Letter 4: Your .....Day

Letters to Fireworks



Saengil Chukkahamnida, Saengil Chukkahamnida, saranghaneun Siw...
Why should I sing for you, when you cared more for Hyungsikkie.
No, you cared TOO MUCH for Hyungsikkie.
You never played guitar for anyone.
I knew you had unlimited ambitions and had always wanted to try play guitar and piano because Kevin hyung and Junyoung could play those instruments. Even though your talents at violin could already put all of us in envy.
You still wanted to learn more, you wanted to be more.
But you're too busy. Suddenly, Im Siwan's name as an actor, a hidden gem, grew into a sensation overnight.
And you're left with no time to learn those new knowledge you crave for to compete with others.
But on Hyungsikkie's birthday,...you uploaded a video for the World to see, how much you love Hyungsikkie.
That you're willing to go through the pains of learning to play guitar in between your crammed schedule.
All for Hyungsikkie.
Him, not me.
I'm used to have Kwanghee hyung dragging you away.
I'm used to see Taehun hugging you all the time.
I'm used to Hyungsikkie always approaching you lately and flirt with you.
But I'm not used to this. Seeing you treat someone special of your own accord. Without anyone forcing you to, with your own desire.
You played guitar, and sang for Hyungsikkie. 
I, could only watch, with each sound came off the guitar strings plucked by your fingers, the stabs in my heart gets deeper, and deeper.
Until I heard that part. Saranghaneun Hyungs...you know which part. I don't have to go through it again.
Hyungsik acted like he didn't care.
But today...
Today, your birthday.
The day I anticipated all year long.
Just to see your smile at the sight of the truckloads of presents from your fans and also at our little celebration for you.
Just to find excuse to hug you, to tell you sweet wishes, to say 'I love you', without being suspected.
No matter how much I'm hurt, I still waited for that day, for this day.
I waited, and waited, alone in the dorm, even as the others went out for schedules and other matters.
Because nothing mattered more to me than seeing that smile of yours today.
The special smile that can only be seen once in a year.
On your Birthday.
I waited until I fell asleep.
But even after I woke up, you weren't at home.
And when I checked the internet, these are all I could find.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Like a happy couple, you, and Hyungsikkie, both posted proof picture, one after another, going on  a happy concert date,
on your birthday.
Proof that now, Hyungsikie has had a special place in your heart.
I could only watch from the computer screen with this bitter smile,
as time passed and your birthday ended.
And I'm still alone, here.
No happy smile or laughter from you this year, on this day.
Happy Birthday, Siwan hyung.
I love you.
That forgotten dongsaeng~
author's ranting
- late to edit/publish this...initially i wanted to write a oneshot for Siwan but didn't happen......anyway....

Happy Birthday Siwan♥1st December♥May happiness always be with you

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Chapter 5: Heechul got injured ? Wow didnt notice that. you make Heechul seem like a teenager in love. ya know, the way he always tries to connect everything Siwan does. a piece of advice for you Heechull, dont overthink. Youll just bring yourself down. anyway, good job ^^
Chapter 4: Cheesy enough to make my eyes brim with tears. Hahaha! I could strangely sense what Heechul feels in this fic xD Poor boy. Your cheeziness level is practically the same as mine now. Good improvement, lol.
Now I suddenly feel like slapping Hyungsik for taking away Siwan -.-" Jealous much. Hahahaha~ I'm not even a HeeWan shipper. Dunno, maybe Heechul's feeling is too well-expressed I couldn't help feeling incensed with Siwan and Hyungsik.
I'm truly curious on what will the ending be....

Thanks for updating btw! Been waiting for this :D
Chapter 4: wow i have tears in my eyes
really sad but really good :D
Chapter 4: Awwww poor Heechul. Siwan loves yyou too :(
Annyeong ! [Shamelessly promoting my story]

Are you a ZE:A Style ??
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I'll always welcoming you ! ^^
i wonder what happens when siwan does find out about the letters please update soon
hopelesswriter #7
yay...lost not only a chapter, a subscriber but even the reply comment. how awesome. xD
@phagirl: thanks for the comment. HeeWan FTW.
@AsheLovesInfinite: thanks for the comment. cheesy? oh you haven't tasted the cheese yet...xD
@kyuyoung20: thanks for the comment. Fighting~!
kyuyoung20 #8
your new fic!!!^^ fighting!
OMG OMG OMG !! You're back with a new fic !!! :) Congrats there ... but don't abandon the other fics , alright ? Nyahaha ¬ Why , this fic seems to be slightly different from your usual image . Hahaha , what I mean to say is : THE FIRST CHAPPIE'S A LITTLE BIT OF ... CHEESY !!! :p I love cheese , by the way . Nyahaha ¬ Sweet Heechulie <3 Do update soon , I'll be sure to read this fic when the holiday comes ¬ :) Hwaiting , eonni/chinguya ! :)
phagirl #10
yay finally a heechul fanfic!! hehe

update soon!!~~