
Game Players, Love Players



The tournament started and everybody’s busy with their own games. It has been two days. And as expected, Yuri’s team lost to Shepherds but for only five points. They have the chance to win but Yuri’s old shoulder injury was triggered due to fatigue and she was forced out of the game. This morning they will be playing against the Champs.


“Okay guys, let’s do some warming up for the game later to avoid injuries.” BoA whistled and the team head to the open court.


Everyone is a bit nervous since they are up against the toughest team in the tournament. Yuri is also very agitated but chose not show it to prevent the team from crashing completely. The team jogged, practiced their shots and reviewed their plays to warm-up.


“Okay that’s enough. Let’s rest before the game. Let’s just do our thing later. Do not think that they are better than us. It’s just basketball. Anything can happen.” Yuri said cheering her team up.


“Neh…” her teammates lazily replied.


“I can’t here you….”


“Neh Captain!” this time they answered loudly.


“Good! Let’s do this.” Yuri led her teammates to the gym where the other team is waiting. The first game is not finished yet so they just sat on the bleachers.


A girl with a short brown hair approached Yuri.


“Yuri annyeong!”


“Narsha sunbaenim annyeong haseyo.” Yuri stood and bowed to the girl.


“So I see you haven’t given up basketball yet. How’s your shoulder? I’m surprised to see your team here. I thought the team disbanded?”


“My shoulder is fine unnie. We’re able to find good players. You’re not the only person in this world who can play basketball sunbaenim.” Yuri politely replied not minding the mental game Narsha is starting.


“Aww.. I see you’re still mad at us for leaving our team before. You should’ve joined us there. Where did you find these rascals anyway?” Narsha said referring to Yuri’s teammates.


“No need to do this sunbaenim. I know you have reasons why you transferred and I’m not mad. If you would excuse me, we need to warm up.” The first game ended and Yuri made her way to her teammates who are already stretching on their side of the court.


‘I will never give up on my team.’ (yuri)


‘Thanks for understanding Yuri but I hate how you’re wasting your talent in that school’ (narsha)


“Yo Yuri who’s that chick?” Hyoyeon asked referring to Narsha.


“Ahh..She’s the previous captain of this team that transferred to Champs.”




The game started and as expected the Champs have the advantage. But Yuri’s team is giving them a hard time. They’re able to close the gap nearing the end of the game but fell short when Taeyeon twisted her ankle and was pulled out of the court. Yuri’s injured shoulder is also killing her but she refused to stop playing. In the end, they lost by one point. It was a great game though. All the players are worn out after the game.


“Yuri-ssi nice game. I just want you to know that my offer still stands. You have a great future in our team. Mianhe BoA-ssi for being so straightforward.” The coach of the Champs approached Yuri who is clinging to BoA for support.


BoA nodded at the Champs coach who is in his mid thirties. Yuri bowed at the coach and said.


“Thanks coach but you have to understand by now that I do not have any intentions of transferring.”


“If you are thinking about your future, you really should consider transferring Yuri” the coach insisted.


“Well I am. And it’s not like I’ll be playing for the rest of my life. My education is still my priority.” With that Yuri bowed to the other coach and joined the team to their quarters.


“Well your cousin is really something BoA-ssi. It’s very rare these days.” The coach said admiring Yuri from afar.


“Believe me, she is.” BoA agreed proud of her cousin.





I hate to say this but I think we will not be able to win a game in this one. My partner is Hana-unnie and she’s so much better than me during practice but her nerves are the worst ever. Everytime the game starts she gets so nervous. I don’t know why some people are like that.


‘I wish she’s here to watch’ I quickly scanned the audience hoping to find a cute danshin with a milky white skin and a dorky smile.


 Since that incident at the corridor Taeyeon and I got closer. She always attends to my needs even the slightest ones. Whenever I feel lazy and just want to lie on my bed she’ll keep me company. Only to be bothered by two equally dorky janshins, Sooyoung and Yuri. They love to tease us.


“Game and match. Please shake hands.” The umpire said. Finally the match ended. I guess we also have an early vacation in Jeju.







I’m so proud of my teammates. If we’re more careful we could have beaten them all. We just got unlucky but I know we can make it. Maybe next year. I decided to sit on one of the benches in the hallway while waiting for the others to finish their lunch. I already ate but I lost my apetite while eating with my left hand. I can barely raise my right arm because of my injury.  Hmmm stupid shoulder. I can’t even take a bath properly coz it takes years before I can remove my shirt.


*Beep beep


From: BFF Angel Fany

    Hi Yuri! How is it going in Jeju? I miss you! ^_^


Awww she’s really so sweet. I can’t help but smile while reading her message.


To: BFF Angel Fany

    Aside from my injured shoulder, I’m fine. We already lost Tiff, right?


Why did I send her that? She’ll just get worried.


From: BFF Angel Fany

     Omo your hurt! That’s bad. Take care of yourself Yuri. Or at least ask her to take care of you. Kekeke


Who exactly is she referring to?  Yoona? Aisshhh this mushroom.


To: BFF Angel Fany

      Who? Ahhhh, well since her crush is also injured there’s no chance that she’ll be taking care of me soon. :P


Now that I think of it, I really envy Taeyeon for having someone special to take care of her. These days Yoona is always asking if she’s fine. Did she even know that I’m injured too? Taeyeon also is taking care of Yoona very well and I’m just messing around them. How pathetic!


*Rinnnggg rinnnggg




Tiffany: Awww my baby is in vain……Hahahahaha


“Yah Miyoung! I will not get you anything when I come back.”


Tiffany: Okay! I’m joking. So what’s the score between you and Yoona now?


“Are we talking about this again? You already know that she likes someone named Taeyeon?”


Tiffany: I just thought that you’ll make progress while you’re there. I guess you’re really slow.


“I’m not slow! I just don’t want to complicate things between us. Besides I’m having more fun messing with their precious moments. Hehe”


Tiffany: Even though deep inside you’re hurting? Speak up Kwon.


“Ehhhh I just don’t want to make a fool out of myself. I do not have the luxury of time to think about my unreciprocated fondness to someone. I have a lot of things already. And please, let’s just change the topic.”


Tiffany: You’re pathetic.


“See! I’m not doing anything and you think I am. What more if I’m doing stupid things to get her knowing that she already have someone? And also, it’s just a simple crush not love Tiff. Now change topic.”


Tiffany: Ok. You want to talk about exams? It will be more pathetic.


“Ahhhh I’m gonna die soon! I have to go Fany. Thanks for checking on me.”


Tiffany: Hahaha you’re avoiding it. Ok Yuri! See you soon.




“Hmmmm chincha. Need some water.” I suddenly felt thirsty after our conversation. I was heading to the water station but I need to pass by the sweet talking YoonTae. I’m not in the mood to play with them so I just passed by not saying anything.


“Yuri! Where are you going? Do you need something? I’ll get it for you.” Taeyeon called me and offered to help. She’s injured too but she knows that I’m more hurt.


“Just going to get some water. Don’t bother.” I quickly looked at her without looking at Yoona and turned my back to get some water.


“Hey! Why are you ignoring Yoona?” Taeyeon called back.


Why did she have to make things more complicated? I can’t stand seeing them sweet together. I feel jealous, envious and….hurt. I slightly turned and answered.


 “Aniyo.” I walked hastily to get some water and take the other way to get back to our room. As I passed by, I saw Yoona across from where I am, looking at me probably wondering what’s happening.


“I like you Yoona but I can only be a friend to you. I’ll go crazy if I don’t stop thinking about you..”



Awww poor Yul...sorry shippers! I'll make it up to you.

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ImYoona_JessicaJung #1
Chapter 52: YoonYul Please .
Chapter 52: I want JeTi moments more :(
Continue this pleaseee
umpks2004 #3
Chapter 52: hi...please continue this story....
troopers88 #4
Chapter 52: When you continue this story again >/////////<
Mannnnn really miss this story...
Miss yy moments... Sweet moments ...
Please gimme...gimme some..
Chapter 52: my..
just found this story.
YoonYul pleaseee
taengoo_love9 #8
Chapter 20: Oh darn I wanted yoontae T.T but as long as taeyeon gets all dramatic about it, I think it'll be fine :) I don't really like it when they just meet up, yoona tells taeyeon, tae's all cool about it, then they become friends....lol I just like something dramatic. But this is ur fic. So it doesn't matter what I think really xD I still like yoonyul tho :p especially in hello baby xD
Chapter 52: update soon please... !! I'm starting to forget the story line because it's too long.. btw I will still wait till your next update... ^_^
Chapter 52: Hey long time no update...CHANGE IT! XDD
I'm still hanging in the air with JeTi, where's the love the love the love? <3<3<3
So Yuri finally understands she can't behave like before right? CHANGE IT! XD

Still waiting for MORE JeTi!