Not of This World


So there is a sun and there is a moon. Then, there are two children they created. Welcome to my crack fic!  =)


Hello, been a long time since I posted anything.

Please ignore the details and errors because this is truly unedited and somehow ended the way it ended ^^;

Oh and I somehow lost my WF OT4 ice cream fic  T.T  so please imagine it's there ^^;

OT4 for EVA!!!

First crackfic that actually came into fruition, but not the first I came up with haha
Let me know what you think in the comments =)


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Chapter 1: This is super cute 🥺❤️
Chapter 1: Hahahaha this is so cute and funny! Niceeee~ You should this more often =)
Vanshiii #3
Chapter 1: That was actually beautiful and funny! OT4 forever~~ Thank you for writing this! You perfectly described the chemistry between OT4. Thank youuuuu