The Law of Attraction

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In which Baekhyun is the hottest coolest teacher walking the corridors of your high school and he likes everyone just the same. Even you. Until in comes the law of attraction. Until your his favorite student. Until you become his cute little thing. Until Baekhyun can’t get enough of you, so much that he is willing to risk it all. Even at the cost of getting beaten up by your crazy ol’ Halmi.



AU(s): teacher!Baekhyun, high school student!OC

- word count: 17K+ (two parts)

softy soft fluff, comedy, angst, vaniLLa love and it’s making (😉)


A request from Tumblr that I religously tried to follow and added my own sprinkle.

Upvotes & comments, as always, much appreciated.

Bonus part coming soon! 😊🍒


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93 streak #1
Chapter 4: Aww this was so sweet and cute to read. I loved their relationship and how Baekhyun gave her his support. I loved reading every bit of it😊 You did a great job!
kpopkoreaforever #2
Chapter 4: Hello ! I really really love this story ! It's really sweet and cute. What I like the most is how everything isn't rushed, their relationship developed slowly and it was perfect. I had fun reading this, thank you !
Chapter 4: tell me where can i get my own baekhyun ㅠㅠ
BubuBaek_Na94 #4
Chapter 4: I’m squealing silently, cause everybody is asleep here… but damnnnn I need a baek toooo
21 streak #5
Chapter 4: Thank you for the bonus chp authornim! These two are full of love, fluffy and sweet awww ❤️❤️. also the hot and intimate parts XD Baek is really good with his self restrained. Halmonje is very strict but umm am so touched when he ask for permission 😭😭 where to find baek?
Chapter 4: Thank you for the bonus!! I love Baekhyun's intentions for the future with her. ❤
Chapter 4: Ahhh, how is to be her. She is so lucky; I am so envious. The story is good authornim, wayyyy to good. I got a fluffy feeling in my stomach when reading it. Annd I always have a thing for teacher Baek
Chapter 4: Omg I feel so envyyyyyyyyyyy... how I wish my future boyfriend/husband will be like Baekhyun. He's one of a kind. He is sooooo gentle and hot ugh my heart hurts haha she definitely will be the happiest woman with him. There's no doubt. Although I still don't like her halmoni, I somehow understand her POV. Thank you so much for write this bonus 😢 it's like a Christmas gift! I miss Baekhyun a lot. Can't wait for him to return to us *sigh*
Sykrh_ #9
Chapter 4: Goshhhh! This is so adorable! I enjoyed it a lot🥰
Chapter 4: "you would set me free by making me yours" this is sooooooooo gooooood!! Thank you for writing this enjoyed reading it❤️