♡ sugar, spice and everything nice ♡


these were the ingredients used to create a not-so-perfect boy, me!

hi, i'm charm and i'm here to try and make some friends (or more ;-))!

don't judge my use of comic sans ms 3


some information about me if you're curious as to whether we would ~*vibe*~ or not

i like the following things (these are coming off the top of my head): cats, genshin (playing on asia server, keqing main!) green tea, sunflowers, stationery (especially stickers!), taking afternoon naps, journalling, making bracelets, sanrio items, mcdonalds' chicken salad (wait this was so damn random), organising things, karaoke, watching k-dramas & films in general, ...naruto, rain (especially stormy rain!), listening to music and napping (i decided i had to cut it short here)

i dislike the following things: some kinds of insects (but i try to catch them and set them free), lizards, mean people in general, food that's too spicy, hot weather, edginess...?, ummm crumpled paper etc.

it's really hard to think of things i hate!

some other useful information

• am 22! ('99)

• mainly fc tbz (especially changmin), or golcha (especially bomin) and sometimes some other girl idols when i'm in the mood (especially luda)

• gmt +8 (but i have a very ed up sleep schedule for real)

• i am very...hyperactive? and sociable!! but i will try my best to match your energy

• i wish to find friends on fl for now, kkt is possible but not preferred as i don't use it often! do pm me if you'd like my @ !!



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byunhundred #1
i want to be ur boyfriend