And to think it started with a thermos of tea

Songs to lay down your head and fall asleep to
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A/N: Happy Seulrene day everyone, just a small piece of coworkers Seulrene who eventually grow close and connect when Joohyun notices that Seulgi tends to fall asleep often at her desk, so please enjoy and happy seulrene day


Bae Joohyun didn’t consider herself a nosy person. She was the sort to come into work, keep her head down, go to her desk and complete her tasks in a timely manner so she could go home at the end of the day. Bae Joohyun didn’t consider herself a nosy person by any means. However, she was observant. She paid attention to detail and focused. And this didn’t apply simply to work-related matters.


Not by any means.


She had only been at her desk for an hour. It was still early in the morning, most people were starting their days as well. The smell of coffee and tea brewing was fresh in the air. Joohyun didn’t care so much about that as she had her thermos of chamomile tea on her desk. There was one thing that caught her attention. Because it was the same thing that caught her attention every work day. She could see her co-worker, Kang Seulgi a few desks down from her own. The poor thing was falling asleep at her desk. 


It was much too early to be as exhausted as she was. The day had barely started and all Joohyun could see was pretty monolid eyes closing every so often. This seemed to be a routine for Seulgi though. If she wasn’t practically falling asleep at her desk. She was hurrying to make herself a mug of coffee, which couldn’t have been good for her either. Seulgi has made a lot of mugs of coffee in the span of how long they’ve been working here.


“She’s going to hit her head.” Joohyun worriedly thought. The woman would certainly fall on her desk if she wasn’t careful. Joohyun tries to take the time to focus on her work, which is something she should be doing. Not paying attention to Seulgi just because she finds the other woman fascinating. And so Joohyun looks at her keyboard. 


“Now where did I…”


Barely three minutes had passed since Joohyun told herself that Seulgi would probably fall down on her desk. And there was indeed the sound of someone's head making contact with their desk. It didn’t take much to realize whose head had been the one to hit the desk. As someone who is very easily startled by noise. Joohyun was still startled anyways. Despite, knowing that it had been Seulgi to fall. She is still susceptible to being startled. But perhaps the thing that was more startling was how everyone else went about their day anyway. People were still going on like nothing had happened. Running back and forth to the copy machines and printers. Talking in hushed voices about assignments or making lunch plans even though it was very much still morning. 


Joohyun supposed she couldn’t blame anyone. This was at the end of the day an office where people had work to do. Besides all that, no one noticed Kang Seulgi more than she did, and that’s why Bae Joohyun got up from her desk. She made her way over to where Seulgi was currently fast asleep at her desk. It truly was amazing how even through a fall the woman could sleep. The only other thought on Joohyun’s mind other than how she hoped Seulgi was not injured. Joohyun hoped she wasn’t standing there appearing like some sort of creep or anything? Because Kang Seulgi was a beautiful woman and now there was a feeling coming over her like she needed to push dark locks away from Seulgi’s face. 


That would be a lover’s move of some kind, and Joohyun was not Seulgi’s lover. She wasn’t even her friend, not technically. They were at the least acquainted since they have worked in the same office for the last four years, and sat a matter of desks away. They have also shared a lunch table too, and she has spoken to Seulgi before so it’s not as if they are complete strangers or anything. 


So why does being so close to Seulgi make her this nervous?


“S-Seulgi?” She gently touches the woman’s shoulder. Seulgi wakes up only after she shakes her a few times. Joohyun tells herself not to overly react to those pretty monolid eyes opening. Seulgi looked up when she noticed brown hair first, but brown hair could have belonged to anyone. But then she saw the round specs and the concerned gaze that belonged to Bae Joohyun. 


“Joohyun?” Seulgi speaks. “Oh, no what’s wrong. Am I asleep in my food again?” 


The bespectacled woman chuckles. She remembers exactly why Seulgi asks that question. Seulgi is known for falling asleep often at her desk, and there had been a time she had fallen asleep in her lunch. Looking back it’s certainly funny since Joohyun can say she never met a person who fell asleep with a sandwich as a pillow before, not until Kang Seulgi. They can certainly laugh about it now, thankfully.


“No, it’s not even lunch time. I wanted to see if you were okay. Do you know you hit your head on your desk?”


“Hmm?” Seulgi touches the side of her head that is kind of sore. She hadn’t realized she even hit her head on the desk, but now that Joohyun mentions it, it does make sense. Seulgi smiles in an embarrassed sort of way and thanks Joohyun for checking on her.


“I’m okay. Thank you for checking on me, really. I should go and make myself a cup of coffee if I’m going to get through the morning. It’s barely ten and I’m already falling apart.”


“You’re welcome, Seulgi. It’s no trouble.”


Joohyun excuses herself. She has her own work to do and Seulgi doesn’t appear like she’s going to start falling asleep again. By the time Joohyun is back at her desk. Seulgi is already moving with an orange mug in hand to prepare herself coffee. It might be the first mug of coffee the monolid woman made. But Joohyun knew enough and had seen her make many a mug of coffee in the course of a shared work day to know it would not be her last. That aside, there was something about the way Seulgi turned to her with a smile that made Joohyun smile back. It made her also want to do something else.


She would find a way to help Seulgi. Because it was clear to Joohyun the woman had trouble sleeping. The first way Joohyun decided she would help is by offering her tea. Joohyun herself enjoyed tea, not only for the taste, and how many different varieties it came in. Joohyun found tea to be relaxing, and her hope was that perhaps Seulgi would find it a relaxing alternative too.


Joohyun could only hope it didn’t go completely awful. 


“What’s this?” Seulgi wondered one afternoon as Joohyun asked her if they could spend their lunch break together. Seulgi could see food, which she was happy about. There were two nicely packed lunch boxes. Seulgi’s mouth watered already. She just didn’t understand why there was a thermos sitting there too.


“It’s a thermos of chamomile tea, with honey and lemon. I know I should have asked first but…” now she feels nervous under Seulgi’s curious gaze. Joohyun hopes she’s not overstepping her boundaries here. It’s not as if she and Seulgi are friends or anything. They are friendly enough, she supposed. Friendly enough that they can have lunch together. 


“I was hoping you’d give it a try.”


Seulgi hoped she wasn’t staring at Joohyun too strangely. It wasn’t everyday that a coworker of hers offered her a thermos of tea. Technically, it wasn’t everyday that Seulgi had lunch with a coworker. Much like Joohyun she kind of kept to herself. It’s something she found she had in common with the other woman. Sure, they could be friendly and hold conversations on a social level when prompted. But they tended to keep their heads down and focused on their work. Though, if they were being factual Seulgi knows she has more trouble on account she can be found nodding off often.




“I know, I know.” Joohyun laughs in this almost melodic way that has Seulgi stop to look at her. Has she ever heard Joohyun laugh before? Come to think of it, she is positive she hasn’t. Yet, somehow hearing Joohyun's laughter seems like a privilege. Seulgi has this unexplainable feeling that being around Bae Joohyun itself is a privilege. There was something in Joohyun’s aura that told Seulgi that she probably didn’t get close to very many people easily. Seulgi could relate to such sentiments. As she herself didn’t connect to people easily either. 


“I know you’re a coffee kind of person. But if you give this a chance I think you’d like it.” She knows that if she were to say that the tea might also help Seulgi relax better. It might be overstepping in a way that she doesn’t feel is appropriate right now. Also, Seulgi is kind of looking at her like she has no idea what to say. It’s kind of adding to her nerves again.




“Oh, I’m sorry, Joohyun. I…”


Seulgi is not a rude person by any means. She is the kind of person who will call out someone’s rude behavior as it irks her nerves, and that’s why she knows she can’t be rude here. It’s clear that Joohyun went out her way to make this tea for her. Even if she’s not a tea person. She is grateful.


“Thank you, Joohyun. This was kind of you.”


It was kind of Joohyun. Just like it had been kind of Joohyun to come over to check on her when she fell on top of her desk. Seulgi would not throw kindness back in anyone’s face. 


“You’re welcome, Seulgi.”


So they finished lunch together. Both women left that lunch table promising themselves they would make a habit of getting to know one another better. Whether that meant more lunches or finding the time to spend to get the chance outside of work to do so. There was no real reason not to. They have spent four years working in the same space, and had yet to really get to know each other. Better late than never.


And when Seulgi got back to her desk. The first chance she had to taste the tea. There was this sweet taste, not overly powering but a pleasant sweet taste . Though because Seulgi was not a tea connoisseur by any means. She hadn’t been sure if it was sweet because of the tea itself or because of the honey. Seulgi took a few sips of the tea and looked back at the bespectacled woman at her desk. Joohyun looked so focused at her computer, and there was this cute expression on her face that Seulgi hadn’t noticed before. It had to be Joohyun's focused look. Seulgi smiled and took a few more sips of tea. 


It might not be coffee, but…


“This tea isn’t so bad.”


So tea had been Joohyun’s first idea to help Seulgi with her sleep. She figured that it would be a good first step in helping the monolid woman relax. The only thing was Seulgi was not a big tea drinker. She had confessed this to her on another occasion when they had lunch together. Joohyun had not been offended because she appreciated honesty. 


“Please don’t be upset.” Seulgi admitted with an embarrassed smile that was kind of endearing. Joohyun had been left with this impression that she couldn’t be upset with Seulgi anyways, even if she wanted to be. 


“I’m not. I guess I kind of sprung the whole tea thing on you randomly.”


“Yeah…” Seulgi opens up the container of soup. Lunch was on her this time as she had offered. And this time, Seulgi thought it would be a nice gesture to leave the office to have lunch together. Mostly as the weather seemed to be particularly nice, and sometimes the office lounges. Though spacious and comfortable in their own way. The lounges did tend to get loud with coworkers as well and that was no ideal situation for trying to get to know someone one on one. 


As she grabbed two of the small soup bowls that came with the container to pour them each some soup. Joohyun already started to prepare the rest of the meal for them. And as Seulgi did prepare Joohyun’s soup for her. Seulgi did finally allow herself to think about why Joohyun offered her tea in the first place. 


“So I’m guessing the tea might have not been that random?” She asks while carefully handing over Joohyun’s bowl to her.


This was really the perfect time to just admit to Seulgi that she had made the tea for her specifically. Because she notices how she must be having sleep issues. As it’s clear to Joohyun that Seulgi must still be having sleep issues. Since even still as they are getting to know one another. The poor woman has been either close to falling asleep or in some cases falling asleep at her desk. Something is clearly going on. Joohyun knows it’s not necessarily her business. Seulgi is not her friend yet, though they are getting friendlier and spending more time together.


But she does care about Kang Seulgi, whether that is okay to say out loud or not. She does care.


“I was worried about you.”


Joohyun decides to be honest. She has never been one for lying. She doesn’t plan to start on doing so now. What good would that do now, besides if she and Seulgi are building something here? Whatever that might be, any good foundation should start with honesty.


“Worried about me?”


“Yes, not to sound like some creepy coworker or anything because I’m not. But you’re usually so tired, and you fall asleep often at your desk, even early in the day. I thought that maybe if I thought of some ways to help you. At least, you wouldn’t be exhausted during your work day.”


Now it makes sense, of course it does. Seulgi didn’t think Joohyun was just handing her a thermos of tea like she was worried she’d catch a precautionary cold of some kind. 


“I guess hitting my head on the desk can be pretty distracting, huh.” She hopes her small joke helps Joohyun relax. As she can see the brunette is certainly on the anxious side. It works because Joohyun does break into a smile and laughs. Her laugh makes Seulgi smile too. 


“Only a little distracting.”


“If it helps, I am grateful you thought enough about me to offer. The tea honestly didn’t taste too bad.”




Seeing the surprised expression on the bespectacled woman’s face is such a cute sight. There is something inherently adorable about the woman sitting before her. It’s interesting because Joohyun has these movie actress looks. Somewhat doll-like too if Seulgi were being honest. But everything about her personality would suggest that Joohyun is not doll-like at all, and it’s fascinating. 


“Yeah, maybe I’ll have tea on weekends. But I need my coffee to survive.”


This is where Joohyun didn’t think she could agree. If coffee was the key to Seulgi’s survival, she didn’t seem to be surviving all that well. Seulgi might want to look into other means of survival. 


“If that’s so. Maybe, I’ll recommend some of my favorite teas.”


Seulgi smiled and to show good faith she grabbed her coke bottle and offered it over to prepare to clink glasses. At first Joohyun looked confused until realizing that’s what Seulgi was doing.


“You have a deal, Bae Joohyun.”


That lunch felt different, maybe because both she and Seulgi left feeling more comfortable than ever. Soon enough numbers were exchanged. A sign of friendship, Joohyun could no longer use the excuse that she and Seulgi were simply two people who worked together. It was nice to have an office friend, so she was also attracted to her too. What mattered most is that she had another person in the office she looked forward to spending time with whether that meant in the office, or outside of it. They moved from being people who worked desks away and barely spoke. To people who took the elevator together, and who purposely stopped by one another’s desks. And just like Joohyun paid attention to Seulgi. The brunette found that the raven also paid attention to her too.


As one afternoon she saw a fresh mug of tea on her desk, and judging from the aroma it was peppermint. She had recently told Seulgi she wanted to try peppermint tea and that aside she was also coming down with a small cold. There was also honey in here too. Seulgi was sweet indeed. 


“Seul, oh…” Joohyun was so ready to thank her. There was a warm smile on her face and everything, only the smile slowly faded just a bit when she saw the monolid woman practically passed out on her desk.


Her sleep truly wasn’t getting any better. Joohyun sighed only to smile when she got closer to see the facial expression on Seulgi’s face. She really couldn’t stay upset with this woman, not at all. Seulgi looked adorable as she clutched onto her briefcase bag like it was a pillow, and her pretty lips slightly parted. It should worry her that she thinks even Seulgi’s lips are pretty, but at this point. Joohyun has never denied to herself that she finds Seulgi attractive. 


“Seulgi?” She gently taps her shoulder.


This is certainly familiar indeed.


Again, it takes a few moments before Seulgi wakes up. However, when she does, seeing those pretty monolid eyes opening still gives Joohyun those same warm feelings it always does.


“Oh, Hyun…” She whispers with a small yawn.


(It somehow feels very nice to hear Seulgi call her Hyun too. Joohyun hopes that feeling never goes away either)


“Well, hello. Nice of you to join me.”


Seulgi smiles in embarrassment. How many times is Joohyun going to have to wake her up like this? Also, how come it feels nice to be woken up in such a way. Perhaps because Seulgi can feel how much Joohyun cares, and maybe because the more she allows herself the chance to really get to know Bae Joohyun. The more she liked and the more she also came to care as well.


“I’m sorry. Was I asleep again?”


“Yes, I guess my suggestion of going to sleep with the lights off hasn't helped so far?”


“No..” Seulgi shook her head, though truthfully she hasn’t been trying it for very long. “It’s not been long though.”


“That’s okay, things take time. We’ll make your sleep better one day.”


When she says we it makes it sound as if they are some kind of team, and in that it does seem somehow comforting. Seulgi is about to say something else at that moment only stops because Joohyun is talking. There is something about when Joohyun talks, it makes Seulgi want to stop and listen. She has this quiet but powerful energy about her.


“I wanted to thank you for the tea. I was going to make some, but this morning I left my thermos at home.” She remembered feeling upset with herself when she got to the office and realized she left her thermos.with herself when she arrived to work, and realized that she didn’t have her thermos. That’s why it had been a pleasant surprise to find that mug of tea sitting on her desk waiting for her. More so when it was a tea that Joohyun had recently told Seulgi she had wanted to try. 


“Oh, you’re welcome, Joohyun. I remembered you saying you wanted to try peppermint tea. Did you know our floor lounge also has tea?” The monolid woman whispers that last part like she just made some fascinating new discovery.  She looks cute while she says this and Joohyun laughs.


“I might have heard the legend of the office having tea.”


Now it was Seulgi’s turn to laugh. The more time she spent with Joohyun. The more she realized how funny Joohyun was. It made it easy to laugh with her and in turn her own sense of humor came out too. Seulgi tries to think back to a time when she enjoyed another person’s company as much as she’s enjoying Joohyun’s. And she’s drawing a blank. There’s just not many people like Bae Joohyun. That much is clear.


“I better get back to my desk. I want to drink my tea before it gets too cold, and you’re awake now, right?”


“Yeah, I’m awake. I promise. Before the day is over, there won’t be any more falling asleep.”


“Alright, because we still have a few more hours here at least. I’ll see you, Seul.”


“Yeah, I’ll see you, Hyun.”


Neither of them can remember at what point they became comfortable enough to start using nicknames. But it felt right and no one complained so far. Seulgi felt good about placing that mug of tea on Joohyun’s desk. It had been surprising to Seulgi when she didn’t see a familiar thermos of tea on the bespectacled woman’s desk. So much so that Seulgi knew she had to find a way to get the tea for Joohyun. And looking at the pleased reaction on Joohyun’s face as she sat there with her tea. It was worth it for Seulgi. 

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍
Seul_rene14 #2
Chapter 1: A sequel, please
Chapter 1: Oh, this is so sweet. After this Seulgi's sleeping hours will be good so she won't fall asleep again while working. XD
Chapter 1: 💖
Chapter 1: So sweet and adorable. I love it! 💖 Thank you for creating and sharing this wonderful story with us! 😁 Hope you have a nice day! Stay safe and take care! 😊
Chapter 1: aww it was written on seulrene day, and i read it the day before seulrene day. ahh i can't stop smiling what should i do 😭😭 this one make me ahhh "if you're not the worried you can turn around and see me" isn't it? omg thank youuuu princess 💚
GoldenMultistan #7
Chapter 1: Omg istg ALL of ur stories are exceptional! Rlly! HOW are u so good! Ur a blessing, rlly! I think Ur the author that has my most upvotes! Like, HOW'RE u so good!? Ur an angel, I'm not even joking. Tell me that I'm over exaggerating but I'm not! Her stories are THAT good!
Chapter 1: This is so cuteeeeee... And sweet too..I'm screaming!!
Chapter 1: gosh that's cute *-*

I like the idea of them getting to know another each other this way too, felt kinda natural

thank you for sharing this :D