Chapter 18

My Girl

Wendy is excited. A little bit nervous, but definitely excited. She has waited for this day. 


After her audition, Wendy was told by the staff that they will call her in a week to let her know if she made it or not. However, just a day after, RV entertainment contacted her and told her that she passed the preliminary audition. 


Ecstatic, Wendy delivered the news to Irene first, who was squealing in excitement upon hearing the news. To celebrate the good news, Irene promised to treat Wendy. They were supposed to go out that same day, but unfortunately for Wendy, Irene received a surprise call from Jennie. The latter is already back from the US and is now at the airport, waiting for her luggage. Irene went immediately to the airport, after promising Wendy that she will treat her some other day. 


Irene has been busy for a few days since Jennie's arrival. Jennie even extended her school leave and invited Irene to a vacation in the countryside. 


After not seeing Irene for almost a week, Wendy is starting to think that Irene has already forgotten her promise. But this morning, Irene surprised her with a call. 


"I'm sorry it took so long, but I will now keep my promise. Let's have that dinner." was what Irene told her over the phone. 


And so, here is Wendy now at their meeting place, patiently and excitedly waiting for Irene.  She knows that for Irene, this is just a hang out. But Wendy couldn't help but compare it to a date, and that thought makes her all giddy inside. Especially when Irene walked in inside the restaurant, looking like an ethereal Goddess even with just casual dress. 


Beautiful. Wendy smiles goofily as she watches Irene walk towards her. She hasn't seen Irene for days so seeing her again today made Wendy really happy. 


"Hi, unnie!" 


Irene smiled at the warm welcome. "Hey there, Seungwan. Did you wait long?" 


"No, unnie. I've just arrived too." 


"You should've just let me fetch you at your apartment." 


"Our homes are on opposite ends, unnie." Wendy chuckles. 


"So? I don't mind." 


"Yeah. But I do." 


Irene rolls her eyes playfully. "Fine." 


Just in time, the waiter approached them for their orders. Irene ordered for them, taking in whatever Wendy wanted. 


"So, how's the vacation, unnie?" Wendy asked, pertaining to Irene and Jennie's getaway trip. 


"It's fun. We enjoyed it a lot." Irene paused. "Although, I have to admit that I missed you guys." 


Wendy smiled at that. "Well, we missed you too, unnie." I've missed you. 


Irene grins. "You better." Just then, she remembered something. "Oh, before I forgot, Jennie wanted me to give this to you." Irene pulled out an envelope and passed it to Wendy. 


Wendy raised her brow, but opened it nonetheless. "Oh. A birthday celebration?" 


"Yeah." Irene nodded. "Her birthday's coming up and her parents wanted to throw her a party. It's sort of a birthday celebration slash introducing her to the world of business."


Wendy nodded, taking in Irene's words. "So it's a big celebration then? And the higher ups of different companies will be there?" 




"Oh.. Well, but.." Wendy hesitated. "I don't think there's a reason for me to be there, unnie? I mean.. The two of us are.. not really close with each other." 


Irene realized that truth before. She noticed how Wendy and Jennie seem to be aloof with each other, despite Wendy being a close friend of hers and Jennie being her girlfriend. She had asked this to Wendy once, and the latter admitted, saying that she and Irene became friends while Jennie was studying abroad so the two didn't have time to bond with each other, unlike how Wendy is with the rest of the Queens. 


Irene understands this, and respects each of the girls' perspectives. 


"Do you not want to come?" Irene asked. 


Wendy bit her lip, contemplating. "Should I?" 


"Well, to be honest Seungwan, I would like it if you're there. The girls will be there as well." Irene smiled kindly. "But of course, if you don't want to, I can understand that." 


Wendy sighs internally. At times like this, Yeri's words haunt her. "Presence is important, unnie."


"Okay, I'll go, unnie." 


"Really? Yey!" Irene cheered. 


"I'm not used to these types of parties though." Wendy chuckles. 


"Oh, don't worry. You're not the only one." Irene laughs. "I share the same sentiment. But of course I have to be there because of Jennie. So instead, I'll just drag you guys with me." 


Irene grins and Wendy can only shake her head with a smile. 


"Ah, right. By the way, I think the COO of RV entertainment will also be there." Irene added. "How's things with them, anyway?" 


"They'll schedule me one more round of audition, unnie. Then if I pass, they'll contact me for the contract signing." 


Irene clasps her hands together in delight. "This is it, Seungwan-ah. Here comes your dreams!" 


Wendy laughs. It seems that Irene is even more excited than her. "I still have to pass the final audition, unnie." 


Irene dismissed it with a wave of hand. "Sure you'll pass. You'll nail it like the first time, maybe even more." 


Wendy can only chuckle, but she was touched and thankful that Irene trusts her that much. It made her feel like the Irene she knew and love is still there despite the latter not having any memories of their past. 


Soon, their dinner was served. However, just as they were to start eating, Irene's phone rang. 


Irene raised her eyebrow at the disturbance. She glanced at her phone and saw that it was Jennie who was calling her. Normally, she would have answered the phone right away. But this time, she hesitated. She looks up at Wendy, as if asking for permission. 


Wendy understands the look. She wanted to shake her head, she wanted to tell Irene not to answer the call. But then, what right does she have? She, a friend, is telling Irene not to answer the call of her girlfriend. Wendy thought that would sound weird for Irene. But then again, why does it seem like she's asking for my permission in the first place? 


Wendy sighs. She drops her chopstick and looks back at Irene. "It's okay, unnie. It might be important." 


Irene nodded and whispered a soft thanks. 


"Jennie?" Irene excused herself to Wendy and turned her body sideways. "Hello?" 




Irene frowns. Jennie's voice sounded hoarse. "Are you okay?" 


"I" sniff "I don't feel well, Hyun." 


"What happened? Are you sick?" 


"I don't know." Jennie sneezed on the other line. "Maybe. Just. Can you please come here, Hyun?" 


Irene paused. "Well, I-" 


"Please, Hyun. I need you here. Please." 


Irene sighs. "I'm gonna be there." 


"Will you come here now?" 


"Yes." Irene answered. "I'll come to you right away, okay? Get some rest. I'll go there as fast as I can." 


"Hm. Drive safe, Hyun. I love you." 


Irene peeks at Wendy who is looking elsewhere. Irene turned her attention back on her phone. "Okay. I love you." 


Feeling apologetic, Irene looked at Wendy hesitantly after dropping the call. 


"Seungwan.. I'm afraid I uh- I have to go now." 


Wendy nodded. To be honest, she can't help but feel disappointed. But then again, to her I'm just a friend. 


"Is everything okay?" Wendy asked, masking her pain and disappointment. 


"Jennie's sick, so.." 


"Oh, okay then. Go ahead, unnie." 


"I'm really sorry, Seungwan." Irene was sincerely apologetic. "I will make it up to you." 


"Don't worry about it, unnie." Wendy forced a smile. "You should go, Jennie-ssi is waiting for you." And because I don't know till when I can hold my tears, especially with you around. 


Irene nodded heavily. "C'mon, I'll drive you home first." 


Wendy shakes her head. "I'm good, unnie. I'll just take a cab." 


"No. It's getting pretty late, Seungwan. I'll drive you home."


This feels like a deja vu. Wendy thought. 


"Let's go no-" Irene stopped as her phone rang again. She takes a peek at the caller and from the way Irene clenched her fist around the phone, Wendy knew who it was. 


"She's waiting for you, unnie." Wendy commented. "Go on, I'll be fine." 


"But-" Irene heaved a sigh. "Okay, fine. But promise me you'll text me once you're home."


Once again, Wendy managed a forced smile. "I promise, unnie." 


Irene nodded, satisfied at the answer. "I'll go ahead now." 


"Hm. Take care, unnie." 


Irene nods. "You too." 


Wendy let out the breath she's holding once Irene made her exit. A deja vu, but with a different ending. 




Wendy remained seated where Irene left off, staring into space and thinking of so many unwanted thoughts, like how Irene left her for Jennie, how this "date" ended before it can even start, or how she is so close to thinking that she can never compete with Jennie. 


Wendy sighs for the umpteenth time. She doesn't know how long she's been sitting there but she's glad to realize that she's not the only one left. Wendy was about to leave when her phone rang. 




"Hello?" Wendy answered. 


"Unnie!" Joy slurred. "Where are youuuu?" 


Wendy frowns. "Hey Sooyoungie, are you drunk?" 


Joy laughs from the other line. "Me? Drunk? No no no, unnie. Not drunk. Not drunk." 


Yup. Totally drunk. "Sooyoung, where are you?" 


"At the bar, unnie, of course." And another laugh. 


"Are you alone?" 


"Of course not,  unnie. There's so many other people hereee. My bar is really, really, really famous. You knoooow." 


Wendy massaged her forehead. "I mean who's with you right now? Is Seulgi there? Or Yerim?" 


"Nope. Nope. I'm alone here, unnie. Aloooone." 


Wendy checked her watch. 9pm. "Stay there, okay? I'll go to you."


"Oh. Wendy unnie is coming, Wendy unnie is coming.." Joy sang in what Wendy thought was a made up tune. 




When Wendy arrived and entered the executive booth of the bar, she found Joy splattered at the couch, snoring lightly. 


"Hey, Sooyoungie." Wendy taps the younger girl's shoulder. 


Joy squints her eyes to look at the newcomer and gets up instantly when she sees Wendy. "Unnnnnie! You're heeeeere!" 


Wendy wanted to ask Joy what's wrong and why was she drinking like this, but Wendy knows it's better to talk with the younger girl once she's sober enough. 


Instead, she pats Joy's head. "Come on, Sooyoung-ah. Where's your key? Let's get you home." 


To Wendy's relief, Joy obliged and was able to walk with minimal assistance. She helped the Queen to her car while Wendy took the driver's seat. However, just a few minutes into driving, Joy waved her hand in the air. 


"Unnie.. Unnie.. Stop the car." 


Wendy glanced at the girl beside her who is covering with her other hand. Understanding what the younger girl wanted, Wendy pulled over. Joy got off immediately and threw up at the side road. Wendy followed her and pats Joy's back till the latter was feeling fine. 


"Ugh! I'm never gonna drink again!" Joy exclaimed after her last bout of vomit. 


Wendy chuckles. "That's the most common lie I've ever heard." 


"Unnie.." Joy whines. 


"Okay, okay. I believe you." Wendy raised her arms in the air and laughed. 


Joy asked if they could stop for a while to get some air so Wendy drove them to a nearby park after that, where Joy settled herself on an empty bench while Wendy was buying them drinks. 


"Sooyoung, here." Wendy arrived and handed Joy a bottle of water and a paper bag of bread. 


"Thanks, unnie." Joy grabs the water and drinks it. 


Wendy observes Joy. She could tell that the younger girl is a bit sober now. "Are you feeling better?" 


"Yeah, unnie. Thanks." Joy smiled shyly. "And I'm sorry for drunk calling you, unnie." 


Wendy chuckles at this. "It's fine. I'm glad you called. Though I have to ask, why did you call?" 


"Hmm.." Joy paused for a bit to think. "Honestly, unnie, I just felt that I wanted to talk to someone. And I don't know, you're just the first person that came to my mind." 


"Wow, that's touching to hear." Wendy widely grins, hoping to make Joy feel better. 


Joy laughs and lightly pushes Wendy by the shoulder. 


"So.." Wendy started and looked at Joy. "You want to share what's troubling you?" 


Slowly, Joy nodded. 


"Is it Sungjae?" 


Joy bit her lip, and nodded again. 


"Why? What did he do?" 


Joy sighs. "He wants to get back with me, unnie." 


Again? Wendy's mouth agape. She wanted to curse him, but held back for Joy. "And you were drinking about it because?" 


"I'm- I'm torn, unnie." Joy pressed her palm on her forehead. "I don't know what I should do, unnie." 


"Well, how about what you wanted to do?" 


Joy paused for a moment, and shook her head. "I don't know either, unnie." She took a deep breath and looked at Wendy. "What do you think I should do, unnie?" 


"Well.. I really can't tell you what you should or should not do. But, I want you to be happy." 


Joy stayed silent, listening to Wendy. 


"If you'll be happier with him back, then it's okay. Just prepare yourself for the pain. But if you think he's worth all that, and that the happiness will outweigh the pain, then go ahead." 


"But.. What if the pain is greater, unnie?" 


"Well, then.. You should let go, Sooyoung-ah." 


"But what if- what if I can't?" 


"It would be hard. But eventually, you will. Little by little, you'll get there." Wendy pats Joy's back. "And we're here to help you. I'm here. You can always randomly call me like this anytime." 


Joy can't help but laugh at that. "Oops, sorry unnie." 


"Nah. It's okay." Wendy assured her. "I'm actually thankful that you tell me your problems. So, just call me anytime, okay?" 


Feeling grateful, Joy hugs Wendy. "Thank you, unnie." 


Wendy pats Joy's back. "Anytime, Sooyoungie." 


"I can see why Joohyun unnie fell for you, unnie." Joy said, still hugging Wendy. "I just hope she gets her memory back, or that she realizes what she's missing. Because she is so lucky to have you, unnie." 


At the mention of the name, Wendy recalled what happened earlier. "I hope so too." She whispered. Because it's getting harder and harder to bear. 




It was almost midnight when Wendy arrived at her apartment, with Joy's family driver sending her home after Joy threatened her that unless she agrees, Wendy won't be allowed to leave their house that night. 


Wendy remembered her promise to Irene that she'll text the Queen once she's home, so Wendy takes the phone from her bag. Wendy frowns as she sees the 10 missed calls and messages- all from Irene. 


The messages read:


9:30pm- Seungwan? Are you home yet? I haven't received any text from you. 


10:02pm- Seungwan? 


10:25pm- Seungwan, where are you? Are you home? You're  not answering my calls either. 


11:00pm- Yah, Son Seungwan! Answer my call! 


11:35pm- Seungwan-ah, please. I'm worried. 



Wendy heaved a sigh. She really can't seem to understand Irene nowadays. The older girl would always choose and prioritise Jennie over her- tonight at the restaurant; or that time when Wendy tried to tell Irene not go with Jennie to that week long vacation because she has an initial interview with the RV entertainment and that she needs her lucky charm, Irene just laugh it off, thinking Wendy is joking and goes to the vacation anyway; or that time when they were supposed to celebrate Wendy's successful audition. Wendy was already at the cab, on the way to meeting Irene but then their plan had to be cancelled because Irene will fetch Jennie from the airport. 


It's confusing for Wendy. 


Sometimes, Irene would make her feel that she's important, and special to her. Like how Irene will listen attentively to everything she says despite the maknaes telling her that she always talks too much, or how Irene would always tend to her needs and wants. One time, Wendy was surprised to see Irene behind her apartment door, a bubble tea in her hand. "Seulgi told me you were craving for this during your practice. So, here." Or that time when Irene bought her cherries from their vacation. "I looked everywhere for these. Jennie even got mad because we keep going places after places to find cherries. But I insisted because I really want to give you these."


But just as Wendy was starting to think that she's finally more than just a friend to Irene, Jennie would always come in between and of course, Irene would always go with her. 


And then, vice versa.


When Wendy felt hopeless because Irene would always leave her for Jennie, the Queen would constantly look for her. 


Just like tonight. 


Wendy sighs. Don't think too much about it, Seungwan. Friends normally worry about each other. 


But just like she promised, Wendy texted Irene to inform her that she's home. 


Within a few seconds after her message had been sent, Wendy received an incoming call. 




"Yah!" Wendy had to pull the phone away from her ear at the loud voice. "Why were you not answering my calls? And what, you only just got back now? It's almost midnight, Son Seungwan! Where have you been?" 


"Unnie.. Relax." 


"How can I relax, Son Seungwan?" Irene huffs. "I don't know where you are and you're not answering my calls!" 


What's in it for you anyway? Wendy wanted to say. Controlling herself, she settled for a simple "I'm sorry, unnie." 


Wendy heard Irene take a deep breath at the other line. "Okay. I'm sorry for yelling too. I'm just worried." 


"Hm." Wendy nodded. 


"Where have you been, anyway?" 


"I was with Sooyoung, unnie." 


"Sooyoung?" A pause. "Why?" 


"She uh, she just needs help with something." Wendy stopped at that. She believes it's better if Sooyoung will tell them herself. 


"Oh. Is she okay now?" 


"Yes, unnie." 


"Oh, okay then." Another pause. "How about you? Are you okay?" 




"Hyun, who's that?" Wendy heard Jennie's voice on the other line. 


Oh. She's still with her. 


"It's Seungwan." She heard Irene answer. 


Wendy can't hear anything after that. She assumes that Irene covered the speaker. After a while, she heard Irene clearing . 


"Hey, Seungwan. I have to go now. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?" 


The line went dead even before Wendy could answer. 


As expected. Wendy can't help a scoff. This is what I'm talking about. 







Wendy exclaimed to herself as she entered the venue of Jennie's party. It was like what is shown on TV's. Higher ups from different companies were there, in suits and dresses, holding a cocktail in one hand as they greeted one another. Even Irene's parents, who came separately, were also there conversing with Jennie's parents. 


Wendy hesitated to enter. I don't think I fit here. Sighing, she was about to walk away when someone grabbed a hold of her hand, a soft and familiar hand. 




Wendy turned back. "Oh. Hey, unnie." 


"Where are you going? I've been waiting for you." 


"Do you need anything, unnie?" 


"Well, no. But you said you'll come and the girls are already here, so I'm wondering where you are." Irene squinted her eyes. "You're not planning on leaving, are you?" 


Wendy lowered her head. "I'm just not comfortable with things like these, unnie." 


Irene understands. She gently tugs Wendy's hand. "Come on, I'll join you then."


"Oh, but-" 


"Wendy! You're finally here!" Seulgi suddenly came up to them. "Joohyun unnie has been constantly bugging me for your whereabouts." 


"I'm not bugging you." Irene corrected, her cheeks now a shade of pink. "I'm just asking." 


Wendy is the same, feeling swooned at the thought of Irene looking for her. 


"If you say so, unnie." Seulgi laughs. 


Just then, a middle aged man approached them and bowed politely at Irene. "Good evening, Miss Bae." 


Irene acknowledged the greeting with a bow of her head. 


"Mr. Kwon, I'll just meet you at your table. Give me a moment." Seulgi addressed the newly arrived man, who nodded and left. 


"I've got to excuse myself guys. Business talks." Seulgi turned to Irene and Wendy. "But anyway, Sooyoung and Yerim are also waiting for you, Wendy." She then looks around and sees that their previous table is now empty. "But I think they're just socialising somewhere." 


"It's okay, go ahead." Irene answered to Seulgi. "I'll stay with Seungwan." 


"Oh, good, unnie. I'll see you two around then later." With that, Seulgi waved and left. 


"Wouldn't you need to meet some important people too, unnie?" Wendy asked.


"Nope. I made it clear from the start that I wouldn't accept any business talks here." 


Wendy chuckles. "So cool, unnie." 


Irene shrugs playfully. 


"Parties are not really my cup of tea, unlike those three." Irene gestured towards the other Queens who were conversing to different groups of people. 


Wendy smiles. "Yeah. Me too." Just then, Wendy remembered something, or rather, someone. She cleared . "So uhm, how about Jennie, unnie? Wouldn't she be looking for you?" 


"Well, maybe. But she's the star of this party. I'm sure she'll be very busy." Irene chuckles. She stopped the waiter passing by them and got two glasses of wine. She offered Wendy a glass. "So, let's just be partners tonight and sit in a corner." 


Wendy accepts the wine and raises her glass in the air. She grins. "I want that, unnie." 




However, Wendy's happiness with spending time with Irene was cut short when the program started and she was called on the stage to join Jennie. 


"Oh, uhh.." Irene hesitated. First, she doesn't really like being in the spotlight. Second, her friends are nowhere to be found and she is reluctant to leave Wendy by herself. After all, she told the younger girl that she would stay with her. Irene didn't know what made her say that though. It was like a spur of the moment thing, she sees Wendy leaving and just blurted out that. 


"C'mon, Miss Irene." The MC cheered. "Your girlfriend is waiting." 


Irene remained still. She then felt a tap on her shoulder. 


"Go on, Joohyun." Surprising the two girls is Mrs. Bae, who smiled encouragingly at Irene. "I'll stay here with Wendy-ssi, if that's what you're worried about." 


Pressured that all eyes are on her, waiting for her to come up on stage, Irene sighs and nods. 


"Wait for me here, Seungwan." Irene whispered before leaving for the stage. 


Wendy can only nod. It's not like I didn't see this coming. 


Mrs. Bae cleared , reminding Wendy of her presence. 


Chasing away her thoughts, Wendy bowed at the older woman. "Good evening, ma'am." 


"Wendy-ssi." Mrs. Bae called, and surprisingly, her tone was gentle. 


"Y-yes, ma'am?" 


"I think Joohyun won't be able to leave the stage for a while." Wendy mentally agreed with this. "So, do you think you can join me for a while at the balcony?" 


Wendy gulps. Irene's mother wanted to talk to her and ever since she met Irene's mom, they never had a decent conversation yet. 


This is bad news, Seungwan. Wendy thought. Still, she can't find it in her to reject the woman's invitation for she is Irene's mother. Hence, Wendy nodded. 


The two went to the balcony, which is just a few distance away from the center of the party, so they could still hear and see what was going on inside. Unconsciously, Wendy's eyes automatically found Irene. The older girl is standing side by side with Jennie, their hands locked together. Irene is listening to something that the MC is saying with a smile on her face. Whatever they were talking about, Wendy couldn't care because her attention was only on Irene. 




Wendy jumped off a little. For a moment, she was so busy staring at Irene that she forgot about the older woman beside her. 




For a few seconds, Mrs. Bae didn't answer. Wendy took a peek at the older woman and she too, was looking at Irene from the balcony. 


"Thank you, Wendy-ssi."


Wendy's eyes almost bulged out in surprise. Did I hear her wrong? 




Surprising Wendy even more, Mrs. Bae gave a light chuckle. "This is surprising for me too that I'm saying this." She looks at Wendy. "But thank you. For everything you did for Joohyun, and for our family." 




"Thank you for what you did last time, at our house." Mrs. Bae continued. "And for convincing me to stay."


Wendy couldn't believe that this was happening. Nonetheless, she was glad. "I'm glad I could help, ma'am." 


Mrs. Bae gave a small smile and nodded. 


For a moment, nobody said anything. It was Mrs. Bae who broke the silence again. 


"I think I have to congratulate you, Wendy-ssi." 


"Eh?" Wendy was clueless. "For what, ma'am?" 


Mrs. Bae looks at Irene's direction once more. "I think you finally did it." 


Wendy frowns. "I don't understand ma'am." 


"What you said to my ex-husband at the hospital garden months ago. You did it." 


Wendy frowns even more. She was trying to remember the conversation that Irene's mother was talking about. However, her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the older woman sigh. 


"Though I have to admit, this is complicated." Mrs. Bae said, confusing Wendy even more. 


"Ma'am, I apologise but, I really don't understand." 


"Jennie and the Kims talked to us earlier." Mrs. Bae answered. "I mean, with me and Irene's father."


"Oh. O-kay?" 


This time, Mrs. Bae turned to Wendy once more and the latter was taken aback by how the older woman was looking at her as if feeling sorry. 


Mrs. Bae sighs. "This is not just a simple birthday celebration, Wendy-ssi." A pause. "The decision is not ours though. It's Joohyun's." 


"Uh, ma'am, what are you-" 


As if on cue, Wendy was interrupted with loud claps and cheers coming from the party. Wendy turns her head to see what's going on inside and her heart drops. 


At the stage, Jennie is kneeling in front of an obviously surprised Irene, a ring hanging on Jennie's fingertips. 


Wendy froze. Her heart is beating so fast against her rib cage. 


"I almost lost you once." Jennie's voice echoed in the balcony. "And I can't bear to lose you again. So love, Bae Joohyun, will you marry me?" 


No, no, please. Wendy pleaded. Her heart feels like it is being squeezed into death, and it hurts. Please


"Oh, uh.. Of course." Irene's answer boomed into Wendy's skull. "Yes, I'll marry you!" 


And just like that, Wendy felt her heart die. 







Irene couldn't keep count on the number of people who kept coming to them, congratulating them for the engagement. Luckily, Jennie seemed to notice her discomfort so she lets Irene wander on her own while dinner is being served. Irene thanked Jennie for this, and decided to head back to where she left Wendy with her mother. However, neither Wendy, nor her mother is still there. She then looked for her friends at their table, only to find Seulgi sitting there alone, looking bothered. 


"Hey, Seulgi." 


"Oh, hi, unnie." Seulgi answered absentmindedly. 


Irene pouts, raising her hand with the ring on it. "You haven't congratulated me yet." 


"Oh, right." Seulgi forced a smile. "Congratulations, unnie." 


Irene frowns at the reaction. "Hey, are you okay?" 


"Uhm, yeah. Yes, unnie." 


"Okay then." Irene scans her surroundings. "Have you seen Seungwan, by the way? And where's Sooyoung and Yerim?" 


"Uhh.. Sooyoung and Yerim left, unnie." 


"What? Why?" Irene raised her brow. "When? Why didn't they tell me? And Seungwan? Is she with them?" 


Seulgi took a deep breath. "Sooyoung and Yeri left… to look for Wendy, unnie." 


Irene frowns. "What do you mean? Did Seungwan leave?" 


"Y-yeah, we think so." 


"She didn't tell you guys?" 


Seulgi shook her head. 


"That's so unlike her." Irene muttered. "Did something happen?" 


Seulgi didn't answer. 


Irene raised her brow. "Seul?" 


Seulgi sighs. "It's not my place to tell, unnie." 


"So something did happen." Irene couldn't help but grow restless. "Did they find Seungwan then? Is she okay?" 


"No news yet, unnie. Wendy's not answering her phone either." 


"What's happening?" Irene whispers under her breath as she takes her phone and dials Wendy's number. Confirming what Seulgi had said, Wendy is not answering her call. "Ugh. Damn it." 


Irene clenched her fist. She was worried. She knows she has to enjoy her engagement party but for some reason, she cannot. She cannot enjoy herself until she is sure that Wendy is okay. 


"Seul, do me a favor please?" 


"What is it, unnie?" 


"Stay here." Irene answered. "If Jennie looks for me, tell her I'll be back." 


"Wait." Seulgi stopped Irene just as the latter was about to walk away. "Where are you going, unnie?" 


"I'll go and look for Seungwan." Irene already made a step, only for Seulgi to grab her arm again. "What now?" 


Seulgi ignored the raised tone. "What are you doing, unnie?" 


"I told you I'm going to look for Seungwan!" Irene snapped. She's worried, she wants to look for Wendy but Seulgi is getting in her way. 


But Seulgi didn't flinch. She stared back at Irene. "What. Are. You. Doing. Unnie?" She repeated, emphasising every word. 


"What are you talking about? I told you I'm going to-" 


"But why?" Seulgi inquired, eyes never leaving Irene. "Sooyoung and Yerim are already looking for Wendy. You don't have to leave and do it too." 


"But it's Seungwan!" 


"Yes. And??" 


"She's-" Irene gulps, suddenly not knowing what to say. She's what? Seungwan is what? "S-she.." 


"Do you like Wendy, unnie?" 


Irene raised her brow. "Of course-" 


"What I mean was, are you in love with her?" 


"What?!" For a moment, Irene thought that Seulgi might be joking. But it's a rare sight, to see Seulgi so serious. "I don't know what nonsense you are talking about, Seul. Seungwan is a friend." 


"A friend you're willing to leave your fiance for? At your engagement party?" 


Seeing Irene's lack of response, Seulgi continued. "What are you doing, unnie? Why are you constantly looking for Wendy when you already have Jennie?" 


"I-" Irene paused. She can't deny that. She doesn't know why but she finds herself always looking for Wendy's whereabouts. Still, Irene thought that what Seulgi was implying is ridiculous. She shakes her head. "Like I've said, Seungwan is a friend. And in case you're forgetting, Seul, I just got engaged." 


Irene freed her arm from Seulgi's grasp. "I'll get going now, Seul. If any of the girls contacted you, please let me know."


Seulgi gave a short nod, before Irene walked away. 


"You didn't even answer my question, unnie." Seulgi muttered to herself, watching Irene's retreating back. 





Irene drove off with no destination in mind, because there are only two things in her mind right now. One is Seungwan (What happened? Why did she leave? Where is she now?) and second, is Seulgi's words. 


What are you doing, unnie? 


Irene sighs. To be honest, she doesn't know either. 


For the past few months, Irene can't seem to understand herself around Wendy. She doesn't think too much of it before but now that Seulgi mentioned it, Irene admits that indeed, she is constantly looking for Wendy. It was like she was always craving for the younger girl's presence. Even during her week-long trip with Jennie, Irene would text Wendy from time to time and would have a big smile on her face whenever Wendy replied. Earlier at Jennie's party too, she kept glancing at the door, waiting for Wendy and unconsciously exhaled a sigh of relief at the sight of the younger girl. And when Seulgi told her that Wendy left and she was not answering their calls, Irene panicked. She didn't think twice about looking for Wendy, even during her own engagement party. 


"A friend you're willing to leave your fiance for? At your engagement party?" 


Seulgi's words echoed in her mind. There's nothing wrong with that. Irene convinced herself. I'll do the same thing for the girls too. Right? 


"Are you in love with her?" 


Again, she heard Seulgi's words. 


"Now, that's crazy." Irene muttered, looking at the road for any signs of Wendy. 


Irene admits that Wendy made her feel some sorts of things. With Wendy, she feels safe, comforted, and happy. But that's only because Seungwan is like a happy, fluff ball of sunshine. 


With Wendy, Irene felt like she could do everything just to make the younger girl happy. She feels happy when Wendy is happy. Of course, that's normal between friends. 


What Irene can't figure out though, is how her heart keeps beating fast whenever she's with Wendy, whenever the latter would smile at her, sing for her, hold her arm, or hug her. 


Irene shakes her head. No. It's impossible. I have Jennie. End of story. 


Taking a deep breath, Irene decided to focus on looking for Wendy instead. She tried calling Wendy again but still, no answer. She contacted the rest of the Queens but they too still haven't found Wendy. 


Irene taps the steering wheel harshly. "Ugh! Where are you Seungwan?" 


Irene closes her eyes to calm herself. Think, Joohyun, think. If you're Seungwan, where would you go? 


For some reason, Wendy's sad and pained face flashed through her. She remembered that face. Irene saw that face before. At the beach in Jeju and.. 


"The rooftop!" Irene exclaimed to herself. That's one of their similarities, Irene thought, both her and Wendy like going to the rooftop to clear their head. 


Irene made a u-turn and drove fast back to where Jennie's party was being held. She parked her car hastily and went straight to the elevator (luckily she didn't run into anybody) up to the top floor. The elevator opened and despite her shaking knees, Irene ran the stairs heading to the rooftop. 


Please be here, please. 


Irene opened the rooftop door, and to her utmost relief, Irene saw her. She saw Wendy leaning her head on the railing, a bottle of alcohol in her hand, and another hand on her chest. 






Wendy was at loss. The moment she heard Irene answer "Yes", her mind went blank. She wished it was her heart instead though, that went blank, for her heart is aching too much that it was killing her on the inside. 


Irene's mother grabbed her arm. If Wendy was only in her right mind at that time, she will noticed how Mrs. Bae was looking at her with concern. Instead, Wendy gave a weak smile and walked away. Wanting to numb whatever she's feeling, Wendy grabbed the bottle of vodka she spotted at one table and drank from it. Without realizing it, she was already on the stairs, heading towards the rooftop. 


The cold breeze went past her but Wendy couldn't care less. She can't feel anything aside from the breaking of her heart. Wendy can feel her tears threatening to fall. She drinks once more. 


Till when can I not let my tears fall? Wendy thought with a scoff. 


"You're crazy, Son Seungwan." Wendy whispered to herself. "You keep remembering that promise when the person who made you promised it couldn't even remember it at all."


She drinks again, and again, and again. 


Yet, she can still feel her heart breaking. 


"It hurts so much, so damn much." Wendy whispered, clutching her chest. 




Wendy froze. I think the alcohol is taking its effect


But then Wendy felt a hand on her shoulder. "Seungwan, are you okay?" 


The moment Wendy felt Irene's touch, she wanted to break down. It fueled all the emotions in her. Wendy felt like crying. She wants to cry. 


"Seungwan?" Irene grew worried when Wendy refused to lift her head up. The younger girl is shaking. Irene took the vodka from Wendy's hand and put it on the floor. "Hey, look at me. Are you okay?" 




Irene heard the restrained voice. 


"J-just this once." Wendy slurred. "C-can I- can I break my promise?" 


"What promise?" Irene frowns. She thought Wendy might be drunk already, with how her words slurred. 


"It- it already hurts- so much, unnie." Wendy answered, clenching her fist, still not lifting her head. "Please. Please, just- just this once." 


Irene has no idea what Wendy was talking about. But hearing Wendy's words, Irene just wanted to make the younger girl feel better. If breaking whatever promise Wendy is talking about will make her feel better, then so be it. 


"It's okay, Seungwan-ah." Irene whispered gently, rubbing Wendy's back. "Break that promise. Do whatever you want." 


Just like that, Wendy's tears automatically fall from her eyes. Wendy clenched her chest. It's hurting too much. Soon, she was crying so hard. 


Irene's hand on Wendy's back stopped. The Queen noticed that Wendy was shaking uncontrollably, and then she heard it. Wendy's cry. 


"S-seungwan?" Irene held Wendy's chin and forced the girl to look at her. Irene wished she didn't do so, for the moment she saw Wendy's nonstop tears, Irene felt a part of her heart break. Without thinking twice, Irene hugged Wendy tight, her one hand on the back of Wendy's head, the other rubbing the crying girl's back. 


Seungwan-ah, what's wrong? Irene thought as Wendy's cry resonated in her ears. And why does it hurt me so much to see you this way? 


Irene thought the pain felt familiar. Suddenly, a vague image flashed through her. The image in her mind was blurry but Irene could visualize a crying Wendy in her arms. Irene couldn't remember what happened in that particular moment but she could remember the hurt she felt upon seeing Wendy cry. Just like today. 


Irene shuts her eyes, trying to focus on that memory. 


"Promise me you won't cry again because of me."


Irene instantly opens her eyes, confused. She doesn't know if it was a dream or a distant memory. 


The same sentence kept repeating in her mind until she could feel a headache coming. 


Wendy's sniff broke Irene's thoughts. Shaking the blur image on her mind, Irene paid attention to the crying girl. She didn't know long she had been hugging Wendy. She remained on, securing Wendy in her arms till the younger girl had stopped crying. 


Once Wendy felt that she had enough, she cleared and released herself from Irene's hold. 


"I'm-I'm sorry, unnie." Wendy said, lowering her head. 


"Don't be." Irene answered, lifting Wendy's chin to look at the latter. "Are you feeling better?" 


No. But Wendy decided not to tell Irene that. Instead, she nods. 


"What happened, Seungwan? What's wrong?" Irene asked, eyes full of concern. 


"Its-uh- it's nothing, unnie." Wendy looked away. 


Irene frowns. "It's not nothing if you cried like this." 


Wendy remained silent. 


"Seungwan, please." Irene knows she must not force Wendy into telling her things. But seeing Wendy cry shuts down the logic in her. Irene wanted to know the reason, she wanted to know what hurt Wendy. 


Wendy shakes her head. "It's nothing, unnie. Let's go back to the party. You're needed there." 


Irene stopped Wendy from walking away. "No. Not until you tell me what's hurting you." 


You. For a moment, Wendy was tempted to answer that. But she knows she can't blame Irene. She can't blame the older girl for losing her memory and forgetting her. 


"It's nothing, unnie." Wendy repeated.


"And I told you I don't believe it!" Irene couldn't help it and raised her voice. First, she was confused about the scene that flashed in her mind earlier and her head was starting to ache because of it. But more importantly, it hurts her to see Wendy in pain. She wants to help Wendy, she wants to take her pain away but Wendy won't let her and it frustrates Irene. 


Wendy was startled with Irene's tone. Her heart is breaking. Her mind is in chaos. She wanted to leave, go home to her apartment and rest. She was not in the mood to keep up with Irene's temper. 


"Let's talk some other time, unnie." Before I say something I would regret. 


"No." Irene grabbed her arm. "Talk to me. Now." 


"I don't have anything to say, unnie." Wendy answered. It might be the alcohol, but she can feel her temper rising too. 


"Why? Can't you just tell me what's wrong?" 


"It's nothing, unnie." 


"And I-" Irene stopped as another unfamiliar scene flashed on her mind. 


"Can't you just tell me what's wrong, Seungwan?" 


"I said I don't know!" 


"Damn it. Why can't you just be honest with me like-" 


"-like Jennie?" 


Irene shut her eyes at the pain that shoots up in her head. What- what was that? 


"Unnie?" Wendy noticed Irene wincing. "What's wrong?" 


Irene heard Wendy's worried voice. She ignored the headache and the flashbacks, and tried to focus on Wendy instead. She should be the one worrying about Wendy, not the other way around. 


Irene shakes her head. "N-nothing. Just tell me what the problem is." 


"I don't have anything to say, unnie." Wendy answered shortly. 


"Why?" Irene blames the headache for her temper. "Don't you trust me??" 


"What the- No, unnie. It's not that!" 


"Then tell me what's wrong, Seungwan! I want to help you!" 


"You can't, unnie." Wendy's hand balled into a fist. 


That hurt Irene. She scoffed. "Why? Because I'm not Sooyoung whom you can tell everything to?" 


"What? Where did it even come from?!" 


"Then prove it and tell me what's wrong! What's hurting you?!" 


"I'm in love with you!" 


Wendy clenched her fist. There, she said it. 


Irene was frozen in place. "W-what?" 


"I'm- I'm in love with you, unnie." 






The few flashbacks were scenes from Chapters 10 and 9, respectively. Yes, finally, Irene is having flashbacks.
Also, we're finally on the story's . So, I have to warn you guys that the next chapters ( yes, with an 'S') will be angst as well. 
Once again, thank you for the comments, subscribers, and upvotes. See you next week. 
For now, let's all wait for the Queens' comeback! 






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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki 0 points #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy