
Passacaglia Soli



"But Wheen--"

"I swear, if you say one more word I'm going to throw you against a stake."

For once the sound of the idle noise of the unfamiliar environment reached her ears. 

"Finally you're quiet. Now--"

"Why are they all so hot??"

"Oh my ....."

Out of all the places that they thought they would be taken to a coffee shop wasn't one of them. From the way Yongsun and Hyejin were talking as they made their way out of the dense protective forest both Wheein and Byul were under the impression that they were going to one of those explicit parties. Parties that, according to their vampire fellows, were full of infidelity and other crass, abhorrent, vile acts. Something that was also disproven but old held beliefs die hard and it will take more than a generation to break those beliefs. 

So here they were. In the back of a quaint coffee shop huddled together as if they were stranded out in sea. Both had a coffee in hand that was left untouched as they grew accustomed to their surroundings. But most importantly, as they grew accustomed to other Werebeasts. 

According to Hyejin, the coffee shop that they currently occupy belongs to one of the elders from a well known bear family. Which would explain the interior design choices. As creatures of the night and of the underground, this shop is nothing like they've ever seen. It was warm despite the open windows and door. Everything about the space seemed to be molded by the earth. The chairs were rustic with obvious wear. The bar-like area had an elegantly carved façade of a forest occupied by all sorts of creatures. From wolves to bears to the mystical phoenix and dragons. The light was low and it gave the shop a more mystical quality. As if the shop was just a rest stop for the weary traveler on a journey to nowhere. 

Despite the air around them buzzing with comforting familiarity, it was foreign to them. As soon as they got their drinks, both Yongsun and Hyejin left them alone as they were both called upon by different Werebeasts. Even as they stuck out like pale thumbs, no one paid them any mind. As if vampires were a normal presence. Or maybe they were deemed non threatening. Which could be the case as Byul was clearly eyeing every single Werebeast in the room. 

"We're finally back in the surface world, freely and safely mingling with creatures that were once deemed our eternal enemies, and all you can do is ogle??" Wheein hissed in Byul's ear. The coffee in her hand was cooling and as much as she wanted to take a sip she couldn't help but be flabbergasted by Byul's reaction.

"But do you blame me? It's like you said, this is the first time we've been back up here in years and for once we don't have to worry about anything!" Byul countered. 

"We have to worry about appearances! Not making a good first impression if you're up here checking out every Werebeast in this room and the next day you have a girlfriend," Wheein said with a sarcastic air quote at the word girlfriend. 

"Won't that make it more believable anyway? I mean, it will show that I already had an interest in intermingling." Byul said with a satisfied huff. As if she won the war and not the battle.

"Byul, I swear--"

"Are you two just gonna cower in that corner all night or are you actually going to talk to some folk?" A husky voice interrupted.

Byul jumped while Wheein let out a small yelp. Despite being in an environment that would be to their advantage, they were still surprised by Hyejin. That was twice so far that she had managed to escape their radar. 

"Talk to who?" Byul asked.

"We all know about the upcoming alliance thingy so we expected at least one of your kind to show up here," Hyejin loosely shrugged with an air of whim. As if this situation was a normal occurrence and everything wasn't an important event or history in the making. 

"That still doesn't answer the question," Byul pressed as she glanced around. Besides the obvious Werebeasts, there were also normal humans as well in this cafe. In fact, it was the humans that came and went like an unspoken flow. Fleeting, just like their lives. 

"It doesn't matter who. We don't care much for political power, we care about social power," Yongsun's voice cut through like a cold knife. Her cup of coffee was replaced by a tall boy given to her by one of those she's familiar with, "If you can't be friendly and helpful then what's the point in having you?"

"If you don't care much for political power then why this political play then?" Wheein questioned. She took a sip of her coffee and briefly enjoyed the new sensation. The coffee was still warm enough that it was like coming home to an open fireplace and waiting for a nice moment with loved ones. A home in a lush forest near a coast line where the sun shone brightly and with an intensity that everything seemed perfect. Such a vivid picture flashed in her mind that she shivered. It was the looking glass again, tempting her with the what-ifs. 

"How else would an alliance come to fruition without compromise?" Yongsun answered. Her attention was entirely on Wheein. The eyes of azure sparkled so fiercely that Hyejin sighed with a small shake of her head. It was obvious who Yongsun was more interested in, but, as their unspoken bet dictates, there can be only one.

"So is this a test to see if we're socially adept? Us? Creatures of the night and underground who have very little dealings with the outside world? Creatures that seldom look above ground except for a select few? Us us??" Byul's doubt and suspicion was clear. 

Silence surrounded them again as the world around them kept buzzing. Yong's eyes glued on Wheein's demeanor. Byul glaring at Yong, expecting some sort of terrible explanation. Wheein focusing on nothing except trying to find the logic that escapes her and trying not to breathe too deeply as she couldn't get enough of Hyejin's scent. And Hyejin herself, looking between all three before bursting into laughter. Catching the attention of the nearest patrons. But as soon as they saw it was Hyejin, they all chuckled as well before turning their attention elsewhere. 

"Aren't we overthinking this? We can think about it all we want but what does it really matter?" Hyejin asked with glee in her eyes. Such a spark drew Wheein in closer with fascination. How can anyone be so carefree about a historic event? 

"What does it matter? Our future, that's what!" Wheein couldn't help but counter. Hyejin's proposal was enticing and engaging enough that she felt compelled to show the flawed logic behind everything like a deranged conspiracy theorist.

"Oh here we go....." Byul sighed as she slowly started to back away. She knows how Wheein can get when logic is being ignored. 

Yong raised a brow in curiosity. She knew there was something about Wheein that was enticing and she was about to witness it. But she also knows Hyejin. Finally, she'll see what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object. 

"And what is our future, if you don't mind me asking?" Hyejin's smile curved into a cheshire's grin and her yellow eyes sparkled with delight. The lion has caught it's prey. 

"Our future of finally moving on from years of hiding." Wheein met Hyejin's gaze. A chance to showcase a sense of logic in a highly illogical situation. Forcing a reason out of nothing.

"Pfft, hiding? That's all you have to look forward to? Look at how easy it was getting up here though? Didn't you find it strange that despite being banned from coming up to the surface that there were not tighter security measures?" Hyejin stepped closer toward Wheein. Her gaze was burning and unyielding. 

"You know, I thought Hyejin would be a lot calmer," Byul whispered to Yongsun. She never thought she would witness the day she would see someone match Wheein's intensity in such an opposite fashion. 

"She only gets like this with people she's interested in. It's a game to her, ultimately," Yong sighed. She hoped that Wheein would be one of the few that would not be lured in by Hyejin but alas. Looks like she’s losing this bet.

"A game huh..." Byul muttered as she kept staring at Hyejin. Noting how close the two were, "Tell me, Yongsun....How far do these games go?"

For once, Byul's tone caught Yong's attention. The almost annoying charm in her voice vanished and was replaced with calculation. For once, Yong glanced at Byul and paid heed. She had to admit, there was a certain charm to Byul. An annoying charm, but a charm nonetheless, but it wasn't anything like Wheein's. It's why Yong was able to ignore Byul so easily. But this.....This was different. Byul's normal charm vanished and in its place was her vampiric lineage. Byul's eyes were focused on Hyejin and on any little movement, whether it be a breath or a blink, none went unobserved under Byul's intense gaze. Her face was once warm and welcoming was replaced with cruel calculation. As if her mind was racing with all sorts of possibilities in case this interaction turned sour. 

"So there is a serious side of you," Yongsun observed out loud. She figured Wheein would be the more interesting one since she's a dhampir, but Byul seems to have more secrets than the average true vampire. Or maybe Yong's knowledge about vampires is just as obsolete as the knowledge vampires have about them. Either way, Byul finally piqued her interest. 

"I wouldn't have made it this far if I wasn't serious every now and then," Byul's voice held a hint of jest while her eyes raged. Hyejin stepped closer to Wheein and Yong saw how Byul's eyes narrowed.

"All you had to do was hide for centuries while we had to run and hope we see tomorrow. So this," Hyejin gestured at all four of them, "Historic event ultimately changes nothing for our kind."

Wheein's breath hitched. She finally noticed just how close Hyejin was and how her scent was enveloping her. Floral with a hint of spice in the back. Was it perfume or just Hyejin's natural smell? 

"But does it not give more security? More resources to right the wrongs of centuries ago?" Wheein pushed through the allure and looked Hyejin in the eye. As she looked at the burning yellow eyes, she couldn't help but want to swim in them even if it meant burning alive. Everything about Hyejin is dangerously alluring. She couldn't help but follow the bait.

"Does it though? Did you even read the actual accords or were you just told?" Hyejin asked with a small tilt of her head. 

"I--" Wheein paused. Hyejin was right. She never took the time to read all of the accords and instead just took what she was told at face value. 

"Oi," Byul's voice interrupted them as she placed a calculating hand on Hyejin's shoulder. Byul's grip was light but the power they held was unmistakable. For once, Hyejin felt a twinge of fear, "Weren't we here to have fun? What happened to that?"

Yong couldn't help but chuckle. It's rare for Hyejin to get spooked by anyone else but her. But she can't deny that Byul was frightening. The way she gripped Hyejin's shoulder with a smile on her face while her eyes screamed murder....Yeah, Byul was scary when she wanted to be. 

"Debate can be done later," Yong said as she guided Hyejin away from Wheein, "Besides, what's done is done. We can debate all we want but we don't hold the power to actually change anything if we wanted to. We're just pawns." 

"Pawns who need to have fun!" Byul exclaimed. Her cold demeanor vanished and her annoying charm resurfaced again. Yong couldn't help but scowl. Cold Byul was more fascinating than whatever this Byul is. 

Wheein felt tension vanish from her body at the change of topic and mood. But the twang of despair was still there. She wanted to keep talking to Hyejin even if it was just a one sided debate. She wanted to hear Hyejin's voice and to keep Hyejin's attention all to herself even if it meant losing an argument. But why? Not even Wheein could understand her own thoughts. Interpret? Yes. Understand? No. 

"Hah! You're right," Hyejin chuckled before looking at Wheein with an apologetic smile, "Sorry about that. Can we still have fun together?"

Hyejin held out her hand to Wheein as a peace offering. Wheein looked at Hyejin's soft, manicured hands and saw the calluses. Yes, everything about Hyejin is enticing and as much as she wants to reject it due to how illogical it is being infatuated with someone you just met, she can't help it. Hyejin was a simple enigma.

"Yea....let's have fun." Wheein said as she grabbed the hand that changed everything.


" could you..." Her mother's voice was strained as the hand that held the blood wine shook. 

"Mother I--" Wheein started before she backed down again. Her sin was too much. 

"Getting involved with them right when your sister was making progress with the Kims...." A hollow laugh escaped from the stoic mask, "I made a promise to your mother and I intend to keep it."

Wheein cowered. She didn't mean for it to happen. For once, just once, she just wanted the freedom to love freely without consequence. But no. The massacre happened before she could recognize the signs. Before she could warn them. Before she could warn Hyejin. 

Footsteps echoed in the room as her mother gilded towards her small form. Stopping only to analyze Wheein before leaning down and gently caressing a cheek.

"Oh darling....It's not wrong to love," Wheein's mother wiped stray tears with her thumb, "But logic and love aren't aligned. Logic can lead to love but love can't lead to logic."

Wheein's sobs finally broke through as pain ran throughout her body. 

"Mother....." Wheein whimpered. She just wanted this pain to go away. She just wanted Hyejin back. 

"Wheein, you've stayed here too long. As such your judgment has become clouded and misguided," Wheein's mother's voice was direct as she cradled Wheein against her chest, "You need to go."

"Wh-what?" Wheein leaned back just enough to peer into the dark void of the mask's eyes.

"You're not a vampire. As such, you need not live like one. It's how this folly came to be...." Her mother said with a twinge of sadness, "I promised your mother to take care of you but I've neglected to consider what that actually meant. I was so lost in the bigger picture that I ignored the smaller pictures that make the grand scheme."

"What are you talking about? You have taken care of me!" Wheein exclaimed.

"Oh Wheein....If I had properly taken care of you then this would have never happened. All of those lives....all of that blood......wouldn't have been on your hands," Wheein's mother said as she finally stood back up. 


"Wheein.....I kept you here for so long that even I forgot you were also part human............Part human and yet you don't even know your own be fooled so easily...."Wheein's mother sighed again.

"So what is my punishment?" Wheein meekly asked as her body went limp with fatigue. She wanted to cry and rage more but her body was physically drained. 

"The majority vote called for execution,” Wheein’s mother glided towards the bookshelf and entered the code by sliding a few books around. 

The hidden door opened with a grumble and with dust filling the room.

“What are you doing??” Wheein finally understands what her mother meant.

“Your younger sisters already went through and scattered various supplies throughout the tunnel,” Wheein’s mother said as she patted some dust off her cloak, “Everything you need to start your journey will be here.”

Even as she beckoned Wheein forth, Wheein remained frozen. 


After what she had done.

After what she had failed to do.

She deserves nothing but death. There is no way to redeem herself. 

“Wheein, come.”

Out of habit, Wheein obeyed the command.

“Byul will be waiting for you at the end. Just make sure you pick up everything,” The elder vampire gently guided Wheein towards the open door.

“Wait, mother!” Wheein tried to fight back. She knows it’s futile but she has to. She needs to face her punishment. 


Her mother’s voice was so soft that Wheein stopped squirming and looked at the imposing figure that was her mother. Despite how emotionless the mask was, Wheein knows what her mother is feeling. The pain was mutual.

“Wheein, darling, I promised your mother to take care of you….” The same answer came as  hands caressed Wheein’s cheeks again.

“Then why not let me face my punishment?” Wheein countered. She knows it’s futile but she tries anyway. There’s no way that escaping execution would end well for her family. 

“Because the execution was pushed by the vampiric families. How is it just when those that haven’t been wronged decide? The Ahns & Kims wanted to speak with you about the matter of punishment but they were denied. Tell me, would you rather die by those who had nothing to lose? By those who receive nothing from this so-called justice?” There was a hint of rage behind the calm delivery.

Wheein chewed her lip. She was ready to accept her punishment but the fact that it was chosen by those that had not been wronged? No, she has no reason to repent to the vampires.

“But what about you?” Wheein asked in a small voice. For once, she feared for her mother’s safety. Her mother was powerful but what about her sisters? What will happen to them?

“Wheein….” The softness was back as the hands pulled back to remove the mask. 

Wheein stared in fascination as she finally saw the face of the vampire who raised her. 

 “Wheein, you deserve to love and to be loved. You deserve to experience the world as it is now. You deserve to live as you see fit and to be punished in a just manner. It’s obvious something is afoot.”

Wheein continued to stare.

“Darling, it’s rude to stare,” Wheein’s mother chuckled and patted Wheein’s head as she gently pushed Wheein towards the tunnel once again.

“But mother---” Wheein started to protest again.

“Don’t you ‘but’ me, young lady!” Wheein’s mother chastised, “I know how to deal with pissy vampires so the family will be fine. So, get out there and while you’re at it….”

Wheein’s mother gave Wheein one final push into the tunnel and gave her one last wink.

“Give Hyejin my blessing.”

The door closed with a solid thunk and there was only one thought in Wheein’s mind.

How did she get here?

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I know it's short but had to stop the muse before it became too long so this is to just hold ya over till the next big update :>


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Daebak_Janggu #1
Chapter 6: Glad you're back! :D
Daebak_Janggu #2
Chapter 6: Glad you're back! :D
Hwaliondweeb #3
Chapter 5: Omg!! An update!! I’ve been waiting for this!!
Chapter 5: Wheein is so charming i really can’t blame them
Daebak_Janggu #5
Chapter 5: I just discovered this fic, what an interesting story, can't wait to read more! I'm looking forward for your updates now
Chapter 5: Yessss!!! Welcome back!! I really love this story. Hope you can write more often
Astrae_17 #7
Chapter 4: This was a really good re-read! I would love to read more of this if you decide to come back to this!
Hwaliondweeb #8
Chapter 4: This story is interesting! I want more of this author-nim. 🤗
Astrae_17 #9
Chapter 4: I love the ending of this chapter XD

Thank you for the chapter! I really enjoyed reading it! I can't wait for the next chapter!
manzakine #10
Chapter 4: YESSSSSSS! i love this story so much im glad you're back