'i made u a playlist'

Tangled Up in Me (TUIM)

Yujin to Wonyoung: 

I’m too shy to tell you these things in real life, so I wrote it down. It’s just the little reasons as to why i chose these songs and why they remind me of u 

I hope u enjoy, u don’t talk about ur music tastes much all i know is that ur constantly singing Good as Hell by Lizzo 

Lmk afterwards what some of ur favorite songs are! 

Each song represents a random trait about u that makes u Wonyoungie


  1. Good as Hell by Lizzo 

I hear u singing this like everyday and honestly the song suits u a lot. and now i can’t hear it without thinking of u. sometimes u just don’t give a because u know ur worth, that’s super cool and admirable

random fact: in the morning u can’t leave the bathroom without either: 1] winking at urself in the mirror or 2] sending urself a kiss… or both


  1. She’s American by The 1975 

this one kinda goes without saying haha 

random fact: ur American lol 


  1. Cheerleader - Felix Jaehn remix by Omi

and ur a cheerleader! :D but also ur always right there when i need you

random fact: ur really good at seeing small details. it’s like u never miss the little things. that’s why ur routines are always so clean, u have a good eye for those things.

not just in cheerleading too, you’re very organised and good at time management. i think you’d make a really good CEO one day… or a lawyer… isn’t that what u wanted to do? 


  1. Complicated by Avril Lavigne

Ur kind of confusing as hell. In a good way of course! Sometimes i just really can’t predict you, which is kind of why i like how ur so honest about everything. sometimes it can be a little hard to read u, so u know how to just straight up tell people what’s up. 

I really like that about you because it’s honestly kind of frustrating to me when people talk to me in riddles. u don’t talk to me in riddles but u act like a riddle sometimes and if I’m being honest, it was difficult for me to adjust at first. but now I’m used to it and it’s just so… you… it’s really cool

random fact: when ur joking around u look more serious than when ur actually being serious. that’s the only reason why I know when ur being sarcastic 


  1. Plot Twist by NIKI 

Ur such a plot twist, miss jang. At first ur scary as hell, but the more i grew closer to u the more i realised how sweet u are. And ur really really cute. No like, you are so so cute jang wonyoung. Ur the cutest person i’ve ever seen 

random fact: u seem to have this knack of knowing what everybody’s weaknesses are… it’s kind of crazy how much u know about everyone actually,,, there are times I look at you and I feel like u know something about me that I don’t 

random thought: usually people like this make me uneasy, but with you it’s not like that. ive learnt that ur rarely judgemental. u just state it how it is and that’s it. U don’t add any extra layers to these things its just black or white for u


  1. At My Worst by Pink Sweat$

this song just came on randomly while i was in class and it made me think of u. U always appreciate me even when i feel like i’m not doing well enough. I never really say it but i hope u know that i’m really thankful for that. I’m really thankful that you’re in my life

random fact: leading on from the point above,,, u know a lot about people’s weaknesses but ur also really good at finding people’s strengths. I’ve never seen Ben and Lachie work this hard for something, they’re usually flakey about a lot of things that’s why I was a little surprised that u asked them to be part of the band in the first place. but I guess u saw something in them that I didn’t. Kind of like how u see things in me that I don’t 

(And i just want to say that i want to return the favor. I promise to be there for u even when ur at ur worst) 


  1. RIDE (feat. THAMA) by SOLE 

This song is so freaking good and i can’t explain why it reminds me of u,,, i think it’s the line ‘where u at girl, let’s ride a bike, c’mon’ cause i know that i’d be down to do whatever with u. We do a lot of random things that are usually really ordinary and mundane but for some reason when i do it with u it’s super fun. It relaxes me a lot. U make sitting in silence fun 

So, let me know when u want company doing whatever, i’d always be happy to join you

random fact: when you’re tired you like to do skin care routines or watch make-up tutorials 


  1. Fearless by Taylor Swift 

“I don’t know why but with you i’d dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless” 

ur fearless. ur just unapologetically you and ur not afraid to speak up on things 

random fact: ur not always speaking up on things, u pick and choose the right moments to say things. if u were in ATLA i think u would be an earth bender. u listen and observe what’s going on around u and u know when it’s the right time to do something and when it’s not 



  1. Kaakbay by Inigo Pascual 

I heard ur Yaya listening to this song once and i absolutely adored it the moment i heard it. And then she explained what kaakbay meant and i was completely sold by the song. Do u know what it means? It’s a specific word that describes the action of walking with ur arm over someone’s shoulders. Ur the only person who can reach my shoulders LMAOO 

random fact: ur surprisingly a very calm person (when ur not getting worked up about things). you’ve honestly got two moods: calm and angry. oh and hungry. u really are like a bunny, u eat and eat and the food just goes straight through you 


  1. Star by Bazzi

Ur a star, Wonyoungie! You always shine bright in whatever u do because u always work hard. I’ve never seen anyone as hard working as you. It pays off, everything u do. 

random fact: i appreciate how detailed ur calendars are. I’m the same! u like planning things and ur very detailed about everything 


  1. Love Me Like That by Sam Kim 

I’m going to be honest, I was scared to add this song to the list. Because, I don’t know if I was completely wrong about it. 

I decided to add it, though. I flipped a coin. 


Here goes…


Wonyoungie. Ur fearless and ur a bad cheerleader and ur super cool and kind of intimidating and scary a little bit mean, well, actually not mean you’re just blunt sometimes and… wait where was i going with this? 

Oh yeah, you’re all of those things but,,, idk ignore this if i’m wrong but i always get the feeling that u just want to be loved. U know, i’ve been too shy to tell u this but sometimes when ur napping u always cling to me. I don’t mind it though! I was too shy to tell you because i didn’t want u to feel embarrassed. But, yeah, it’s always during those times where i get that feeling. The feeling where it seems like u just want to be loved. U always hold onto me really tight,,, 

ur very touchy. at first I was really awkward about it because we weren’t close, but now I consider u one of my closest friends. and if we’re being honest here, I get a little sad when u don’t hug me because it makes me think that ur upset with me. but then I remember that if u were really mad at me you would straight up tell me 

Really, Wonyoung, I don’t know what I did to deserve to have you as a friend but whatever it was, I will do it over and over again if it means I get to keep you by my side 

Last thing, 

Umm… i just want to add that i hope u know that u deserve to be loved by someone who appreciates you and cherishes you. Ur an amazing person, and i know that ur going to get that love someday. I promise. Because u really deserve it. Ur a really good person,,, 


So… that’s it. I hope you like the songs and i hope that i’m right about at least some things about you? 

I’m really glad that you’re my friend, Wonyoungie. 


Wonyoung to Yujin:

You’re right about everything. 

thank you 




And I’m sorry, but I did WHAT while I was sleeping????




A/N:  Was feeling a little down from the news from today. Wonyoung getting COVID, Yujin suspending schedules to quarantine, the Woollim stuff. I'm glad that they're being safe and pre-cautious but it makes me sad when I realise that they have to celebrate their birthday alone. 

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing okay! Thank you for all of your support, kudos, comments etc 

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AlexisGray2019 #1
Any chance this story will get an update? I’m really invested in this.
wonyoandyuj #2
Please comeback, I've waited years!!!
NashiAshfilia #3
Chapter 17: Esperarei eternamente e quanto for preciso para a continuação dessa obra prima!!
Chapter 17: dude!!! You're almost done!!! Where is the resttttt
Chapter 14: 6 races? oh honey, yikes
Chapter 13: Gal pals, huh
Chapter 11: Why be in a love triangle when they could be in a love dive ;___; how is yj juggling two girls, honestly
Chapter 9: My favorite part was when wonny learned what yeppeo means 🥹
Chapter 8: oh no, saranghae really is slipping and falling killing your darling 💔
Chapter 7: little angry wonny deserves everything even though she can afford everything already