Worry and Comfort

Worry and Comfort


It was a day like any other for Super Junior.Piled into a semi comfortable van heading to their latest schedule, in the midst of a hectic promoting season.If you asked Kyuhyun where they were supposedly excited to be performing,he would smile and re direct the question to the members who were not completely oblivious or not too tired to care, unlike himself. It was not that he did not enjoy their comeback, because he truly did.There was no rush like standing in front of adorning fans and have them scream your name until you wished they would stop,not because you are annoyed but you didn't want their throats to hurt when they eventually returned home.

He, for better or worst enjoyed his life as an idol.It just happens that he was in a midst of a “worse”.Tired was an understatement.He felt tired and exhausted, but he knew he was not alone in this current state.All of s or rather his brothers, he knew,felt  the same way, but in classic response style, they pretended otherwise.He did not fault them.He knew the minute he lifted his head from against the head rest and stepped outside, his tiredness would be pushed to the back of his mind and for all intense purposes, he would be energetic and rearing to go.Ahh..he smiled, he remembered where they were heading.The Friends of Korea Concert, they had to perform their latest songs and some of the old favourites.He felt pleased.He was no longer one of the oblivious ones. Almost at his destination, he made peace with himself.The second he stepped out, he would no longer be the tired man that he was but the snarky,energetic maknae that everyone loved.He was determined.

There he was performing in his full glory.He knew he was right.The second he got on that stage the tiredness melted away to be replaced by that familiar rush of adrenaline.Their ELFs screaming and always so welcoming, how could he feel tired then? His body followed along with the trained steps, he never missing a beat, then he heard it.That deafening thump.He knew what it meant.He only wished it was not one of them, but he knew it was.It was still echoing in his ears.

He did not wish to look, did not want to know who it was, but he was compelled to do so.Really how could he not look? In that split second he felt dread and fear.How bad is it? Can they continue? It becomes worse later, he knows, when you figure out which it is but you must still find out.Glancing over swiftly, he stopped.He really did not know what happened.He only remembered seeing his Yesung hyung, arched uncomfortably on the floor, grimacing in obvious pain.Ever the fighter that he was, he was picking himself off the floor gingerly but with strong determination.He could not take his eyes of off him.

It was his turn to sing, he belatedly realized.He was so caught in his worry and possibly horror, that he missed his cue.Being the professional that he was, he quickly found his mark once more, but he could not draw his eyes away from his limping hyung. His eyes continuously wondering back towards him, yet still performing his assigned choreography. He felt relief, when his part was concluded momentarily.It meant that he could properly inspect his hyung, who was now positioned at the back of the formation, gingerly trying to stand properly, grimacing at intervals corresponding to the amount of weight he added to the injured limb. He raked his eyes over him quickly, but could see no serious effects, and was relieved a second time in moments when he saw him attempt to rejoin the choreography, indicating that he may be in pain but was not so injured as to stop performing.Then again he could not be too sure.His Yesung hyung, was a tough character, who would in reality continue to perform even if he shouldn't.

With worry in his mind and he supposed expressed in his features, he continued to perform as they were trained to do.He  knew Yesung would not appreciate being the cause of anti flamings that were bound to occur if they stopped. At the end of their set, he gazed intently at his hyung.He had not really ever taken his eyes  of him to be truthful, but now he could look at him more critically.He saw that he was wearing that fangirl smile,the one he would flash at the fangirls and make their heart race.He knew that was his hyungs way of reassuring their ELFs that he was alright, that he was not hurt, even if he probably was.If it was one thing Kyuhyun learned about Yesung in their years together in the same space, was that smiles could be deceiving. He also knew that he was not even going to bother to really consider why he kept thinking of Yesung as his hyung and not just a hyung.

At some point they were ushered of the stage, to the relief of all present.He was well aware that he could to be the only one extremely concerned about the well being of Yesung at the moment.True enough, before they all properly exited, Leeteuk was beside the man, arms already about him, inspecting and inquiring about his well being.Yesung would only smile and reassure verbally that he was fine, only  for his words to be betrayed by the grimace he tried to hide when he stepped a little too firmly on his obviously injured leg.

“Yeah..you're fine alright” Leeteuk sarcastically remarked, a raised eyebrow and set line of his lips, accompanying his words, making it rather clear, he did not believe a word of it.

“Well, lets just say I am not dying then” Yesung again reassured, ending with a small tiny chuckle, attempting to ease the already overburdened leader of his stress. 

The other members, Kyuhyun included, continued to observe the exchange between the two with marked interest, all wishing to know if he was really fine, or just saying that he was.They continued along to their dressing room, watching as Leeteuk lifted Yesungs arm and lead it to his shoulder,wrapping his own arm around Yesung's waist, shouldering some of his weight,whilst Yesung continued to insist that it was not as bad as Leeteuk was making it seem.

Finally making it to their too small dressing room, Leeteuk lead him over to the single couch, instructing him to sit.With him seated,the other sidelined members saw their opening to ambush him with questions of their own

“Hyung are you okay?”

“Hyung are you hurt?”

“Hyung, does it hurt a lot?”

“Why the hell was that damned stage so slippery?”

Before Kyuhyun could get his inquiry into the list of other questions put to Yesung, who had just looked at the various questioners, but unable to respond to any substantially before his attention was drawn by another question, their manager entered. Moving aside, to give him space, he approached and knelled in front of Yesung. Carefully he looked at him, then back to his injured leg.He made his inquires to which Yesung nodded.Looking pleased yet sceptical, he carefully placed his hands on Yesung’s knee, earning a pained grimace from the singer .Shaking his head, he looked at Yesung once more

“Best to be honest right now Yesungie.You guys are gonna be even busier.We can't let it get worse” the manager gently informed. 

That seemed to do the trick ,with Yesung stating that it hurt a bit, he believing that his kneecap and its surroundings were probably bruised but it really was not the end of the world.He was confident that it would be fine in a couple of days once he iced it sufficiently and avoided strain.That satisfied the manager sufficiently, as well as the on looking members and Leeteuk who was sitting beside him.The manager implored him to be more careful, before leaving to “find out whom in the hell let his idols perform on a wet dangerous stage” as he so put it.

“Alright then Yesungie.Do you have any more schedules for today?”asked Leeteuk still sitting beside him, arms patting his shoulder gently, intently awaiting his response. Yesung responded in the negative and Leeteuk turned his attention to the other members all still fairly nearby, who knew the question was now directed at them.They gave their varied responses, with a few in the affirmative. 

Kyuhyun saw this as his opportunity to approach Yesung finally and he did.

“Are you really fine Yesung hyung?” he asked as gently as he could, which is not saying much as gently was not exactly his best defining attribute.

“Awww the evil maknae cares” was the response he received from his hyung who was chuckling as if he said something funny.Finally continuing,with a smile firmly in place “ I am fine, Kyu ah” nodding to himself as if trying to convince the maknae of its truthful content. “Go change, we have to leave soon”. Before Kyuhyun could ask about his situation, his hyung in an instance of clairvoyance stated “Don't worry about me, I can still change my clothes fine enough” again uttered with a blinding smile and a nod of the head.Kyuhyun wished to ask how he intended to do so, but he knew his hyung was stubborn and so best to do as he instructed…only in this instance Kyuhyun assured himself.

After carefully making their way back to the vans with Yesung limping but insistent that he could do it himself, settling down as comfortably as the vehicle would allow, they were finally on their way back to the their dorms. Kyuhyun once more would inspect his hyung ever so often.Despite his initial protest, Leeteuk had insisted that he spread his legs over Eunhyuk and Donghae, so at least it would not be too painful,so that was the position in which he was currently placed, back against the door and legs spread over his dongsaengs, eyes closed, fairly peaceful, except for the slight grimace that would mar his face whenever the road got slightly bumpy.

Upon arrival at the dorms, Eunhyuk and Donghae assisted Yesung out of the vehicle despite protest that he was fine and could do it himself and the watchful gaze of Kyuhyun attached.They quietly made their way up to the 11th floor, the tiredness from earlier returning to each.Within minutes of entering the dorm,Yesung informed that he was tired and was as a result heading to bed. Before the questions could even be uttered he insisted once again that he was fine and was just tired from the performance and only wanted to sleep.Kyuhyun wondered what was more tiring for him, the performance or the injury coupled with the determined pretence.

Yesung awoke,an hour later,to find the maknae sitting at the foot of his bed,distracted with his laptop,undoubtedly killing aliens or what ever the hell he did so religiously. Blinking the sleep away, he took in the room with more detail.The lights were on, the said maknae at the foot of his bed with his laptop,comfortably dressed in sweats,with his own knee now bandaged and adorned with an ice pack attached to it.

“Kyu ah what are doing here?” he inquired as he tried to lifted himself upright, however before he could make any real progress in his ascent forward, the maknae had leaned forward and with one finger to his forehead pushed him down again.

“Kyuhyun what are doing?” Yesung them inquired a bit irritably.He took no joy in being treated in such a manner, by the maknae of all people.

With his game paused, he turned his attention to his hyung, now willing to respond to his inquiries.

“Making sure you don’t get up” he responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“And why is that?” Yesung asked, with a bit of frustration and in the process of pulling himself up once more,only to have the same result.

“You can't get up hyung.And stop moving will you? You will move the icepack” the maknae reprimanded from his position at the base of the bed ,but leaned forward in a stance to pre-empt any movement by the lead vocalist.

“You are not the boss of me” Yesung frustratedly and just downright petulantly responded, feeling like a complete idiot, when the maknae burst into laughter and the full effect of his words set in into his consciousness.He could only look away and silently chastise himself for saying that, to their snarky maknae of all people.He would never live that one down.

“Currently I am actually.You can ask Teukie hyung” the maknae responded when his laughter had died down to mild chuckles,sufficiently coherent enough to respond.Kyuhyun was certain his hyung was a child masquerading as an adult.He knew he should be teasing, but the embarrassed look on Yesung’s face was enough for the time being.He stored it away though, for future blackmail material.

“But I am the hyung” Yesung quietly argued.

“Clearly” Kyuhyun challenged, but before Yesung could respond he took out his phone, hit his speed dial number 3 and handed the phone over to the man currently confined to his bed.

Taking the phone from the maknae and pressing it to his ears , he was greeted with Leeteuk’s worried voice, questioning whom he believed to be Kyuhyun

“Kyuhyun ah is everything alright?” voiced laced with worried undertones.

“Hyung its me.Kyuhyun won’t let me get out of bed and even claimed to be in charge” Yesung complained to his only,currently present hyung.

“I know Sungie.I told him to make you stay in bed and I guess that means he is in charge” Leeteuk responded trying to hide his chuckles.His dongsaeng was unbelievably cute,complaining about the maknae.

“Couldn’t you let someone else stay with me? Or better yet, not put someone” Yesung once again complained to his hyung this time not as whiny but more annoyed.

“You need to rest Yesungie, so you have to stay in bed, but you won’t do it if I leave it to you” Leeteuk calmly informed.

“Then couldn’t you let Wookie watch me? He is nicer” Yesung inquired to Leeteuk, as he stuck his tongue out childishly to the maknae, who was once again staring at his laptop, seemingly unconcerned with the conversation being conducted.Though with closer inspection, one would have noticed that his brows furrowed when the eternal maknae was mentioned.

“Wookie would let you do as want, Kyu won’t.Now behave, rest and listen to Kyu okay?I have to return to filming.I will be home later” Teukie said in one breath, ending the call.

“Told you I was in charge” the maknae smirked at the man still in the lying position, only to receive a “whatever” in return, followed by a question as the whereabouts of the others.The maknae informed him that some were at a schedule like Leeteuk and that Wookie and Sungmin were in the higher dorm fixing dinner, instructed Yesung to sleep then promptly turned his attention back to his game.

Yesung sighed at the injustice.Not only was he injured but now he was under the care of the maknae.Even the idea of it sounded weird to him.Kyuhyun  was many things but a nurse figure he certainly was not.He wondered what Teukie bribed him with to take up this post. He was however unwilling to acknowledge that tiny, nearly non existent part of his mind that was hoping that the maknae wanted to take care of him.

Shortly after he was greeted by his phone ringing.He hoped the members had the sense not to inform his parents.It was not that he did not want them to know, but it would only worry them needlessly. He glanced at the caller ID and sighed in relief then felt happy instantly.The maknae was at the time still attached to the laptop, yet turned to glance at him when the phone ring for the third time.

“Siwon ah” Yesung spoke happily into the receiver, with the maknae now looking on more intently.

“No no.I am fine really. They should not have bothered you” Yesung continued to talk to Siwon, pulling himself up to lend against the head rest, face set in a smile.

“ You don’t need to visit me.I swear its fine.I just fell. You know how clumsy I can be sometimes” Yesung continued, nodding his head as if Siwon could see him.For some reason this conversation was getting tiresome to the maknae who was still at the foot of the bed.

“ Yah Yah…It was my fault Siwon ah.I should be more careful.You are always so protective” Yesung practically beamed into the phone.The present maknae was nearly at his end.

Siwon had said something that made Yesung laugh heartily and his smile to be nearly blinding.The maknae had, had enough.He could take no more.He stealthily took the phone from his laughing hyung’s hand and proceeded to inform his other hyung that

“Sorry Siwon hyung, but Yesung hyung needs to rest now.He will call you tomorrow.Have fun filming”all said in one quick breath, disconnecting before Siwon could even respond and Yesung could fully comprehend what happened. Before Yesung could argue, the makane got up, said he was getting him something to eat, and then Yesung was expected to rest.

On his way to the second dorm, Kyuhyun attempted to ponder why that conversation made him so annoyed.He liked Siwon hyung, he knew that.Yesung was not being loud or obnoxious really, so he honestly had to reason for his reaction, as far as he could tell.He decided that maybe it was just one of those things and wanted to leave it at that. His mind however sneakily informing him that he has been having lots of ‘one of those things’ in relation to his Yesung hyung.Again that his. He was leaving it there he pledged.He was confident that it was best he leave it, whatever it was, at rest.

He returned to the room carrying Yesung’s dinner only to find Yesung intently staring at his laptop. His expression a mix of sadness and apprehension.Moving quickly into the room he placed the tray on a nearby cabinet and approached his engrossed hyung.Yesung for his part,did not seem to have noticed the maknae’s arrival. Approaching him swiftly, Kyuhyun reached out to take laptop away,but was halted when he saw Yesung’s expression.The innocent man looked downcast and worried.Kyuhyun now had two options.He could inquire what upset him and wait for the inevitable lie and the assurances of there being no such instance or he could take the laptop and investigate.The latter it was. Prying the laptop from Yesung’s tiny hands,utilizing his height and general position advantages, he was able to quickly gather it in his hands.Yesung in the meantime, was just asking Kyu polite inquiring questions, obviously attempting to persuade the maknae that nothing suspicious was going on.

Kyuhyun, in his inspection of the laptop found  various anti fan cafes opens, all with the key search being Yesung’s fall.Confused, the taller asked, the man looking up at him hesitantly, the purpose of these searches. Looking downcast and with a released sigh he asked the maknae in a small voice

“Kyu ah, do you think I embarrassed us?”

Kyuhyun was dumbfounded.Here he was, as well as the rest of the members,worried entirely as to the well being of the lead vocalist but his primary concern was whether or not he embarrassed them? Kyuhyun was amazed at the thinking of his hyung.Actually he was mad.Mad that his hyung could only concern himself with something so pointless, when they and more importantly he, was worried infinitely.He wanted to scream at him,to chastise him for being so foolish, but he knew deep down that is exactly what the man was waiting for.He was waiting for someone  to point out his faults, so that he can convince himself that he was not right, not proper.

Instead of answering right away, Kyuhyun moved his form until he was sitting next to his hyung, leaning against the wall.He slowly gasps his tiny hand in his, enjoying the feel of the warm tiny fingers cocooned in his much larger, more coarse hands. He knew it was rude to answer a question with a question, but this was necessary he posited 

“What would we be embarrassed about hyung?” he asked gently, almost lovingly.

Yesung looked at him with sad eyes, clearly torn in his thinking.Wondering if the maknae was humouring him or just being fustrating.

“Did I embarrass us when I fell? Are the anti’s saying that I was useless again? Are the fans sad?” all asked in a small voice, making Kyuhyun wonder how he could even have those thoughts.

“No hyung you did not embarrass us.What would be embarassing about falling on a wet stage?I don’t think the fans are sad, worried maybe.That fall was nearly deafening and anyway you would not have embarassed us.Yourself? possibly” the last part said entirely to get a rise out of his hyung.He hoped his hyung could understand what he was trying to say.He hoped that he could comfort him in the least.

“Are you sure Kyu ah?” asked the smaller hand looking at him with questioning eyes.

“ I am positive hyung.I’m Kyuhyun..so that means I am always right” the maknae responded with his trademark smirk attached.

The  lead singer chuckled at this, reaching over to push the maknae lightly on the head.

“ I worry for you.How can one person be so arrogant?”Yesung teasingly asked

“What can I say, it’s a gift” replied Kyuhyun,smiling truly.

Yesung once again chuckled at his response.In that moment he was grateful for the maknae’s attempt at comfort.When he fell he panicked.The only thoughts running through his mind in that split second was that he did it again.He had another epic fail.He disappointed the fans and gave antis more ammunition to point out how unprofessional Super Junior was.He hated to be the one to cause Super Junior pain,to cause them embarrassment.All he could think of was returning home and checking on the reports.To be honest, the pain he felt was ignored by him.The embarrassment was a lot more painful than the actual swollen joint. He wanted to check as soon as he entered into his room, but he was just so tired and his knee hurt like hell.He just wanted to sleep for a bit then he would check it.Instead he woke up to the strict maknae insisting that he rest.He finally got his opportunity when Kyuhyun went to get dinner, the laptop right there. He hated to think he disappointed the fans, but was happy to see they were just worried and concerned.ELFs always seemed to give him strength.Before he could really check on the anti sites though, Kyuhyun had returned and taken the laptop from him. 

In a way he was grateful that Kyuhyun took it away.He knew that antis would not be kind and he hated the fact that he gave them ammunition, but Kyuhyun was right.He really did have no control over the fall.The stage was wet and he did the best he could.He got up and continued even though his knee was painful.He continued the choreography through the pain.He just wanted to be good enough. He knew that Kyuhyun had not said anything exceptionally inspiring or comforting but he knew that was just the way Kyuhyun was.That was how he could express his concern, his support, his comfort.Yesung was really grateful to him. In a way Kyuhyun always understood him best. They were like North and South, a pull and a push.He could never really define their relationship and maybe he just didn't want to.All he knew was that he hoped that Kyuhyun would be near him always, in what form, he refused to consider.

“Thank you Kyuhyun ah”

“For what? Explaining to you that you falling on a wet stage and still continuing the choreo through obvious pain is nothing to be embarrassed about?” the maknae asked questioningly,with eyebrows raised, a smirk dancing on the corners of his mouth.

“When you put it that way, you make me seem dumb” Yesung complained, accompanied by a pout and once again downcast eyes.

“Well you kinda are”came the reply, mixed with the maknae’s loud laughter.

“Yah!! I am still your hyung” was Yesung's reply before he pushed himself closer to the maknae to smack him teasingly about the body, making both of them laugh heartily.Continuing on as Kyuhyun wanted immediate revenge, also pushed forward a bit to poke his hyung in the stomach, knowing the older man was extremely ticklish.Their mock fight continued for a few minutes, resulting in peals of laughter and both left panting.Finally settling down, Kyuhyun instructed Yesung to have his dinner and to go back to bed.This earning him a tease of “ Kill joy” but Yesung still complied.

Kyuhyun awoke sometime later.Rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes, he realized that he was on the bed next to Yesung who was wrapped in his blankets, turtle plushie firmly with his gasped as he slept peacefully.Kyuhyun remembered sitting beside him on his bed talking about random things, then telling him to sleep.He must of fell asleep as well, he realized.It was not morning yet, judging my the light moonlight seeping in. Leaning back down, he glanced at the sleeping man beside him.

At some point in his life,that weird hyung of his became something special, someone special.He knew that he was extremely fond of him, even if he did not know how to,or often expressed as such.They bickered and teased, but both knew even if it was never said, that they cared…cared so much.Honestly, he did not know what their relationship was exactly.They were everything, yet nothing.As much as he wished to deny it, he knew those “one of those things”, needed addressing, and was not nearly as simple as he was trying to convince himself they were.Whatever it was, he did not know and frankly did not care to find out.He was satisfied just to be near him,to be part of his life.He was satisfied that Yesung was his hyung  and for now that was all that mattered. Looking over fondly at the man of his thoughts once more,he decided that he was far to comfortable to go to his own bed, ignoring the little voice that teasingly suggested that his comfort came from the fact that he was next to him.Ignored it, he did, as he closed his eyes and returned to sleep.

A/N : Take it as you will :) Please do comment and let me know if I am embarrassing myself pretending to be a writer.It would be greatly appreciated.Thanks :)




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392 streak #1
Chapter 1: That yewon scene tho! Lol! Kyuhyun was so damn jealous hahahaha
Chapter 1: Kyu who starts to realize that Yesung has occupied some part of his mind.
And Yesung who wishes to be some part of Kyu's mind.
These two 💙❤️
Chapter 1: great story
Chapter 1: Write more please! >...< I love it
Chapter 1: Write more please! >...< I love it
Chapter 1: HIS hyung! That possessiveness and jealousy against YeWon! Hahahahahahaha
Cenya14 #7
Chapter 1: Cute story, I like kyuhyun taking care of Yesung with a loving yet demanding way
Chapter 1: The way you write KyuSung is so precious. <3
I love how you put more emphasis into the relationship these two have mentally, rather than physically.
Wahhh~ how could anyone hate 'Sungie? ;-; I'm glad Kyu is there to hold and comfort him, keke. :3
Chapter 1: Yesung's whole why is Kyuhyun in charge!? whine was just too freakin funny XD. And nurse Kyu! Awwww, just awww, you don't find too many fics like this. I love it <3. Don't worry Yesung, Kyu will always take care of you... after annoying you : P. Concerned Kyu is always the best, and the fact that Yesung consistently complains that he's the hyung but ends up sounding like a child is hilarious. I enjoyed every minute of this, thank you midnight! ^_^