Chapter I

My Girl


“Yah Son! This is a volleyball, not a dodgeball!”

“Uh yes, sorry.” Wendy apologized as she walks embarrassingly to her next position. They are in P.E class, playing volleyball and all Wendy managed to do so far was to dodge the ball that’s coming her way.

Wendy doesn’t like sports, she doesn’t like any games because she’s not just good at it. No matter what game she plays, she always loses.

Urgh. I really can’t understand why there’s still this subject in college. Aren’t PE’s supposedly for children only?

“Son, your ball!”

Wendy’s thought was interrupted by the shout of their team captain. She looks up in time to see the ball coming to her.

Just hit it. Just hit it. Just hit it.

Wendy positions her arms to hit the ball but she missed it and the ball fell on her side, earning a loud tsk from her team captain and a laugh from her team mates.

Wendy murmurs another apology as she drops her head low, not wanting to see the laughter directed at her. 

Wendy is friendly and is easy to approach. However, she doesn’t have any friends since she entered the university. She’s usually alone and it’s not because no one approach her at school or because she’s a loner. Something happened during high school and this taught her to be just casual with everyone, and not to be too attached.

“Focus, Son.” Her team captain reminded.

Wendy nodded and another round of game begins. Few minutes into the game and the ball is again heading near towards Wendy. Decided to make it right this time, Wendy ran forward to hit the ball but she miscalculated her steps and she missed her footing just as she as about to hit the ball. Wendy felt the ball touched her hand so she decided to just hit the ball before she lands on the ground with a thud.


Wendy fell on the ground and closed her eyes as she feels a throbbing pain in her ankle. The moment she fell, she heard a loud, collective gasps coming from the other students in the gym.

“It’s okay, I’m fine.” Thinking that the gasps she heard was because of her fall, she assures her teammates and the other bystanders that aside from her twisted ankle, everything’s fine.

But as she sits up and opens her eyes to look at her teammates, not one of the students in the gym is looking at her. Instead, the students are looking somewhere else, eyes wide and mouths agape.

Confused by their reactions, Wendy turned her head to where the students are looking. Still seated at the ground, the first Wendy saw was that the ball she hit is at the foot of someone.

Ah, that must be where the ball landed.

She looks up to see who the feet belong to and Wendy’s heart literally skipped a beat...

In fear.

Standing beside the ball is none other than THE Bae Irene.

Wendy managed to get a glimpse of the shock written in Irene’s face before the leader of the Queens fainted and fell on the ground. Fortunately, the other member of the Queens, Joy, is with her and caught her unnie before the latter’s head can hit the floor.

Loud gasps echoed once more but none of the students dare to make a move. Wendy, understanding what have happened, pushed herself up and run towards the two Queens despite the pain in her ankle.

Wendy kneeled beside Irene and a mixture of shock and guilt went over her. There’s an obvious redness on the Queen’s forehead and a blood on her nose.

Argh. Stupid, Seungwan. How can I accidentally hit someone with a ball on her face, let alone the Queen Bae.

Wendy cursed herself. Wasting no time, she decided to bring Irene to the school’s clinic.

“Uh, excuse me.” Scratching her non-itchy head, Wendy addressed Joy, who is also kneeling beside Irene and holding the latter. “Can you… help me position her on my back?”

Joy looked at Wendy, a brow raised with the question.

“Uhh, I’ll carry her to the clinic so she can be treated.” Wendy explained, guilt evident on her face. “Will you help me get her on my back?”

“Are you sure?” Joy eyed Wendy up and down. “I mean, no offense but are you in a position to carry someone on your back? You’re even shorter than Joohyun unnie here.”

“It’s okay. I can do it.” Wendy answered, patting her shoulder. 

Seeing the other girl’s determination, Joy gave in and helped the still unconscious Irene to Wendy’s back. They then left the gym, leaving the students still stunned with the scenes that occurred.

With some difficulty due to her not so strong physique and her throbbing ankle, Wendy managed to bring Irene to the clinic, with the help of Joy who supported Irene’s back. Wendy placed Irene to the nearby bed and let the doctor closed the curtain to check the unconscious girl, while she and Joy stayed at the side.

Few minutes passed and the doctor withdrawn the curtain, signaling that she’s done examining Irene.

“Her forehead will bruise for a while. But other than that, she’s fine. Her nose stopped bleeding as well.” The doctor explained.

Wendy takes a peek at the girl lying on the bed and true enough, there’s no bleeding anymore. However, a visible small lump can already be seen at Irene’s forehead. It’s starting to bruise as well.

Wendy was worried. She thinks it’s her fault after all.

“Doc, are you sure there’s nothing to worry about?” Wendy asked in concern. “She even fainted.”

The doctor smiled kindly. “She fainted due to shock. She’ll wake in a while.” The doctor then excused herself and proceeded back to her office.

Wendy, knowing that doctors know best of their patient, just nodded in understanding.

“Aren’t you going to get your ankle treated?” Joy asked the still standing Wendy as she walks passed the shorter girl, setting herself comfortably on the couch beside Irene’s bed.

Wendy, surprised by the sudden conversation, looked at Joy. The member of the Queens is looking at her, a finger pointing to her ankle.

“You hurt your ankle, right?” Joy asked again. “I noticed you limping on the way here.”

And that’s when Wendy realized that indeed, her ankle is hurting. She became too preoccupied by the accident she caused the leader of the Queens that she forgot her aching ankle for a while.

“Ah, yes.” Wendy answered, giving a short nod. “I’ll.. I’ll be back.”

Seeing Joy just shrugs her shoulders before playing with her phone, Wendy took this as her cue to leave. She walks to where the doctor is and let the latter checked and bandaged her ankle.

Once done, Wendy slowly peeks to where the Queens are and saw that Irene is still asleep. She awkwardly stands at the foot of the bed, waiting for the Queen to regain consciousness.

Joy, sensing the presence of another person, looked up from her phone and saw Wendy standing awkwardly, not really knowing what to do.

“You’re still here?” Joy asked.

“Uhh y-yes.”

“You can go now. I can take care of unnie from here.”

Wendy didn’t know if she should be frightened or not. Joy was looking at her with such seriousness on her face.

I really can’t blame her though. I just hit her friend with a ball and now, she’s unconscious.

Wendy sighs internally. She really did want to leave. As much as possible, she didn’t want to spend any more time with the Queens. She thinks she has enough trouble for the day. But then again, guilt is eating her up especially since Irene is still unconscious. She felt that she has to at least make sure that Irene is okay before she leave.

“Uhh, I- If it’s okay, c- can I stay for a while?” Wendy asked carefully, seeing how Joy is staring at her. “Just, just until I can make sure she’s okay.”

If one can melt under a stare, Wendy is sure she has already melted down. Joy is staring even harder at her with an I-can’t-believe-this-woman look.

“I- I’m sorry, I-“

“Then don’t just stand there.” Joy interrupted Wendy which surprised the latter.

“Sit.” Joy, still looking at Wendy, gestured towards the space beside her.

It takes a few seconds before Wendy processed the invitation. She looks at Joy in shock and fortunately, the girl is not staring at her anymore and is back at playing with her phone. Wendy took a deep breath before taking a seat next to Joy, making sure that she still gives the Queen enough space.

The two were just sitting there quietly for a while until they heard a soft groan from the girl lying on the bed.

Both stood up and looks at Irene. True enough, the older girl is slowly regaining consciousness. Her eyes flutter open and Joy leans closer towards the bed.

“Unnie, are you okay?”

Irene looked towards the voice and saw Joy standing beside her. She then looks around and realized they are in the clinic. Irene frowns.

“Why am I-“

But before Irene can finish her own question, memories came flooding back. Her eyes widen and immediately gets up from lying down.

“Who the hell threw the ball to my face?!!!”

Wendy flinched from the loud and angry voice. I’m definitely doomed.

But being the righteous one, Wendy knows she must take responsibility for her mistakes. So, she slowly walks closer towards the bed where Irene can finally see her.

“I’m sorry.” Wendy did a 90-degree bow.

Joy looked at her surprisingly while Irene has her eyebrow raised.

“It’s my fault. It- it was an accident. I’m really sorry.” Wendy said with all sincerity, still bowing her head.

“You’re the one hit me at the face?” Irene asked and Wendy almost shivers at the coldness of the voice. Still, she nodded.

“You have some nerve.” Irene scoffed. “Stop bowing and show your face.”

Wendy gulped. She knows from rumors that the leader of the Queen is really powerful with her words and Wendy confirmed it this time. Irene really has that authority when she speaks. It’s like you’ll have no choice but to obey her. So, Wendy slowly lifted her head and looked at the raging Irene.

“I’m really sorry.” Wendy said again, meeting Irene’s eyes this time. 

For a moment, Irene didn’t say a word. She just keeps staring at Wendy. But before Wendy can figure out the look that Irene is giving her, the leader of the Queen already avoided eye contact.

“Unnie?” Joy called out. For some reason, she finds it odd too. She thought Irene will lash out at Wendy. Unexpectedly, Irene became silent after seeing the apologetic girl. She was not quick enough to read the older girl’s face but she can swear she saw a sudden surprise in Irene’s face when she saw Wendy.

Irene sighs and looks at Joy. “I’m okay now. Let’s go.”

Irene tossed the blanket to the side and get down from the bed. As she passed by Wendy, the latter bowed again.

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m not the one who’ll give your punishment though.” Irene said, not even stopping to take a glance at Wendy.

When Wendy heard the door closed, that was the only time she lets out the breath she’s holding.

At least it turned out better than I expected? I thought she was gonna slap me or something.

But then, Irene’s last words haunted her.

“I’m not the one who’ll give your punishment though.

Wendy, understanding the meaning behind Irene’s words, can only shuts her eyes in despair.

Of course. Her crazy servants will surely eat me alive. Argh. I’m really doomed now.



Wendy was honestly contemplating whether to go to school the next day, knowing the torture that awaits her. She has seen these many times last year. Those students who managed to pissed off the Queen Bae were tormented by the Queens’ minions and servants until they were forced to drop out of school instead. Wendy knew this is also what awaits her. Still, she knows that she cannot escape this and besides, she’s determined to finish her studies at this well-known university. So with a heavy but determined heart, she makes her way to the school, being extra careful of her surroundings.

As soon as Wendy enters the university, she can feel all eyes staring at her, and by the looks of it, they were talking about her as well. Wendy tried to ignore it all and just went to her daily schedule as calmly as she can.

However, what Wendy was dreadfully anticipating came at lunch. She was on her way to an empty table, holding her tray of food, when someone’s foot suddenly blocked her causing her to stumble forward. She managed to regain her balance in time but another student pushed her back making Wendy fall completely and dropped her food. It didn’t stop there though. The students towering over her even spilled water at her before making their leave.

Wendy sighs. Honestly, she wanted to cry. She thinks it’s unfair. What happened was an accident and she already apologized for it. Besides, it was Irene Bae who she accidentally wronged so why are these people meddling in other’s business and doing this to her. 

Wendy was really frustrated. She wants to cry but knows that she cannot. She knew that she will just give these people entertainment if she shows her tears, and Wendy will not give them that. So with another sigh, she pulled herself up, cursing silently as she feels the pain on her ankle again. She dragged her aching foot as she walks away from the cafeteria, choosing to take her lunch at a later hour when the students are not packed.

Upon exiting the cafeteria, however, Wendy stiffened as she encountered the Queens themselves.

Gosh. Why do I keep bumping into them now?

Wendy bowed and all the Queens spare her a glance before walking past her and towards their designated table at the cafeteria.

“Unnie, can you tell the students to stop already? She looks pitiful.” Joy addressed Irene as they settled on their table.

“So, is she the new target now? The one who accidentally hit you with the ball, unnie?” Seulgi asked before Irene can answer.

“Ugh. Don’t remind me, please.” Irene shudders as she touched the lump on her forehead.

“But she looks kind, though?”

“I think so too.” Joy agreed. “Can you just spare her, unnie?”

Irene looked at Joy and observed the younger girl. “You’re concerned. You like her?”


Irene raised her brow. “What?”

Yeri, on the other hand, playfully gasped and teased Joy. “Oooh Sooyoung unnie is finally getting her romance.”

“Wait, what?” Joy asked, surprised at the remark. She looks at Yeri and Seulgi and both are giving her a mischievous look, then back to Irene who is still looking at her with no expression, waiting for an answer.

“I didn’t mean it that way.” Joy rolled her eyes seeing that her words were misunderstood. “I don’t like her like, like her. I just think she’s a good person.”

“Damn, I taught you’re finally interested to someone.”

“Language, Yeri-ah.” Seulgi reminded.

“You sure that’s all there is?” Irene asked, still looking at Joy.

“I’m sure, unnie.” Joy answered without a doubt. Sensing the honestly in the younger’s eyes, Irene finally broke the eye contact and nodded, believing Joy’s answer.

“Don’t concern yourself with her.” Irene said, finally focusing on her food. “It’s none of our business.”

Joy sighs. She has only met Wendy yesterday but she can already tell that the latter is a nice person.

“I think she’s a nice person, unnie.”

Irene once again looked at Joy scrutiningly. “Are you sure you’re not interested in her?”

The sudden seriousness in Irene’s voice made Seulgi and Yeri stopped eating. They looked back and forth at their two friends who are staring at each other, no one backing down.

“I’m not, unnie. I’ve said it already.”

“Why are you so concern then?”

“I just think she doesn’t deserve this.”

“This kind of thing have already been happened lots of times. And this is the first time you’ve been concerned with someone.”

“It’s because amongst all of them, she’s the most genuine person I’ve seen.”

“You don’t know that. You just met her. Yesterday.”

“I’ve just met her yesterday, yes. I don’t really know her personally, yes. But I know what I saw in her yesterday, unnie.”

For a while, Irene didn’t know what to answer. The confidence in Joy’s words made her falter a bit.

“Uhm, guys? Are you two okay?” Seulgi interrupted. “Cause it seems like you two are fighting over a girl.”

Irene was the first to break the staring contest with Joy.

“You know why she’s being feasted on.” Irene said quietly while focusing once more on her food, ignoring Seulgi’s question.

“I know, unnie. I was there too. So I know it was all an accident.” Joy answered, a bit softly this time. “It’s an accident that no one’s at fault and yet, she chose to take full responsibility. If it were someone else, I’m sure they would’ve run away already, afraid of what you or your servants will do. But that girl, she stayed. I told her that she can leave but she told me she had to make sure that you’re okay first.”

“Wow, that’s sweet.” Yeri commented.

“And that’s not all, unnie.” Joy continued, not minding Yeri’s interruption. “She also hurt her ankle. But she still insisted on carrying you on her back to bring you to the clinic when you fainted yesterday.”

“Ooh, she’s interesting, unnie. I think I want to meet her.” Yeri said amusingly.

Meanwhile, Joy didn’t pay attention to this and continued to look at the oldest girl, waiting for her reaction. Irene didn’t answer either, but Joy noticed how their leader stopped doing anything when she revealed what the stranger girl have done for her.

“She’s something, unnie.” Joy tried again.

Irene heaved a sigh before putting down her chopstick. “You know I never meddle in anything that doesn’t concern me.”


“If you want the students to stop, you tell them Sooyoung-ah.” Irene said softly this time, looking at Joy.

“But unnie, you know they listen more to you.” Joy pouted.

“It isn’t my business.” Irene shakes her head as she stood. “I’ll get going now. See you later.”

With that, the leader of the Queens left the cafeteria.

“Hey, Sooyoung-ah, are you sure-“

Joy rolled her eyes, knowing what the question was before Seulgi can finish. “I swear I don’t like her, unnie.”

“Why are you persistent about her then?” Yeri joined the questioning.

“Like I’ve said, I believe she’s nice and she doesn’t deserve this. But seriously, I don’t like her that way.” Joy answered. A smirk was then formed on her face, surprising the two. “Or at least, it’s not me who’s interested in her.”

“Wait, so there’s someone else who like that girl?”

Joy can only smile as she drinks from her cup.


“Oh my goodness,” Yeri exclaimed, interrupting Seulgi. “Joohyun unnie likes her?”

“Wait, what?” Seulgi was surprised as well, being careful not to speak too loud knowing the cafeteria is full of students. “Joohyun unnie likes her?”

Joy smiles knowingly. “I swear I saw something with the way Joohyun unnie looked at that girl yesterday. I can’t really point it out yesterday but with the way Joohyun unnie glares at me earlier when she thought I like the girl, I’m sure unnie is interested in her.”

“Really?” Seulgi asked, still processing the information.

“Well come to think of it, I can sense some tension in unnie when you two were arguing about this girl.” Yeri acknowledge, nodding to herself. “And how she looks a bit bothered when you mentioned what this girl have done for her.”

Joy nodded. “Bingo.”

“But, wait.” Seulgi interrupted once again. “If unnie likes her, why doesn’t she just say so? I mean, she always gets anything and anyone she likes. Would it be easier if she just admits it?”

“Well, just like what I’ve said, this girl is something else. She’s different.” Joy pointed out. “And I know Joohyun unnie knows that, that’s why she wants to distance herself.”

“Oh.” Seulgi and Yeri said at the same time, understanding the more important meaning behind what Joy said.

“Yes, oh.” Joy mimicked their reactions. “That’s why unnie doesn’t want to get involved. She’s being careful. You know how Joohyun unnie doesn’t want to be in a serious relationship after what happened three years ago.”

Seulgi and Yeri nodded to this. They know very well the reason why Irene became someone who keeps playing around.

“So you’ve already met this girl. You think she can be an exception?”

“Well, I’ve only met her once so I can’t tell for sure. But with how she can affect Joohyun unnie like this, it may mean something else, right?”

“Well, yeah. I guess.” Yeri agreed.

“But what can we do? Joohyun unnie already made it clear that she wouldn’t get involved with this girl.” Seulgi reminded them.

“I think it’s not a problem, unnie.” Yeri answered with a mischievous smile. “You know how possessive Joohyun unnie can get towards people she holds dear.”

“Yeah. I’m sure Joohyun unnie won’t be able to hold it longer.” Joy laughs.

“This will be interesting.” Yeri said as the two maknaes high-fived each other, finding the situation amusing.

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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki 0 points #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy