step eleven point five: Love Me Like That

Tangled Up in Me (TUIM)
***** words in bold italic are spoken in Korean****** 

******* psst btw if ur on twitter you can use #TUIMVickyjin to tweet ur reactions to stuff cause i enjoy reading them, they're entertaining

**** ALSO i added an extra part to the end of the last chapter, basically the beginning of this chapter. I felt like it belonged there rather than here


step eleven point five: Love Me Like That

Yujin’s bedroom was the perfect representation of her personality. Her bed was always nicely made, almost perfect save for a few roughs of the pillow and slight bumps in the comforter. Clothes weren’t strewn everywhere except for around her laundry basket where she would sometimes sort them out into piles. She wouldn’t cry if her bedroom was messy, the act of cleaning and organising was just something Yujin did, what she chose to do because she had to. 

That was the first thing Wonyoung noticed when she first walked into Yujin’s bedroom, how Yujin-like the bedroom felt. Well, after the slight rumples in her bed sheets. Wonyoung had to resist the urge to smoothen it out. 

She could not, however, resist the urge to adjust the photo on Yujin’s wall. Yujin couldn’t help but chuckle slightly when she noticed Wonyoung doing it. 

“Those are some of my cousins.” Yujin said from her spot on her jellybean bean bag. 

Wonyoung inspected the photo, seeing a much younger Yujin squished between a few girls. 

“Is that Yena?” Wonyoung said. “I’m sorry, but why does she look like a child that eats pain chips?” 

Yujin sniggered, knowing exactly what Wonyoung meant. 

“I was in 2nd year middle school. So, I was 14?” Yujin said. “Wow, unnie was 18! That’s my age now.” 

Yujin stood up to make her way over to Wonyoung and to peer at the pictures more closely. 

“That’s my cousin, Minjoo unnie.” Yujin said. “She’s two years older than me and is more prone to bullying than Yena unnie, shockingly. But, Minjoo unnie doesn’t react as much as Yena unnie, so she’s not as fun to rile up.” 

“She’s very pretty.” Wonyoung said. “What about the girls next to her?” 

“Chaeyeon and Chaeryeong unnie!” Yujin said with a smile. “Chaeyeon unnie is a year younger than Yena unnie but 100% more mature. Honestly, she doesn’t even address my sister with unnie anymore. They both agreed that it’s just weird. And Chaeryeong unnie is so cool. Her dream college is UCLA.” 

“Oh, same here.” Wonyoung hummed to herself while looking at the other pictures on the wall. There were a couple of pictures of Taylor Swift (Wonyoung noticed a couple albums on her shelves, too), quite a few with Yena, a few with her parents and a couple with Jiheon at their middle school dance. 

“I don’t have a lot of pictures. Only with my family and Jiheon, I just realised. I guess I don’t really have a lot of close friends.” Yujin said. “I want to take one with the band. You know, I never thought to get close to Ben and Lachie but I really like having them as friends." 

Yujin hummed to herself before nudging Wonyoung's shoulder. 

"I guess I have you to thank for that.” 

Wonyoung shrugged. “I just put a band together.” 

“Don’t discredit yourself.” Yujin said. “You’ve done more than just that, Jang Wonyoung.” 

The tips of Wonyoung’s lips curved up into a small smile and she shyly nudged at Yujin’s shoulder like Yujin had done prior. That was turning into quite the common thing between them. 

“We’re close, right?” Wonyoung said. 

“Mhmm.” Yujin dusted at a particular picture of her and her Mom. Yujin looked like she was no older than 10 and her Mom’s arms were wrapped around the very tiny Yujin. 

“Doesn’t that mean I can be on your wall, too?” 

Yujin’s face lit up. 

“Y-yeah! We should take some pictures together for my wall.” Yujin said. “I’m not really good at the art of taking pictures, though. You can be in charge of the outfits and stuff.” 

Wonyoung’s eyes lit up at the last sentence and Yujin felt a sense of dread go down her spine. 

“Oh no.” Yujin said, wondering if she was going to regret what she had just said. “What’s that look for?” 

“Are you implying that we have a photoshoot?” 

“Am I? Yujin’s face scrunched up in regret. She sighed when she saw Wonyoung’s grin grow wider. 

And that was how Yujin and Wonyoung found themselves rummaging through Yujin’s closet. Her clean and organised room was now not as organised. 

But, if Yujin were to be honest, it was fun. She felt like a K-pop idol trying out different outfits and concepts. It was also fun watching Wonyoung try on her clothes. Thank goodness for someone who was similar in height to her. 

They took various pictures in various places around Yujin’s room with Wonyoung ordering- (“I’m not ordering you, I’m just directing you. Now, wrap your arms around my waist!”)- Yujin on how to pose. Yujin had to admit that it was easier than usual taking pictures with Wonyoung because the other girl was so natural at it and it made Yujin feel super comfortable. 

It was nice, too, because in between each outfit change Wonyoung and Yujin would talk about random things. That was something Yujin loved to do with Wonyoung, talk about whatever. 

“So, is that why Yena was really excited to help me out with Mario Kart?” 

After eating the kimchi stew Yena, Yujin and Wonyoung played a few rounds of Mario Kart. Yena and Yujin were absolute pros at the game while Wonyoung had a hard time trying to handle the manouvering, let alone focus on the other mechanics of the game. Yena had instantly taken the role of the mentor, her chest puffing out with pride while instructing Wonyoung on what to do. Usually, Wonyoung didn't enjoy being told what to do, but she had observed that Yena thought she looked and felt so cool while being the teacher, that she kept  shut and decided to humor her. Yujin had also noticed that Wonyoung had noticed when she saw the playful smirk on Wonyoung's face whenever she giggled and hit Yena with the 'thank you, Unnie. You're so good at this game." Yena on the other hand, this was her first time hearing Wonyoung utter those words and she was absolutely floating. 

("Now I understand what you were talking about, Yujin. No wonder you're squealing every time you're on the phone with her." 

"Does she really?" 

"Unnie! I told you that she understands Korean now!" 

"Indeed, I do." 


“Yup. She loves the feeling of being able to show people how to do things when she can because she never really gets to. It’s an ego thing. That’s why she and Yuri unnie fit so well, because they’re both as useless as the other but Yuri unnie is just more shy and therefore needs more direction than my sister.”

Currently, Wonyoung was sitting on top of Yujin’s bed while Yujin sat on the bean bag in front. She was busy braiding Yujin’s hair. 

They were about to take a photoshoot with matching outfits of Yujin’s variety of hoodies and square jeans. Wonyoung was wearing a beige crop-top with a black long-sleeve jean jacket on top, also cropped around her belly button. Yujin on the other hand, was wearing an oversized white hoodie, tucked into light blue squared jeans, a contrast to Wonyoung’s black squared jeans. Wonyoung insisted that Yujin wear white compared to Wonyoung’s black because- to quote Wonyoung- Yujin was an angel. 

“You know, everytime you talk about those two it always sounds like you’re saying negative things.” 

Yujin chuckled. “It does, doesn’t it? They’re strangely so dysfunctional that they’re… functional… It’s pretty weird. But, I know that it really suits them to be like that. I know Yena unnie, she gets bored when things are too stable.”

“That’s pretty opposite to you, isn’t it?” 

Yujin winced a little when Wonyoung pulled particularly hard at her braid and Wonyoung mumbled out a soft ‘sorry’. 

“You’re right.” Yujin said. “I thought unnie and I were pretty similar when it came to stuff like this, but we’re actually different in a lot of things.” 

“Like?” Wonyoung finished one of the braids and tied it together before moving onto the other side. 

Yujin was silent for a moment, focusing on the game of Mario Kart she was playing on the Switch. 

“Unnie is a free spirit. I wish I was fearless as she was.” Yujin paused, biting her lip. “Kind of like how you are.” 

“How so?” 

“You’re both so… girl boss.” Yujin chuckled. She cursed a little when she got hit by a red shell, muttering out complaints towards the character the CPU was playing. Donkey Kong, apparently. “If you want something, you guys just… go for it.” 

“You can do that, too, you know?” Wonyoung said. 

“It’s easier said than done.” 

“Well, what’s stopping you?” 

Yujin sighed, the race finishing. Her thumb hovered over the next race button. 

“Wanting something means that there’s one more thing that has the potential to hurt you.” Yujin said. “And I don’t like dealing with hurt.” 

“Ah. So, it’s your defense mechanism.” 

“Is that a question or you’re just stating something?” 

“Do I even have to answer that?” Wonyoung said as to which Yujin hummed in agreement. “But, you know, that’s what growing up is about, right? Getting hurt and then learning how to deal with it? Also, unnie, if you never go for what you want then you’ll never get what you want.” 

Yujin chuckled humourlessly as the next race started counting down. 

“Growing up, you say? I guess I’ll forever be a kid, then.” 

They sat in silence after that, with Yujin focusing on the game and Wonyoung working on finishing the second braid. Eventually, Wonyoung finished and she opted to cross her arms above her knees and lean her chin onto it, watching Yujin play from behind her shoulder. Since she knew how the game worked, she had to admit it started getting interesting watching. She didn’t mind playing but watching was more intriguing to her because she could focus on other things rather than how to steer and handle the car. 

“Sometimes, I do go for things I want. But, only particular things.” Yujin flinched during a particularly sharp turn. She sighed when she ran into a banana. 

“What’s different about those things?”

Yujin grinned when she used a mushroom to surpass the people who passed her. 

“I guess, it means that I really wanted it. Like, truly wanted it. If it’s special enough to me, you get what I’m saying?” 

Wonyoung lifted her gaze to look at Yujin through the mirror. She was too engrossed in the game to notice Wonyoung looking at her. Yujin looked really cute when she was focused. Her lips pout ever so slightly and the space between her eyebrows crinkle. Wonyoung wanted to sigh, how was every aspect of Yujin’s face so kissable? 

“What about you?” Yujin said as she was approaching the third lap, snapping Wonyoung out of her trance. 

“What about me?” Wonyoung returned her eyes to the game. 

“What’s one of your biggest fears? Like metaphorically. Not like spiders or whatever.” 

Wonyoung shivered at the word ‘spiders’. 

“Me?” Wonyoung thought for a bit. “I’m not sure. I’d have to think about it.” 

“Yujin wins again? Yes. Yes, she does.” Yujin grinned. She turned off the Switch and looked at herself in the mirror. Wow, my hair looks so pretty, Wonyoung! Should we take more pictures, now?

Wonyoung was getting better at understanding her Korean. Sometimes she’d only pick up certain words and guess what they were trying to say but she could hold a simple conversation with people. Or at least with just Yujin. She was too shy to talk in Korean to anyone but Yujin. 

“Geurae.” Wonyoung said. Actually, these pictures… uhh… like a couple… My instagram… it will be on my instagram.” 

Yujin faked a gasp. Omo. Couple photos? For your Instagram? Do you like me that much? You mean to say I’ve now reached your instagram status?” 

Yah. You’ve been on my insta before, pabo. Dork.” Wonyoung rolled her eyes. 

“But, that was only on your story!” Yujin exclaimed. “This is the next level stuff. Oh, Next Level. That’s a good song, let me play it.” 

“No. You said you’ll show me your playlist you made for me.” Wonyoung crossed her arms. Show it to me, now.

You still remember that?” Yujin scratched the back of her head sheepishly. 

“Of course? Unnie, you literally just told me about it two hours ago? Do you think I have the memory of a goldfish?” Wonyoung said. 

“Okay, okay.” Yujin put her hands up in defence. “I’ll put it on shuffle.” 

The first song on the list had Wonyoung's face lighting up. 

“I love this song!” Wonyoung’s voice raised a few pitches. “I do my hair toss, check my nails! Baby, how you feeling?” 

Yujin shook her head. And here it goes again. 

Wonyoung grabbed Yujin’s hairbrush, singing the lyrics into it like it was a mic. Yujin just sat back, her back against the leg of her bed and her arms crossed with an amused smile on her face. 

Yujin had to admit, there was something so captivating about seeing Wonyoung dancing so carefree in front of her. She couldn’t help the smile on her face while watching the girl twirl around the room with her hairbrush. 

Just then, Wonyoung pushed the hairbrush in front of Yujin who was caught off guard by the sudden movement. 

“-feeling good as hell- hair toss, check my nails! Baby, how you feel- sing it unnie!” Wonyoung said with a bright smile on her face. 

“Feeling good as hell!” Yujin sang from where she was sitting as to humor Wonyoung. It was cute seeing Wonyoung’s proud smile when Yujin sang it. 

Wonyoung giddily shook her shoulders once the second chorus finished. 

Okay, I’m good, now. Let’s take pictures!Wonyoung said, placing the hairbrush back down. 

Really? You sure?” Yujin teased. “You’re not gonna finished the private concert for me?” 

Wonyoung stuck her tongue out, flipping her hair to the side with a sassy look. 

“Imagine if the rest of the school got to see their Princess Vicky Jang like this.” Yujin chuckled. “She’s just one big dork.”

Wonyoung paused a little at that. Mostly because she swore that she’s never actually heard Yujin refer to her as Vicky before. 

“So, how should I pose, Your Highness?” 

“Couple poses. I have the cutest idea.” Wonyoung said. She sat on the ground and pat the spot next to her. “Sit down, peasant.” 

“Of course, princess.” Yujin said. Nae gongju.

Usually hearing that nickname would make her cringe. But, coming from Yujin? Even if she was just teasing her, Wonyoung couldn’t help but get butterflies. But, you didn’t hear that from her. 

Wonyoung sat down, sprawling her legs out and leaning against her arms that were resting behind her. Then she bent her right leg so that her knee was up in the air. 

“It’s like you’re sitting and hugging your knees to your chest but it’s only one knee that’s up.” 

Yujin nodded, mimicking Wonyoung’s pose. 

“Okay, good.” Wonyoung said. “Hmmm… maybe try having your right arm resting on top of your knee?” 

“Like this?” Yujin did as she was told. 

Wonyoung inspected the posture, a manicured finger resting on her cheek while she thought. 

“On second thought, go back to the pose before, you need strength to hold me up. 


“Good, now I’ll sit here.” Wonyoung nodded satisfactorily, crawling over to Yujin. She situated herself between Yujin’s legs, her back leaning against Yujin’s front and resting against her upright leg. “Maybe, I should sit like a mermaid… oh, that’s so cute. I’m a genius.” 

“The genius princess.” Yujin agreed while watching her through the mirror. 

“Alright, now… smile!” Wonyoung said. She snapped a photo. “Okay, but try doing a close-mouthed smile. Like a content smile. No, not like you have an egg in your mouth, just a normal smile- yes! Like that! You’re like a model, unnie!” 

At Wonyoung’s words, Yujin grew shy and she laughed in the direction of the floor, her face hiding behind her hand. 

“Wait, yes! So natural! Pretty, unnie! So pretty! Wow! Daebak! 

Yujin laughed out loud at Wonyoung’s compliments. 

“You’re actually a huge dork, did you know that?” Yujin said. She briefly registered the song changing, mostly because the tempo and the vibe slowed down completely compared to Lizzo’s song. 

“Ugh. You’re rubbing off on me. Nerd.” 

“Aren’t you a straight A student? Nerd.” 

Wonyoung huffed. “Well, yes. But, there’s a difference between being an academic girl boss and being a nerd. I’m the former and you’re the latter. And what’s this song? It’s cute.” 

“It’s called Love Me Like That.” 

“The guitar is nice. Sounds like the stuff Ben plays during rehearsal breaks.” Wonyoung said while experimenting between bringing Yujin’s right arm and her left around her shoulders in a hug. She must have made up her mind because she started snapping more pictures after bringing Yujin’s right arm back one more time. “Turn your head to look at me. Good, good.” 

Yujin didn’t know how Wonyoung could move her head in slightly different poses straight after taking the photo. She really admired her photo taking abilities. 

“Now, let’s try with both legs down. Wait, now I’m awkwardly sitting here. Um… wrap one arm around my waist.” 

[Treat me soft and tender…] 

“Look at me again? The same way you did before.” 

It was second nature to Yujin at this point. Whatever Wonyoung said to do, she’d do it with no hesitation. 

Not because Yujin was a wet blanket or because Wonyoung was scary, she just wanted to do it. She was good at it now not just because they’ve been taking pictures for almost an hour now but because she was just used to the nature of their relationship. 

The thing with Wonyoung was that she was always able to see the potential in people. She knew what they were capable of and she just wanted others to realise, too. 

That’s why. That was why Yujin followed anything Wonyoung said, without hesitation. 

“Now, kiss me.” 

Because, the thing with Yujin and Wonyoung was that Yujin would do anything Wonyoung asked of her. In a heartbeat and without question. What Wonyoung wanted? Yujin would give it to her? 

That’s why she didn’t hesitate. If she did hesitate, if she asked questions, she probably would have figured out that Wonyoung meant for her to just kiss her on the cheek. 

That said cheek was soft underneath Yujin’s finger. But, Wonyoung’s lips were even softer. After pushing Wonyoung’s face to face her own, Yujin cupped her jaw and delicately held it in her palm. 

Wonyoung kissed her back at a slow pace, as if she was following patiently with whatever pace Yujin was setting. 

For a few moments, Yujin forgot that they were taking pictures because she was so engrossed in the way that Wonyoung’s lips were moving softly against hers. 

She felt Wonyoung’s body shift so that she was facing her and their kiss deepened, the force of their lips against each other growing stronger but the pace maintaining. Yujin had to grip at Wonyoung’s waist to steady her and she felt Wonyoung’s hand gripping at her arm. 

[I’ll just keep repeating it, in case you didn’t catch me...] 

Wonyoung’s hand travelled the length of Yujin’s arm until it reached Yujin’s own that was on the ground. Honestly, it was the only thing that was keeping the two of them balanced. She felt Wonyoung’s hand move to rest atop her own, holding tight to the back of her hand. 

[Can you love me like that?]

Both of them had no idea how long they were kissing for, nor were they able to focus enough to care. All it was in that moment was each other, the feeling of the other being right there. 

They honestly would’ve potentially kissed for who knows how long, if it wasn’t for Yujin’s gremlin sister. 

“Yujin! Vicky! Yuri is calling me! What do I do?” Yena’s thundering voice and footsteps could be heard while down the hallway. 

The loud sound broke Wonyoung and Yujin from their world, both of them suddenly pulling away and panting heavily because damn, they forgot breathing was a thing. 

Yena burst into the room, eyes peeled to her phone and unaware of what she had just walked into. 

“Should I answer?” Yena said. “Yes? No? Should I call her back later?” 

“Just answer it!” Yujin said in frustration, reaching over to a nearby sock and pelting it at her sister. 

“Yuri? You’re crying? Yuri… what’s going on?” 

And with that, Yena left the room. 

Yujin let out a groan of frustration. “I knew it. They’re going to get back together tonight. Yuri unnie will apologise for overreacting and ask for them to get back together.” 

Yujin moved to lean back against the food of her bed and she pinched the bridge of her nose. 

“They’re perfect for each other but it still drives me crazy.” 

Wonyoung giggled, her cheeks still red. She was still trying to catch her breath but also calm her beating heart. 

Just then, the song changed. 

“Really? Cheerleader? If you say you chose this because I’m a damn cheerleader I swear that for Battle of the Bands I will give you the most uncomfortable  you’ve ever worn that you won’t even be able to walk 3 feet without chafing.” 

“Okay, but… you can’t say I’m wrong! You’re a cheerleader!’ 



Jiheon Baek was quite the perceptive person.

When she first met Yujin in middle school, Yujin had just come back from doing a year in Korea, so they were in the same grade. Jiheon was probably the only person who was able to tell that the girl was starting to discover her uality. Perhaps, it was to do with the fact that she had a slightly older cousin who had recently come out to her. (Only her, in their family, might she proudly add). 

That’s why, Jiheon had kindly agreed to be her friendly date at the ‘girl’s choice’ middle school dance, because she could tell that Yujin was having a hard time with all their classmates pressuring her to just ask a guy out already. At the dance, Jiheon certainly didn’t miss the way Yujin was staring inquisitively at the same- couple that had shown up. 

Yujin had come out to Jiheon during summer camp right before their first year of High School. She was proud of that fact, that this was the second time someone came out to her first. She was even more proud of the fact that Yujin had come out to her first instead of Yena, who herself had been out as biual for a couple years since then. 

Come High School, however, Yujin started to get harder for Jiheon observe. Not because she was hard to read, but because she was getting better at hiding her feelings. Because, something else Jiheon observed about Yujin was how awkward she’d get about talking about her feelings. 

So, you could imagine Jiheon’s surprise when Yujin accidentally let slip that she was crushing on someone. Well, technically, Jiheon pried it out of her because there was no way that Yujin loved the second floor coke machine THAT much. 

Speaking of the coke machine… 

“Yo.” Jiheon sighed at the stuck can. She tried hitting it one more time but the can didn’t fall out. “Yujin. Help me out here.” 

She squatted so that the coke can was at eye level with her and she squinted hard at it, mostly because she did not want to see what was going on around her. 

When there was no response from Yujin, Jiheon shook her head and willed herself to stomach looking in her direction. 


Said girl jumped, her head banging onto the coke machine with a thud and she groaned in pain, rubbing at her head. Surprisingly, the can fell out. 

Jiheon shook her head, bending down to fish out her drink. 

“Wow, you really are amazing at this.” Jiheon said. “Even while kissing Vicky you’re able to get the can out.” 

Yujin’s cheeks went bright red at Jiheon’s comments and she quickly released her grip from Wonyoung’s waist. Wonyoung, on the other hand, just chuckled and reached out to pat Yujin’s head soothingly. 

Previously, Jiheon and Yujin had been chatting by the coke machine when Jiheon dropped her coin under the machine. She had told Yujin to wait a second while she dropped to her knees and tried to fish it out. While reaching underneath the machine, she had overheard Vicky approach, her delicate footsteps barely being heard over the rest of the hallway. Honestly, Jiheon would have missed it if she hadn’t heard Vicky mutter a little, ‘good morning, unnie.’ 

When Jiheon looked up from fishing her coin out, it was then that she realised that she could have gone her whole high school life without seeing Yujin kissing another person. Vicky Jang, in particular. 

It was weird, if Jiheon were to be honest. One because Jiheon’s never actually seen the two of them kiss before. But also, Yujin felt like her little sister (even though she was older) and Jiheon always had some strange maternally protective feelings towards Yujin. Maybe it was because she felt the girl needed to be looked out for, emotionally. 

Lately, she hasn’t been feeling the need to look out for her, though. At least nearly as much as she did before. She had a feeling Vicky Jang had something to do with it. 

“Did you-“ Yujin cleared her raspy voice with a cough, “did you need something?” 

The sound of the can whooshing as it opened made Jiheon smile in satisfaction. 

“Yes, actually. Are you going to Ashley’s party on Friday?” Jiheon said. She turned to Wonyoung. “I’m assuming you’re invited, right?”

Wonyoung just nodded. 

“I might be tired from Battle of the Bands.” Yujin said. She turned her attention towards Wonyoung. “But, I’ll go if you go.” 

Wonyoung shrugged. “I kind of have to. Cheerleader thing. But, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I won’t stay for long, anyways.” 

“You drink?” Jiheon tilted her head sideways. 

Wonyoung shook her head at that. “Nope.” 

“Hey! Me too.” Yujin grinned. 

“Look at you two, responsible young adults.” 

Wonyoung just flicked her hair happily at that.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed and Wonyoung rolled her eyes. 

“Ugh, Ashley wants to see me. Something about a transferee coming next year?” Wonyoung pocketed her phone and kissed Yujin’s cheek. “Meet you after class?” 

“Sure.” Yujin’s ears turned a little pink.

“Great,” Wonyoung said. “See you later, unnie.”

And then she was pulling Yujin towards her again, hands on the outside of Yujin’s forearms. She pulled her in to kiss her again. 

It was slow, the way Wonyoung pulled her in, as if she was giving Yujin enough time to react. All Yujin did was let herself be pulled, her eyes fluttering closed way earlier than Wonyoung’s.

It was then that Jiheon noticed it. 

It was definitely a newer development in her friends’ relationship because Jiheon could not remember seeing it before. 

Vicky looked happy. 

The corner of her lips had lifted up. It was minuscule and Jiheon almost missed it, if it weren’t for the way that Vicky’s eyes had seemed to soften. Jiheon swore she saw the slightest sparkle. 

Jiheon took note of the way that Wonyoung seemed to be holding Yujin with vigor, clinging hard like she was scared she would slip away. But, there was also a delicacy to the touch, almost like caution. 

Ever since Yujin had started dating her, she’d been a little cautious, not fully trusting Vicky Jang. Yujin was one of her best friends and she was sensitive and deserved the best. Jiheon will never forget those days she’d seen Yujin cry. Seeing Yujin’s wet cheeks and red eyes always made her heart break. 

Jiheon just wasn’t sure if Vicky Jang truly deserved her best friend. 

Vicky was a lovely girl but she was Vicky Jang. Bossy and intimidating and you couldn’t help but feel like she had her own agenda while talking to you. Honestly, when she first started dating Yujin that’s what it felt like to Jiheon. 

“Let me guess. It’s because I look cute today, right?”  Yujin said when they pulled away. 

Wonyoung put two hands on her hips. 

“I’m just kissing you cause I want to, Pabo. Nerd.” 

“Bye.” Yujin rolled her eyes playfully. 

“Bye.” Wonyoung gave her one last kiss on the cheek. 

Jiheon Baek always felt like Vicky Jang didn’t deserve Yujin Ahn.

But, seeing the way that Vicky paused while walking down the hallway to shoot a glance at Yujin who was distractedly rubbing at her head, Jiheon couldn’t help but have a thought. 

Why did it feel like Yujin was the one that didn’t deserve Vicky Jang? 



HI! I know it's been like 6 weeks!! Sorry, I've just been having writer's block. We're nearing the final stretch and I want the big turning points and  points to be as good as they can be hehe.

Looks like little miss Vicky Jang is getting more confident, doesn't it? 

I hope everything is going well for everybody! As always I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. 

Happy birthday Eunbi!!!!! And who else is super super excited for Yuri's song?? 

btw does anyone watch SWF because Emma is saur fine like saur fine and i'm honestly down bad i went to write her name instead of someone else just like Hyewon did with Noze
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AlexisGray2019 #1
Any chance this story will get an update? I’m really invested in this.
wonyoandyuj #2
Please comeback, I've waited years!!!
NashiAshfilia #3
Chapter 17: Esperarei eternamente e quanto for preciso para a continuação dessa obra prima!!
Chapter 17: dude!!! You're almost done!!! Where is the resttttt
Chapter 14: 6 races? oh honey, yikes
Chapter 13: Gal pals, huh
Chapter 11: Why be in a love triangle when they could be in a love dive ;___; how is yj juggling two girls, honestly
Chapter 9: My favorite part was when wonny learned what yeppeo means 🥹
Chapter 8: oh no, saranghae really is slipping and falling killing your darling 💔
Chapter 7: little angry wonny deserves everything even though she can afford everything already