What To Change

Reuniting DBSK

“Can anyone answer this question?” My teacher, Mrs. Kwon asked. Don’t call on me, don’t call on me. “Shin Yeong, why don’t you answer?” Crap. “Sorry, I don’t know it.” I replied. She scoffed. “Instead of doodling in my class why don’t you try to pay attention for once.” I rolled my eyes and went back to ‘doodling’ DBSK all over my math book. “Shin Yeong, after school do you want to come to my house? I can help you study.” My friend, Eun Hye asked. “Sorry, I have to work.” I whispered back to her. “Of course.”

When I got home from a two hour shift at work all I wanted to do was sleep. “Shin Yeong, your brother wants you to go down to the basement.” My dad told me as soon as I stepped inside. I went down the stairs to find that bright light was on again. “Sorry.” Byunghee said, turning it off. “Woah, where’d all this stuff come from?” I asked. There was loads of new science equipment filling the large room. “I did a little time travel and got some of the coolest science gadgets from the past.” He said holding up a box. “You stole it?” I questioned. “Of course not! I simply traveled to the past, meant inventors, and got them to give it all to me. Like this.” He said motioning to the box. “This box can deduct gravity!” He pushed a button on it and I could feel my self venturing slightly upwards. “It only goes a few inches, but I’m working on it.” He said pushing the button again, setting us back on the floor. “If you want you can try it out again.” He smiled. “Really? Thanks, I’ll use it once I get a good idea of what to do.” I said. “Dinner time!” My mom yelled down to us. “Coming!” We both said in union.

“If you could travel back in time and change anything, what would it be?” I asked my parents. “I think I’d go to college, I’ve always regretted not going.” My mom answered. “Nothing.” My dad retorted. “Why do you ask? Did your brother perfect his time machine?” My mom joked. “Of course not, I told you it wouldn’t work.” I insisted. I promised I wouldn’t say anything, so I won’t. “Well I’m off to bed, I have school and work tomorrow.” I said, getting up from the table. “Goodnight.”

To travel back in time? What would I do? There’s so many things I could change. But what’s the most significant? I thought in bed. There has to be something. “Guys, help me out.” I said to my many DBSK posters. “That’s it!” I can go back in time and stop DBSK from breaking up! “It’s a perfect idea!”

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AmyDick #1
Chapter 4: I think if you make it a bit longer would be better. But it's good tough
Wow, this is cool!!! :) Always keep the faith!
Thank yooooooooou! I, forever, love you!
totally loved it ^_^
thank you and i know that dbsk and jyj will reunite one day