
A Warm Breeze
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Yujin stares at the paper that was handed to her by the woman behind the desk with a striped suit and a pair of round glasses.




"I'll be sure to let the student council know about your hair, just so you won't receive any penalty…. Also, Ms. Kim should be waiting for you outside." The lady directs her gaze towards the door.




Yujin then nods and bids goodbye, as she bows to thank the principal before closing the door behind her. 




Yujin isn't good with directions, that's been her problem since she was a kid. She was scratching her head trying to figure out where to find this Ms Kim to help her, when she spotted a student with what looked like white highlights visible from the middle to the tip of her hair strands, panting looking at her back.




"Uhh.. Hi.." Yujin carefully greets her.




She sees the girl just stare at her a bit funny, eyebrows slightly furrowed and all. Hands still on her knees. She's never really one to approach people, but if she wants to prevent herself from getting lost around this huge campus, she needs this tour.




"Ms Kim?" Yujin timidly asks, eyes all over the place but the said girl's eyes. She then notices the strange girl's eyes wide open with agape. Slowly standing upright.




"Me?" The girl with highlights points to herself, her wide eyes giving away a confused expression. 




"Sorry. You're not the Kim the principal was talking about?” Yujin slightly waves the piece in her hand.




"Oh, I'm sorry. Can I see the paper?”




Yujin stretches her hand out to give it to her, but she only reads its contents off of the paper, while it's still in her hands.




"Ahn... Yujin," she slowly says, while squinting her eyes a bit. 




"Kim Minju!" Minju gives her a big smile, but Yujin only bows her head to acknowledge her.




"Class 3-1. Alright, follow me. Your class should be starting now."




Yujin only follows the slightly shorter girl to her class. 




Yujin had just made her way out of the building, when Minju looked back prolly checking, if she's still on her tail. 




The sun was up and glaring, and judging where Minju was headed they'll have to cross a part of the field to save some travel time, compared to using the shaded walkway. 




Yujin, not wanting the girl to wait, hurried and nearly stumbled down the small flight of stairs. 




When she is outside, she sees her stare at her hair. 




"Did you dye your hair? It's against school rules.” Yujin normally hears this question due to her dark black hair that sports an obvious bluish hue under bright lights.




"It's my natural hair. My parents had notified the school's head." Yujin normally hates having to explain herself, but she wants to ask about Minju's hair too.




"How about yours? Are highlights allowed?” she sees Minju's expression fall for a second before she snorts and grabs the tips of her hair.




"Oh. I just think it's cool defying laws." She says, and Yujin simply nods not completely understanding the other girl’s logic. 




Silence engulfs the two of them as they climb up the stairs.




The trip ends the moment she sees the white sign board that indicates what class occupies the room.




"We're here. Enjoy!” Yujin again, only bows her head before knocking on the door. 




After she sees the teacher spot her, she looks back to where Minju is and finds no one there. Thinking she left for her own class, she shrugs and heads inside.




"Okay, attention! This is your new classmate, she'll be with us for this year's second semester."




The teacher stepped back, telling her to introduce herself. 




"Hi, I'm Ahn Yujin..18." She stands still at the familiar cold atmosphere after keeping her introduction short.




After what seemed like an entire whole day, she hears the teacher clear .




"Okay! You may choose to sit anywhere vacant." Yujin again bows to the teacher and heads straight to the desk at the back of the room, aching to have a space of her own.




Both periods ended much to Yujin's dismay. Not that she paid attention to class but she was reading the upcoming lessons instead.




Lunch came by quickly despite Yujin dreading the thought of the cafeteria and having to deal with curious eyes.




Her mother left this morning in a hurry, she forgot to pack her a meal for lunch. So she bought a roll of kimbap and juice, hoping to find a quiet place to finish her food. 




As Yujin waded her way around a few students loitering the hallways, she spotted Minju just near the field waving her hand. 




She looks around to check who she's waving at, when she looks back, Minju points at her, jumping into view, above a group of students' heads passing between in front of her, her wavy hair dancing to each bounce. 




Despite wanting to be alone, she finds herself walking towards Minju who only flashes her a smile.




Minju then leads her to a tree-shaded space at the corner of the school's property. 




They both sit, facing the admin building, So, they could at least see a few students play around the field.




Yujin takes out her kimbap from the plastic bag and places the bag underneath the food, in between where they both sat.




She noticed Minju isn't eating nor is she even taking out a meal of her own. So without saying anything, Yujin slightly pushes the kimbap towards Minju.




But Minju only smiles as she shakes her head. "It's okay I ate during class," Yujin nods and looks away munching on her food.




Her meal time was peaceful despite having company. She even answers a few close ended questions thrown her way, mostly by nodding and shaking head whenever is full.




Both were engulfed in silence. Yujin looks up and sees a few students looking at them weirdly as they pass by.




Yujin looks away and stares at the sliced kimbap roll, trying to shake off her growing anxiety. 




Having people stare at her isn't new, as she knows it's because of her hair. Normally people approach her because of the same reason, but just because it always happens, doesn't mean she's used to it. All the staring still makes her uncomfortable. 




Yujin never really liked the attention. In fact, Yujin never liked socializing. She always feels her energy get drained whenever she is forced to step out of her box. Which is why Yujin wonders why she doesn't feel the same with Minju around. 




The girl was not much of the quiet type, even at first glance. She even has a bit of an intrusive vibe.




While Yujin's thoughts are flying, Minju speaks up.




"Mind if I ask you something?”




Yujin almost laughs at the timing, but only shakes her head softly, as she manages to compose herself. She takes the last bite of what's left of her lunch.




"Is there a reason why you moved in the middle of the semester?”




Yujin grabbed the juice that came with her food and took a few sips before saying, "Nothing interesting really. My dad just got a new job in town."




"Mmmh" Minju just slowly nods her head as she hums in understanding.




"What class are you in?" Now it is Yujin who asks the question.






"Oh, I'm from class 3-1,"  




"But I'm from class 3-1"




Yujin sees Minju slightly jump, before she laughs her head off. 




"--Sorry. I meant 3-3." Minju's laugh died down and Yujin could only stare in bewilderment.




"Let's go! We still have time left to walk around the school grounds."




Yujin stands up, dusting her skirt, carefully packs up her mess, and grabs her juice box, before she follows Minju.




They both pass by a trash bin where she throws away the foil, and the juice box after emptying out the contents. Making sure the trash is segregated properly. 






Minju led her to the field instead and climbed up to the highest step of the bleachers. 




Yujin got confused for a while since she thought they'd be walking around the school.




Minju sits first and pats the space next to her. Yujin just followed and sat down.




"Sorry. I don't feel like walking around today, so I'll only give you an overview." Minju gives her a sheepish smile.




"That right there," she points at the first small building they both first met. "... Is the admin building, but I bet you already know that haha" Yujin finds the other girl a bit weird, but she feels the corner of her lips stretch upwards.




"So, principal's office and where you pay the school fees and blah blah blah"

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Chapter 1: Oh my gadniss. Please continue this. I’m begging you. I’m on my knees 🧎🏽‍♀️
1756 streak #2
Chapter 1: wow! i like it!