

It was still the same old day for her, walking to school, listening to the professor blabbering about the homework, group of students chatting around; what is she doing? Just her head on the table listening to her friends talk and waiting for the day to end. They were graduating soon and preparing themselves for reality. 


"Hey Seul, you okay?" Wendy asked in concern. She was used seeing her best friend all cheery and loud, but now, she was just so different.


Seulgi stood up from her seat and walked towards the window to stare at the blue sky.


"let her be for now Seungwan" Moonbyul chipped in but also concerned for her friend.


Seulgi, still in a daze, let out a sigh of sadness-- yearning for a warmth that was far away from her. 


The day went by fast, the school bell rang indicating that classes are over and it was time to go home. As she was tidying up, Moonbyul and Wendy approached her


"hey bud, you sure you're okay?" Moonbyul asked, as she was watching the bear pack her stuff silently. She wasn't used to seeing Seulgi like this, it breaks her heart that her best friend was always in a daze and a lot of thoughts running around her head, overthinking about stuffs.


Seulgi weakly muttered to them "let's go, I'm tired and we have upcoming tests, I still have to study later" walking ahead of them and silent.


The walk to the dorm was quiet, sorrow filled Seulgi as memories kept filling her in on the same pathway she was taking. She stopped on a familiar corner and felt herself tearing up, the same place where they hung out and talk about their happenings in life.



"Hey Seul, I have something to tell you" Irene in a low voice. 

Seulgi looked at her, confused, wondering why her girlfriend was quiet with her today. 


"I'm leaving, Seul." Irene said in a solemn tone as if unsure of what was going to happen on the following days. 


"you're leaving for Daegu to visit your family? I mean it's been a while since you've gone home--" 


"No Seul! I'm leaving to go to London!" Irene cut her off, her voice cracking, trying not to cry in front of her soulmate. Irene gave her a sign to let her talk first--


"They want me to continue there and they will only let me come back here when I get my Masters degree." 


Flashback end


Wendy and Moonbyul consoled Seulgi, running up their hands up and down on Seulgi's back, quietly whispering that everything will be okay.


Seulgi flopped on her bed and let out a sigh. She unlocked her phone typing in a password "0329" to check for notifications, texts from Joy and Yeri asking her when is she gonna come to their dorm to hang out; just when is about to turn off her phone, a text message arrived from her soulmate that she loved so much.


5:51 PM

How's your day?


5:52 PM

It was fine.


5:53 PM



5 :53 PM

I'm okay Irene. How was your day there?


When no reply came for a few minutes, she figured that maybe her classes has started already. She stood up and went out fo her room to go to the kitchen, seeing Wendy and Moonbyul chatting around with their books on the table, Seulgi joined them instead of moping around. They studied for hours hoping to at least remember something and pass; it was then 10 PM when they finished, bidding good night's and crossing fingers that they pass and get out of university soon enough.


Seulgi plopped down tiredly, sighing for the nth time and checking her phone for replies


10:04 PM

I'm sorry for the late reply, classes and reports are so stressful.


Seulgi chuckled, imagining that her girlfriend is probably ranting to her saying the professors are being too harsh on them.


10:04 PM

I'm sorry for leaving Korea, Seul. 




The day of her flight arrived quickly


The ride to the airport was quiet, holding hands tightly as if they were never gonna see each other again. 


They arrived at the airport and sat, waiting for the announcement to board soon. 


Minutes of painful silence, contemplating when will they see each other again, when will they get to hold each other throughout the night and share kisses that comforts each other. 


Flights to London was announced 


Irene stood up and faced Seul, lifting her face to talk to her, only to see a teary eyed Seulgi. 


"please don't cry, Seul..." Irene's voice cracking, holding back a sob. " I'll be back, I promise" 


She gave Seulgi a soft kiss on the forehead and hugged her tightly. Seulgi couldn't speakー she can't even move, the pain of missing her was there already, her warmth is already missing. 


Flashback end


Months has passed, this is itー they were finally graduating


"are we really gonna graduate? Hey Wendy can you slap me real quick? I really can't believe this is happening right now." Moonbyul said, not believing what was happening. 


"ask Solar if she can do that to you instead" said Wendy in a amused and teasing manner. 


"hey no need, I'm scared" Moonbyul replied. Wendy and Seulgi just laughed. 


Joy and Yeri were there to congratulate their friends, teasing them that they're old now so get out of university already. 


In the middle of playing around, Seulgi's phone rang




"congratulations on graduating, Seul" 


"thanks Baechu. Wait you were gone for a day though, were you busy?" 


Baechu. A nickname but only for that special person. 


"yeah so busy. Seul I'm sorry I didn't text you, but hey tell you whatー do you still remember our old spot here in university?" 


"yeah why? The old tree near the school playground?" 


"yes, go there I have a surprise for you" 


"Baechu, whatー" 


"oh damn she hung up, guess I should go there" Seulgi muttered to herself. 


As she was walking, feeling of nostalgia suddenly came out of nowhere; her first day of being a freshman student, school activities, meeting friends from other departments, and meeting her soulmate. 


As she was nearing the spot, she noticed a familiar stance on the tree, a style that she loved so much even on simple days; Black turtleneck, black pants, beige trench coat, and white sneakers. 


Seulgi didn't care anymore if she was wearing heels and ran towards Irene hugging her tightly and sobbed in her arms. 


"I'm home, Seul." Irene whispered returning the hug, missing the warmth that Seulgi gave her every night. 


2 years of missing warmth

2 years of not holding hands that fits with hers perfectly 

2 years of having 5,522 miles distance from each other


"welcome home, baechu" 


And she was home indeed. 







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I wrote this story longing for someone who's really dear to me, feeling warmth in that person's hug, hearing that person's heartbeat, and just missing that person completely.


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Chapter 2: 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 2: ;-; cute
Chapter 1: Aw this was beautiful author