
Monster { super junior story. } [HIATUS]

-3rd Person POV-

Eunri was walking down the busy streets of Seoul, singing Super Junior's Shake It Up. Eunri was a huge ELF. Possibly one of the biggest in all of Korea. She knew everything about every member. She knew their sibling's names, She knew their position in the group, everything. She's never been to a Super Show. Her parents never had the money for it. But she was always satisfied on watching it on T.V. or on YouTube. As long as she got to see it! She pushed open the doors of the empty cafe she worked at, seeing only a few other workers. "Yah! Shin Eunri!" Her manager, Pyo Min Jun, called out. Eunri didn't hear him, though. "Shake it Up~~!!" she sang loudly. Minjun stormed over to Eunri, snatching her earbud out, startling her. "Mworago!?" "Go prepare for opening!" Minjun screamed at her. "Uhh..Nae, Ahjusshi.." she smiled sheepishy and put her iPod into the pocket of her apron. Minjun sighed exasperated and face palmed himself. "Aish, That girl..."


It was about 5:00 now, Eunri's energy was running on low. "2 more hours, Eunri. You can do this." she spoke to herself. There was a commotion at the door. "Yah, Yah! Someone go help him close the door!" Minjun called out. One of Eunri's co-workers, Seulmi, helped the man shut the door and close the curtains. "Kamsa, Ahjumma." The man said with a smile. Eunri lifted her head. That guy sounds like... She turned around and was met by Leeteuk's angelic smiling face. "Oh My God!" she squealed. Leeteuk jumped, then looked over at Eunri. "Lemme guess, You're an E.L.F too?" he said. Eunri nodded her head eagerly. "I love Super Junior! I'm their biggest fan! I know everything about you, Leeteuk!" she started rambling on about how she bought their first album and how she loved Bonamana and how much she missed the other 3 members who weren't there. Leeteuk lifted a hand, as if telling her to shush. "I get it." he chuckled. Eunri blushed a deep red and lead him to his table. Leeteuk couldn't help but think how cute her little was. So far, She was just what he was looking for. He sat down and Eunri pulled out her tablet. "What would you like to order?" Leeteuk smiled at her. "I'd like 2 buns and some Green Tea." Eunri nodded her head and scribbled it down. "I--I know this is kind of wrong of me to ask, but, Can I have your autograph?" she stuck out the pad and pen. Leeteuk chuckled and took the pad and pen, signing his name. "Sure." Eunri giggled and took the pad. "I'll be right back with your order." She sounded lovestruck. She smiled at him and headed off to the back to get his order. Leeteuk smiled back, then pulled out his cellphone to text Heechul.


Leeteuk: I found someone. She's just what we've all been looking for.

Heechul: Great! Make sure she's here by 7, All of us will be here.

Leeteuk: She's coming back. Gotta go.


"Thanks for your service." Leeteuk said to Eunri as he got up to leave. Eunri nodded her head, smiling brightly. "Come by anytime!!" Leeteuk left a note on the table, smiled at her, then left. Eunri waited until he had gotten in his car to see what the note was. She scrambled to pick it up and read over it quickly.

You're pretty cute. Maybe sometimes you can come to the Super Junior dorm and hang out with me?

{insert number here}

"Oh My God!!!" Eunri spazzed, twirling in circles. Leeteuk smiled lightly, seeing her spazz out in the cafe. He picked up his cell phone and quickly texted Heechul back:

Leeteuk: I'm going now. Be ready by the time I get there.


Eunri was walking home, listening to 'No Other', obviously more in love with Super Junior than ever now! She stuck her small hands into her pockets and turned down the alley to her house. (A/N: This is where she ed up, right here. xD) Leeteuk was right behind her, silently following her steps. He bit his lip as he watched her small as she walked. Time to make the move. he thought. He started to quicken his pace. "Naega michyo, michyo baby~" she sang, right before her lights went out.


Eunri opened her eyes to, what seemed like, the brightest light ever. "Oww.." she went to go rubs her forehead, but she couldn't move her arms. "What the heck?!" she looked up and around her. She was chained to the bed! She squirmed around. "Bwohya!? What's happening?! Where am I?!" she screamed. Leeteuk pushed open the door, closing it softly. He smirked at her, walking up to her. "I see your awake." he spoke. Eunri looked around, then at Leeteuk. "Wh-Whats going on? Where am I?" she spoke quietly and innocently. Leeteuk walked up to her, starting to take his leather jacket off. He took a small key out of his pocket, unlocking the chains on the bed. "Your at the Super Junior dorm. And your our slave."


Eunri couldn't believe it. "Mwoh?" one half of her was excited. She loved Super Junior and often fantisized about the day when one of the Super Junior members would have with her. But this wasn't at all how her fantasies went. They went along the lines of romance. You know, The candlelit rose petals on the bed type thing. Not the being tied up on the bed thing. The other half was scared though. "Will I ever see my family again?" she asked. Leeteuk shook his head. "Don't worry, Eunri." he smiled. "We've got it all covered. No-one will miss you at all. It's just you and the 12 of us." That number scared her. "Mwoh? 12? Theres 13 members in Super Junior!" Leeteuk popped her on her head, surprising her. "Don't you think I know that?! Shindong doesn't want to be apart of this, since he's married and all. He'll be living with his wife in Busan. That leaves you here alone with the rest." Eunri was still rubbing the side of her head. "I'm a ..." she said. Leeteuk smirked and started to lift his shirt. It took all of her not to fangirl over his abs. "I know. I had to Rock-Paper-Scissors with Heechul and Donghae because they wanted you first. But don't worry, my innocent little cupacke." he smiled and started to lift her green shirt. "I'll be gentle. Unless you try to fight back."

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OMG. I effing love this story and the way you write! Leeteuk is my Suju bias and I have never seen a fic so good (not to mention a one, I'm a LOL) That was so AMAZING <3

Please update this soon so I can spazz again xD
... um... i feel so disgusted with myself.... T~T I'm a bad umma... *sob sob sob*
hoseokjpeg #3
Why don't you update this!!!? xD
Thanks Ari T^T I am not a ... anyway as much as I hate the fact it's Teukie I want to read more, I'm curious to see where this is going.

XD I may be old but I'm not a

*glomps wookie*
Umma the ...
why me dear?
Sounds good!
Hwaiting! ^^