LF : Some friends and fun >


I know i know, there are many ads on this but give me a chance so hello there! it has been a while so read up while you are here.


It has some time since i reopen this website but since i am back might as well make a good time out of it. Here are some few things about me!


About myself

  • I am but i don't mind talking as friends with minor as long as we have our boundaries set. 
  • I am a + gmt but have a ed up sleeping schedule. i can be awake at oddly times and asleep in hibernation
  • I have no preference with the FCs used as long as they arent problematic. I am open to cpdps as well ( I mostly used girls FC such as dreamcatcher, Loona and sometimes Snsd )


  • Currently not looking for any relationship  and really not into the ya know seggy thingy ( Aual person here so i hope that dont throw you off )
  • LOVES LOVES watching dramas, animes and those telenovas. i wont mind spending time watching them! i am not a gamer but i am willing to sit down and listen to you if you ever want to talk about it!
  • You need a cuddle buddy ? i am always up for it. holding hands? why not i am always down to anything
  •  We can even make each other playlist if you ever want to! though my music taste may be bland but i would love to hear what you like 
  • Books its one of my favourite hobby. you can talk about it for days and i would just listen 
  • You can also send me the randomness of things and i wont bat an eye. a tiktok? sure. books recommendation? go ahead. memes ? i am always down 


- I think that is all i have now. I am again always up for anything and is always willing to explore it. i may seem a little dull but once our barrier is down. i can get super crazy! i have both a twt, discord and kkt. pick whichever you are comfortable and if you have any enquiry just drop me a dm along with whatever account you would be using.i will try to reply as fast as possible!


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