Chapter 23

Second Time's A Charm
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My head was throbbing painfully which prompted me to wake up from my sleep. I felt so sluggish as I stretched my arms. My arm bumped into something beside me, thinking that it was Ruby, I turned to face my dog. My eyes widened in shock as I found out that the one beside me was in no way a dog. 

It was Joong Ki. He looked peaceful as he heavily slept on my bed. I frantically looked under the covers, exhaling in relief that I'm still wearing my clothes from last night. My eyes wandered to him who was also fully clothed. 

What happened?!

I sat in my bed trying to think back on last night's events but my last memory was of me drinking with Joong Ki, Kwang Soo, Ah In, and Hyung Sik as we chatted about Hyung Sik's relationship with Park Bo Young. 

A wave of headache and nausea hit me as I tried harder to recall my memories. I massaged my temples in frustration. 

Song Hye Kyo, you really need to stop drinking past your limit!!

I notice Joong Ki stirring from his sleep, his eyes slowly opening as they landed on me. I tried to compose myself as I turned to him. He propped himself up on his elbows as he sat on the bed.

"Good morning." He smirked at me after he yawned. 

"Wha...what...what are you doing here?" I stammered as I clutch the blanket close to my chest. 

He arched his eyebrows at me. "You don't remember?" 

I shook my head as I stared at him. He had this y smile playing on his lips. 

"That's a waste. Last night was fun." He winked at me as he stood up from the bed.

"Yah!" I exclaimed, throwing a pillow at him "Don't lie! We're wearing clothes so nothing must've happened." 

Joong Ki smirked as he leaned towards me. "We could've worn our clothes again after." 

My mouth fell open in annoyance as I reached for the pillow on my bed. I aimed to hit Joong Ki on the head but to add to my frustration, he had swiftly dodged it and laughed at me. 

"I'm joking. I'm sorry." He said in between laughs. "Nothing happened. I was about to leave but you clinged on me all night so I just decided to sleep here."

I tried to remember even an inkling of what Joong Ki was saying but none comes to mind. I sat there with a confused look on my face.

Joong Ki looked at me with exhasperation. "You really shouldn't drink with other men." 

He continued to grumble and lecture me as the both of us walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

"Do you have any hangover medicine here?" He asked. 

I nodded to him. "Inside the fridge." 

Joong Ki took out two bottles of the medicine and handed one to me as he downed the other bottle.

"So what happened?" I asked him. 

"Well, no surprise but you got drunk. AGAIN. Just hours after you announced you would never get drunk again." He said as he shook his head at me. 

I lowered my head in embarrassment. "Sorry." 

"Seriously, putting you on a drinking ban is probably the best thing for you." He sighed. 

"It's not that bad. And besides, it's not like I'm an alcoholic. I was just having fun with friends and you were there so I'm confident that nothing would happen to me." I said to him, 

"It is bad. You never remember anything." He continued to scold. 

"Sorry." I mumbled again, having no retort to that. 

"Don't you dare drink with other men." Joong Ki said as he gave me a side glare. I cowered in my seat a little as I gave him a small nod. 

He was still sternly looking at me as he took his phone out of his pockets. "Do you want Seolleongtang (Ox Bone Soup)?" 

I grinned at him as I raised my head and nodded. "Yes!" 

"You sure do change your mood when food is involved." He clicked his tongue at me as he proceeded to order food.

After about 30 minutes, the doorbell to my apartment rang. Indicating that our food delivery is here. 

Joong Ki walked towards the door as I excitedly prepared the plates, glasses, and utensils that we would be using. He came back with two huge plastic bags and I instinctively grinned widely.

As we both ate, Joong Ki and I engaged in conversation, totally forgetting how awkward it was this morning. All of the embarrassment I felt was now gone as I happily sat in front of him, eating. 

After lunch, Joong Ki and I decided to hang out at my house for the rest of the day. We spent our time just lazing around and watching movies that we missed out on seeing together in the past three years that we were apart. I stared at Joong Ki as he concentrated on the 3rd movie playing on the tv in my living room. One thought had been prevalent in me throughout the day; I'm definitely at my happiest. 

I had been so scared when I first started figuring out my feelings for Joong Ki, but now that ample time has passed and that we've spent so much of our time together, all those worries seemed ridiculous to me now. My manager was right, if I had settled for contenment instead of following my heart and my feelings, I wouldn't be this happy. I'm glad I made that decision that day. 

At around 7pm, Joong Ki had received a call from his manager asking about if he's home since he was going to drop off some important documents from the agency to his house. It saddened me to hear Joong Ki say that he's going home after he hung up, but we weren't really left with any other choice so I just pushed a smile as I nodded at him. 

"Oh wait." I said, quickly running to my walk-in closet and fetching the large paper bag that I have prepared a few days ago. 

"Here." I said, handing the bag to Joong Ki.

"What's this?" He looked a little confused as he peeked inside the contents of the bag.

"Those are for your mom." I smiled. As I had promised Joong Ki, I collected all the Sulwhasoo products that I had in stock at my house as a gift to Joong Ki's mother. 

"Thanks. She'll definitely love this." He smiled as he put his shoes on. 

 Joong Ki leaned in to kiss me on the cheek, surprising me.

"What's that for?" I said, startled as I held my cheek.

"Payback for last time." He winked as he walked out of the door, quickly managing a 'See you tomorrow!' before I could probably protest because of the kiss. 

I went back inside my house, feeling elated, and ecstatic at how things are between me and Joong Ki. 

I sat in my living room as I adjusted myself to the silence that came after he left. It felt lonely and cold. I missed Joong Ki as soon as he left, but he had important things to do so I can only sigh in disappointment by myself.



It was time to be back on set and I was as excited as ever. 

"People would think you're such a workaholic at how happy you look walking into set." My manager commented.

"But I am happy to work." I said, still grinning.

"You can't fool me. I know you're happy because Song Hye Kyo-ssi is here." He muttered as he walked in front of me, not giving me a chance to reply.

My manager was still pissed at me since I admitted to him that I had accidentally slept over at Hye Kyo's the night after we went drinking at TMI when he came over to my house last night ahead of me. I couldn't think of any excuse at the top of my head as I saw him waiting inside my home when I arrived so I just fe

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Kirtijain #1
Chapter 49: thank and happy new year
Song_Kikyo #2
Chapter 49: thank you so much and happy new year
Song_Kikyo #3
Chapter 46: Thank you and happy New year:)
Vangie1022 #4
Chapter 45: Just continue the story to the very end. It is a ganfiction anyway. Oftentimes fiction like dreams is way better than reality
sabelsantos #5
Chapter 45: Yes pleaseeee, we wanted to read the remaining chapters and i am also curious on what would be the ending of their story... whatever it is i know it would be great and worth it to read. Merry Christmas and have a great new year ahead :)
Kirtijain #6
Chapter 45: plss continue although it hurts but plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss continue
Song_Kikyo #7
Chapter 45: yes please
Song_Kikyo #8
Chapter 43: Merry Christmas
Song_Kikyo #9
Chapter 1: I suggest to put a small/big fight or a jealousy between them eheheheh
Song_Kikyo #10
Chapter 43: thanks :) waiting