Chapter 20

My Girl

"I'm sorry, ma'am. It was all my fault." Wendy bowed in front of Mrs. Bae. 


After knowing the truth, Irene had a headache that was severe enough to make her pass out. The girls panicked and rushed her to the hospital. 


It was another relapse. But according to Dr. Choi, the good thing was it happened several months after the last attack, when Irene's brain was already recovering and adjusting well, so there was no further damage done. However, he advised Irene to have a few days rest at the hospital just to be sure. Jennie immediately called Irene's mom to inform her of what happened, and the woman eventually rushed to the hospital.


Once Dr. Choi was done talking to them, Wendy turned to Mrs. Bae and apologized. 


"I'm sorry, ma'am." 


Joy stepped beside Wendy. "No. It's my fault, auntie. I was the one who told Joohyun unnie the truth." 


From behind, Seulgi chimed in. "It was us three, auntie." She pointed to herself, to Joy, then to Yeri who nodded her head in agreement. "Wendy tried to stop us but-" a sigh, "-we thought it needed to be done." 


To their relief, Mrs. Bae smiled gently. "It's alright, girls. I know you wouldn't mean any harm."


Wendy continues to lower her head. She couldn't help but blame herself. To her surprise, Mrs. Bae pats her shoulder, making her look up to the older woman. 


"It's nobody else's fault, Wendy-ssi." Mrs. Bae told her. "And you heard Dr. Choi, Joohyun will be fine." 


Wendy was surprised at the kind words. She was thankful but as her mind is on Irene, she can only manage a small nod and smile. 


Wendy stayed beside Irene's hospital bed, carefully holding the sleeping girl's hand. 


"I'm sorry, unnie." Wendy muttered softly. "You're lying in the hospital bed again, and again, it was because of me." Wendy grits her teeth. "And still again, I can't do anything other than watch you."


Irene looks so peaceful in her sleep that Wendy had to smile at the beauty in front of her. However, she immediately remembered why they were at the hospital and Wendy let out a sigh. She gently brushed Irene's cheek.


"All I ever wanted was to make you happy, unnie. But it seems like I'm only good at putting your life in danger." 


Wendy balled her other hand into a fist. 


Should I just let you go, unnie? 


Wendy shakes her head at her own thoughts and sighs. Finally feeling her tiredness kicking in, Wendy leans back on the chair and closes her eyes. 





"Wendy unnie has loved only one girl in her life. And it's you, unnie." 


Irene opens her eyes. The image of Joy telling that to her is very clear in her mind. 


Wait. Was that a dream? 


"Wendy unnie's ex, it was you unnie." 


Irene paused. 


"You have forgotten who she is in your life after your accident." 


No. That can't be. Irene shakes her head. However, she stopped as the image of a ring on her hand flashbacked. 


Joohyun loves Seungwan. Forever. 


Irene's gasps and she immediately sits up on bed. She cursed silently at the headache that came after sitting up abruptly and was about to massage her head when her eyes darted to the lone figure sleeping on the chair beside her bed. 




Irene stared at the sleeping Wendy. The younger girl was snoring softly and her head was dropping to the side. 


Staring at Wendy now was like a flashback presentation for Irene. 


She recalled seeing Wendy for the first time almost six months ago, when she opened her eyes after the accident. 


So that's why you were the first person I saw. That's why you were always here looking after me. 


She remembered the hurt on Wendy's face when she asked for the younger girl's name. Irene knows that it's not her fault that she got amnesia but now that she thinks about it, she wonders how hurt must have Wendy felt at that moment- being the only person that she forgot and worse, thinking that Jennie is still her girlfriend. 


Irene clenched her fist. 


She remembered slapping Wendy, and all those times that she chose Jennie over Wendy. In her defense, Irene thought, she woke up from the accident remembering that she and Jennie are still together. She feels and remembers her love for Jennie. And the people around her never said anything about it. So naturally, she would always choose her girlfriend over who she once thought was just a stranger. 


A stranger. 


Irene recalled treating Wendy like that. A stranger. 


The Queen focused once more on Wendy's sleeping face, and for some reason, there's something heavy on her chest. 


It was not like the heaviness she felt when she thought that something bad happened to Wendy and Seulgi. 


And it was nothing like the discomfort in her chest everytime she sees how close Joy is to Wendy. 


It was like her heart was being pierced. And it hurts. 


Just like the hurt she felt when she saw Wendy cry for the first time during Jennie's birthday party. 


Now I know why you're crying so hard at that time. Now I know what's hurting you. 


Irene clenched her chest. She can feel tears b in the corner of her eyes. 


You were hurting so much, Seungwan-ah. 


Irene notices Wendy stirring in her sleep, and Irene immediately wipes the tears that made down her face. 


Wendy's eyes fluttered open and sleepiness left her soul as she saw Irene awake and sitting on the bed. 




Wendy rushed forward and cupped Irene's cheeks. Seeing the older girl's shock reaction, Wendy cursed herself for her slip and immediately withdrew her hands. 


"I'm sorry." Wendy cleared . "Uhm, so are you- are you okay, unnie? Does it hurt anywhere?" 


Irene shakes her head. "I'm fine." 


"That's uhm,- that's good." 


There was an awkward silence after that, both not knowing what to say or how to face each other after the revelation. 


Fortunately for them, the door opened and Jennie peaked in. 


"Oh, Hyun! You're awake." Jennie carefully made her way towards Irene, as if gauging the atmosphere. 


Irene answered with a short hum. Things kind of felt awkward too now even with Jennie. 


Wendy cleared , getting Irene's attention. 


"I'll go ahead first." Wendy gave a short bow to Irene, and the older girl didn't miss the look of resignation in Wendy's eyes. It's as if Wendy is giving them privacy because the latter has come to terms with the fact that she's just a third party. 


Irene had the urge to stop Wendy and to tell her that she shouldn't feel that way. But she held back. Right now, she wanted to talk with Jennie and clear things with her. Irene has so many questions. 


Right after Wendy left, Jennie sat on Irene's bed and held the latter's hand. 


"Hyun." Jennie lowered her head. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." 


"How-" Irene heaved a deep breath. "How did it happen? What happened, Jennie? How can we break up? Why?" 


Jennie was already crying. "I'm sorry, Hyun. It's my fault. I'm sorry." 


"What happened?" Irene asked, gently this time. "I- I need to know." 


Jennie continues to cry. 


"Did you-" Irene gulps. "Did you cheat on me?" 


"No!" Jennie shakes her head frantically and squeezes Irene's hand. "No, Hyun. I will never do that to you." 


Irene saw Jennie's somewhat guilty look. "But?" 


"I-" Jennie sniffed. "I had a boyfriend," Irene widens her eyes at this and Jennie was quick to clear things up. "But that was after we broke up, Hyun. I swear I never cheated on you." 


Irene couldn't believe her ears. She loved Jennie since they were young. They were in love. So how come they broke up? And to think that Jennie even had a boyfriend after that. "B-but how-" 


"I- I made a bad judgment, Hyun." Jennie answered guiltily. "That time I thought- felt like I wanted a-" she lowered her voice. "-real family."


This surprised Irene. "So you had a boyfriend?" 


"I moved to the US after the break up. Then I met him. We- we even got engaged." 


Jennie winced at her words, while Irene just listens. 


"But the wedding didn't happen, Hyun." Jennie interjected quickly. "Because I realized that I still love you, that I can never love anyone but you. So I came back. But.. You already have Wendy-ssi then."


This made Irene curious. "And I stayed with her?" 


Jennie nods slowly. 


Irene couldn't remember herself for the last five years but this definitely surprised her. She only remembers loving Jennie that she couldn't imagine the thought of loving and choosing somebody else. 


"Then the accident happened, and you lost some of your memories." Jennie continued. "And apparently, you thought that I'm still your girlfriend. And- and I know it was selfish of me but- but I used that so we could be together again." 


"I'm sorry, Hyun. I'm sorry for breaking your heart before. And I'm sorry for lying to you after all this time." Jennie cried. "But I love you, Hyun. Please don't break up with me." 


"And the family that you wanted?" Irene asked and surprisingly, she was calm about it. 


Jennie shakes her head. "I don't care about that, Hyun. I realized my mistakes. I realized what is important to me. And it's you, Hyun." Jennie dared to look at Irene's eyes, though hesitant. "I love you, Hyun. And- and I know things are messy and complicated right now, especially because you now know that you had a girlfriend before the accident." Jennie gulps. "But- I'm the one you love now, right? You still love me. Right, Hyun?" 


"I-" Irene stopped. 




"I need time to process this." Irene grits her teeth. "You all lied to me." 


"Hyun.. I'm sorry. Please." 


Jennie was pleading, and Irene can tell that the younger girl is scared. Feeling bad for her, Irene sighs. 


"Stop crying, please. It would be okay." 


Irene wants to believe that it will. 


"I just need time." 






That afternoon, Irene managed to talk it out with her three friends as well. 


"We're sorry, unnie." Seulgi started. "We're sorry for hiding the truth from you from the start." 


"Why did you do it though?" Irene asked calmly. "You three are the least people I expect to keep things from me." 


"We're really sorry, unnie." Seulgi answered. "But back then when you first had a relapse, Dr. Choi warned us to be careful, because another relapse wouldn't be good for you." 


"But I deserve the truth." 


"We know, unnie. And we're sorry." Yeri answered this time. "But your health is our priority." 


Irene sighs. "And Seungwan? Did she agree to this? Because obviously, the person who'd be most affected by this lie is me, and her." And look how much I've hurt her. 


"She did, unnie." Joy answered. "In fact," she heaved a sigh, "Uncle decided on telling you the truth. And Wendy unnie was the one who convinced him otherwise." 


"What?" Irene frowns. "Why would she do that? That doesn't make sense. She'll get hurt the most if the truth wasn't told." 


"You should ask her that personally, unnie." Joy shrugs. "All I know is that she did it because she loves you that much." 


Irene kept mum at that. 


"Unnie," Seulgi called out carefully. "Are you angry at us?" 


"I am." 


"Unnie, we're really sorry." 


"You should have told me the truth no matter how it would hurt me." 


"But we can't risk it, unnie." Yeri answered, getting teary. "Watching you lie unconscious in that hospital bed was too much to bear, unnie. We- we can't have you like that again." Yeri's tears finally fell. "I don't think I could handle it anymore."


Irene grabs Yeri's arm and hugs her, suddenly feeling bad to see their youngest crying. 


"I'm really sorry that we kept the truth from you, unnie." 


Irene pats her back. 


"Unnie, we're really sorry." Joy walks up to them. "We know you hate being lied to. But when you had a relapse when you learned that your parents divorced, Dr. Choi told us that another relapse would be harmful to you. And like what Yerim said, we can't risk that."


Irene listened to their words and despite the anger, she could see where her friends were coming from. Patting Yeri's back once more, she lets go of the hug and looks at her friends. 


"Just never do that again, okay?" 


The three Queens look up to Irene with hopeful eyes and nod. 


"We promise, unnie." Seulgi answered, while Joy and Yeri nodded vigorously in agreement. 


"Okay, come here you two." Irene finally smiled and beckoned for Seulgi and Joy to come closer. 


The two immediately jump off to Irene's bed and engulf Irene and Yeri in a group hug.


"Thank you, unnie." 


Irene nodded with a smile. 






It's been Irene's third night at the hospital. And if everything's fine by tomorrow, she will already be discharged. Wendy carefully opens the door, so as not to disturb Irene or anyone in the room. It has become her habit now for three nights. Ever since Irene learned the truth, things kind of became awkward between her and Wendy. Wendy doesn't know how to face Irene and she can feel that Irene is just the same. 


It's like the first time she woke up from her accident. Wendy thought. Besides, Wendy was not sure if Irene is mad at her or if the older girl still wants to see her. Up till now, Wendy didn't know how Irene felt about the truth. So for three days, Wendy would only visit Irene's room when she is sure that the Queen is already sleeping. 


Wendy peeks into the dimmed room and slowly makes her way inside. She saw Jennie sleeping on the couch, while Yeri and Irene were sharing Irene's hospital bed. Wendy smiled at the sight. 


Carefully not to make any noise, Wendy walks to the bed and checks on Irene. She fixed the blanket up to Irene and Yeri's shoulder. 


"Goodnight, Yerim." Wendy whispered. She then fixed her gaze on Irene and lightly brushed the latter's bangs. "Goodnight, unnie. Sweet dreams." 


With that, Wendy went out of the room. She didn't go home after that and decided to have some fresh air at the hospital's rooftop for the time being. 


Wendy sits in a corner and plays music on her ear pods. She leans on the wall and closes her eyes, absorbing herself in music. It makes her calm. 


She was already on the third song when Wendy felt someone sat beside her. Wendy opens her eyes and gets an instant shock when she sees Irene beside her, the latter facing forward. 


"U-unnie?" Wendy moves fast and removes her jacket. She draped it to Irene's shoulder. 


"I'm fine." Irene answered softly. She was about to return the jacket but Wendy stopped her. 


"Just take it, unnie. It's cold."


"How about you?" 


Wendy gave a small smile. "I'm okay, unnie." 


Irene gives in and nods. 


"So, uh, what are you doing here, unnie?" Wendy asked. "I thought you're already asleep." 


Irene shakes her head. "I wasn't." 


"Oh." Wendy cleared . "You mean, you're uhm, you're still awake earlier when I came in?" 


Irene nods. "I was always awake whenever you said goodnight. For three nights now." 


"Oh, uhm." Wendy gulps. "O-okay." 


Silence echoed after that. After a few minutes, Irene heaved a sigh. 


"Why did you keep it from me?" 


Irene's voice was calm and with no hint of anger, yet Wendy felt nervous. 


"Sooyoung said you convinced my dad not to tell me the truth." Irene sighs. "Why?" 


"I don't want you to have another relapse, unnie." Wendy swallowed a lump in . 


"But I deserved to know the truth. Don't you think so?" 


"Yes. Yes I know that." Wendy gulps. "I guess I was just worried." 


"That I'll have a relapse and it would be bad?" 


Wendy nods. "That. And-" she took a deep breath, "That you would hate it. The truth." 


Irene turned to Wendy, waiting for more. 


"You woke up from the accident thinking that you're five years back. The Joohyun who wakes up that time, is the Joohyun who was still in love with, and thinks that she's still seeing her ex-girlfriend." Wendy explained. "I- I saw how happy you were when Jennie came. I saw how excited you were just to see her. I-" she bites her lip. "I felt the love you have for her." 


"I thought that if you knew the truth, you wouldn't like it." Wendy shrugs. "Who knows, you could've even hated me." 


"Why would I hate you?" Irene asked, as if the idea was absurd. 


"So then, would you have liked it?" Wendy asked, searching Irene's eyes. "To know that you have already broken up with Jennie, and are actually in a relationship with me, a stranger?" 


"Well, of-" Irene stopped at that, knowing fully what her mind just thought of. 


"What would you do if we told you that back then?" 


Wendy's question pulled Irene out from her thoughts. She thought of Wendy's question. 


Back then? 


Irene recalled seeing Wendy for the first time at the hospital. How awkward it felt for her when someone whom she doesn't know was hugging her and calling her by her real name. She remembered looking for Jennie and waiting for the latter to visit her. She even recalled telling Wendy before that she couldn't imagine it if someone was to tell her that she's no longer with Jennie. 


Seungwan's right. I might have hated it. 


Irene sighs, and this is enough for Wendy to confirm her thoughts. 


"Still, you should've just told me." Irene answered. "I- I can just-" she shakes her head, "m-maybe I can figure things out? I mean, see if I can accept the reality? And uh, if I can-" Irene lowered her voice, "-love you back?" 


"And forced your feelings for me?" She shakes her head. "I don't want that, unnie."


"I told your father before. I don't want you to feel like you have to love me back just because you've been told that I'm your girlfriend." Wendy gave a small smile. "I want to get your love, but I want it to be because you love me. That's it." 


Irene was stunned to hear it. She remembered what Joy said earlier. 


"She did it because she loves you that much." 


Irene clenched her fist. She feels bad. 


"Unnie." Wendy interrupted Irene's thoughts. "I'm really sorry. For keeping the truth from you. You're right. You deserve the truth. You do. I may have my reasons for doing it, but still, I'm sorry." 


Irene gave a short nod. She understands. Because deep inside her, she knew that Wendy had a point. She doesn't know how she would take it if the truth was revealed to her right after the accident. 


But Irene is confused.  


So where do we stand now? What will happen now? 


Irene heaved a sigh. 






"I-" She gulps. "I'm conflicted right now." 


Wendy nods in understanding. "I'm sorry, unnie." 


"No. You don't have to be sorry." Irene paused and sighs afterwards. "To be honest, I think that deep within me, I've always thought that you're more than just a friend to me. But I tried to ignore and deny it because of Jennie." 


"Because you love her." Wendy forced a smile. 


"It's not-" Irene paused. She sighs. "Jennie.. I loved her since we're young and I know now that we broke up and all, but- but when I woke up from the accident, all I remember loving.. was her." Irene whispered the last words but still enough for Wendy to her. 


"A-and now, now that I know that I've been in love with someone else before the accident, it's- it's confusing for me." It's especially confusing because it's you, Seungwan. 


Despite the hurt, Wendy gave Irene a smile. She doesn't want Irene to feel burdened by it. "I understand, unnie." 


However, this hurt Irene more. "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, Seungwan. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you."


Wendy shakes her head. "You didn't know, unnie." 


A sigh. "How can you be so selfless like this, Seungwan-ah?" 


Because I love you, unnie. Wendy wanted to answer that and say that to Irene. But Wendy knows that Irene will only feel more guilty and burdened than how she already is. 


So, Wendy chose not to answer and just kept the smile on her face. 


Seeing this, Irene sighs. "I- I need time to think, Seungwan."


Wendy nods. 


"Take all the time you need, unnie." 


I'll wait. Always. 





It has been two weeks since their conversation at the rooftop and just like what Wendy said, she gave Irene all the time that the latter needs to think things through. 


Wendy had been thinking about these things too even before. Irene knowing the truth will be her last fight. And now, it has come to that point. If Irene would still choose to be with Jennie despite knowing about their past relationship, then Wendy thinks that it's her time to let go. 


The ball is in Joohyun unnie's hands now. Wendy thought to herself. Whatever she decides, let's accept it, Son Seungwan. 


Irene and Wendy weren't given the chance to talk after that. Irene started going back to work at their company, while Wendy has been busy with practice for their upcoming competition. 


Wendy was in the music room, playing random tunes on the keyboard, when Joy entered. 


"Unnie." Joy sat beside Wendy and placed a piece of paper in front of the older girl. It's a music sheet, one that Wendy is familiar with. 


"Seulgi unnie told me we're going to add this song to our playlist for the competition." 


"Ah, yes." Wendy answered, taking in the music sheet. "Seulgi talked to me about this." 


"It's your new composition?" 


"Yes. But it's a ballad, as you can see." Wendy laughs. "I told Seulgi it wouldn't fit our set list but she insisted that we could make this song work for a choir." She shrugs. "I don't know. But she said she wanted this to be heard." 


"Hm." Joy nods. "I agree, unnie. It's a very good song. Although.. It's sad." 


"Ah." Wendy gave an awkward laugh. "Yes, it's kind of that." 


Joy takes the music sheet once again and reads the lyrics. "When did you write this, unnie?" 


Wendy shrugs. "I started writing it two weeks ago. But I just finished it yesterday." 


Joy sighs. "I knew it." 


"Hm? What do you mean?" 


"It's for Joohyun unnie, right?" Joy inquired. "You wrote this two weeks ago. That's the same time you two stopped talking to each other." 


"Well, we- we didn't really stop talking to each other." Wendy rubs the back of her neck. "We're both just busy." 


"But for you to be able to write this song?" Joy shakes her head. "What happened, unnie? What's going on?" 


Wendy smiled, albeit sadly. "I told you, Sooyoung. Joohyun unnie needs time to think." 


"Yes. But why does it feel like.. you're already giving up, unnie?" 


"I'm not." Wendy muttered softly. "Not yet, at least. I'm just- preparing myself-" Wendy gave a bitter chuckle."-for the worst." 


"Unnie." Joy held Wendy's arm, hoping to be some sort of comfort for the older girl. 


"I'll go with whatever Joohyun unnie decides. And if she chooses Jennie, I-" Wendy gulps, "I'll raise the white flag." 


Wendy clenched her fists that were resting on the keyboard. "I'm sorry, Sooyoung-ah." 


"Unnie, why are you apologising?" Joy asked, rubbing Wendy's back. 


"You know how I love Joohyun unnie so much." Wendy heard a crack on her voice. "But I think I can only fight till this point." Wendy balled her fists harder. She can feel herself tearing up. This time, however, she didn't hold it in. 


"I think I'm close to losing myself, because it hurts so much already." 


Joy hugs Wendy in an instant. She has already seen Wendy crying before, when the latter got drunk. But this is the first time she witnessed Wendy cry openly. Seeing Wendy cry and feeling her shaking in her arms makes Joy cry too. 


"It's okay, unnie. It's okay." Joy continues rubbing Wendy's back. "You've done well, unnie. It's okay." 


As Wendy's cries got bigger, the tighter Joy held her. She suddenly felt the urge to protect the older girl. 


"Stop if it's already too much, unnie. It's okay. It's okay." 


I'll protect you, unnie. Just like what I've promised you before. 






Finally, the day of the glee club competition arrived. Irene, Yeri, and Jennie were already seated in the audience, and Irene was both nervous and excited at the same time. 


Nervous, because this was the first time she'll see Wendy again after their conversation at the rooftop and frankly, she still doesn't know how to face the younger girl. But just the thought of seeing Wendy makes her excited, not to mention that she'll be hearing Wendy sing again. 


This is the first time Irene has watched their glee club, or in her case, the first time she remembered doing so. But Irene was already in awe. It was obvious that the group practiced so hard and put their hearts into it. Their movements were in sync, their voices blended well together, and their harmonies were on point. 


Though Irene's eyes were on the group, her focus and attention were solely on Wendy. It felt different, seeing Wendy performing on stage. The younger girl radiates a different, yet still happy energy and it's making Irene smile constantly. 


For their last song however, the atmosphere changed. The lights dimmed and the upbeat music stopped. When the lights went on, the spotlight was on Wendy at the center of the stage, while the other members were a few meters back. 


Without much of a beginning instrumental, Wendy started singing. 


When I close my eyes it becomes clearer
Because it can’t be explained with words 
I’m walking alone on ice 
Just in case I accidentally hurt you


Wendy's voice echoed in the hall and all became silent, engrossed in Wendy's singing. 


I’m right here 
Don’t you recognize me? 
I miss you so much 
I’ve been waiting for a long time
I can’t reach you 
I’m just standing there blanked out 
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, Goodbye


Irene held her breath. It was like the lyrics hit her like a rock. Suddenly, it hurts. 


It’s like a dream 
The same things that keep happening 
It makes me break down a little bit 
Even for a little while, 
the moments that you remember me 
It all felt like a miracle
It felt like everything was just a dream 
I’m right here 
Don’t you recognize me? 
I miss you so much 
I’ve been waiting for a long time
I can’t reach you 
I’m just standing there blanked out 
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, Goodbye 


The rest of the glee club sings with Wendy at the bridge part, making it more impactful. 


Even if time passes 
Your scent will not change and remain the same 
Did you recognize me? Did you find me? 
The night fades away again 
The days when I hurt you have already passed 
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, Goodbye


The lights fade out at this point, only the spotlight on Wendy remains. The vocalist has her eyes closed as she sings the last words. 


Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.. 


The lights completely went off after that and there were a few seconds of silence before loud claps filled the auditorium. 


"Hyun?" A touch on her arm pulled back Irene to reality. She looked beside her and saw Jennie offering her a handkerchief. 


Irene raised her brow. 


Jennie had a sad smile. "You're crying." 


"Wh-what?" Irene immediately touched her face and true enough, there were tears in her eyes. She didn't even realize that she was crying. 


She took the handkerchief from Jennie and muttered a soft thanks, before she wiped her tears. 


Irene felt it. She felt Wendy's song. Worried that her tears might show up again, Irene excused herself and went outside first. 






It has been an hour since Irene left the auditorium and stayed just outside the building. She was seated on a nearby bench just across the building where the competition is being held, watching mindlessly as people and cars passed the street. 




Irene jolted a little with the call. 


"Oh, sorry. Did I startle you?" Wendy asked, sitting beside Irene. 


Irene shakes her head and smiles. "Just a little. It's fine. And oh, congratulations, by the way. It's a well deserved win." 


Wendy grins shyly. "Thanks, unnie. It was really a team effort." 


"I know. But you really stood out earlier."


Wendy chuckles. "Don't let Sooyoung hear you say that." 


Irene laughs too. "Nah. I'm sure she'll agree with me." A pause. "You- you were really amazing, Seungwan."


"Thanks, unnie." Wendy answered with a big, shy smile. "So anyway, why are you here, unnie? You'll get cold and uh, I don't have a jacket here with me." 


Irene lightly flicks Wendy's forehead. 


"Hey, unnie." Wendy pouts, acting like it hurts. "Wae?" 


"You really have to stop thinking about other people all the time, Seungwan-ah." 


"Oh, but you're not." Wendy answered shyly. 


"Hm? Not what?" 


"Other people." 




"So uh," Wendy cleared before Irene could say anything. "Yerim said you wanted to see me, unnie?" 


Irene nods. "I uh, I wanted to talk to you." 


Wendy silently gulps in nervousness. This is it. She thought. Still, Wendy forced a smile. "What's it about, unnie?" 


Irene took a deep breath. "Jennie's parents want her to manage their US branch. So, Jennie's moving back to the US." 


"O-kay?" Wendy somehow knew where this would be going. 


"She uh- she asked me to come with her."


Wendy held her breath. 


"I said yes." 


Wendy expected this yet it hurts nonetheless. 


"I-" Wendy swallowed a lump in , trying to keep her emotions at bay. "I see." She forced a smile once again. "So, when are you leaving?" 


Irene looked away. She couldn't see Wendy hurting again. "In two days." 


"Oh. O-okay. So uh.." Wendy cleared . "I guess I'll see you at the airport then?" 


Irene shakes her head. "You don't have to, Seungwan." 


"Well, yes, but-" Wendy lowered her head. "I could- only say my goodbyes then." Because I would need those two days to prepare myself. 


"No. I'll be ba-" Irene felt a sudden headache that she had to stop talking. Wendy's words get to her and Wendy saying goodbye just doesn't feel right. Just the thought of Wendy walking out of her life hits differently. And suddenly, her head started to hurt. 


"Unnie?" Wendy noticed Irene wincing. "Are you okay? Does it hurt somewhere?" 


"I'm fine." Irene muttered softly. Her head feels like it's splitting into two but she doesn't want Wendy to know that. The pain I've caused her is enough. No need to worry her too. 


"Are you sure, unnie?" 


Irene nods. 


"But you-" 


"Wendy unnie!" 


Joy's voice was heard from across the road, just outside the building where they came from. The younger girl is waving both hands in the air. 


"They're looking for you, unnie!" Joy shouts. "Come back in!" 


Wendy turned to Irene behind her. "Unnie, let's go?" 


But Irene shook her head. "Go ahead first, Seungwan. I'll talk to you again later."


"Unnie, are you sure you're okay?" Wendy noticed Irene's pale face. 


"Just a headache." Irene answered, a bit weakly. "It'll pass." 




"Wendy unnie, come on!" 


Wendy waved towards Joy. "I'll be there, Sooyoungie!" She then turned towards Irene again. "Unnie-" 


"Go, Seungwan-ah." Irene forced a smile. "I'll see you later. There's something I need to talk to you about. It's.. kind of.. important." 


"Then shall we talk about it now?" 


Irene slowly shakes her head and gives a small smile. "Later. I'll wait till you're done." 


"Okay." Wendy eventually gave in. "I'll go now, unnie." 


Irene nods. She watched as Wendy walked away from where she was seated, and walked towards Joy whose arms are extended, waiting for Wendy to hold. 


This felt familiar. Irene thought to herself. 


Her head throbs and Irene has to shut her eyes. However, the moment she closed her eyes, an unfamiliar scene flashed through her. 


Wendy was on the ground, surrounded by several people watching. Then there was this man, a boy their age, kneeled in front of Wendy and outstretched his hand for Wendy to take. A few minutes passed and she saw Wendy lifting her arms, about to take the man's helping hand. 


"No!" Irene stood and her head throbs painfully at her abrupt movement. She forcefully opens her eyes and sees that Wendy is getting near towards Joy. 


"No. Wait." Irene's head hurts. She was getting dizzy and her vision started to blur. But she knows she has to move. 


Irene felt it. How scared she was that day. That if she didn't do anything, she would lose Wendy. Just like what she's feeling today. 


With a hand on her head and her eyes partially open, she steps forward, wanting to get to where Wendy is. 





"Unnie, come on, come on!" Joy shakes her outstretched arms, playfully urging Wendy to walk faster. 


"I'm he-" 




A single but loud horn from her back surprised Wendy. She still has not gotten over her shock when she heard Joy's panic shout. 


"Joohyun unnie! What are you doing? Stay back!!" 


Wendy turned her head back instantly to where Irene was. Her eyes widened and she felt her heart drop. Irene is in the middle of the road, aimlessly crossing it while several cars pass by. 


"Yah, Joohyun unnie!" Wendy shouted, but it's as if Irene didn't hear her. Wendy frowns. Irene's one hand is on her head as if the girl is in pain. Irene was also swaying as she steps closer to where she is. 


"Joohyun unnie! Stop!" Wendy heard Joy's scream. 


A truck, probably unaware that there was a person in the middle of the road, was speeding towards where Irene is. Wendy's heart was beating so hard that her knees shook. 


Beeeep! Beeeeep! Beeeeep! 


"Joohyun unnie!" 


Irene finally turned towards the voice and saw Wendy running towards her. 


However, a blinding light from her side caught her attention. As she turned to the source of light, Irene froze in place. A truck is coming her way. 


"Joohyun unnie!" 


Wendy's voice was the last thing Irene heard before she felt her body hit the ground, and all went black. 







Irene wakes up with a jolt. But the moment she sat up on bed, Irene ran a hand through her head. 


"My head hurts." She mumbled to herself and that's when she felt a bandage on her head. 




Irene finally looks at her surroundings and realizes that she's in the hospital. 


What happened? 


Suddenly, the image of Wendy running to her and shouting her name flashed through her. Then, the deafening horns of a truck. 


Irene's eyes widened. "Did I get hit?" She quickly scans her body and aside from the one on her head, there's no other bandages on her body. In fact, her body didn't hurt at all. 


"Where's Seungwan though?" Without even realizing it, Irene looked for Wendy first. "Where's everyone?" 


As if on cue, Seulgi enters with a plastic bag of food in her hand, and her eyes scream of relief to see Irene awake. 


"Unnie!" Seulgi rushed towards Irene. "Are you okay? Does your head hurt?" 


"Just a little. But it's fine." Irene answered. "What happened?" 


"Uh.. What was the last thing you remembered, unnie?" 


"That I almost got hit by a truck?" Irene shivered at that thought. "But it seems like I'm fine overall?" 


"Uh, yes." Seulgi hesitated. "You uh, you were pushed out of the way, in time to save you from the incoming truck. You hit your head on the ground after that and you out. Dr. Choi said there's nothing to worry about though. Aside from a wound, all your tests are clear, unnie."


Irene frowns. "Wait. Who pushed me away though?" She gulps. "That person is fine too, right?" 


"Hm." Seulgi gave a nervous nod. "A-actually unnie, she uh- she got hit by the truck instead-" 


Irene gasps. Her eyes widened. 


"But!" Seulgi continued quickly. "The truck managed to slow down before the impact so, uh, the doctor said it could've been worse if not for that. But she's okay, she-" 


"Where's-" Irene swallowed a big lump on . She prays that her assumption was wrong. "Where's Seungwan?" 


Seulgi knows that look. She knew what Irene was hoping to hear- that the person who saved her was not Wendy. With a deep sigh, Seulgi answered. "I'm sorry, unnie." 


Irene felt her heart stop. "Where is she?"


"At the orthopedic ward, unnie." 


Having heard her answer, Irene wasted no time and rushed out of her room, with Seulgi trailing on her. 


Please be okay, Seungwan-ah. Please. 


Irene kept praying for this in her mind until she reached Wendy's room. With shaking hands, Irene opened the door. 


Seulgi stayed outside, giving Irene the privacy and time she needed with Wendy. 


However, just after a few minutes, Irene walked out of the room. Seulgi noticed that Irene seemed to be in daze, her eyes b red. 


Irene never said a word on their way back to her room. This got Seulgi worried. 


"Unnie? What's wrong?" Seulgi asked once Irene was already settled on her bed. 


Irene shakes her head. Seulgi thought that the gesture meant 'I don't want to say', rather than 'there's nothing wrong'. 


Still, Seulgi respects Irene's answer. So instead, she diverts the topic. "The doctor said Wendy is fine, unnie."


This, of course, caught Irene's attention. "How- how is she doing?" 


"Well, her left leg was the one that has been badly hit." Seulgi answered carefully. "I'm sure you noticed the cast in her leg earlier?" 


Irene quietly nods. 


"The doctor said it would take a few months to heal so Wendy would be needing a cast." Seulgi explained. "She got minor wounds on her hip and elbow but that's that. Her legs would only need to recover, and Wendy's back to health again!" 


Seulgi tried to cheer Irene with that last sentence, but to no avail. Seulgi sighs. 


"She's fine, unnie." Seulgi tried again. "In fact, she woke up already. Even before you did." 


Irene's eyes widened. "She did?" 


"Yeah." Seulgi answered. "I guess she's still sleeping soundly when you came?" 


Irene nods. 


"The doctor had to give her some sedatives." Seulgi chuckles. "Wendy won't stay in bed, she keeps wanting to get up and see you. She was constantly asking us and the nurses about your condition. It came to the point where her doctor was worried that she might push herself up so he asked the nurse to give Wendy some sedatives." Seulgi smiles, thinking about it. "That girl, really." 


Seulgi thought that Irene would laugh or sigh in relief. She didn't expect the older girl to tear up. 


"Unnie? Hey, what's wrong?" 


Irene closed her eyes and covered it with her hand. Once again, she shook her head. 


Seeing this, Seulgi can only sigh. "I'll let you rest now, unnie. Okay? Your parents called and they'll be here tomorrow morning."


"They didn't have to. I'm okay now." Irene said softly. 


"They wanted to, unnie." Seulgi smiled though Irene couldn't see it. "And oh, Jennie asked if she could stay here the night and look after you?" Seulgi asked, unsure. "I mean.. It's surprising that she even asked." 


"How about Seungwan?" Irene asked instead, still in the same position, ignoring what Seulgi said. 


"Sooyoung and Yerim will look after her." Seulgi answered. "I'll stay with Jennie here with you." 


Irene hummed. "Okay." 


Seulgi heaved a sigh. "I'll leave you for a while, unnie. I have to bring these foods to Yerim. Will you be fine here?" 


Irene nods. 


The moment Irene heard the closing of doors, the hand on her eyes fell limply on the side. 


Soon, Irene was shaking as tears continuously fell from her eyes. 





Irene couldn't sleep that night. So being careful not to wake up Seulgi and Jennie, Irene slowly made her way out of her room. 


It didn't take long before she reached Wendy's room. However, she couldn't find it in herself to enter the room. Hence, she was pacing back and forth outside Wendy's room. 


I just want to see her. Irene told herself, going towards Wendy's room once again. 


Wait. It's already midnight. She might be sleeping though. Irene stopped and walked a few steps away. 


But even if she's already asleep, I just want to check on her. To make sure she's okay. Irene heads to Wendy's room once more. 


Wait. But what if she's awake? Irene's hand stopped at the door handle. How do I face her? 


Irene sighs. She was about to turn back when someone tapped her shoulder. 


"Omo!" Irene jumped in shock and glared at Joy who was laughing at her. 


"Sorry, unnie. I didn't mean to scare you, I swear." 


Irene rolled her eyes. "What are you even doing here?" 


Joy laughs. "Should I be the one asking you that, unnie?" Seeing Irene's confused face, Joy continued. "You should be resting in your room. You're a patient too, unnie." She smiles at Irene. "Are you feeling better now, unnie?" 


Irene nods. "Yeah." 


"You wanted to see Wendy unnie?" 


"W-well, I-" She took a deep breath. "Is she okay?" 


"Hm. She's asleep but she's okay." Joy chuckles. "You might be seeing her tomorrow once she wakes up. She would insist on visiting you for sure." 


Irene shook her head. "No. I'll come here instead. Tell her to just wait for me here. Okay?" 


"Okay, unnie." 


Irene sighs. "Just tell her to rest." 


"And so do you, unnie." Joy pointed out. 


Irene nods absentmindedly. 






"Are you okay?" Joy asked, observing Irene. "You seem.. bothered." 


"Y-yeah. I'm okay. Maybe I'll, uh, just head back to my room." 


Joy was not convinced but she knows Irene is hard to crack, so she decided to just let the older girl be for the meantime. 


"Oh, by the way, unnie?" 


Irene looked at Joy, waiting. 


"Tomorrow is your scheduled flight to the US with Jennie. Will you still go?" 


Irene heaved a deep breath. She nods. "Jennie and I talked about it earlier and we decided to proceed as planned. And the doctor gave me clearance too. He said I can be discharged by tomorrow, so.. yeah." 


"So you will really go?" 


Once again, Irene nods, taking her eyes off from Joy. 


"How about Wendy unnie?" Joy had to ask. She knew she hit a nerve, judging with how Irene's eyes flickered for a moment. 


"I'll- I'll talk to her tomorrow. Before I leave." 


"Will you break up with her?" 


"What? Sooyoung-" 


"Yes, I know that it already seemed that the two of you have already broken up from the moment you have forgotten about her-" 


Irene grits her teeth at this, and Joy notices. 


"No offense, unnie." Joy sighs. "It's just what it looked like and now that you already know the truth, I just wanted to know what you're going to do about it." 


"I-" Irene paused. She exhaled loudly, and Joy took it as a sign that the older girl doesn't want to talk about it.  


"Wendy unnie has been hurt a lot already, unnie." 


This stopped Irene. She stared at Joy, fist clenched at the side. 


"I just want to know what are you gonna do because I don't want her to get hurt anymore, unnie." 


"W-what.." Irene cleared . "What are you gonna do then?" 


"I love you, unnie. You know that. And that will never change." Joy smiled gently. "But now I will do my best to protect Wendy unnie from getting hurt," she then spoke softly, eyes still on Irene's. "-even from you, unnie." 


Joy didn't regret saying that, but at the same time, she wished she could take them back. She was surprised to see tears welling on the corner of Irene's eyes which the latter is trying her best to control. Her eyes are teary and yet, Irene is still firm and composed. However, Joy knows that the older girl is just trying to be strong. This makes her sad. 




Irene looks up to prevent her tears from falling, then looks back again to Joy, this time with a soft smile on her face. 


"Do that, Sooyoung-ah." Do something that I wasn't able to do. 


"Unnie…" Joy is not sorry for her words. But she's sorry for hurting Irene's feelings. "I'm so-" She stopped as Irene held her cheek.  


"You don't have to, Sooyoung-ah." Irene said, still with a gentle smile. "Take care of Seungwan. Hm?" 


Defeated, Joy sighs. "Take care of yourself too, unnie." 


Irene ruffles Joy's hair. "I will. You too." 







Wendy has been listless since waking up earlier that morning. The first thing she tried to do was to get off the bed and go to where Irene is. But of course, Joy stopped her and told her that Irene will drop by instead. Wendy wasn't convinced though, especially when afternoon came. She wanted to see Irene for herself to make sure that the older girl was okay. 


"Unnie, I told you. Joohyun unnie herself told me to just wait for her here." Joy tried telling Wendy again for the third time. 


"But-" Wendy lowered her head. "I need to see her, Sooyoung-ah. I just want to make sure that she's okay."




"I haven't seen her since the accident, Sooyoung-ah." Wendy bit her lip. "And I'm scared." 


Joy sat beside Wendy's bed and looked straight into the latter's eyes. "Unnie, you know how I am, right? I wouldn't lie to you." 


Wendy nods slowly. 


"So trust me when I say that Joohyun unnie is fine?" 


Wendy kept silent. 


Seeing this, Joy took a deep breath. She has no choice but to tell Wendy the truth, instead of waiting for Irene. It's better though, Joy thought. At least Wendy would be prepared as well. 


"Joohyun unnie was already discharged this morning." Joy started. "She- went back to her house to prepare her things, and-" Joy exhaled. "-she will come here to talk to you before going to the airport." 


That stopped Wendy from wanting to get off the bed. "Airport?" 


Joy lowered her head, and nodded. 




"She told you about it before the accident, right? That- she would go with Jennie to the US?" 


Wendy felt like she had been hit by a brick in her head. She had forgotten that. 


"So.." Wendy swallowed a lump in , trying to control her voice. "She would really leave?" She would really leave me now? 


Once again, Joy painstakingly nodded. 


"O-okay." Wendy nods to herself. Her heart felt numb. "I, I understand."


Joy knows that nothing she says will comfort Wendy at the moment. Thus, she let the older girl be for now. 






Wendy was lying on her hospital bed, staring into thin space. 


Pathetic, Son Seungwan. 


Wendy chuckled bitterly to herself. Did you honestly think that Joohyun unnie would change her mind about coming with Jennie to America? 


She took a deep breath. 


So, I guess this is really the end, huh? 


Just in time, a knock was heard and the door was opened even before Wendy could answer. She saw Irene peeking in silently, and she had to force a smile. 


It's time to let go, Seungwan. 




"H-hey." Irene gave a small smile and walked closer to Wendy's bed. "How are you feeling?" 


"I'm okay, unnie." Wendy then observes Irene. The older girl seemed anxious. There is something different about Irene today but Wendy couldn't pinpoint it. She frowns. "Are you okay, unnie? Is there a problem?" 


Irene realized that Wendy could see through her, and immediately shook her head. "None, none. I'm- I'm okay." She looks at Wendy's elevated leg and grits her teeth. "How's your leg?" 


"It needs to remain immobile for the time being. Then I'll have my therapy in a month, and after that, it will be fully healed." Wendy grins. Yet Irene couldn't find it in herself to do the same. 


Irene sighs. "You shouldn't have done that, Seungwan." 


"Did what, unnie?" 


"Save me." 


"It's fine, unnie." Wendy assured. 


"No, it's not." Irene's tone was serious and firm. She didn't like how Wendy thinks it is okay for her to get hurt. 


Wendy frowns at the change of tone. "Well, I won't just stand and watch you get hurt, unnie." 


"And I don't want to see you get hurt too!" Irene raised her voice a little. "More especially so if it's because of me!" 


Irene's words struck Wendy. The latter felt as if she was talking to the old Irene- to her girlfriend Joohyun. 


Irene noticed Wendy's surprised reaction and she thought it was because of her sudden raised voice. She sighs. 


"I'm sorry, Seungwan. I shouldn't have raised my voice like that." 


Wendy observes Irene. I guess it was just a flicker of the moment kind of thing. 




The call pulls Wendy back to reality. 


"I was just worried. I'm sorry." 


"Hey, don't be sorry, unnie." Wendy gives Irene a gentle smile. "And you don't have to worry. I promise you I'm fine." 


This time, Irene finally smiled back. "You should be." 


There was silence after that, both not knowing what to say next. This was Wendy's cue. She took a deep breath. 






Both surprisingly spoke at the same time. 


Wendy forced a chuckle. "You go first, unnie." 


Irene shakes her head. "No, it's fine. Go ahead first." 


Wendy bit her lip and hesitated. 


"Seungwan? What is it?" 


"I-" Wendy clenched her fist. Just one last time, Son Seungwan. You can do it. Wendy mustered all the courage she could get and looked directly into Irene's eyes.


"I'm- I'm letting you go, unnie." 


Irene's eyes faltered but she kept her calm. 


"It's not easy, of course. Because I love you so much." Wendy smiled gently. "But I can only fight till here." 


"I'm not blaming you, unnie. And I don't want you to think that you have a fault either." Wendy continued. "But it's just that- it hurts so much already. And I don't think I can-" she looked away. "I don't want to go on anymore. I- I need time."


Wendy cleared and dared to look at Irene once more, still with that gentle but sad smile. "But now, I'm now letting you go, unnie." 


Wendy had to tell herself to stand her ground and be determined with her decision. It's difficult though, especially with how Irene was obviously frozen in place, with her thoughts seeming to be far away. 


"Seungwan, n-" 


Irene stopped before she could even finish her words. Confused, Wendy observed the older girl. Wendy knew Irene very well. She knows how the Queen is trying to control her emotions, but the pain in her eyes cannot be concealed. 


Why? Why is she looking at me like that? 




Irene gives a smile and nods to Wendy, interrupting the latter. She sat across Wendy on the latter's bed and met the younger girl's eyes. "Always take care of yourself, okay?" 


Wendy gulps at Irene's words. That was the older girl's way of accepting her decision. It didn't help though that Irene couldn't hide her sad smile. 


Wendy forced a smile. You can cry later, Seungwan. Just not now. Not in front of her. 


"And stop sacrificing your own for others. Take care of yourself first." 


Rubbing the back of her neck, Wendy nods. She then smiled softly at Irene. "Take care of yourself too, unnie. Okay?" 


Irene doesn't answer and hugs Wendy, momentarily surprising the latter. 


"I'm sorry, Seungwan-ah. I'm really sorry." Irene said through the hug. She, too, is trying her best not to let her tears show. 


Wendy rubs Irene's back. "I told you it's not your fault, unnie." 


"Please don't get hurt again because of me." Irene whispered, still in Wendy's arms. 


Wendy heard it. She knew Irene meant it to be heard. And Wendy understands what Irene told her. The older girl was not just referring to physical pain. 


"Please be happy, Seungwan-ah." 


Wendy forced herself to answer. "I- I will, unnie. You too, okay?" 


Irene answered by hugging Wendy tight. They silently remained in that position for a bit more before Irene finally pulled back. 


She cleared . "I, uh, I guess I have to go now." 


Wendy nods in understanding, still showing off a smile. "Have a safe flight, unnie." 


"Hm." Irene got off the bed. She looked hesitant for a while before she leaned in and kissed Wendy's forehead, making the latter's cheek blush. 


"I'll go now, Seungwan. Take care of yourself."


 Wendy clenched her fist and forced a smile for the last time. "You too, unnie." 


Irene nods and turns her back, dragging her feet towards the door. 


Once Irene was out of her room, Wendy's face fell, together with her tears. 


But just outside her room, Irene was crying just the same. 










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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki 0 points #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy