lf: friends for my muse!


hi, everyone! ♡ i'll keep this straight and to the point — i'm looking for friends for my au freelance mewe muse, karina! i'm open to plotting out friendships and connections for this muse, but it's not at all required. you can find more info about my muse and i below!

• i'm , so i do ask that you are as well, just in case our muses have conversations about more mature topics.

• my timezone constantly switches between gmt-4 and gmt-5 thanks to this wonderful thing called daylight savings, but it's currently gmt-4.

• i'm a full-time uni student so i get a bit busy at times. please be patient with replies! i'll never rush you so i'd like to receive the same amount of respect in return.

• i'm mobile about 95% of the time.

• karina has a bit of a quirky personality, so it's likely that she'll talk about some really weird stuff from time-to-time lmao.

if you'd like to add me on mewe, please pm me with a link to your account! 💗


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