Part 7

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“So are you going to tell me how this mysterious date went or are you just going to stare off into space?” Yoongi huffed after five minutes of Taehyung smiling distantly at him. It was creepy.

“Yeah, sorry. So it was Valentine’s Day and I saw Y/n and push comes to shove, I end up convincing her to go on a date with me. It was honestly so amazing! Like we went to get instant ramyeon and coffee from that cool convenience store a block from here and then we ran around the park near the Han River like maniacs and laughed for like an hour or so. She really is wonderful, I don’t know why I ever doubted her amazingness. You know the best part?”

“You two kissed?”

“No, but she did ask me out on a second date! It’s tomorrow for lunch. I think I’m the luckiest guy on campus.” Taehyung sighed dreamily, he was so glad that he had the cojones to ask you out. Seriously. 

Now his future was on the right path again.

This time with the real you.

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