohyun takes a mental note and considers maybe to have a quick rundown with her uncle about the inn’s breakfast menu once she comes back.


Joohyun was glad to have noticed how Wendy skipped towards the elevator doors, almost dragging her back to their floor.


They were standing right outside Wendy’s room and Joohyun was struggling to find the right words to describe what she was feeling. Everything dawns on her when she finally realises that she agreed to spend an entire day at the city, an hour car ride with Yeri and most importantly, the rest of the day with Wendy. Joohyun, you gay hag. She thinks about work, the staff, who was she kidding, Joohyun knows her uncle would even drive her to the city once he discovers the little vacation that Joohyun plans to have. I guess there’s no point in backing out, a little leisure time won’t hurt.


“Breakfast was superb, Joohyun! Please tell your uncle that it would be a dream to try the lunch banquet next time.” Wendy’s sweet voice and genuine smile disrupts Joohyun’s inner monologue.


“I’m glad you liked it. My uncle would probably take you on a “gastronomic trip” when he hears this, trust me, your inner foodie should be ready.” Joohyun mimics the genuine smile and waits for the puppy to tone down on the jumping and furious clapping. She’s gets cuter and cuter, what the .


“Yall know what should be ready, you, Wendy-unnie!” Both Joohyun and Wendy were startled when Yeri came around the corner and spoke with a loud voice, pointing her lightsaber at Wendy. “Please, I don’t want to be late, this is an important academic milestone for me, and by that I mean, I need to ensure that I will be able to fund my gaming necessities and other important adult stuff.” the lightsaber has been powered down and the only light that was shining was Joohyun’s smile of disbelief and Yeri’s eyes attempting to mimic the ones from a puppy.


“I need to graduate my dear unnies, please. Just get married some other time.” a loud smack, probably echoed throughout the entire floor and in a split second, the lightsaber was in Joohyun’s hands and Yeri was clutching her arm while hiding behind Wendy.


“I’m kidding unnie, please. Wendy unnie agreed to give me a lift! You said yes unnie, remember?” Yeri’s muffled voice was almost inaudible and Wendy can’t help but chuckle at the young one’s antics.


“Oh, I don’t know Yeri, I don’t really remember? I mean, it’s 7am, it’s too early for my brain to function.” Wendy carefully turns and leans towards the door frame, leaving her in the middle of a not-so furious Joohyun and a whimpering young one.


“Unnie, please. Here look at my phone! our messages today.. It’s all here, unnie..” Yeri dishes out her phone and adjusts the phone’s brightness for both unnies to read. “Please, I’m sorry I woke you up early today, I just don’t want Joohyunnie waiting outside, she gets cold easily,” the young one spoke, not even minding a breath. “and.. I’m sorry for the.. you know.. rooms, I just want you to be comfortable Wendy-unnie, I know you struggle adjusting to new places so I figured maybe with Joohyunnie around, it would be easier for you.” Yeri moves closer to Wendy, resting her forehead on her unnie’s shoulder blades. “Please unnie, give me a lift..”


All Wendy could hear were sniffles and her arms instinctively moved to wrap around the younger one as she ruffled her hair.. “I’m kidding, you big baby. I said I’ll come and take you to uni after I eat breakfast right? Have you eaten?”


Yeri shakes her head, Wendy hears a sound of a door open right next to them.


In a few seconds, the smell of bacon and pancakes and the distinct scent of tuna kimchi fried rice invades their noses. Wendy heard a stomach grumble, probably Yeri’s.. and Joohyun’s calm voice next door.


“Yerim-ah, get in here and eat. I asked them to bring your favorites. You don’t want to be late, right?”


Yeri’s eyes quickly met Wendy’s, and the older one knew exactly what it meant.


“Go on, buddy. I’ll be right out in a few minutes, I’ll just take a quick bath and we’ll be ready to go, yeah? Just apologise to Joohyunnie later on our way back.”


Yeri’s eyes widened and before she could even speak, Wendy was pushing her towards Joohyun’s room, “I’ll tell you later.”



It was a quiet car ride after Yeri triumphantly convinced Joohyun to take the shotgun seat while she sprawled at the back seat, humming and waiting for sleep to come so she doesn’t have to bore her eyes out watching the iffy let’s sneak a glance show between her two unnies.


Yeri was a wink away from dreamland when Wendy’s voice startled her, “Yeri, can you answer Seulgi’s call, I forgot my bluetooth adapter at home. Just put her on speaker will you?”


She groans as she opens one eye, stretches her arm and reaches for the phone.


“Ya, unnie.” Yeri sits up and groggily answers.


“Yeri?! Seulgi screamed as she answered and Yeri had to put the phone away from her ears momentarily “How - what?! You guys hung out without me? Come on now, Wan.”


“Calm down unnie.. Yeri sighs and rolls her eyes at how dramatic her unnies could get
“we just bumped into each other yesterday, Yeri wiggles her eyebrows and looks at the same rear view mirror that Wendy is looking at “anyway, just so you know, Wendy-unnie is very much okay so quit the worry party, it’s too early in the morning for that, in fact she’s bringing home a wif ---”


Joohyun almost breaks her neck as she turns her head and snatches the phone away from Yeri, giving her a look of utter disbelief.


“Yeri!” Wendy raises her voice, wanting to reprimand the younger one but to no avail since she was driving.


“Ya, Yeri. She brought a what?”

“Hello? You guys okay there?”


Yeri sprawls, laughs out loud, crosses her arms and closes her eyes, not wanting to look at the stares of doom from both of her unnie.


Wendy groans and mouths a “sorry” at Joohyun who was now awkwardly holding her phone.


“Seul, I’ll call you back okay. I’m driving, hanging up now.”


“She’s bringing someone home unnie!!” Yeri screams from the back seat and Wendy almost slammed the brakes, fortunately, they were nearing a stop light.

“Omg Wan! I didn’t know you had it in you! Did you finally ask her ou ----”


Wendy snatches the phone away from Joohyun’s hands and swipes the disconnect button immediately.


Why are my friends like this?!


She lets out an awkward chuckle. A groan. A sound. Something to save her from embarrassment. Anything.


Driving and thinking shouldn’t be this difficult right? She needs to focus on getting them safely to their destination but the urge to say something, to clear the evident awkwardness was stronger.


The blushing mess tries to check how Joohyun reacted through her peripheral vision, she’s staring outside, a relatively calm face, thank God.


Wendy places her phone on a dock, decides to find music that can mask, hell, distract her from this unfortunate situation she’s in while maneuvering the wheel.


A song comes up as soon as they reach the freeway. Ah, ing finally.


A delicate mix of contemporary R&B and Western pop melody echoes throughout the vehicle.


Wendy hums along with the song, fingertips tapping the wheel in sync with the song’s rhythm, head swaying slightly.


Her entire focus on the long, dwindling road, vehicles alongside, speeding, others slowing down as they reach their respective exits. The sun is at its peak bringing about little shiny specks of light crystals across the dashboard.


Ah, another week in the city.


The song’s last chorus chimes in and Wendy mindlessly sings along to it this time around

smoothly hitting every falsetto note.


“Baby girl you’re my..

Irene, you’re my.. Baby,

you’re my.. Flower, you’re my, everything.. My.. Irene..”


“I guess I am when you’re singing it to me like that.”


Joohyun’s voice could make her feel things, Wendy is entirely aware of it by now, but this time around, it hit her like a moving truck at 329 miles per hour.


Her eyes widened, mouth hung open in shock as she realized the implications of her mini jam session.


For a split second, Wendy wanted to put the vehicle into a halt and just run out of there, save herself from the countless times she had been embarrassed on this fine Monday morning.


Of all the songs that could actually come up, of all the songs that I could mindlessly sing to, it’s this ing song, with this ing lyrics, how ing convenient.


If she could mentally slap herself, she would’ve but Joohyun’s arm was moving, reaching towards her hand that is currently gripping the gear stick, holding it for dear life.


“It’s a pretty cute song, don’t worry.” Joohyun’s fingertips glide against her knuckles, her thumb caressing, lingering, a little bit longer. If this is her way of telling her that it’s okay then Wendy would like to unsign me up for a sec. This is way too much for her little gay heart.


She could see Joohyun waiting for a response in her peripheral vision. She looks straight ahead, takes a deep breath and convinces herself that it’s okay, it’s just a song. Irene, my new friend, likes the song.


“I-umm, yeah. It’s a new song I.. think. Yeah..” Wendy finally speaks up and glances at Joohyun, an awkward smile on her face and struggling to look into her friend’s eyes.

“We-uh, we’re near the uni, can you wake Yeri up, please?”


“Sure!” Joohyun eye-smiles and Wendy grips the steering wheel tighter.


In a few minutes, they reach the parking lot of the university. It didn’t take long for Joohyun to wake Yeri up. She her alarm tone, putting it in its maximum volume, by the time Joohyun was about to bring it near Yeri’s ear, Yeri abruptly shifted to her other side and fell off, waking her up.


Both Wendy and Joohyun laughed their asses off before helping Yeri to get up. The younger one was in complete shock for a few seconds before coming to her senses and joining the laugh party.


“Oh, , well, here we are ~” Yeri dusts off her pants, glides back to the back seat and fumbles with her papers.


“Everything okay back there Yeri?” Wendy unbuckles her seat belt and shifts to look at the younger one at the back.


“Yup, unnie. Just a little bit jumpy but I got this!” Yeri grins and shows her a triumphant clenched fist.


“Want me to walk you to your room, Yeri?” Joohyun butts in the conversation, a hint of worry in her eyes as she interrupts Yeri while she opens her passenger door.


“Joohyunnie, this is a university not a toddler school, I got this, okay?” Yeri assures the older one with a smug face, one leg already out the passenger door “Bye Mom and Dad! Say hi to Seulgi-unnie for me!” Yeri screams as she makes her way outside the parking lot, gaining attention from her schoolmates.


Joohyun chuckles and shakes her head in disbelief, Yeri is actually about to graduate but is still as mischievous as she was when she was still a young and whiny kid.


She looks at her companion who was mirroring the same smile that she has.


“Well, the kid has been taken care of, what do you want for lunch?” Wendy smiles at her while putting on her seat belt.


“This is your turf, hotshot,” Joohyun remarked, “you tell me.” unbuckling her seat belt and lunging slightly towards Wendy


Wendy flinched, blushed and froze in the spot and Joohyun was having the time of her life, noticing every little expression on the brunette’s face.


“Umm, well, maybe we can drive around town and ---”


A phone call interrupts Wendy’s train of thought and Joohyun immediately notices the familiar caller ID. “Seulbear.” with a bear emoji in it.


Wendy takes her phone off the dock, eyebrows raised at the device “I-uh, let me just take this call?” Joohyun just nods and observes.


Hello, Seul?”

“Yeri said what?”

“Seul, I swear, I don’t have time for th---”

“Oh, okay. Yeah, sure. It’s fine by me, don’t worry.”

“N-- you-- no, you will not!”

“Yeah, no, you better be proper”

“Yes, I will! So, can you hang up now so we can get going.”

“Yes, yes, we will. Yeah, see you later okay?”


Joohyun chuckles at the amount of expressions her new friend has and the sentiments that go along with it. The intonations, the choice of words, the obvious amount of care that she has for the person on the other line was evident. She remembered Yeri talking about Seulgi, Wendy’s bestfriend and she wonders if they can also reach that certain level of closeness in the future.


There is no doubt that she is indeed interested in getting to know her new friend more, in her mind, there must be a reason why they’ve met and the time frame doesn’t matter to her now, what’s important is that she intends to keep this friendship and allow it to bloom into something more, hopefully, if the universe permits, and even if it doesn’t, having a friend like Wendy is already the gift that keeps on giving, that she knows for sure, and by all means, she is already grateful.


“Hey, umm Joohyun? Is it okay if we have lunch at home? Seulgi said she needs my opinion on one of her portfolios, which is due this week and for an extremely important client.”


“Of course, I would love to meet Seulgi in person!”


“Alright, cool. Home it is.”




It was a 20 minute drive from the university to Wendy and Seulgi’s apartment complex. The entire time Joohyun looked out the windows, observing, admiring the new surroundings, high rise buildings, crowds at every sidewalk, and an almost never ending line of cars on the road. She slowly realises what Wendy meant when she said it’s so easy to get lost in this place. It’s overwhelming, the stark contrast of her solemn little town from this bustling place, and in a way, Joohyun thinks it’s amazing how things, places and people from two completely different worlds find a common denominator, something that diminishes that thin boundary line to the point that one can realise it was never there in the first place.


“Is it weird to invite a new friend to your home in just two days upon meeting each other?” Joohyun stares at Wendy for a bit, startled with the sudden question. They were already walking towards the elevator and Wendy was probably wondering why she looked like she was out of it.


Joohyun shakes her head and gives out an awkward smile. Why do I zone out a lot, it’s embarrassing at this point.


“If it eases you, it has been a little over a week since we met each other, we have a common friend and.. I feel comfortable around you.” Joohyun just had a hunch, that maybe the brunette was a wee bit worried.


“That’s good to know then. Sorry, I guess I’m worrying too much.” And when was Joohyun ever wrong? Wendy scratching her nape, eyes darting down the floor were clear indicators.


“You’re doing fine, Wendy. I’m really excited to see your place and to meet your friend.” Joohyun nudges Wendy’s shoulders, flashes her a genuine smile and hopes that it eases Wendy’s worries.


“T-thank you. We- uh, here we are.” Wendy busied herself fishing out her house keys from her pockets while leading Joohyun out of the elevator. Joohyun finds it so endearing how the cute angel seems to be a bit jumpy whenever they’re in close proximity and she’s determined to find more ways to close that gap, for the other woman to be comfortable around her too.


It didn’t take long before Joohyun heard shuffling noises inside the unit, and Wendy probably heard it too since she sighed heavily and stuffed the keys back to her pocket.


The door opens and a woman with monolid eyes, a cheeky grin and hair tied up in a bun welcomes them, Joohyun wonders if warmth is an adjective or a personality trait at this point and if this household explicitly requires it.


Seulgi, Wendy’s best friend ever since childhood, according to Seulgi’s stories over lunch, much to Wendy’s dismay, is adoringly similar yet different from Wendy in her own way.


Seulgi hugs and smiles a lot. A creative, an artist and is extremely passionate. At some point in their conversation, Seulgi showed her portfolio to Joohyun and Wendy was mumbling “I guess the client dilemma is solved now” in between huge bites of meat and rice.


Seulgi exudes warmth and comfort , similar to Wendy’s but she has this child-like aura around her. Fun, easy-going, innocent and adorable. They banter a lot but it stems from love and care for each other. She completely understands why Yeri once said that the two are inseparable and were nothing short of soulmates. Both Seulgi and Wendy complement and contradict each other beautifully.


Lunch went on for a few hours much to Joohyun’s enjoyment, in no time, she was given a comprehensive summary of Wendy’s childhood, teenage years and college life. She discovers that Wendy, despite being a shy bundle of warmth and easy smiles in front of Joohyun, was actually a campus crush back in High School and so much more in College.


A straight A student despite juggling numerous extra curricular activities, plays a bunch of sports in school and for leisure, passionate in music, cooks and bakes every now and then and a cheesy little munchkin, that information caught Joohyun’s attention, most especially.


Joohyun later on finds out that Seulgi, just like every other thing similar to Wendy, also worries a lot but mostly for her best friend; in Seulgi’s words, “something shifted with our Wendy right here, she seems to be at the crossroads of recklessness and calculated risks, but you know, babies do grow at some point in their lives. I hope you take care of this grown up baby right here.” Seulgi then proceeds with her signature eye-smile and her cute little chuckle.


When Wendy left them both on the couch for a quick shower since Seulgi isn’t keen to stop embarrassing me anytime soon, Seulgi was quick in offering Joohyun some tea and biscuits and invited her to join her on the terrace.


“I’m so glad I finally met you, Joohyun. How are you liking the city so far?”


There is an affectionate smile on Seulgi’s face and Joohyun can’t help but to return the same.


“It’s everything I expected it to be, but in a good way, you know.. I’m happy Wendy invited me over.”


“That one I didn’t expect... Wan inviting someone over, specifically a gorgeous woman like you.” Seulgi admits, her eyes not leaving Joohyun.


“Hmm, you’re her best friend for a reason, I see.”


Joohyun wonders if the allegedly cheesy little munchkin is as straightforward as her best friend.


“Haha no! I’m not even lying and not that I’m doubting my best friends’ charms, it’s just that making new friends wasn’t her point of interest recently, but it is a lovely surprise.”


“Thanks, but umm, point of interest huh.” and Joohyun thought she couldn't be more intrigued with her new friend.


“I just had this feeling.. a hunch.. When she met you last week and we had an interesting conversation.. Joohyun notices how Seulgi tends to wiggle her eyebrows and to gesture with so much enthusiasm just like Wendy “and you know, now that we’ve met, I understand why Wan seems to be so flustered around you. You’re straightforward, you’ll do well. This is exciting!” and finally she understands why there was a bear and a puppy sticker in their door. It was them! Seulgi with so much resemblance with a baby bear and Wendy, a shy little puppy, at least for now. But still, she doesn’t seem to follow Seulgi’s train of thought.


Wendy is flustered around me? Isn’t it the other way around? How am I supposed to ‘do well’?


“I don’t think I’m following, Seulgi.”


“You’re so much like Wannie, it’s so entertaining to me! All I’m saying is that I just know you and Wannie will be great friends.” Seulgi softly places a hand on top of hers.


“How can you be so sure? You said this wasn’t her point of interest.”


“Well obviously, until you, it wasn’t.” Joohyun almost chokes on her tea and Seulgi is now smiling from ear to ear. “All I’m asking for you to be patient with her for a little while, she has these quirks and I’m pretty sure you’ve noticed that.. The smile dissipates and Seulgi’s eyes roamed around the room for a few seconds, Joohyun can’t help but to tilt her head in curiosity. “It’s not my story to tell but please, just take it easy on her will you? In no time, I know she’ll explain.” Seulgi gave her a weak smile and it bothered Joohyun how it never reached her eyes.


“Should I be worried? You’re making it sound like something really serious.” Now, it was Joohyun’s turn to touch Seulgi’s hand hoping it would provide comfort to a silent plea.


“Hmm, you know how life throws you curveballs and sometimes you just have to take it, in whichever way you can? She’s figuring out a way to soften the blow. Well, don’t we all, right?” Seulgi’s eyes were screaming with concern but she opts to mask it through a weak smile, Joohyun sees through it because she knows exactly how it feels like to scramble to find a way to soften the blow and how everyone around her struggled as much as she did.


“That makes sense.. I’ve had my fair share of curveballs. Although, nothing will ever soften the blow, you do know that right?”


“Exactly my point, that’s why I’m asking you to ---”


“What exactly are you asking her Seul? You promised to be on your best behaviour!” Wendy barges in and surprises the two who seemed to be in a serious conversation. Wendy concludes just by looking at her best friend’s body language and the lack of the usual cheeky grin and eye smile and Joohyun just looked like she saw a ghost. It made her frown for a bit.


“I am, you worry wart. We were just talking about baseball, right Joohyun?” Seulgi never lies, at least that’s what Wendy would like to believe right now. She knows her best friend too well but it’s probably best not to bring it up at the moment, not when her new friend Joohyun is around.


“Yeah, curveballs.” Joohyun answers with a disarming smile and Wendy, for a moment, completely forgets about the chatter in her mind.


“Wow, I didn’t know you were into sports Joohyun.” she decides to sit on the other side of the couch, Joohyun is into sports? Can she get any more perfect?


“No, umm, I watched a game with my dad back then, that’s the only thing I know.” Joohyun answered quickly, her hands trying to dismiss her previous statement.


“Interesting, but would you be interested to watch the sunset with me in a few hours then?” Wendy blurts out. She can see Seulgi from her peripheral vision, a look of amusement forming on her face. You’re so weird, Seul! In her mind, it was really a genuine question.




Seulgi’s loud voice and giggles startled the both of them as she stood up, smacked a throw pillow back to the couch and slapped Wendy’s shoulder “Damn, now that’s the. game. that I expected!”


Wendy now realises that she might have said something peculiar to warrant the annoying smirk on her best friend’s face and an evident blush on Joohyun’s cheeks. Damn it, Seulgi!


“Of course, Wannie. I’m looking forward to it.” Wannie, her nickname, Joohyun called her Wannie, her close friends call her Wannie, can they be considered close friends now? It sounded heavenly when Joohyun said it. She’s really got a beautiful smile and captivating eyes. She booped my nose. Again. Is that a close friend thing? What was I worried about again?


“Okay besties, I’m heading out, want me to get you guys anything?” She was startled once again when it was suddenly Seulgi’s face in close proximity with hers and Joohyun. Suggestive eyes darting from Joohyun to her and a grin that Wendy hates.


“Nothing for now, Seul. I’ll text you, if ever. Take care, mkay?” Wendy slouches and sighs, her eyes now looking at the ceiling, her best friend is annoying but it really doesn’t last for more than 5 seconds.


“Yeah, I will. Your turn to be on your best behaviour then, hotshot?” Seulgi whispers and Wendy realised that her best friend never really moved, and Joohyun can clearly hear every single thing. It is time to reconsider the 5 seconds now.


“Get your out of here!!!”


Before Wendy could even reach for her best friend’s face and throw pillows from the couch to her smug face, the bear was already running towards the door, giggling and making a peace sign with her fingers.


“God, I’m sorry for Seulgi, she’s uh.. In high spirits today, I guess.” she sighs for the nth time today, her palm resting on her cheeks, throwing an apologetic look towards Joohyun.


“No, it’s totally fine with me, I like her energy.” Joohyun moves closer and pats her shoulder, she realises that it would take a while for her to get used to Joohyun being this close and that she should act appropriately because they are friends now, she doesn’t want to make Joohyun feel uncomfortable.


“So umm, our plan is totally botched since we had lunch here at home when we were supposed to go somewhere nice downtown.” a pout uncontrollably erupts and her voice sounds a tad disappointed. She doesn’t like it when things don't go according to her plans.


“This is a nice place you have here, don’t worry... Can I see your room, if that’s okay?”


“Of course, it’s umm.. a bit untidy but y-yeah come with me.” Wendy is not gonna lie, she was caught off guard by Joohyun’s request, it’s not like she could ever say no to those eyes and her sweet smile.


Wendy led her to a room just across the dining area. When Wendy said untidy Joohyun was expecting a bunch of clothes on the floor, maybe some books or papers on the desk, a bed with tousled sheets but she was welcomed by the utter opposite of what she’s expecting.


A quite spacious room, an eye-catching gaming setup on the left side, a sleek black gaming chair, a white pc setup with blue highlights, recording equipment and mounted speakers. In the middle, a small circular grey couch, a bass guitar, a coffee table and a bunch of colored pens aligned properly on top of a notebook,, On the right hand side, is a simple bed with a dark blue galaxy designed duvet and pillows, a cute squirrel stuff toy on top of it. A cabinet and probably the restroom at the far end side.


“You have a pretty cozy room!”


“I guess, it suits my lifestyle, music producer by day, bum at night. Or it can be the other way around. I have a rather mundane life, hehe.”


“Hey, you’re interesting. What are you talking about?” It’s okay to faint here right? since I’m in my room already? Wendy thought; Joohyun being close is one thing, Joohyun being touchy is another. Joohyun being straightforward? Thoughts and prayers for our dear Wendy.


“I am? W-why, thank you.” was the only thing Wendy could say.


She mindlessly followed Joohyun around the room, noticing every little rise of Joohyun’s eyebrows, her small smiles and curious hums


“You left your closet open, arranged in colors, haha cute.”


The blushing puppy immediately closes it and leads Joohyun to another side of the room.


“Yeah, I was in a bit of a hurry, didn’t want to leave you with Seulgi for too long, she loves to make fun of me.”


“No, don’t worry, your best friend adores you, you guys are so cute! I mean, she called you a baby and I just noticed.. You.. Baby?”


Wendy stops in her tracks and faces an amused Joohyun. Baby where? Baby who?


“I’m sorry, what was that?”


“The corners and edges of your room have bumpers?”


“Oh, that.” Wendy knew what Joohyun meant. Baby Proofed. It hasn’t really sunk in to Wendy until someone pointed it out. Someone outside her usual circle. Someone different. Someone new. There is someone new in my life now.. And she can’t help but to feel overwhelmed by the dozen possibilities and outcomes of this newfound relationship.


“It’s uh - the entire apartment is.. proofed, I tripped and fell one time and Seulgi just overreacted. I told her it’s so ridiculous to look at.” Wendy didn’t know what to feel, she wants to be embarrassed that an apartment with two grown women is baby proofed, but at the same time, she knows and understands why Seulgi did it, and the reason behind it is far beyond ridiculous, it is there for a reason, a reason she has yet to share with her friend some other time, or maybe never, who knows. This isn’t the time to think about it, Wendy.


“Naaah well, one can never be too careful right?” Joohyun gives her a comforting smile, her eyes with a bit of a worry, her pointy finger on Wendy’s forehead. Wendy wonders if Seulgi said something to Joohyun while she was in the shower, and to what extent. So much for not overthinking.


“You’re not serious.”

“I’m just saying, it’s not ridiculous.”

“I’ll have it removed one of these days.”

“No, it’s there for a reason right? so let it be, don’t worry. I’m not judging.”

“Hmm, I’ll think about it.”


One can never totally win against Joohyun, one amongst the multitude of things that Wendy noticed, learned about her new friend.


“So, what do you think about finding a good place to watch the sunset?” Wendy finally thought of a new topic, some sort of a saving grace. Sunset. Sunrises. Joohyun. Serenity. Joohyun.


“Can we just stay and just hang out on the terrace?” Joohyun pouts, hands pleading, linking her arms with Wendy’s and she immediately smiles when her brain replayed the first time she saw that gesture and how it felt. Wendy swears that at this point, the recordings in her phone wouldn’t be needed in the future.


Now that her brain acts like it was rewired from doomsday prepping to a certain level of bias towards Joohyun, that everything Joohyun is now automatically stored somewhere in there and her body reacts like everything Joohyun is a high priority, innate process, everything Joohyun from now on will be in a fluffy, unicorn filled, purple painted military grade vault, locked and secured. No need for reminders, it will be there.


Would she still be my friend in the future?

Even when that day comes? Especially when that day comes?


“Oh, thank God, I don’t go out that much too, I’m more of a homebody.” Wendy responds almost as quickly as her smile goes up to her eyes when Joohyun answers, ‘me too!’


That’s future Wendy’s problem for now.


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oKay, i guess it's going to take more than 2 chapters, at this point, i don't even know but here it is ~~


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Favebolous #1
Chapter 2: I want more
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 2: Joo-Hyun be funny with her Hiiiiii 🤣

Hmmm I'm curious as to Wendy's past
1694 streak #3
Chapter 2: So entertaining and makes me wonder what happen to Wendy? Whole apartment is baby proof? Wendy always fell?
WluvsBaetokki #4
Chapter 1: Oh wow! Where have you been ally WenRene life author-nim? This is beautiful!!!
Chapter 1: Me encanta!