Chapter 11

My Girl

"Well unnie, we figured you just need a little push." Joy said with a wink.


"Yah, I got sick because of that lie!" Wendy whines.


"And who told you to run in the rain like that, unnie?" Joy playfully rolled her eyes which soon turned into a teasing smirk. "You were that desperate, huh?"


Wendy's face was instantly in a shade of red. "Well, I-I.."


"You realized that you can't lose Joohyun unnie, and that you love her?" Joy continued teasingly.


"Well," Wendy lowered her head to hide her increasingly reddening cheeks. "Yeah."


"See? You really needed that push, unnie." Joy chuckles.


"Yeah, I admit that." Wendy then realized something. "Hang on, so you guys knew that I have fallen in love with Joohyun unnie already?"


"Well, unnie, in case you haven't realized, you tend to stare with Joohyun unnie lovingly." Joy faked a shudder.


"I- I do?"


"Yes." Joy answered. "But we didn't take that as a sign because there's also that possibility that you just find Joohyun unnie so attractive that you can't help but to stare at her." Joy smirked. "But your jealousy is what gave you away, unnie."


"I- I was not!" Wendy denied, only for Joy to raise her eyebrow, obviously not believing Wendy's answer.


"F-fine, maybe.. a bit." Wendy admitted under Joy's judging gaze.


"You were so obvious, unnie." Joy chuckles. "At first, I wonder why you were not yet acting upon your feelings when it's obvious that you were jealous and that you love Joohyun unnie already, given that you were always honest about your feelings. But Seulgi unnie said that maybe, you just haven't realized your feelings yet especially since there's that part of you who unconsciously guarded your heart after what happened with that Jang Junwoo." Joy explained. "And after that talk with you at the bar, that's when I confirmed that Seulgi unnie was right. So," Joy gave a teasing smile. "Yeri and I decided to push you a bit."


Wendy can't help but chuckle. "Well, I admit I owe you guys big time."


"Nah. Just take care of each other and we're good, unnie."


Wendy nodded with conviction. "I will. Thank you, Sooyoungie." 


Just in time, Irene, Seulgi, and Yeri entered the Queens' lounge with their ordered foods.


"Unnie!" Wendy exclaimed, walking towards Irene.


Irene laughs and clings to Wendy. "What? Don't tell me you miss me already?"


"I do, unnie." Wendy answered with a cheeky grin. She formed a big circle with her arms above her head. "This much." 


"Oh my goodness! No PDA please!" Yeri rolled her eyes.


"I'm with Yeri on this, Wendy-ah." Seulgi cringed.


"Wow, I didn't know you are this greasy, unnie." Joy teased.


"I am?" Wendy asked, more to Irene.


Irene giggles and shows her cringed fingers. "You are, Seungwan."


Since Irene and Wendy officially become a couple, Jennie spends less time with the Queens and Wendy as well, giving respect to their relationship. She's still on friendly terms with Irene though and the way they treat each other didn't change. The Kims accepted Irene's decision and to Wendy's relief, it didn't affect the business partnership they have with the Bae's. Irene's father was happy with how things turned out and his relationship with Irene is also getting better. Mr. Bae would make sure that he would always come home whenever he had free time to spend time with Irene, and sometimes, with Wendy and the rest of the girls as well. 


The only thing that didn't go well was with Irene's mother. She called Irene non stop when she heard that her daughter turned down the marriage with Jennie. And when Irene didn't answer any of her calls, she barged in unannounced into the Bae's mansion.


"What do you want, mom?" Irene asked unfazed, as she sat in the living room, her eyes didn't even leave the book she's reading.


"Did you seriously dump Jennie?" Mrs. Bae asked in disbelief.


Irene heaved a sigh. "I did."


"Hyun, are you out of your mind??"


"I'm not." Irene closed the book with a snap. "If you're thinking about the company, then you've got nothing to worry about, mom. I'm sure you already know that the partnership with the Kims still happened."


"What? You thought I care about the company?" Mrs. Bae sighs defeatedly. "I'm very much aware of how your dad's company can stand on its own, Hyun."


"If so, then what's the problem, mom?" Irene asked in a challenging tone.


"I want you to stop wasting your time. Stop wasting your life, Hyun."


This irked Irene. "You think I'm wasting my life?"


"You're wasting your life by playing around." Mrs. Bae argued. "Look Hyun, I know you were angry. I know you were hurt when me and your father divorced, and it doubled when Jennie left. But Hyun, there's still a chance to fix what you and Jennie had. She's willing to do whatever it takes to win you back. And I know you still love her."




"And if you're doing this- this playing around with random girls thing as a way to rebel against me and your dad, then please stop, Hyun." Mrs. Bae pleaded softly. "I'm really sorry that we fail to give you a complete and happy family. But Hyun, please don't waste your opportunity to be happy again just because of us. Give Jennie another cha-"


"What makes you so sure that I still love her?" Irene interrupted, eyebrow raised. To be honest, she felt warm inside to know that her mother still wished for her happiness, and that's maybe the reason why she's acting rudely in front of Wendy. BUT, her mother is missing the point.


"I've never seen you happy with anyone other than Jennie." Mrs. Bae answered.


"Yeah?" Irene scoffs. "You know what mom, maybe you're right. Maybe you've never seen me happy again the way I was back then when I'm still with Jennie."


Mrs. Bae's eyes lit up. "See, Hyun? So please just forgive her and-"


"But you know why that is?" Irene asked, eyes piercing, which made her mother unable to answer back. Seeing this, Irene decided to answer her own question. "Because you were never here anymore. You and dad divorced. Then, you left. Remember?" 




"If you didn't leave, then maybe you'll witness how happy I am right now. With Seungwan."


This silenced Mrs. Bae.


"I'll never deny what you said though." Irene continued. "It's true that I kept fooling around because it's my own way to get back at you and dad, and to Jennie as well. But that was all before I met Seungwan." Irene spoke to her mother softly while trying to get her sincerity across. "I know you like the Kims and that you treat Jennie like your own daughter already, but Seungwan is the one I love now, mom. She really makes me happy. So, if my happiness is what you care about just like what you've said, then you'll accept our relationship."


That was the last conversation they had before Mrs. Bae went back to America. To Irene's relief, her mother didn't bother her with Jennie anymore. 



A year has passed and soon, Irene graduated and is finally working at her family's company as she is being groomed to take over the company in a few years time. Wendy, on the other hand, is balancing her time being a university's top notched student and being their choir's main vocalist. But despite being busy, the two of them make sure that they still have time for each other.


Just like today, Wendy decided to make a surprise visit to Irene. Irene stretches as she closes her laptop. She looks at the wall clock and realizes it's already 8pm. Hm, I wonder if Seungwan's already at home.


After packing her things, Irene dialed Wendy's number just as she was to exit her office. However, much to her surprise, the first thing she saw outside her office was her girlfriend sitting on the sofa with her head resting on the back rest, eyes closed. 


Her secretary immediately went to Irene's side.


"I'm sorry, Ms. Irene." Her secretary bowed. "I told Ms. Wendy that she can go into your office but she insisted on just waiting for you here."


"Since when was she here?" Irene whispered.


"Since 5pm, Ms. Irene."


Irene sighs. That means Wendy is waiting for her for 3 hours now, resting uncomfortably outside her office when the younger girl can invade her office anytime she wants.


"I'm really sorry, Ms. Irene. Ms. Son told me not to inform you as well. She said she didn't want to disturb your work."


Typical Seungwan. Irene internally shakes her head.


"It's fine, Ms. Seo." Irene answered. "You can go now."


"Yes, Ms. Irene." Her secretary bowed one more time before she gathered her things and went out of the room.


Irene walked towards Wendy and gently sat beside her. The latter is sleeping peacefully and Irene didn't really want to disrupt it but she knows that Wendy might have a stiff neck if she continued to sleep in that position. With a sigh, Irene gently caresses the sleeping girl's cheek.




Wendy stirred and slowly opened her eyes.


"Hey there." Irene greeted with a smile.


"Oh, unnie." Wendy smiled back. She stretched her arms. "Are you done? What time is it anyway?"


"It's past 8 now."


"Wow. Already?"


"Yeah." Irene answered. "You should've told me you were coming, you know."


"Nah, I wanted to surprise you, unnie." 


"Hm, but by the looks of it, it seemed you were the one who was surprised, right?"


"Yeah well, I didn't know you might be finished late." Wendy grins.


"That's why you should have told me. Besides, why did you even wait here? You know you could've just stayed inside my office, right?" 


"I just don't want to disturb you, unnie."


Irene sighs. "Seungwan, you will never be a disturbance to me. You know that."


"Well, yes, unnie. But still-"


"Seungwan." Irene glared, which ironically, Wendy finds it cute. The latter giggled.


"Okay, unnie. I'll make sure not to do this again."


"That's my girl." Irene nodded as she cuddled to Wendy, leaning her head on Wendy's chest.


Instinctively, Wendy secured Irene around her arms. "Tired, unnie?"


"Hm. Non-stop meetings and paperworks."


Wendy chuckles as she brushes Irene's hair. "You did great, unnie." 


"Thanks." Irene smiled and snuggled closer. "How about you? How's your day?"


"We've started rehearsing for the upcoming 2nd round of competition." Wendy answered. "The pressure's high of course, but Seulgi is a great leader so everything's going smoothly."


"That she is. And you, you're a great vocalist."


Wendy smiles. "Well, I just like singing, unnie."


Irene shakes her head. "You're too humble, Seungwan-ah." She entangles herself from Wendy to look properly at the latter's face. "I heard students from the other universities talking about you during your last inter choir competition. And you know what they call you?"


"No, unnie. What is it?"


Irene giggles. "The girl who eats CD's."




"It means you're that good, Seungwan." Irene playfully poked the latter's nose.


"W-well, I just want to do my best, unnie."


"And it's more than enough." Irene answered with a smile.


"Thank you, unnie." Wendy smiled back. "Oh and by the way, we've started composing songs, unnie!"


Irene chuckles at Wendy's excitement. "That's great. You've always wanted to learn how to compose songs."


"Yes. I really can't wait, unnie!" Wendy exclaimed. "I can't wait to-"


Wendy was interrupted by a low, grumbling sound. Her face reddened as she held her stomach.


"I guess you can't wait to eat, huh?" Irene teased.


"Unnie.." Wendy whines.


"That's why I told you not to wait for me here." Irene stood up and took Wendy's hand. "C'mon then. Can't have my girlfriend starving, can I?"


Wendy blushed and grins. "Okay, let's go, girlfriend."


Two weeks before their anniversary, Wendy surprised Irene with two tickets to Canada. "Let's visit my parents together, unnie?" was what Wendy asked, a bit shyly, as she handed Irene the tickets. 


Irene had the biggest smile on her face that day. She nodded eagerly as she hugged Wendy tight. 


As they finally landed at the airport of Canada a week after, Wendy can tell that Irene was nervous. She holds Irene's hand. 


"Unnie, it'll be fine. You've got nothing to worry about." 


"B-but, it's your parents, Seungwan. What if- what if they don't like me?" 


Wendy gave a soft chuckle. "You're Bae Joohyun. Who wouldn't like you, unnie?" 


"But still-" 


Wendy squeezed Irene's hand on her. "My parents already know you, unnie. I've told them a lot about you since we've started dating."


"Are they okay with it?" Irene asked nervously. 


"Of course." Wendy smiled widely. "My mom said, my happiness is what matters to them." 


Irene finally smiled at this.


"So, try to relax. Okay, unnie? Just be yourself." Wendy encouraged. 


Irene deep breathed and smiled at Wendy. "Okay." 


The two soon arrived at Wendy's house and they were greeted immediately with a running Mrs. Son. 


"Wan!" Mrs. Son hugged Wendy tight. "I've missed you so much." 


Wendy chuckles. "I've missed you too, mom."  


Mr. Son, who just walked out of the house, smiled lovingly at her wife and daughter. He then noticed Irene who is also giving the same smile towards the two. 


"You must be Joohyun?" Mr. Son addressed Irene. 


Wendy heard her father's voice. She ran to embrace her father. 




"Hey there, squirt." Mr. Son patted Wendy's head. 


"You're Joohyun, right?" Mrs. Son walks up to Irene. "I'm so glad to finally meet you." The woman hugs Irene, momentarily surprising the latter. 


"I'm glad to meet you too, ma'am." Irene responded. 


Mrs. Son chuckles. "Just call me eomoni, Joohyun-ah." 


"Yeah, and call me ahbeoji too." Mr. Son interjected. 


"Our daughter is right." Mrs. Son said. "You're very beautiful."


Irene blushed. "Thank you, ma- uhm- eomoni." 


Mrs. Son gave a soft smile. "Now, let's go inside. I'm sure you two are very hungry. We prepared lots of dishes. And I've got your favorite tteokbokki too, Joohyun-ah." 


Irene returned the smile. "I can't wait, eomoni." 



During their stay with the Sons, the girls would bond with Mrs. Son at the kitchen, with them helping the older woman to prepare foods, while they would help Mr. Son tend the family's small farm. Everyday, the four of them would eat together at the dining area, with non-stop stories shared over food. Then they would gather at the living room after dinner to watch movies. 


Irene and Wendy stayed at the Son household for 5 days, and Irene felt nothing but warmth. Wendy's parents are so welcoming and accepting, making Irene feel that she's one of their daughters too. Much to Irene's surprise, Wendy's parents never did THE talk to her. They never asked her how they met, or what her intentions to their daughter is, blah blah blah. Contrary, the couple would always ask Irene how she was doing, what she likes, if she's feeling okay, and so on. 


They're really Seungwan's parents. Irene thought to herself with a smile one time. 


On their fourth day, Irene found herself preparing breakfast with Mrs. Son while Wendy accompanied her father to their farm. 


"Eomoni, do you think you can teach me how to make one of your dishes?" 


"Sure, dear. What's your favorite?" 


"Well.." Irene hesitated. "It's not actually for me, eomoni." 


"Oh?" Mrs. Son observed Irene. She smiled. "Is it for Seungwan then?" 


Irene shyly nodded. "She once said her favorite food is your home-cooked meal, so I wonder if you could teach me so I can cook for her one day." 


Mrs. Son smiled kindly. "Thank you for looking after my daughter, Joohyun-ah. But make sure to look after yourself too, okay?" 


Irene returned the smile. "I will, eomoni." 


"You're such a sweet girl." Mrs. Son commented, still with a smile. "I'm sure your parents are so proud of you." 


At this, Irene momentarily stopped chopping the vegetables, which didn't go unnoticed by Mrs. Son. 


"Uhh.. Maybe? But uh, I don't really know, eomoni." 


Mrs. Son understood. "You're not okay with your parents?"


The question surprised Irene. Nonetheless, she answered. 


"Well, it's uh.. It's getting better with my dad, I think. But with my mom, it's a different story."


"Oh." Mrs. Son nodded in understanding. "You're angry with your mom?" 


Irene didn't know why, maybe it's the presence of a motherly figure beside her or the reminder of her mom, but she can feel herself about to tear up. "I.. I don't know, eomoni." 


To Irene's surprise, Mrs. Son engulfed her in a hug. "It's okay, Joohyun-ah. It's okay." 


It's okay. Two simple words. No assurances, no false hopes. But it's just what Irene is needed at the moment. She leans into the hug. "Thank you, eomoni." 


Mrs. Son looked at Irene kindly. "Are you okay? I'm sorry for bringing up your parents. I didn't know." 


Irene shakes her head, smiling. "It's fine, eomoni." She realized something. "Seungwan didn't tell you?" 


Mrs. Son chuckles. "No. When you two started dating, she told us she was dating a girl."


Irene gulps, suddenly feeling nervous. 


"Honestly, it comes as a shock to us. But we can tell that Wannie is really happy. And that's more than enough for us."


Irene internally sighs in relief. She wants to thank the woman but she knows Mrs. Son has more to say. 


"We asked about you and your family, of course." Mrs. Son continued. "But the only thing Wannie told us is your name and that, I quote, she is the most beautiful person in the world, mom. Inside and out." 


Irene smiles at that. It's funny because that is how I also see her. 


"Then she told us that it's the only thing she would say about you, and if we want to get to know something about you, we should just ask you ourselves once she brings you here." Mrs. Son laughs. "That girl." 


Irene can imagine Wendy saying that to her parents, making her laugh as well. Just then, she realized something. 


"But eomoni? How come you never asked me anything about myself since I came here? I will answer everything, don't worry." 


Mrs. Son smiles. "I know Joohyun-ah. But it's not needed, honestly." 


"Why?" Irene can't help but ask, because she knows that other parents would definitely ask everything about the person their child is dating. Her parents will. 


"Well, the time we've spent with you is more than enough to get to know you. What we've seen speaks more volumes than the talks and interviews." Mrs. Son gave Irene a soft smile. "You're a good girl, Joohyun. That's enough. Your background is not important." 


Irene was simply touched. She hugs Mrs. Son, making the older woman smile. "Thank you, eomoni." 


To say that Irene was happy during their 5 days stay is an understatement, especially when Mrs. Son hugged her as they finally bid their goodbyes with the Sons. 


"Take care of yourself, okay, Joohyun?" Mrs. Son said through the hug. "And of course, you have your own parents. But if ever you need an extra mom and dad," Mrs. Son chuckled at her words. "Just give us a call anytime, hm?" 


Irene smiled, feeling warmth yet again. Usually, your partner's parents will ask you to take care of their child. But the Sons didn't ask her any of that. Instead, here is Wendy's mother, being like a real mother to her. 


Irene nodded. "I will, eomoni. Thank you." 


"And if ever Seungwan is being a jerk, just tell me, okay?" Mr. Son added. "But of course, you're free to teach her a lesson." 


Irene laughs while Wendy whines. 


"Congratulations, unnie. You now replaced me as their daughter." Wendy muttered under her breath, earning a laugh from the other three. 



To celebrate their anniversary, Irene booked them to a 3-day sail cruise ship heading back to Korea. 


"Are you okay, unnie? My parents didn't scare you, did they?" Wendy asked in the taxi on their way to the port. 


Irene held Wendy's hand. She gave a sincere smile. "The time spent with your parents is one of the happiest I've ever been."


Wendy was glad. "Really, unnie?" 


Irene nodded. "For the first time in such a long time, I've felt like I belong to a family."


Irene never got to spend time like that with her parents, her friends' and even Jennie's parents when they were still together since all of their families are busy with their own businesses. 


"And it's the best feeling ever." Irene continued. "Thank you for inviting me over, Seungwan."


Wendy shakes her head and smiles. "Thank you for coming with me, unnie."


Irene leaned her head on Wendy's shoulder. "I'm so happy right now, Seungwan-ah." 


"I'm glad." Wendy answered, planting a soft kiss on Irene's temple. 


I'll always make you happy, unnie. 




"Happy anniversary, unnie!"


Wendy cheered, raising her wine glass for a toast, to which Irene returned the gesture. 


"Happy anniversary, Seungwan."


They are currently having their dinner in the dining hall of the cruise ship. It was Wendy's first time to cruise so she can't contain her amazement as she roamed around the ship earlier. Even now in the dining hall, the ambiance was just too perfect for her: the chef-kissed foods, the violins playing inside the hall, and the serene night view from the window. 


"Thank you for this trip, unnie. This is really amazing." 


"Well, I'm glad you liked it." Irene gave a big smile. 


Once they're done with dinner though, Irene noticed that Wendy is a bit fidgety. The younger girl talked less and she keeps clearing from time to time. 


"Seungwan? Are you okay? You seem nervous." 


Wendy gave an awkward laugh. "No, no. I'm fine, unnie." 


"Are you sure? Cause if you're not feeling well, then let's just head to our rooms so you-" 


"No. No, unnie." Wendy interjected, trying her best to sound believable. "Everything's fine, unnie. Let's celebrate this day, okay?" 


Irene is still not buying it though. "But-" 


Wendy shakes her head, interrupting Irene. "I'm good, unnie. I'm sorry for worrying you, but all's good." Wendy then looked at her wrist watch and cleared . "In fact, let me just, uhm, I just need to go to the restroom, unnie." Wendy stood. "Will you be okay here for a while?" 


Irene was a bit confused by Wendy's behavior, nonetheless, she nods her head. 


"Oh, right." Wendy was about to walk away when she remembered something. She gets her coat that was hanging on the back of her seat and handed it to Irene. "Take this with you, unnie, hm?" 


"Why would-" 


"I'll be quick, unnie." Wendy interjected, then hurriedly walked away before Irene could say anything. 


It wasn't quick though, like what Wendy said. It's been almost 15 minutes and there's still no sign of the younger girl. 


A bit irritated (because she's been left confused with Wendy's action and now the latter is taking too long to come back) and more worried that Wendy might have ran into some kind of problem (or worst, accident) that's why she's still not coming back, Irene decided to make a move. Fixing Wendy's coat in her arms, she stood and left, deciding to follow Wendy to the restroom. However, upon exiting the dining hall, one staff of the cruise ship approached her. 


"Excuse me, ma'am. But you're Miss Bae, right?" 


Irene raised her brow and didn't answer. 


Seeing Irene's hesitation, the staff was quick to explain. 


"Miss Son wanted me to give this to you, ma'am." The staff handed out a card. 


Hearing her girlfriend's name, Irene quickly took the card and read it. 


Unnie, I'm sorry if I made you wait for a while. Come meet me at the ship's upper deck? 


Irene looks up to the staff smiling at her. "This way, ma'am."


Despite the confusion, Irene decided to follow him. When Irene can finally see the glass door to the deck, the staff beside him stopped walking, making Irene stop as well. 


"That's the door to the upper deck, ma'am. Just go through it and you'll see Miss Son." The staff smiled kindly, bowed, then left. 


What the hell is really happening? Irene can't help but wonder and feel nervous as she makes her way to the upper deck. 


The moment Irene opens the door,  no one else is there except for Wendy, who is standing at the distant end of the deck, smiling nervously at her. Irene takes a step closer and that's when she notices that Wendy is standing in what seemed like a small stage, a microphone tightly clasped in the latter's hand. Irene also noticed the scattered flower petals on the floor. 


"Seungwan? What's happening?" 


"I'll explain in a while, unnie." Wendy answered, and despite being a few meters away from her, Irene can hear the nervousness in Wendy's voice. "Can you please take that seat first, unnie?" 


Irene saw a high chair in the middle of the place and did just what Wendy told her to. She looks back again at Wendy, waiting. 


"So, uh.." Wendy started, speaking on the microphone this time. "Happy anniversary, Joohyun unnie." 


Irene smiled widely. Ah, so this is what it is. 


"Happy anniversary to us, Seungwan-ah." Irene replied on her seat. 


"So I uh, I wanted to make our day special by giving you a gift, unnie." Wendy continued. "But I had a hard time thinking of what to give you because I know you already have everything and well, you can always get what you want to anyways." Wendy grins at this, with Irene shaking her head with a smile. 


"So, then.. I uh, I decided to just give you what I'm quite confident about." Wendy laughs nervously, scratching the back of her head. 


Irene smiles. She understood. 


Wendy pressed a remote control in her hand, and Irene heard the music being played through the speaker, the music echoing through the whole upper deck. 


"This is my first self-composed song." Wendy said while the instrumental is still being played. "And this one's solely for you, unnie. Happy anniversary." 


Irene hasn't gotten the chance to respond to that as Wendy raised her microphone and started singing. 


Lean on my shoulder

You can close your eyes

The sunlight has set

On your eyelashes, Yeah


Wendy had just started but Irene was already swooned. She focused her gaze on Wendy, a smile plastered on her face. 


Even if I fall asleep deeply

The unfamiliar atmosphere surrounding me wakes me up

At the next station

We’ll finally get to see each other

We’ll get to meet


It’s like a picture just like in my dreams

The most beautiful world


Wendy too, has her gaze not leaving Irene's. She wanted Irene to feel every word. 


My love is like water

Filling your sore spots

It covers the deep wounds

And embraces you tightly

It makes you rise again


I need you to hold me

We’re destined

We complete each other and comfort one another

It makes you heal

Like water water


As Wendy finished the chorus, Irene felt so touched she could feel herself already tearing up. Yet, the smile never left her face. 


You keep me alive, yeah

What you mean to me, I know

And I just wanna thank you for believing in me


At this last sentence, Wendy playfully points her finger to Irene, making the latter laughs despite the happy tears. 


Although they rush in as if they’ll shatter

The waves return to the sea so quickly

As if by fate, the end of this road is

All flowing towards you


I want you to love me

I can feel your pain too

I’ll cover your deep wounds

And embrace you

It makes you rise again


I need you to hold me

We’re destined

We complete each other and comfort one another

It makes you heal

Always like water


Irene was in awe. Wendy's high notes vibrated through the open space. Irene unconsciously puts a hand to her chest, Wendy's powerful voice and the meaning of her song finds its way to her heart. 


You shine upon me

Like you’re water to me

By the time you open your eyes

Everything will be fine


After Wendy released the last note and the music ended, Irene wasted no time and ran to Wendy, engulfing the younger girl in a tight hug. 


Wendy caught Irene in her arms, smiling as she returned the hug just as tight. She felt Irene's cold arms. 


"Unnie, where's my coat? I told you to take it, right? It's for this. Because I know you'll get cold here outside." Wendy laughs as she rubs Irene's arms in an attempt to keep the older girl warm. 


"I love you, Seungwan-ah." Irene choked. "Thank you. Thank you." 


"And I love you, unnie. But wait, are you crying?" Wendy chuckles as she breaks the hug to see Irene's face. "Aigoo, my baby." Wendy cooed as she wiped Irene's tears. "I hope these tears are because you've liked my gift, unnie? I'm sorry that it's all I can-" 


Wendy wasn't able to finish her sentence as Irene locked her in a kiss. 


"I loved it, Seungwan-ah. It's the best. You're the best." Irene answered after the kiss. 


Wendy smiled shyly, both from the compliment and the kiss. 


"Wait. Sing it for me again, Seungwan." Irene said, getting her phone from her bag. "I'll record it. I need to have a copy of it." 


Wendy laughs at this. "No need for that, unnie. My professor already set a date for me to officially record this song. I'll do it once we're back. Then I'll give you the original copy of the recorded song." 


"Like a CD?" Irene asked excitedly. 


Wendy nodded. "Actually, the original plan was to give you the CD as my anniversary gift. But in order to do so, I need to record the song with the help of our music professors and some of the students because, well, obviously I don't have any idea on song recordings." Wendy laughs. 


"But.. I wanted you to be the first person to hear it, unnie. I wanted to sing it first for you. It's for you, after all." 


Irene was touched at Wendy's words that she had to kiss the younger girl again. "Thank you, Seungwan-ah." A hug. "Thank you." 


They stayed like that for a while, in each other's arms, until the sudden fall of rain interrupted their moment. Both break the hug, stare at each other's faces that are now getting wet by the rain, and laugh. 


"As much as I'm enjoying this moment with you," Irene smiles, brushing Wendy's wet bangs aside. "I don't want you to get sick, Seungwan. So I think we should head inside now." 


Wendy smiles back and takes Irene's hand. "Yeah, let's go, unnie." 




After getting soaked in the rain, the two went back to their room to take a quick shower. Irene went ahead first, so when Wendy was done, she found Irene sitting at the bed, holding a slim, rectangular box. She patted the space beside her, to which Wendy happily occupied. 


"I got so overwhelmed with your surprise earlier that I forgot to give you my gift." Irene handed the box to Wendy. "For you, Seungwan." 


Wendy was not into jewelries, but it's impossible for her not to know one of the most expensive jewelry brands in the world. Her eyes widened. 


"Unnie! This must've cost a lot! You shouldn't have-" 


Irene touched Wendy's arm to stop the latter. She shakes her head, dismissing Wendy's worry. 


"It's for you, Seungwan." Irene kept her words short, but she's hoping that Wendy understood what she was trying to convey. For Wendy, the price doesn't matter. For Wendy, it would always be worth it. "Open it?" 


"Okay." Wendy understood and relented. She gave Irene a smile. Wendy then opened the box. 


"They called it the love necklace." Irene explained, grinning a little. "So, I thought it's the perfect one for you." 


Wendy observed the necklace. It has two intertwined rings as the pendant. 


"It's.. It's beautiful, unnie. Thank you." 


"Here, let me help you with it." Irene leans in and wears the jewelry to Wendy's neck. "Done." 


Irene smiled satisfyingly as she looked at Wendy wearing the necklace she gave. "Perfect." 


Seeing Irene smiling proudly made Wendy smiles as well. With Irene still leaning closely to her, Wendy's focus shifts to Irene's lips. 


Without thinking twice, Wendy asked, "Can I kiss you, unnie?" 


Irene smiles and instead of answering, she captures Wendy's lips on her own, kissing the younger girl. 


With a sudden surge of emotions flowing in her, Wendy holds Irene's nape to deepen and return the kiss with such fervor. Their kisses intensified until the two were making out, with Irene hovering over Wendy on the bed. The only time they broke the kiss was when they were already out of breath. Yet, as they stared at each other's eyes after breaking the kiss, they both knew what they wanted. They were craving, wanting for more. 


"Are you sure about this, Seungwan?" Irene asked gently, her eyes never leaving Wendy's. This is their first time and Irene needs to be sure that Wendy wants this just as much as she does. 


Wendy smiled. "As sure as I am with you, unnie." 


That's all that Irene needed to hear before she dived into Wendy's lips once more. Soon, their room was filled with moans and with screams of each other's names. 




Wendy was the first one to wake up the next morning. She opened her eyes and was greeted by Irene's sleeping face, and it was enough to bring a smile on Wendy's face. Wendy's eyes trails the older girl's face until it lands on the bare shoulder that was peeking from the blanket. Memories of their last night activity came flashing back and Wendy can feel herself getting red. 


Get a grip, Son Seungwan. It's too early for that. 


Shaking her head, Wendy decided to focus on Irene's face instead. Very beautiful. 


"So, is it your hobby now to stare at my sleeping face?" Surprising Wendy, Irene suddenly opens her eyes and grins at the younger girl. 


"Y-yah, unnie! You're awake all this time?!" 


The only answer Irene made was a laugh. 


"Why do you always catch me in situations like this?" Wendy whines. 


Irene shrugged playfully. "Why do you always watch me sleep then?" 


"Well, but it turns out that you're really not sleeping then." 


Irene laughs once more. "I was, okay. I just woke a few minutes after you." 


"Then next time, open your eyes as soon as you wake, unnie." Wendy pouts, earning more laughs from Irene. 


"Okay, okay." Irene answered, still with a laugh. Her eyes land on the silver necklace that Wendy is wearing- the only piece of article that they decided not to remove last night. Irene traced the pendant with her fingers. 




"Yes, unnie?" 


"Thank you, for the best night of my life." She then cleared . "And I'm not only talking about the- well, the making love part," both Irene and Wendy's face reddened at this, "But more importantly, I'm pertaining to your gift. How you made me feel that moment when you're singing that song to me," Irene smiles, "It's the best feeling ever." 


Wendy smiles too, happy that Irene liked and appreciated her song. Being absorbed in the moment, Wendy leans in and kisses Irene, her hand traveling from Irene's nape then to her shoulder, then to Irene's back. 


"Another round?" Irene whispered mischievously. 


"Hm." Wendy answered in between the kisses, suddenly her confidence rises up. "This time, I'm on top." 


"We'll see about that." Irene chuckles as she pulls Wendy closer to her. 




"Welcome back, Korea!" 


Wendy stretched her arms as they set foot at Incheon airport. They headed to where Irene's car was parked, and once inside the car, that's the only time they turned their cellphones on which they decided to set off during their cruise trip to give their time solely to each other.


Their phones were instantly flooded with chats coming from their three friends, mostly asking how they are and not to forget to bring them souvenirs. 


"I told them we're gonna take off our phones once on the cruise and yet it didn't stop them from sending lots of messages." Irene shakes her head with a smile as she starts driving. 


Wendy laughs. "That's very typical of them, unnie." 


However, one message from Joy made Wendy frown. The message read:


Unnie, I think Sungjae is cheating on me again. What should I do? 


Wendy has met Sungjae twice or thrice already. He seems to be kind and caring, but Wendy felt that he really has the aura and attitude of a player. But compared to Jang Junwoo, Wendy thought that Sungjae is a hundred times better. This, and seeing that fact that he makes Joy happy, Wendy decided to trust Joy to him. However, reading Joy's message proved Wendy wrong. She gritted her teeth, and unknown to Wendy, Irene is taking a peek at her from time to time. 


"Seungwan? Is there a problem?" Irene asked, eyes on the road. 


Wendy wanted to tell Irene. But she remembered that the older girl has no idea of what's going on. After all, she decided to keep this secret from Irene. Wendy internally sighs. She knew she promised Joy but at the same time, she feels guilty that she kept it from Irene, especially now that she's starting to think that her decision to trust Sungjae is a wrong move. 






"If.. If for example, I made a promise to someone to keep something a secret, though deep inside me, I know that it's something that needs to be told, " Wendy started, a bit hesitant. "Will you.. Will you hold it against me if I keep it a secret from you too?" 


Wendy waited for Irene's action. Unexpectedly, Irene smiled understandingly.


"It's about Sooyoung, isn't it? She's seeing Sungjae again?" 


Wendy gasps. "You knew??" 


Irene chuckles. "I've known her since we're kids, you know."


"Wha-what.." Wendy was really surprised. "But why didn't you say so, unnie?" 


"Because Sooyoung wouldn't tell me. And you know she's someone who'll tell all if she wants you to know."


Wendy nodded at that. "I think she was afraid that you'll get mad." 


"Yeah, I figured that." Irene answered calmly. 


"And.. You're not mad, unnie?" 


"Hm, I'm more disappointed at first, to be honest. Not because she didn't tell us, but because she takes Sungjae back again. I just don't want her to get hurt again and again, but I also realized that even if she was, I know Sooyoung can take care of herself. I just needed to trust her on that."


Wendy nods in understanding. She then realized something. "Unnie, are you disappointed that I keep it a secret from you?" 


"What?" Irene chuckles. "Of course not. On the contrary, what kept me from intervening and from confronting Sooyoung about it is the fact that you knew. I mean, at least I know that whatever happens, Sooyoung has you."


Now Wendy felt more guilty. She was wrong about Sungjae, she was wrong to tolerate the two's relationship. 


"But I was wrong, unnie." 


"Hm? What about?" 


Wendy sighs. "Sooyoung thinks Sungjae is cheating on her again." 


"Ah.." Irene bobbed her head. 


"I shouldn't have let Sooyoung date him. Or better yet, I should've told you about it, unnie." 


"Hey," Irene rubs Wendy's arm from the driver's seat. "Don't blame yourself. What matters is that you never let Sooyoung feel alone about her relationship with Sungjae. And I thank you for that, Seungwan-ah. But how their relationship turned out is not in your hands anymore. Besides, you know why I didn't object to it even if I knew?"


Wendy shakes her head. 


"Because I saw that Sooyoung was happy." Irene answered. "I was only trying to protect her from getting hurt, that I failed to realize that it may also make Sooyoung happy. Which it did." 


"But now-" 


"Sooyoung won't have any regrets. She may be hurting now, but she won't have any regrets. So don't feel bad about it, Seungwan. Because when I saw how happy it made Sooyoung, I realized that you made the right thing." Irene smiles. "Besides, like I've told you, Sooyoung can take care of herself. She'll be fine." 


Wendy finally nodded. 


"Don't worry about it, okay? It's going to be o-" 




Wendy didn't know what happened. There was a blinding light ahead and Irene's panicked face was the last thing she saw before she felt her body being turned upside down, but in the middle of it, a soft but strong arms engulfed her body. 


Wendy's whole body was aching. There was ringing in her ears and she couldn't move. She tried her best to open her eyes and she saw Irene's body on top of her, blood oozing from the latter's head. 


"U-unnie.." Wendy croaked out weakly. It hurts to even move her jaw. Yet, Irene remained motionless. 


"Unnie.." Wendy tried again, tears unconsciously falling from her eyes. 


Still, no response from the older girl. 


"Unnie.. P-please… Unn-" 


Unable to fight it anymore, Wendy let darkness consume her as she closed her eyes. 



A/N: Sorry guys. Please dont kill me. 🙈

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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki 0 points #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy