I Know

I Know

Soobin knew. Of course he knew. But he wasn’t going to act on it just yet, it would be no fun otherwise.

Yeonjun was apparently set on calling him ‘Soobinie' and as normal as it was for Yeonjun to be affectionate and to give nicknames to everyone, Soobin knew that it was different when it came to him. Yeonjun had a big soft spot for him. In fact, Soobin was 99% sure that his hyung was crushing on him. The last 1% was just for safety, a kind of lifebelt. When Soobin got too delusional, when he felt himself get too hopeful and excited, he reminded himself of that 1%. Maybe he had been reading too much into it, maybe he had imagined it when Yeonjun winked at him the other day, maybe Yeonjun just liked to , maybe he wasn’t aware that he was openly flirting with him.

Because, yes, Yeonjun was smart but he was so oblivious! Soobin and him have been friends for 5 years and Soobin's been trying to get him to notice his feelings for almost 3 years now. But Yeonjun's obliviousness was one of the many charms that made Soobin fall for him. Along with his bubbly and positive personality, his carefreeness, his confidence. There were other little things too, more precious things in Soobin's eyes that made him fall for Yeonjun. His little laugh when he was embarrassed but also the way he laughed out loud when he found something genuinely funny. His little lisp that happened when he got too excited or when he acted cute. How he got mad when they were playing a game and he wasn’t winning. His little frown when he was deep in thought or found something difficult or unfair. All those little details that drove Soobin crazy and made him fall more in love with Yeonjun day after day. But what Soobin loved the most was the way Yeonjun said his name. Like it was the most precious thing for him.

That’s why his doubts were only 1%. There was no way Yeonjun didn’t like him at least a little bit. Yes, Yeonjun was oblivious but Soobin wasn’t. Yeonjun was overly affectionate with him, there was no denying it and everyone could see that. ‘Hyung, you have to do something soon because I’m getting uncomfortable seeing him chasing you while knowing that you know he likes you. Please, put an end to his suffering before I do' was what Hueningkai had told Soobin.

If only Huening had known how right he had been! Soobin was planning on confessing to Yeonjun.

The older had been stuck to Soobin the whole day. Of course, Soobin wasn’t complaining but he was pitying their friends. They were all so done with Yeonjun's flirting it was a bit fun to watch but also kinda painful. Anyway, Yeonjun had been following Soobin around the whole day, throwing compliments here and there, initiating skin ship every time he could. He’d been bold, Soobin had to admit, but he liked a good challenge and Soobin was a confident gay... sometimes. This moment was one of them.

They were all sitting in Taehyun's house's living room, getting ready to watch the movie when Soobin stood up.

“I’m gonna get the popcorn ready, okay? Yeonjunie hyung, can you come with me, pretty please?” he asked, acting cute just in case Yeonjun was too lazy to move – but also because he loved seeing Yeonjun blush.

“O-of course Soobinie.” The older replied, immediately following him to the kitchen.

The kitchen was overlooked to the living room but there was one corner where you couldn’t be seen at all from the other room. By chance, that was where the microwave was placed. Soobin made his way there, put the pack of popcorn in and when he felt Yeonjun right behind him, he turned around, gently taking the older by his shoulders and making him lean on the wall.

“S-soobinie? What are you doing?” He asked, caught off guard.

“Hyung...” Soobin began, his voice as soft as honey. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for quite some time now, you know. It’s been hard on me.”

Yeonjun had the audacity to look worried, Soobin wondered how he had not kissed him yet. He was pouting and looked so adorable, Soobin was ready to eat him whole.

“You know you can tell me anything Soobin-ah.”

‘Ugh, there it is, what I was afraid of. He’s being serious.’ Thought Soobin.

“Don’t worry, hyung, it’s nothing bad I promise. It’s just...” he put his right hand on Yeonjun's left cheek, caressing him before letting it fall down to his chin, tilting his head up and getting so close to his face that if he leaned a little closer, they'd be kissing. “I love you.” He whispered.

He heard Yeonjun's breath hitch, saw his eyes lose focus, his body beginning to tremble and he knew he had done it. Soobin brushed his lips on Yeonjun's and when he felt him chase after him, just pressed their lips together.

What a wonderful feeling it was, even in his wildest dreams Soobin never thought it would be this good to kiss Yeonjun. His lips were so soft and was that cherry he could taste? He felt Yeonjun's hands make their way around his neck and he placed his on the older's waist, bringing their bodies together. They had never been closer and as they kept kissing, tongues slowly exploring the other's mouth, Soobin felt his body grow hot and his pants tightening. He had to stop but it felt so good and Yeonjun had just whined, how was he supposed to? Oh yes, breathing was necessary and he felt his lungs burning from lack of air. Finally, not really knowing how, they broke apart, both breathing heavily. Soobin opened his eyes (when had he closed them?) and took his time admiring Yeonjun's features. He still had his eyes closed and his whole face was red, his soft lips were all pink and swollen, glistening with spit but Soobin was sure he had never looked so beautiful. When Yeonjun’s eyes finally fluttered open, the popcorn was ready. Soobin smiled at him, kissed his forehead and took the popcorn out of the microwave. He was about to go back to the living room to give Yeonjun time to wrap his head around what happened when the older held him back.

“I love you too, Soobinie.” He whispered loud enough for only Soobin to hear.

“I know, hyungie.” Soobin replied, making his way to the living room, leaving a flushed Yeonjun in the kitchen.

And if the others knew what happened while they waited for the popcorn, they didn’t say a word because the way Yeonjun plopped on Soobin’s lap to kiss him later in the evening was enough to confirm their suspicions.

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