love me not

love me not
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minjeong's ed.


she is so ed.


"hey, earth to minjeong?" a low voice nudges her back to reality.


minjeong heaves a sigh. "jimin, i know we're used to each other, but are you really sure you want to be roommates?"


it's not like jimin was going to be a bad roommate. she's well-poised; perfect, even. she's really going to have no trouble rooming with her at all. 


but then, really? of all people? why did it have to be Yu Jimin, her best friend whom she shared almost half of her life with?


"i'm more than sure! and besides, it was ning who told me you needed a roomie. i didn't pass up the chance," jimin shrugs and gave a sheepish smile. 


god, minjeong hated how she smiled like that. and of course ningning who planned things behind her back.


"i promise i'll be a good roommate," jimin reaches for minjeong's wrists, only for her fingers to fit with minjeong's. ",i'll be a good girl, min, just trust me on this."


minjeong parts her lips, but then closes it again. all the little thoughts build up inside her head. waking up the same room with jimin. studying with jimin. movie nights with jimin. brushing teeth with jimin. eating with jimin.


a sudden fluster and a deep sigh.


"well, atleast it's better than having to room with a total complete stranger," minjeong utters and jimin gives a bright, lovely smile. 


"i won't disappoint, thank you so much!" jimin bows her head on the table, reaching the level of minjeong's elbows. 


sure enough, minjeong convinces herself she'd last nine whole months of living together with jimin. she hopes she would.




"jesus, you're in a dorm room, not a whole condo unit." minjeong huffs as she brings down the big trolly bag from the elevator to her room. jimin was busy handling another of that bag, having to carry two bags of such kind. 


"i couldn't leave my canvasses, you know that" jimin remarked as she plops open the two humongous bags, and minjeong could just drop her eyes. jimin's stuff ranged from casual clothes, four pairs of uniforms; PE included, band posters, canvas boards, paintbrushes, pajamas, anything more minjeong would name of but can't, because there was no time to waste. 


they set up the room vigorously, putting each of their things on the respective tables, desks, and of course, their beds. originally, minjeong wanted a bunk bed type of room. but since she expected a stranger to be her roommate, she decided it to be a two bedded room, only to find out that it was her best friend she'd ended up rooming with. she kind of regrets it now.


"oh lord, setting up the room's hard. moving in ," jimin breathlessly whined.


"well, for the record, no one actually asked you to move in with me" minjeong rolls her eyes and jimin just gave a laugh.


it wasn't nearly a hassle actually, having to share this room with jimin. they're at the same college, just of different courses. jimin's under legal management, and minjeong's in psychology. they sat down on jimin's bed as they share their schedules, minjeong's index finger tracing the time and days of when they would get to be classmates.


they've thought too about having to schedule meet-ups between their friend group, mainly them two, ningning and aeri, of which are from the other colleges, and that would be spending an ample amount of time together at the plaza mayor. if crowded, they'd do it at the gazebos beside the main building. or, their last resort, the grass on the main field. 


jimin finds herself tucked on minjeong's lap by the time they finished talking about their schedules. the glare of the sunset was sneaky enough to pass between the room's shut blinds, shining right on jimin's cheek. minjeong needed to stare. 


"it's almost nighttime, god, we've been talking for that long?" jimin asks and rubs her eyes, sitting up. minjeong's lap felt empty, but she shoved the feeling away. instead, she leans on the headboard and hugged her knees.


"in time, we'll see the days go by like a flash. it's best we cherish moments like these for a bit" minjeong mutters and jimin gives her a warm smile.


"i wouldn't mind if i spend those days with you, and aeri, ningning, and everyone else along the way. after all, we're almost graduating" jimin chuckles and the sneaky light of the sunset now traced her side profile, earning a silent huff from the younger.


she is, in fact, really ed.




in just three days, hell went loose. well, even if it's just the first day of classes, everyone knew college was a living hell. a walking disaster in their peaceful lives. but hey, it's bearable if you spend it with important people in your life. 


and by important, minjeong meant even if the six am alarm would wake her up because her sound asleep roommate wouldn't budge a bit. she has seven thirty classes, while minjeong's start barely at one. the huge difference of the time made her groan at the fact she really had to wake up this early just to wake jimin up. it was ringing for the third time, and god if only jimin wasn't so special she would've splashed a bucket of cold water downright to her face. so minjeong stands, as much as she hates it, and headed to jimin's space.


"hey, jimin, buckle up, your first class's about to start in forty minutes," minjeong nudges the older girl who was faintly still in slumber. her lashes were beautifully aligned and her lips were quite parted. as much as minjeong wants to stare her down for as long as she likes, she shook her head and her nudges became light pushes.


"jimin, wake up, you're going to be late."


"mmm, minjeongie...six minutes more.."


"it's six fifteen, jimin. waking you up again after six minutes wouldn't help at all," minjeong ups the pace of her pushes. jimin's face scrunched and she emits low groans. geez, this sleepyhead.


"...six minutes...promise...c'mere.." minjeong startles at how despite jimin was half asleep, pulled her with all strength. jimin's arms engulfed her petite body and she was now spooned under her older friend. 


minjeong just froze. just as her heartbeats did. she fell silent. all she hears is jimin's soft breathing, and she feels it on her nape as well. 


there were butterflies. but some of them were still caged, deep within the garden minjeong is growing. she slowly started to breathe again, but her body remained stiff as she was still in jimin's soft grip.


not too long jimin's eyes shot open, and she jolts up from the foam. minjeong was kept still on her position as jimin rushes to the bathroom door. minjeong finds herself again and sat up, walking her way to her space. it takes a while before the door opens again, peeking jimin's head out.


", i'm not late, am i?" jimin asks, holding the toothbrush, puffing her right cheek. she has her raven hair messed up, like a beautiful disaster. minjeong shakes her head and reached out for her phone, showing jimin she still has twenty minutes to pamper up. 


minjeong simply puts herself back to her bed, facing the wall. she wanted to sleep again. but she was so conscious, as she hears the door open, and jimin was probably done fixing herself up. she was awfully silent, grabbing her bag and all. her carefulness left minjeong a slight smile, and ever so quietly, jimin softly presses the door closed.




minjeong doesn't get to focus on their statistics activity. she was playing with the pen in her hand, showing her obvious nervousness as jisu clicked her fingers just below minjeong's face, earning a small gasp from the younger.


"you didn't seem to be functioning well. any reason?" jisu asks and minjeong bows her head in apology. jisu has been her block friend ever since first year. although she has her own friend group, she doesn't forget to spend time with minjeong, and somehow it also helps her blurt out things she couldn't even tell jimin, ning, and aeri herself. 


"you're telling me," jisu keeps her eyes on their paper. ",it was jimin who asked? and you gladly just granted her request?" 


minjeong hopelessly nods.


"oh my god, minjeong! you have all the right to say no, and besides, you could've called me up, you know. i needed a roommate back then too." jisu exclaims as minjeong chuckles.


it's so hard to say no to Yu Jimin, is minjeong's thoughts.


"then that means you're just too into her. she's your achilles heel, or something" minjeong startles as jisu could've heard her thoughts, which she actually said out loud.


"it's not like that, i just...i didn't also want to let her down," minjeong tucks a hair behind her ear. ",you would never want to disappoint jimin" she answers with almost a breathy voice.


"alright, understandable. how has it been? you know, living with her. it's almost a month since the start of the term" jisu asks and minjeong contemplated.


everything's just normal, to be frank. it was still the same, waking up to a sleeping jimin, attending her classes, and vice versa. sometimes they catch the other studying, sometimes they find themselves on a time wherein they have no requirements to do, so they talk and talk til the sun rises, ruining their sleep schedule. nothing more has happened other than that.


"i don't see any reason why you should be bummed about it though," jisu arranges the now messed up papers as she comes to a realization. "unless, you didn't want her to be your roomie because....?" jisu starts, as if she knows her better than minjeong herself.


and of course, she also hates that jisu's right. minjeong doesn't say a word, because she knows she doesn't want the thought to come out of her. she just can't.


all minjeong could do was give jisu a gentle smile. jisu understood and started to introduce a new topic about wanting to adopt the stray kitten that visited their dorm building. minjeong was relieved.




what started from days went to weeks, and then a few months more. a familiar knocking sound signalled minjeong that jimin is home, only to see her tensed up while sautéing the salmon on the pan. the aroma of butter, lemon, pepper, and of course, the fresh salmon itself. jimin's eyes lit up.


"buttered salmon? minjeong, are you trying to woo me?" jimin asks as she dashed to the kitchen, wrapping her arms around the younger's waist, placing her chin on her shoulder.


"too close. too close!" minjeong shrieks as the pan bursted with what seems to be trickles of melted butter, due to minjeong shifting her arms upon jimin's sudden attack. jimin laughs at minjeong's reaction and she reaches for the tissue roll on the counter, wiping off the butter from minjeong's arms. 


"when did you even buy that salmon? i never remembered having to see it days ago," jimin asks as she fidgets the refrigerator, taking out two bottles of Smart C, one of lemon flavored, the other pomelo. 


"i did just awhile ago, while you were busy suffering in accounting classes" minjeong answered as she places the cooked dish on the big white porcelain plate. jimin gives her a stern look.


"you memorized my schedule?" minjeong realizes she really did. she turns her head to look at that flashy, cocky smile up jimin's lips. minjeong scoffs to coat the tension.


"what? no i didn't. i often see your schedule whenever i pass by to clean the tables. don't be too proud with it," minjeong rolls her eyes. jimin places two plates on the small table and she opens the two juice bottles. the rice cooker was also just in time to ring them that it was ready, and minjeong took her time to scoop two cups, no, three, as per jimin's request.


"it's still hot, alright? don't get too excited and let it cool down" minjeong fans the steam of the rice with her hand, and she caught jimin's stare, unabling her to do more things. instead she sits down, legs crossed, the cold press of the floor hitting her bottom. on the span of those movements, jimin's eyes never left her. minjeong felt conscious.


"is something on my face?" minjeong asks and jimin snaps back, her cheeks suddenly tainted pink. minjeong bit the insides of her cheek and thought it must've been a bad idea to ask. jimin chuckles and covered her face with her hand.


"no, i just...i missed you. is all," she says with a soft, endearing voice. 


and there goes those butterflies again. minjeong keeps locking the cage. the tulips were now growing. the last time she checked, there were only daisies. she guesses she must've planted more than what was required. 


"oh..." minjeong muttered and lifted her spoon, now crushing the lukewarm rice on her plate. "sorry, i-i.. really don't know what to say. i mean, i missed you too" minjeong continues as she mentally smacks herself.


"yeah, it's been what? weeks? since we last talked like this. i mean, casually, and not academically. it's just a bummer" jimin says as she chews on the salmon, her eyes forming into crescent shapes. minjeong is still holding the lock on the cage. she tries her best.


"god, minjeong, let's not ever eat at Wendy's or at McDonald's anymore. everything is just better when it's with your cooking" jimin hums at every bite she gets on the dish they're having. minjeong couldn't help but stare, her fork hanging on her hand as she places her chin on it. 


"hey, don't put your fork out like that, it could hurt you," jimin says as she holds minjeong's wrist and places it back down on the table. minjeong scoffs at that ridiculous nag.


"what am i, twelve?" minjeong reasons out as she starts to stand up, picking jimin's plate and placing it on the sink. 


"i'm just making sure, since it's dangerous" jimin marks out and stood up as well, joining minjeong in washing the dishes. their shoulders rub against each other and the friction weakened minjeong's knees, but then jimin was being goofy and sprinkled a tad bit of water on her cheeks, so she fights back by cupping a handful and splashing it on jimin's shirt. they dress up after and decided to sleep early, leaving minjeong staring at the ceiling.


"you're the dangerous one, jimin." minjeong mumbled.




there is, in fact, one class wherein they share it together, and minjeong was happy about it. she just came from her theology classes and the moment the clock ticked three in the afternoon, eager she goes, heading to the next: math. she sits by the leftmost corner of the room, not minding if if was too far from the projection screen up front. she wants to be beside the window. the breeze is nice and calm, and what makes it calmer, is the girl who just came and sat beside her.


nevermind math as the most hated subject. if she spends math classes with jimin, she feels like praising Archimedes as to why math continued to exist.


"i'm not late, am i?" jimin asks and places her textbooks out. minjeong shakes her head no, and she decides to give the campus view on the window, a staredown. the field is nice. the sun is not too piercing nor bright. the trees' leaves were swaying just the same tempo as the beating of her heart. she absentmindedly smiles at the sight.


"hey, guys, seems professor Lee's still on his way, let's say we just do the supposed activity without his facilitation? i mean, to ease things," class geek hyunjin suddenly approaches out as everyone was nodding and some were already out of their world, tapping on their phones. 


minjeong did like the sound of that, and so, she starts scribbling on the textbook, answering all the questions and solving the required problems. 


just after a few scribbling, she feels arms snaking around hers, and jimin's soft, mushy cheek rested on her shoulder. minjeong turns to her and whips the scent of fresh strawberry plump shampoo jimin was wearing. it's intoxicating, but bearable. 


"do your work, jimin. i'm not done with mine" minjeong utters and continued writing.


"hm? but you're not shaking me away though. that means you're allowing me to rest," jimin giggles. minjeong wouldn't want to argue with that and she sighs in defeat. 


although minjeong's head was glued to the textbook, she could feel the glances, even stares and whispers, that their classmates give to each other. she was certain it's about them, who, is currently in a gossip-able position. 


true that people assume minjeong and jimin are dating. true that even minjeong's parents told her jimin was a great girlfriend and they want to see her often in their family dinners. true that she gets questions and praises that range from "since when did you and jimin hit it off?" "god, you're so lucky, i mean, Yu Jimin? everyone's ideal girl? yours? you clearly saved a kingdom in your past life" "how was it, being jimin's girlfriend?"


minjeong could just laugh, and because it was valid; their assumptions she meant. because sometimes, she thinks friends don't hold hands the way they do. friends don't stay up all night talking about their future together. friends don't cuddle, share hoodies, clothes, and everything else. 


jimin knows as well. they come to a point where people approach them shamelessly, asking who was the top or the bottom. it was unexpectedly too straightforward they flush and just laugh about it. or that one time they got discounts in Gong Cha for Valentine's, because the cashier totally thought they were together. they even sent a "stay strong! <3" note on their drinks and it left them baffled but they laughed it off too.


and yet it all comes to one point, which is jimin pumping up her confidence to answer or counter these assumptions; momentarily smiling, shaking her head, uttering out the words: "no, we're not together."




ningning was averting minjeong's gaze as they finally, only the two of them, hang out before coming to drink later in the night with their friends.


"don't give me that look, ning. i know you planned this out." minjeong glares as ning kept sipping her iced coffee. it was all out, for pete's sake! she was clearly looking dumb in front of minjeong. 


"aren't you going to thank me for it?" ningning speaks again after realizing she was totally an idiot for sipping the inexistent coffee. 


"well.." minjeong stays stiff. she was both thankful and baffled, having jimin as her roommate. everything is falling into place and yet another day it's messy. minjeong was quite used to it, but then there are times she starts to hesitate.


"why can't you just admit the fact that you're all over on jimin? i mean, at this point, someone needs to say something" ning says and minjeong snorts.


"and you're so bold for thinking she feels the same way?" minjeong asks.


because it's true. jimin is kind to everyone. jimin is the big sister everyone wants. jimin is sweet. jimin is cuddly. jimin is shining. jimin is everything. well, atleast to everyone, and minjeong thinks that nothing has got to do with her being special. the thought stings but comforts her at the same time.


"well, i always have this gut feeling she's crazy for you. and trust me, my gut feelings are always, and always right" ning assures.


"god, you're so insufferable," minjeong rolls her eyes.


on the back of her mind, she hopes ningning was right.




minjeong, jimin, and ningning were shocked. well, ninging mostly.


aeri was drunk. all of them were. and all it took was alcohol and a little push for her to finally let out the repressed feelings she had for their friend.


ningning was dumbfounded at the sudden confession, and jimin was rubbing aeri's back to console her, that she did the right thing. aeri's eyes were warm, too eager, and ningning's were appalled, the words of the sweet confession sinking in her mind. 


"sorry, let me just—" aeri excuses herself and walked away, not minding jimin's hand who wanted her to stay and talk this out. minjeong, on the other hand, understood aeri. and so before ningning could catch up, minjeong holds her in place. she tells her to give aeri some time. jimin reasons out that they need to talk, but minjeong's argument that aeri had a lot to take in before this moment, won. jimin just sighs in defeat.


they all went back to their dorms after, the agonizing silence of walking together by four and parting ways once they reach the corner of the street.


"what do you mean you knew?!" minjeong's tone laced of betrayal. she was aeri's friend too, why wouldn't she open something to her?


"does it really matter who knew and who didn't?" jimin asks and minjeong could only feel more betrayed.


of course it does! because after all, she feels the same way aeri did right now. she wants someone to share her burden with. someone who could understand her, someone who would help her build up confidence the way aeri did at the bar just a few hours ago. and that someone definitely mustn't be Yu Jimin. 


so she scratches her head in frustration, looks at jimin with most desperate eyes, and sighs.


"yes, it does."




the short break ended, welcoming a new quarter and it was just in time for  entrepreneur month. colleges prepared various stalls and gimmicks to promote their products which, of course, would fulfill the goal of attracting juniors to buying their goods. it's not that easy yet not hard either. just a little bit of cooperation, and the entrepreneur fair will be a success.


along with the entrep fair is one of the most awaited events the whole college were expecting: Mister and Miss Entreprenueria; a segment of the fair wherein one of the colleges' best representatives will deem to be chosen for the two uplifting titles. contestants show off their fashion style, answer questions, even do talents if possible. it's one big event, since considering the number of colleges, it's going to be a tough competition. not to mention, it's only a week left 'til that one final day where everyone gets to see different beauties shining on the runway.


should we still guess who's the representative under jimin and minjeong's college? no need. one look at the Yu Jimin, and all answers prevail.


"oh my goodness, jimin, let's do this, yeah? we'll make you really, really dazzling. any ideas? concepts?" asked chaeryeong from block eleven. jisu and yuna who's from the same block as minjeong volunteered to help dress jimin up for the actual competition, so it was the designing and props team's duty to make the perfect attire for jimin. 


minjeong had heard some news that ningning was the representative for their college. she hasn't heard much from aeri and her these days, and sometimes it itches her to corner aeri down and ask how it's going. but she stays on her lane, just to give them time. 


ever since tuesday, the props team stays up until seven in the evening to work on the overall design for the fair. this year's concept was mythical creatures. they'd be damned if they didn't know how to set up the whole venue, but thanks to felix and renjun, who happens to be experts at concept making, the fair might actually be bomb.


minjeong is busy cutting off what's supposed to be the "dragon's" whiskers for their main attraction. ridded crepe papers, paint brushes, and scissors are everywhere, and somehow, the thought of jimin crosses her mind.


she definitely would've loved the sight of this, knowing her bubbliness and passion to arts and crafts.


"jimin's so unreal, no?" hyejoo asks out of the blue, gaining minjeong's attention. 


"hell yeah she is. i couldn't even compare myself to her. she's feels like we didn't need props for the show itself. she's already a mythical being," jiwoo laughs and minjeong couldn't help but smile. she loved hearing compliments about her best friend. after all, everyone loves jimin. the thought of it makes her heart burst and sink at the same time.


"aren't you forgetting that the girlfriend is here? stop saying those kind of words, chuu" renjun remarked as minjeong turns to him with a questioning look.


"no, we're not—"


"ah! i'm really sorry, it's just, jimin's really amazing. i too, would want her to be my girlfriend," jiwoo continues to swoon.


"it's not what you guys think," minjeong scratches her nape. they all took turns giving her teasing noises, and finally, they come to a stop.


"well, have you, perhaps, fallen in love with jimin? atleast once?" asked felix.


minjeong refuses to nod nor shake her head, and she purses her lips. 


"oh come on, lix, stop giving her pressure" hyejoo throws a crumpled ball of paper down felix's way as he gave up with the teasing and they went on with their crafts.


"but hey, one thing's for sure though. jimin's gonna win. we're winning this." jiwoo says with such confidence.


oh, we surely will. 




jimin texts minjeong to come over by chaeryeong's dorm to check up on her before the competition. everyone's already on the venue, and as expected, people were anticipating for this day to come. the plaza mayor was crowded with chairs and a stage at the center, blocking the main building's view. 


minjeong found her way in to cross the campus first before turning right to meet the street where chaeryeong's dorm was. the building was much more..modern. and classy. she bets with herself it costs more than just three hundred dollars in a month's rent. the elevator soon opened as minjeong carries herself away from the lift and to room 603, but she hesitates.


voices which were owned by chaeryeong, jimin, jisu, and yuna were being heard just behind the tall wood that blocked minjeong. her hands trembled as it fidgets the hem of her beige plaid shirt, and she was sweating. she lets out a few frustrated groans and deep sighs before ringing the doorbell. why does she feel like a teenage wimp who's getting ready for her first date? she's twenty, for kwangya's sake! 


jisu opens the door and gladly took minjeong in her arms, giving her a light peck on the cheek. "is jimin ready?" minjeong asks and before jisu could even answer, lo behold, the girl of minjeong's dreams.


jimin's wavy, raven hair sparkled, her midnight blue dress engulfed her body perfectly, and heck, she was tall, but now she's taller than ever, having to wear her silver stilettos. her make up was heavy, like really heavy, ranging from shades of silver, blue, and a tad bit of black. this is because they wanted to show her concept: the black mamba(all pun intended please stream BM). 


despite the fierce persona she was giving off, she had the sweetest, loveliest smile beamed at minjeong. sure enough minjeong has seen this smile a few times, no, actually her whole life, from the very first time jimin hands her a waffle sandwich, sparking the start of their friendship, to the second they win the music contest together, to the third when they got lost because the rain was too strong, to the fourth, fifth, and it goes on. 


and all those times, minjeong clutches the same kind of feeling, raging in her now plummeting heart. 


"you might not want to stare too much," jisu whispers as she nudges minjeong, disturbing her trance. 


jimin walks up to them as minjeong gives her a light thumbs up. "you'll do well, i promise"


jimin raises a thumb as well, and she places it just ontop of minjeong's. she chuckles and there goes that smile again , 


"i know. i have you, after all."




the screams blurred out of minjeong's hearing, and all she could see was jimin's stance on the black stage she was standing on. 


she won. she really did. it was expected. but it still feels surreal. jimin was there, her luminescence sweeping minjeong off her feet. the sash which read "Miss Entrepreneuria 2021" wrapped around her figure and the small plastic crown placed on her head like she was born to receive it.   


aeri was there to shout with minjeong, and all the other colleges went along with the cheering as well. from the look in jimin's eyes, she was overwhelmed, she wanted to find comfort.


that's when minjeong was in sight. jimin kept her gaze at her like it was the only thing left to do in those spur of moments. for the record, minjeong wasn't aware that aeri was pushing her onstage, nor jimin when some of her blockmates gathered up on the black material they were standing on. what they both know is that they keep their staring contest for what feels like minutes already. 


ningning ran her way to the stage as well, receiving a hug from aeri as they huddle around jimin, posing for the flashes of the university press, the student journalists, and some phones foreign to their eyes. minjeong was surprised to see both her friends in good terms, but now isn't the time to question that. 


minjeong knew she was wrapped around jimin's finger, and that there was no escape. she smiles at the thought, and jimin amusingly looks at her while she does that. for sure this very moment was caught by the flashing lights of those cameras.


"no way, right? like, she's... g-girlfriend?! how in the hell?" minjeong drops her jaw as jimin was carefully wiping her make up off, and she's back on her casual clothes. four hours passed since the event ended, and now it's past two am; too late to put their friends-now-lovers to a hot seat.


"i mean!... it kinda just, happened." ningning answered and her cheeks flush a bit as aeri was clearing . 


"listen, sorry for not speaking up about it in the past week. you guys were clearly occupied too. we couldn't find the right time" aeri sheepishly smiles as she continued to wrap her arms around ning's waist, since she was sitting on her lap.


oh jesus, they're too bold. 


minjeong eyes aeri with a you have a lot of explaining to do, miss ma'am look and aeri just sweats internally. jimin suddenly jerks up from her seat and profusely asked to leave and head back to

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724 streak #1
Chapter 2: done rereading! <3
unitha #2
Chapter 2: Thank you for this fic! Winrina was so cute 😭
Chapter 2: this is so cute. u r now like one of my fave author here
tipine #4
Chapter 2: Beautiful and so cute 🥰 💗
15 streak #5
Chapter 1: Good read, but why she tried with someone first instead of Win? But good thing okay na
Chapter 2: Everything about this is tooooo goood... I LOST IT WHEN DAYLIGHT PLAYED... It fits perfectly!! huhu lord when
724 streak #7
Chapter 2: MY HEART 😭🖤🫶🏻🖤
plutoooooo #8
Chapter 2: Jesus they are soooo cute
PurpleFwpv20 #9
Chapter 1: oh my god finally. After months of looking for this ff Im reading it again😍
Ito 'yong fic na hinahanap ko dati pa kasi ang ganda talaga nakadl pala siya as pdf galing ao3 WHAHAHA
Kakatapos ko lang ulit magreread. Amazing as always 😩