lf dom fwb 3 maybe strings attached?


this is so embarrassing but im just looking for someone to give me friendship & attention cus im lonely and needy and always :((


first of all mdni !

im looking for a friend who i can maybe t with from time to time. im rly lonely and having a friend to talk to and maybe watch movies with n stuff would be awesome <3 im open to phone too heh..

im looking for or male fcs <3 im a genderqueer afab so i have a .. i hope thats okay with you.

im also rly clingy and its easy for me to grow attached so if you're not into that then 3

if you do fcs n stuff i either do soobin from txt or sophie lin.

um im on discord mostly but i can also do kkt. just pm me with your id and i'll hit u up! i promise im not as annoying as i sound here im actually funny n stuff djdnjjd


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