... what follows more afterwards

something kinda crazy
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After picking up the limp bodies of Joy, Seulgi, and Yerim leaning in various positions in her pickup truck, they decided to call it a night. Wendy have thought of various pickup lines and some Marvel hero lines she's been noting since her girlfriend started to watch the movies again, all while poking Seulgi on the cheek and pulling Joy away from tires. Yerim was only the saner one of the three, judging by how she screamed 'McDonald's!!!' behind them.



She sighed, this is one of the reasons why going out clubbing is a hassle. Someone's gotta take care of her friends or else, who knows what might happened. It's a good thing she's a silly drunk that could take care of her friends.



The car was quiet, save for the snoring of the couple. Irene pulled up by the drive-thru and ordered cheeseburgers and black roast coffee for them ... "And McSpaghetti ..." after a hushed whisper on her side, courtesy of Yerim.



Irene noticed Wendy fidgeting with the wrapper of her cheeseburger, folding and unfolding it until all the creases are smoothed out. She's wondering what's on Wendy's mind. It usually take a bit of a coaxing from anyone before the other girld would speak out her mind. Something she learned quickly in their relationship.



Irene picked up her coffee cup and took a sip, throat  drying upon seeing the exposed neck, tendrils of her short hair failing to curtain the pale and smoothness of her skin. She averted her eyes away from the passenger seat, clearing . It's one thing to worry about Wendy but it's another to get distracted when she's supposed to be a responsible driver.



"Hyun, did it hurt?" Irene threw Wendy a look, puzzled by the sudden inquiry from the other girl. She gave it a thought for a moment, watching us the streetlights pass by in a blur, thinking if she got hurt earlier or what. 



But nothing came to mind. Still baffled, she asked, "Hurt from what?"



"When you fell from Asgard--" Irene visibly cringed, already knowing what's after that phrase.



"-- because, boy, you're clearly a goddess," Wendy looked at her, gaze wide and anxious and face flushing, anticipating some sort of reaction from her, even when it's clear how much she cringed from it.



Irene gave her a side-long glance, sending a smirk and thanking the heavens its nighttime and the obvious heat on her face is not noticeable despite how cringey that pick-up line was.



Irene laughed, the flush on Wendy's face deepening with every husky 'HaHa', "Is that what got you all quiet in your seat? Brooding over a pick-up line?" 



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WenRene_77 #1
Chapter 2: love it💙💝
Chapter 2: Cuteeeee
Chapter 2: Seungwan is so cute 😂😍😂
Chapter 2: LMAO HOW CUTE
baejoonism #5
Chapter 2: Seungwan is a cutie hahahaha love the marvel references!
Chapter 2: Author can I make a bargain?
1693 streak #7
Chapter 1: Cute ❤️💙
WluvsBaetokki #8
Chapter 2: I am groot 🤣🤣🤣 Wan oh my God!
Riscark #9
Chapter 2: "I am Groot"
Hahahahaha way to respond such a sincere declaration of love Son Seungwan 😂
Chapter 2: Wan is such a dork. The pick up lines is cringy yet heckin cute..the last line im groot got me UWU