
Housemate Chronicles
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Episode 03



Sehun waits for her to melt into her trance of plastic peace because, haha, she'll never have real peace in this house as long as they coexist in this same space. It's exceptionally hot today so he has woken up early, all covered in layers of sweat. But nothing deters him from the confidence that surges through his veins, the state of determination that nothing could possibly diminish.


But the part of his scheme that he himself is afraid of is the portion where he releases the creepy animal onto her skin. He is both afraid of the spider and of course, Choi Haneul. If she catches him taking advantage of her closed eyes, she will surely find another way to punch him in the guts without actually doing it. When he had returned home with the spider in the glass container inside his pocket, Haneul was immersed in conversation with their male neighbor. From an objective point of view, the dude was quite handsome. Black hair curling up on his head. Sehun could only see the hair. Because he doesn't have his own anymore. Haneul pretended Sehun didn't exist but then the guy introduced himself on his own, giving him a very euphemised speech of how he was to not cause any trouble for Haneul. But this Seonghwa dude's warning has only fueled his anger and determination to make Haneul's stay with him a living hell.


Sehun waits for five more minutes. Just playing it safe. Haneul settles in a posture and he really loves this one a lot. That is why, he misses the timing while staring. It is only when she opens her eyes to change her posture that he is thrown off a little. He slaps his cheek, trying to get the unnecessary admiration of her body out of his head by assaulting his skin.


"Here," he brings the glass jar out of the confines of his arm, standing behind Haneul. He whispers, "You'll be a good boy."


The hideous set of eyes stare up at him. Sehun's body jerks in disgust. Baekhyun's colleague literally has a room where he stores these and feeds them and talks with them. Ew. Sehun can't imagine. It's hard to imagine even if he has seen the room with his own two eyes. Sehun touches the lid but retracts his hand soon after. Closing his eyes, he contemplates. Is this a good idea?


He shakes the thoughts off and starts a song. "Hakuna Matata yo," he whispers to himself to calm his nerves down. Songs keep him occupied and he can do literally anything when he is distracted by music, clean bathrooms, eat disgusting food, and release ugly little animals on Haneul's shoulder, etc. you name it. Sehun gulps, saying that same phrase again. He twists the lid open.


But then he twists it back after changing his mind. He can't really put a finger on it, about why he doesn't want the chaos to happen now. He needs to do a little more thinking is all he can come up with as an excuse. Sehun jumps when Haneul moves, altering position on her mat. For now, he lets it go. The nerves in his head calm down. Blood rushes to his cheeks as he realizes how affected he is by her appearance. This way, he won't be able to score any points against her. Sehun also wonders how she even closes her eyes when he is around her. Why is she so confident that he won't try to get her into some trouble? Does she think he is a weak competitor?


With a frown, he stomps out of the area.





It is deep in the night when Haneul finds her light sleep being disturbed by a rhythmic thud on her door. She releases a groan, too sleepy to do anything about it. She hides further inside her thin blanket as if that would make her invisible. She has closed her eyes for the night and everything fades back to black. It is to the point she can't hear or feel anything.


The thudding grows. With his hands tightly clutching the jar of the spider, Sehun bumps into Haneul's door again and again. In his sleep, he is dreaming of a holiday and walking on a beach. But something is stopping him. It's an invisible wall and it sounds much like banging on his apartment's door. But that can't be. Sehun tries again and again. Some time soon, the invisible wall disappears and he walks on the pristine soft sand on the shore of an orange ocean. As he walks further, he bumps into invisible wooden furniture and the sand feels like a fur carpet for a while. So many hot women wave at him and he waves back, holding an invisible weight in his arms. Something in his brain tells him that there's a spider inside whatever he's carrying.


"My hotel's near. You wanna come along?" Someone asks. Sehun immediately nods. He touches her warm hand and tries to pull her along but she doesn't budge.


"Come on," he whines, doing his best to drag her along the sand. The girl in her white bikini smiles in an angelic manner but Sehun finds himself losing his mind over how she is being very confusing. He doesn't want to let this offer go by so why is she being so indecisive now? Sehun clicks his tongue and yanks her towards himself.


It's weird how he has to drag her across the sand. She is so heavy and she is lying on the sand, refusing to stand up and come along nicely like a decent human. Very nice. Maybe it's a fun activity around here but now Sehun is left suspecting what she really meant by you wanna come along?


And then something hits his head and he immediately blacks out. He drowns into a very comfortable darkness afterwards, falling into the sand beside the girl. He finds a relaxation in his bones.


While in reality, he has been sleepwalking this whole time and has managed to drag a very sleepy Haneul out of her bed and into the living room. Now they lay on the carpet, facing each other and snoring. The lid of the jar falls open at the impact and out comes the new guest.





This morning too, somehow, he doesn't wake up on his bed. One of these days, he hopes to be inside the safety of his blanket in his own bed and he hates that after moving in, his luck has left him. He is afraid of opening his eyes this time, wondering what situation he will find himself in today, hoping it's not too bad.


Haneul's face greets him when he finally gathers his courage to flutter his eyes open. She is peaceful but Sehun flinches at the sigh of her body. She makes him feel very alarmed all the time. He wonders what has gone down last night for them to be sleeping side by side like this in such serenity. There is a glistening trail of drool down her face, he examines as he wipes his own with the back of his hand. Haneul is almost too beautiful even when she is snoring and drooling all over the carpet.


Sehun can only imagine that he has walked around the apartment in his sleep again. Squinting his eyes at the sunlight, he releases a sigh. He must be expecting some bloody revenge now.


Suddenly, her eyes flutter open. His shoulders tense up with shock and fear and he wants to pretend he is still sleeping but because of the poor coordination of his brain, Haneul now already knows that he was staring at her. There is something so stifling in the air as she gazes into his eyes. It's all just that shouldn't be there in the first place. Sehun gulps, hoping she wouldn't catch his morning underneath.


However, before anyone can say anything, a little blurred creature enters his vision. It has thin hairy legs and stares right at him as if it has found his owner. Haneul's eyes grow wider with the second and so do Sehun's.


Did Sehun ever tell you that he is very scared of spiders too?




The two of them are soon running in opposite directions. Sehun climbs onto the sofa and shivers as the creature begins to make its way towards him. He crawls until he has reached the end of the furniture and stands on his feet to jump to the floor and probably lock his door after reaching his room. Haneul grabs the saucepan from the kitchen and the whisk, just whatever she found in her proximity and screams more. Who knew the almighty Choi Haneul would be so scared of a little spider, right? Sehun catches the fear in her face and for a thoughtless second, he bursts into laughter.


"Get that thing!" She yells at him. "Kill it!"


"Lol, I've never seen you so scared," she hears him chuckle at her face.


"I'll whack your face, Sehun!" Haneul threatens him, eyes hovering above him and the spider that was in a great dilemma now as to who to go to. The animal soon decides he needs to be with Haneul. The girl immediately shoves the stuff out of the counter and settles there, her knees pressed to her s. "Sehun! Do Something, you knucklehead!"


"Hah! You put glue in my hair! I'm not forgiving you!"


"You put gum in my hair. And your disgusting saliva!"


"You dragged me to the streets! Can you imagine what that felt like for me?"


"Well, who came home drunk?!"


"Who kicked out my friends? And who slapped me, huh?"


"Let's not forget that you weren't supposed to throw a ing party in the first place, Oh Sehun!"


"And let me remind you that you aren't supposed to put toothpaste in

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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 20: Hahahaha just gotta add baekhyun to make sehun jealous perhaps? Now I'm curious about these two people's backgrounds like, why are they like this...??
1874 streak #2
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1874 streak #3
Chapter 20: despite how random Sehun is, how messy and how hard he is to live with, I cannot help but be curious on his background story because of this chapter. I mean, for you to name everything inside your room to feel less lonely is somewhat lonely right? but lol, I love their progress in this chapter. they are both a mess when they are together but they are weirdly cute. and it may not be obvious but they somewhat click no? or is it just me. haha I wanna see how Sehun starts to tame down and become serious, like how he is in the middle of the chapter which left Haneul speechless for a second but in the end he was just acting. what if it is real? I can see how he can sweep her off her feet. I'm excited for the wedding! 🤍
Chapter 18: gosh, these two are so freaking adobs! hahaha poor spidey but hey, I would react the same way as them. lol. and woah, some dark background there Haneul, what did you do? and huh, what does she needs help from Sehun? hmmm. it gets exciting.
Chapter 17: oh gosh hahaha their revenge saga continues. but, yes Sehun? feeling something there aren't we? 😉 and lol, at that spider, I won't dare coming near that, I'll probably really leave Sehun alone right there.
741 streak #7
Chapter 20: Thank you so much for this update! Finally, a kiss! I really think they secretly like each other, just don’t seem to realize it yet. Also, it’s good that Baekhyun is now involved, he will keep them from killing each other. I can’t wait for the wedding.
Chapter 1: oh, so they're starting their own war. this is interesting. haha and Sehun, get a hold of yourself, you're really asking for your deathbed already huh?
AiiSoo #9
Chapter 20: Hahahah. Baekhyun comes to rescue them. I’ll anticipate the wedding. It’ll surely be interesting. Thanks for this update..!